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Chapter 68: Wolf Enhancement Serum


"Uncle Luo, have you solved your problem?"

Seeing Louise being brought back, Xia Xu thought that Luo Hongyun had already finished the plot of "Night Owl" and couldn't help but praise his amazing efficiency in his heart.

But the reality seems to be otherwise.

Although I didn't see the supporting characters and couldn't watch the new supplementary plot, the [Protagonist: "Night Owl"] on Luo Hongyun's horoscope panel did not disappear or turn into normal horoscope potential.

Referring to Zhang Jianmin in "The Dying Man", after the plot is completely over, they should change back to their original normal fate.

Luo Hongyun shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Not yet, it's just that this little girl was crying and wanted to see me so I brought her back to accompany her."

While replying to Xia Xu, he walked to the sofa in the living room and sat down. After taking off his shirt, he took out some medicine from under the coffee table.

He is hurt!

Xia Xu was horrified by what he saw.

Luo Hongyun dealt with more than a dozen werewolves yesterday and came out unscathed.

But now he was injured.

Although they were just some minor cuts and bruises, there is no doubt that the intensity of "Night Owl" was much higher than that of "Hunter".

In fact, this is the normal situation. The life level of this soldier king is two. If he runs into the plot of a hunter who is generally level one, he would be just intruding and crushing the opponent.

But for the plot that he is supposed to experience, there must be some opponents who can put pressure on him, otherwise there will be no ups and downs and suspense, and there will not be enough drama to constitute a "plot".

"Uncle Luo, do you need my help?"

Xia Xu couldn't help but speak out.

"Help? Come on, help me clean the wound."

Luo Hongyun laughed and picked up a bottle of hydrogen peroxide on the coffee table and threw it over.

Xia Xu was silent.

That's not actually what he meant, and Luo Hongyun should understand that.

But think about it, apart from having some money, I really can't help much. I have no power or influence, and I'm just a worthless person. What role can I play

If you participate in it, you won’t even be a cannon fodder.

He doesn't even have much money to spare now. He has a total of less than one million yuan in funds, of which 500,000 yuan has been invested in Feizhou Studio. Adding the expenses of buying equipment and renting a house, the funds he can take out now are less than 200,000 yuan.

This amount of money is considered a small savings for ordinary people, but it is nothing to the truly rich, and it does not play any crucial role - buying a slightly better car costs more than 200,000 yuan.

"Uncle Luo, is it okay for you to tell me a little bit about the situation and progress?"

Xia Xu obediently used hydrogen peroxide to help Luo Hongyun clean the small wounds on his body, and then picked up iodine to apply it.

"Yesterday I took down their base in Star City, but it was only a temporary solution. Those people seem to be an overseas organization. The mastermind behind the kidnapping of Louise and their purpose are still unknown."

Luo Hongyun smiled and said, "But there shouldn't be any problem in the short term. You don't have to get involved. If I remember correctly, you should be taking the college entrance examination soon, right? You might as well study hard instead of worrying about me."


After hearing Luo Hongyun's words, Xia Xu became even more silent.

After killing the werewolf last night, he immediately went to destroy the base of that foreign organization. It can be seen that Uncle Luo had just tracked down those people and was planning to go there that night.

As a result, as soon as she received his call, she rushed back without saying a word. This was a great favor, as if she really treated him as her closest relative.

Perhaps if it weren't for the delay that made that group of people alert and prepared, Luo Hongyun might not have been injured.

After all, judging by the plot and strength, this guy is a soldier king or even a superhero. He can easily fight against more than a dozen werewolves. Even if he suffers a defeat, it should be the main villain.

"By the way, what do you want to talk to me about?"

After cleaning the wounds on his body and putting on his clothes to cover them up, Luo Hongyun glanced at Louise who was still sleeping in the bedroom, breathed a sigh of relief, and finally remembered to ask Xia Xu why he was looking for him.

Xia Xu shook his head: "Nothing, just checking to see if you are home, Uncle Luo."

Luo Hongyun noticed the backpack he was carrying and recognized it as the one Grant used to hold his compound bow. He laughed and said, "Grant left this thing for you? Want to learn it?"

"Let's talk about it later. I'm just learning this for fun."

Although his purpose was exposed, Xia Xu still shook his head.

Luo Hongyun had been involved in a series of fierce battles and had to pick up his daughter to accompany her. He might not have had a rest until now and was also injured. It would be too unethical to ask him to teach her archery.

"That's fine. I'll teach you slowly later, or you can contact Grant to ask for his advice. I'm not very good at this either."

Luo Hongyun smiled again.

"Uncle Luo, I'll go back first."

Xia Xu did not stay here any longer and went straight back to his rental house.

With the departure of Grant and the others, the house that had been bustling for a few days became deserted again.

Xia Xu put away the compound bow, took out the hard drive he found from Stilwell's laboratory yesterday, and took out the laptop he bought a while ago.

For most young people, a computer is the top purchase priority after a mobile phone as long as they have money, so naturally he bought one early on.

After plugging in the external hard drive, he opened the folders inside again and looked through the files one by one that he had not had time to look through yesterday.

He planned to take a quick look at the contents so that he could at least have a general understanding of them so that he could decide how to apply them.

Although he couldn't understand most of the professional knowledge, it didn't stop him from taking a look at the general introduction.

I didn't expect that this would bring me some unexpected gains.

He found a document in a folder. The content of the document was probably the original email that Stilwell was going to send to other werewolves. In addition to making full use of his talent for public speaking and persuasion, it also introduced the werewolf strengthening serum.

Perhaps to take the other werewolves' level into consideration, this speech-like text is simple and straightforward, without any professional terms at all.

This document not only gave him a more detailed understanding of the effects of the strengthening serum, but also made him notice an important detail that had been overlooked before.

Wolf and werewolf are two completely different words in English.

In describing the serum, Stilwell only used the word "werewolf" in phrases such as "can strengthen werewolves...", while in the name of the serum and a simple summary of the principle of the serum, he only used "wolf, wolf species".

Given the rigor of scientific researchers, they should not make such a small mistake. Therefore, the enhanced serum is likely not actually a werewolf-specific enhanced serum, but a wolf-enhanced serum, a serum that strengthens the "wolf" gene in werewolves.

Although the difference seems small, the value and operability of the two are huge.