I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 72: Lady luck is smiling


"One hundred thousand!"

Xia Xu's bid was drowned out by the shouts of others and did not cause much ripples.

"Little brother, you can't judge a person by his appearance."

The bald middle-aged man next to him seemed a little surprised.

He had a very sharp eye and could naturally tell that Xia Xu was not actually very old, and could even be said to be a little young.

Although their attire was not bad, they were definitely not wealthy. It might be possible for them to ask for 10,000 or 20,000 yuan to buy a pet, but it was still a bit surprising for him to ask for more than 100,000 yuan.

"I made some money by chance before."

Xia Xu just smiled and continued to raise his hand to bid.

The auction was very simple. Each person had a number plate and raised their hands to bid. The dogs being auctioned were only briefly introduced. This resulted in most bidders not being able to distinguish between good and bad dogs and just bidding blindly.

This is also the culprit for the soaring prices. Originally, it was a big deal to buy a dog for tens of thousands of dollars, but with no way of distinguishing the quality and after rounds of bidding, the dogs were bought one after another, and the price only went up and never down.

"One hundred and eighty thousand! Number 30 bids one hundred and eighty thousand. Is there anyone who can offer a higher price?"

As the price became 20,000 or 30,000 yuan higher than the previous transaction price, the bidding sounds gradually died down and the host on the stage began to confirm repeatedly.

This was just a small trial auction at the police dog base, without any publicity or preparation. A small announcement was made on the official website which was rarely visited. The items for auction were also niche items such as retired police dogs, so scenes like auctions of antique treasures with hundreds of millions of dollars would not occur.

The price of 170,000 or 180,000 yuan alone is actually beyond the psychological tolerance of most ordinary people and wealthy families.

It's not that I can't come up with the money, but I don't want to spend money that will cost me a lot of money to buy a non-essential item. Besides, these eliminated dogs are not value-preserving commodities.

These eliminated dogs that are auctioned are also not allowed to be traded or abandoned. After buying them, they have no commercial value other than raising them yourself. It is really like wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars in exchange for a trained pet dog.

Even if they were really sold, the value of these dogs themselves would not reach hundreds of thousands of yuan, and tens of thousands of yuan would be the highest.

"One hundred and ninety thousand."

Xia Xu naturally would not give up and raised the sign firmly again.

To others, this is a non-essential item with no commercial value, but to him it is a priceless source of security and livelihood.

Apart from him, there was only one person left participating in the competition, a man with a flat head and scars on his face, which were full of pits and pits, and it was not clear whether they were acne marks or something else.

The others are already ready to wait for the next round, after all, there is more than just this one.

At this point, when they heard Xia Xu's offer, the others also looked over, with expressions of surprise or curiosity on their faces.

Probably like the bald middle-aged man just now, he was probably surprised by Xia Xu's age and behavior.

It was not noticeable before when there were many people bidding, but as there were only two bidders left, the competitors naturally became very conspicuous.

Even if someone else were to take over, it would be the same. Everyone would take a sidelong glance at the only remaining contender, and he would undoubtedly become the focus of attention at this moment.

"One hundred and ninety-five thousand!"

The man with the flat head and scarred face was also attracting much attention at the moment, but he seemed a little annoyed after he finished bidding: "Kid, you are bidding nonsense. Can you afford it? If you don't buy it or cause it to fail, you will be responsible! This should be based on the algorithm, right?"

"Then you don't have to worry about it. I'm sure I can pay it. Two hundred thousand!"

Xia Xu raised the sign again.

The expression on his face remained calm, but this was actually the highest price he could offer. If he raised the price any further, he would have to give up and wait for another one.

If he had to pay, there would be some left, but he also had to save some money for the rent and the salaries of Luo Hongyun and others, and these expenses amounted to tens of thousands a month.

"Two hundred and fifty thousand! Keep following me if you can!"

The man with the flat head and scar became even more annoyed and raised the price by tens of thousands.

"Okay, it's yours."

Although helpless, Xia Xu still stopped bidding.

“… Twenty-five thousand once! Twenty-five thousand twice! Twenty-five thousand three times! Deal!”

When the dust settled, the dog named Heige was photographed by the man with a flat head and scar.

But the man with the flat head and scar was not very happy.

This was far beyond his original expectations.

Moreover, he got carried away and quoted a higher price of 50,000. Under normal competition, this might be okay to intimidate others, but now no one is following suit, which is like him being stupid and wasting tens of thousands of dollars.


The auction of 'Hei Ge' was over, and during the brief break when Xia Xu went to take down a discarded dog, his cell phone suddenly rang in his pocket.

"Hey, Lao Yang, what's up?"

Taking out his cell phone and looking at the caller, Xia Xu answered the call.


When the call was connected, what came through was not Lao Yang's rough voice, but a soft girl's voice.

Little white flower

Xia Xu was surprised: "Youxin? Why did you use Lao Yang's phone to call me? Is there something wrong?"

"I'm cleaning the store, and Uncle Yang is here too."

Tang Youxin hesitated for a moment before saying, "Are you...are you okay?"

After a pause, she hurriedly explained: "No, don't misunderstand, Uncle Yang asked me to ask, he said... what dangerous things have you been doing these past two days~."

The second half of the sentence became gradually weaker, and the last two words had a prolonged ending.

"Really? You didn't want to ask that yourself?"

The cute appearance of the little white flower at this moment subconsciously emerged in his mind, and Xia Xu's depression over the failure of the auction was reduced a lot, and he joked with a smile.

"Hahaha, Boss, don't listen to her nonsense! I just mentioned it casually, and Youxin kept asking me indirectly whether I wanted to make a call!"

Yang Bowen's loud, teasing voice came through the speaker at the right time.

"Oh~ So that's how it is~."

Xia Xu also stretched out his tone and laughed playfully, then he became more serious and comforted him, "Don't worry, Lao Yang is just talking nonsense. What dangerous thing can I do? I haven't been to the store these two days. I've only been buying things. Listen, I'm attending an auction."

Xia Xu made a gesture of extending his cell phone forward. Of course, this didn't mean anything. It was just a habitual gesture to enhance his persuasiveness.

"Mixed Kunming dog, male, coat color: black back, clean face, reasons for elimination: weak, small, overexcited...

At this time, another eliminated dog had been brought to the auction table and the auctioneer was introducing it.

Xia Xu originally just held out his phone to let Xiao Baihua listen to the sound and immediately took it back, but when he looked up at the eliminated dog on the stage, he was stunned.

"Hey~ What's wrong?"

By the time Xia Xu reacted, he put the phone back to his ear, and the speaker was filled with the somewhat puzzled voice of Little White Flower.

"Nothing, my lovely goddess of luck seems to be showing off her power again."

Xia Xu grinned.