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Chapter 66: Serum received


The werewolves in front had been temporarily held back by Grant and his men, while Luo Hongyun brazenly rushed towards the dozen or so werewolves that came out of the elevator and corridor to cut off their retreat.


The werewolf who first faced Luo Hongyun was obviously surprised to see that he dared to rush up alone.

But its bloodthirsty instinct made it move without any delay, and it swung its claws with sharp nails from top to bottom to attack Luo Hongyun's forehead.

Luo Hongyun did not dodge or evade. He raised his left hand to block horizontally with his palm facing up. It looked like he was going to block the werewolf's arm with one hand.

"Don't be head-on!"

Grant was covered by Adams, Kaiser and others while shooting, so he still had some energy to take in the overall situation. When he saw Luo Hongyun's actions, his face changed slightly and he hurriedly reminded him.

But in close combat, life and death depend on a split second, so there is no time for him to remind others.

As he spoke, the werewolf's sharp claws had already swung down, or rather, Luo Hongyun's palm accurately grabbed the werewolf's wrist.


There was a dull sound as flesh and blood collided. The muscular arm, as strong as steel, remained motionless and easily held the werewolf's arm.


The next moment, Luo Hongyun, who had already grasped the werewolf's wrist with his left hand, exerted force fiercely, twisted his arm outward, and forcibly turned the werewolf's arm.

Judging from the crisp sound of "crack", it was obvious that a bit of skill was used in this attack, which directly broke the werewolf's hand bones.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Hongyun swung his right fist and hit the werewolf's temple with incredible speed.


The set of movements is completed in one go. It may sound like a long story, but in fact it only takes a moment.

The same move was used last time to break half of a strong white man's skull.

This time, his strength was even more amazing. With one punch, the werewolf was knocked sideways, and he hit the closed metal door of the elevator with a deafening clang.

"Werewolf? His strength isn't that great, not even as strong as an ordinary person like me."

Luo Hongyun spoke indifferently with an expressionless face, as if he had eyes behind his head. He lowered his head to avoid the sharp claws of another werewolf behind him, and then he pulled out the dagger at his waist and stabbed backwards.

Precise kidney shot!

The werewolf instantly put on a mask of pain and opened its mouth to let out a howl, but Luo Hongyun had already pulled out a dagger from his waist with his left hand again, twisted his upper body from right to back, and the sharp blade swept across its neck.

The vocal cords and trachea were completely severed, and the painful howl that was originally intended to be uttered turned into blood gushing out of the aorta.

After quickly and efficiently dealing with the two werewolves, Luo Hongyun took the initiative to kill the remaining werewolves again with a dagger in hand.

Fighting and weapon combat, these two do not exist independently. Fighting techniques can naturally be used when holding weapons. The superposition of the two produces a qualitative change.

Therefore, he will become more terrifying after holding a weapon than when he is empty-handed, and killing with a sharp weapon will be much more efficient and labor-saving than with bare hands.

Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!

The sound of the knife cutting into the flesh was piercing, and the splattering blood turned the entire elevator entrance into a bloody slaughterhouse.

"Where did this monster come from..."

Such a brutal scene stunned not only the werewolf, but also Grant and Kathof.

He is even stronger than a beastly werewolf, and can kill a werewolf with a simple cold weapon like chopping melons and vegetables. If they were to tell an ordinary human that he could do this, they would never believe it.

"I must be dreaming. Why isn't the protagonist of the dream me? It could be a beautiful woman, but why is it a strong man from Xia Country..."

Grant shook his head vigorously.

Unfortunately, everything in front of him remained the same, and he could only accept this reality.

Where on earth did Xia invite such a terrifying monster as a helper

At this moment, he couldn't help but feel deeply fortunate that he didn't develop the habit of buying things for free.

But at the same time, the speed of his arrow shooting also became faster.

He still had a competitive spirit. After all, they were the ones who specialized in hunting werewolves. It would be embarrassing if they were surpassed in professionalism by a passerby.

Luo Hongyun slaughtered more than ten werewolves with ease, and the rest were blocked and restrained by the extremely brave Adams and Kaiserf, and were finally named one by one by Grant. The originally precarious situation was reversed in an instant and things looked very good.

Of course, there are two sides to every coin.

The situation was very good for Xia Xu and his team, but it was completely the opposite for the werewolves.

Stilwell, who had been closely guarded by the other werewolves and therefore had not been involved in the battle, took advantage of the melee to quietly retreat.

Unfortunately, there was one person among their enemies who had not participated in the battle and had been staring at him.


As soon as he saw him move, Xia Xu immediately played his role as a "summoner".

Before this, the two of them had reached a preliminary understanding of attacking wherever Xia Xu pointed. After being reminded by Xia Xu, Grant immediately drew his bow and arrow and turned his target of attack to Stilwell.

Now most of the werewolves were either killed or dragged into a fierce battle. There were no guards beside Stilwell. Grant made an accurate prediction and shot an arrow right into the back of Stilwell who was dodging and fleeing in a panic, leaving a huge gap.

But when Grant was about to fire another arrow to finish him off once and for all, his hand reaching for the quiver touched nothing.

Arrows are not like bullets. You can't carry many with you. Moreover, the arrows specially made to increase their power cannot be recycled and are completely used up at this moment.

Stilwell's vitality was also tenacious. After staggering a few steps and falling down, he still struggled to crawl towards the laboratory table not far away.

After finally crawling to the table, he raised his hand with difficulty, as if trying to reach something on the table.



A pair of feet stopped beside him, and the slight sound of stepping on the floor made his whole body stiffen.

"Are you still thinking about killing me before you die?"

Xia Xu bent down and smiled at him, then he suddenly took out his hand from behind his back and sprayed all the anti-wolf spray towards his face.

As we all know, wolves have an extremely keen sense of smell.

Therefore, this bottle of anti-wolf spray not only defeats all similar ones in one fell swoop and plays a real anti-wolf role, but also has a critical hit bonus on the damage.

Being sprayed at his nose and eyes at close range, Stilwell was choked and burst into tears. He could only watch Xia Xu take out a syringe from the test tube rack on the table.

The syringe was as thick as a thumb, with a sky blue plastic shell and glass lining. There were finger-wide grooves on both sides of the shell, from which one could clearly see the blood-colored translucent liquid inside.

That is... the wolf enhancement serum that has been activated and is being prepared for final testing.

After Stilwell and the others showed up, all the main and supporting characters of this scene of "The Hunter" were present. He had naturally seen this part of the plot, and he had already guessed it and was prepared for this.