I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 62: A little help


"Well, every big villain's goal seems to be world domination or world destruction."

Xia Xu did not comment on Durant's words.

To be honest, he kind of believed that werewolves would contaminate humans many years later, but he didn't believe that they would rule humans now.

In the final analysis, werewolves are only stronger than ordinary people in terms of physical fitness, but this strength is not enough to easily resist thermal weapons.

Moreover, numbers are an obvious disadvantage. If a racial confrontation really comes, they will have to fight humans head-on. Therefore, in the final analysis, they still have to rely on humans' own strength and technology.

But among humans, when it comes to politics and business, they are at best just ambitious individuals. So many elites around the world have failed to rule the world, so a werewolf has no chance at all.

Those who are not of my race must have different hearts. No matter how high a position one has climbed, humans will teach him a lesson in minutes once his identity is exposed.

Of course, this is only based on the information he has learned so far. Perhaps werewolves really do have this ability.

For example, they can mutate into supermen in a matter of minutes, or the werewolf enhancement serum that Stilwell made can give them sufficient enhancement.

Thinking of the wolf clan's enhanced serum, Xia Xu subconsciously thought of the so-called special protein, and his face twitched immediately.

The wolf enhancement serum requires a special protein to activate, but only a few people have this special protein in their bodies.

And he, the supporting character hunted by werewolves, is obviously this kind of "minority", so the werewolves came to him. If this "minority" is really extremely rare, then those werewolves will definitely not let him go and will definitely come to hunt him.

The name of this plot, "Hunter", may not be wrong. It can be understood as Durant and his friends hunting werewolves, or werewolves hunting humans.

"Durant, I think you are right. I am happy to help my friends, except for charging into battle and putting myself in danger, of course."

Xia Xu became enthusiastic about helping Durant.

The enemy of my enemy is your best friend. As Luo Hongyun said, you can only thieves for a thousand days, but you can never guard against thieves for a thousand days.

Since the fight is destined to end to the death, the only way is to find a way to kill the other party first.

Of course, it would be even better if you could get some benefits, such as the werewolf transformation serum mentioned in the plot.

Even if humans cannot use it, they can keep it for biological experts to study in the future. Having research materials and ready-made technology is always much faster than starting from scratch.

"I thought you would first ask me about some stupid stuff like why I didn't ask the police for help."

Durant was impressed by how readily Xia Xu agreed.

"Werewolves have a legal identity and human form. If necessary, they can be human, right?"

Xia Xu shrugged.

Regardless of the nature of werewolves, they are actually human beings in legal terms. If they do not transform, they are just humans in the eyes of the public. It is too easy for them to hide. Instead, hunters like Durant are regarded as perpetrators.

"More than that, first of all you have to understand that a country is a collective organization rather than an individual. It has countless wills, and you can't interfere with its operation by persuading one will.

Unless you can directly contact higher-ups, you can't expect ordinary police officers to patiently listen to your explanation that there are werewolves in the world and report it to higher authorities at the risk of being reprimanded by their superiors and losing their jobs.

Even if one or two people can be convinced, there is no guarantee that every layer of the interconnected chain will believe it and be willing to take the risk.

This is actually as difficult as saying that there are invisible ghosts in this world and convincing a large number of senior officials that there are ghosts in this world.

Werewolves can completely maintain their human appearance, and the rest of the video materials are likely to be forged. It can be used to fool idiots, but it cannot convince those who claim to be smart.

Especially after countless so-called supernatural videos have been exposed time and time again, not many people are willing to verify their authenticity after seeing them.

And I believe there are more than one person who has encountered a werewolf and done this, and the result is obvious. "

Durant obviously has experienced this and explained helplessly, or simply complained to others: "There is no absolute right or wrong in the adult world, especially in collective organizations. It will not be implemented just because something is right.

I don't know about you, but in America I bet that even if the top leaders believe it and start to clear out the werewolves, there will definitely be a large group of human rights activists and animal protection activists who will stand up and launch an unprecedented joint operation.

Perhaps it will involve countless ambitious people and organizations. Oh~ I can already imagine that terrible situation."

"Well, let's talk about how we can help you."

Xia Xu interrupted Durant.

He was actually a little hesitant whether to tell Durant directly about Stilwell's purpose, because according to the plot, Jin Junjie, who was supposed to tell them Stilwell's movements, had been killed.

But after thinking about it, he still didn't say it clearly.

One reason was that it was inexplicable. Even though Durant looked very familiar with him, the level of favorability said it all. It wasn't even at the passing level, not to mention Dorothea and the others.

If he mentioned Stilwell at this time, he would not be able to explain the source of the information. Instead, he would most likely be suspected of being involved with the werewolf, causing conflicts and misunderstandings.

Secondly, this kind of information is actually somewhat dispensable. Regardless of whether Durant and his team know Stilwell's purpose or not, they are going to investigate and hunt down those werewolves. They are also very familiar with Stilwell's expertise and style of doing things. It is useless to talk about it without knowing the specific hiding place.

"Man, I think I need a little financial support first."

Hearing Xia Xu agree to help, Durant said solemnly.

"No problem, but as compensation I think I should pick up some of the trophies after you kill the werewolf."

Xia Xu agreed readily, but was also not polite.

"Of course, you can take your pick of the spoils... if there is such a thing."

Durant was also very straightforward, and he was smiling like he had gotten a great deal. His expression was also much more enthusiastic, and he said:

"There are some other small matters. We are not very familiar with Xia Country and we don't speak the language, so we hope you can act as a guide to help us communicate and track down the werewolves."

"That's no problem. I need to go to school and can't help you track the werewolves, but I will introduce you to a guide who is also an excellent tracker. But you must promise me to guarantee his safety."

Xia Xu nodded again.

The person he was referring to was naturally Yang Bowen.

Speaking of which, Yang Bowen has been idle for a while since the plot of "The Dying Man" was completed.

He has been at Joyoung Consulting Company for more than a week, teaching himself criminal investigation skills while getting paid, and living a very happy life.

As the saying goes, it is time to raise troops for a thousand days and deploy them only for a moment. Now is the time to deploy them again.

"No problem. The one sitting in front of you is Grant, the werewolf killer. No werewolf can hurt others in front of me."

(asking for a monthly ticket~)

(If nothing unexpected happens, the book may be on the shelves on the first day. I will ask for a first order then~)