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Chapter 70: Miao Dao Knife Technique


I tossed and turned all night in a state of excitement.

The next day, Sunday, Xia Xu excitedly got up from bed early.

"No need to rush, come for morning exercise."

It was rare that Luo Hongyun did not go out.

After all, most of the kidnappers in Star City should be dead. If they want to track down the mastermind, they may have to go abroad. Besides, they have just brought Louise back, so they have to stay with her for two days.

"All right."

Xia Xu, who had originally planned to go directly to the auction venue, suppressed his urgency and joined Luo Hongyun's morning exercise.

It’s still the same old three: running, bodyweight training, and dodge training.

"Uncle Luo, do you know how to use the Miao Dao? How about teaching me when you have time? Or other weapons are also fine."

Halfway through the dodge training, Xia Xu had an idea and remembered the Miao Dao he had bought before.

His and Grant's "Hunter" plot fate has not disappeared, so there should be a sequel. After all, it is a TV series, and there must be more than one boss.

But this shouldn't have much to do with him.

No matter how you look at it, werewolves are elements that appear in European and American dramas. The story between Xia Guo and Stilwell should be just an episode or the length of one season. If he does not take the initiative to get involved in the later plots, he will not be easily involved again.

In theory, his plot has been passed or even completely collapsed. If I am not mistaken, he is the second dead person in the scene of Star City No. 3. Now, let alone the werewolf attack plot there, the entire werewolf lair in Xia Country has been wiped out.

The supporting characters' fate did not disappear only because the entire plot was still continuing, just like Xue Mingjie and others. Even after they had gone through their own plot, their fate did not disappear until the end of the entire "The Dying Man".

Therefore, he should no longer need to worry about werewolf attacks all the time, and he will be able to change his job to 'Summoner' soon, which means he has a certain self-protection ability. He is not so urgent to do special training in dodging, and can really learn fighting and attacking in a systematic way.

But compared to fighting, he prefers "armed fighting".

After all, he doesn't have the exaggerated physique like Luo Hongyun and others. This may have something to do with his "fighting" talent. It would be difficult for normal people, including him, to train to that level.

Without that level of physical fitness, simple hand-to-hand combat would be a bit of a disadvantage. It might be okay against ordinary people, but what if the next time you encounter a monster like a werewolf

There is a saying that goes, "The biggest difference between humans and beasts is the ability to use tools." Weapons are undoubtedly the best choice to make up for and enhance one's own attack capabilities.

In fact, they were invented for this purpose. Humans do not have sharp claws, but they have created various weapons that are more powerful than claws to enhance their fighting ability.

The best of them are naturally all kinds of hot weapons. Just picking up a gun is enough to give a child the ability to slaughter everyone.

But now I have no choice but to learn cold weapons first. The two are not in conflict.

"Miao Dao?"

Luo Hongyun also knew that Xia Xu had bought a Miao Dao last time, but learning Miao Dao was still relatively rare in the city, so he was stunned for a moment after hearing Xia Xu's request.

Fighting with bare hands still leaves some room for improvement, but using cold weapons will result in death or injury. The Miao Dao is a typical high-killing weapon. If you really want to hold back, you won't know how to do so.

But thinking about the werewolf the day before yesterday, he could understand Xia Xu's mentality and nodded: "Okay, go get your knife and I'll teach you a set of Miao Dao sword techniques."

"Uncle Luo, you really can do it?"

In fact, Xia Xu did not expect that Luo Hongyun actually dabbled in this kind of niche weapon. While he was happy, he could only sigh at the horror of the five-star weapon fight, and returned to the rental house to take out the Miao Dao he bought.

The Miao Dao is not the Miao people's scimitar, but a cold weapon similar to the Tang Dao and the foot-basin samurai sword, but it is longer than both.

It is said that Qi Jiguang used the Qi family sword, which he improved on the basis of this sword, to fight against the Japanese pirates. Some also say that the Miao Dao was created by Qi Jiguang and was specifically used to restrain the samurai sword. There are many different opinions and it is difficult to verify them.

As for why it is called Miao Dao, it is also difficult to reach a conclusion. The most common saying is that during the Republic of China period, someone said that the shape of the planting knife resembled a seedling, so it was given such a meaningless name.

Of course, there was no need for Xia Xu to do research. He was not studying history. He just used it for self-defense.

The slashing power of the katana has been demonstrated in many film and television works, so there is no need to elaborate on it. The Miao Dao, as a weapon of similar shape but with a longer blade, has even more amazing slashing power than the katana.

This thing is not only not suitable for cutting mats and bamboos, if it is swung with enough force, it can cut a person or a horse in half.

And the most important thing is—he’s handsome!

Being strong is a matter of version, but being handsome is a matter of a lifetime.

When the Miao Dao is wielded, it naturally gives people a sense of power that is unparalleled in sharpness and can easily cut a person in half.

Especially when seeing Luo Hongyun demonstrating how to receive the knife, Xia Xu's eyes lit up.

The Miao Dao sword is too long, with the handle being 40 centimeters and the blade reaching 1.2 meters, so even the starting posture is very particular.

Luo Hongyun chose the most direct and domineering one. He first held the sword horizontally on his shoulder, then threw away the scabbard, took on the sword flower, and covered the sword with a horse stance.

Then he changed the handle and followed the smooth movements of chopping, blocking, stabbing and retracting. He carried the knife on his shoulder and moved with the knife. It was as if he was dancing on the blade. Each move seemed to be infused with explosive power, revealing a strong sense of power and smoothness.

In one word, handsome!

Two words: awesome!

It is not only cool but also incredibly powerful that you can tell at a glance. It can be said that both its viewing experience and power are extreme.

Watching Luo Hongyun's practice, although there was no fierce sword energy, Xia Xu still felt as if he was in a martial arts drama.

"Go find a wooden stick to practice on. If you use a real knife directly, you will easily chop off your legs first."

After practicing a set of sword techniques, Luo Hongyun did not give the sword to Xia Xu, but looked at the branches in the green belt next to him.

"No problem, Uncle Luo, even if you give me a real knife, I wouldn't dare to use it now."

Xia Xu gave a dry laugh.

He really didn't dare to use it. The Miao Dao was too long. If he wasn't careful, he would really cut off his legs. Moreover, Luo Hongyun had just practiced carrying the sword on his shoulder, waist or abdomen.

The power of this move is naturally amazing, but if you are not careful, you will hit yourself. If the direction of the blade is wrong, you may cut your neck before you hit the enemy.

What he bought was not just a showpiece. The swords and knives in Longquan Town do not refer to the Longquan swords, but the swords and knives in Longquan are intangible cultural heritage. Companies can be set up to legally manufacture and sell swords, including sharpened ones.

This Miao Dao cost him several thousand yuan. It is made of manganese steel. Even if the workmanship is poor, it is still a deadly weapon after it is sharpened.