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Chapter 76: Iron Fist of Justice


The taxi drove forward.

The police dog base itself is already a relatively remote area, but at this moment the taxi was going further and further away under the guidance of Xia Xu, or Atuo.

The surrounding area gradually became an undeveloped suburb. Although asphalt roads had been built, the two sides were covered with weeds as tall as a person, or building foundations with a red mud platform that had just been dug out. Some were even small hills surrounded by concrete walls.

The whole journey felt like arriving in a rural area. With endless green hills in the distance, you could occasionally see one or two driving schools and other buildings that required building area but had no requirements for geographical location.

After driving for about twenty minutes, when passing a building that looked like a farm, Atuo suddenly became agitated and barked at Xia Xu several times.

"Stop the car. This is it."

Xia Xu hurriedly stopped the car and opened the car door while saying, "Master, it's hard to stop a car in this wilderness. Can you wait here for a while? I may go back to the city after doing something."

"this… "

The driver hesitated.

"It's so far from the city. You'll lose money on gas if you go back empty-handed. How about this? I'll pay you some time-delay compensation, two hundred an hour."

Xia Xu was not stingy and came straight to the point.

"That's no problem."

The driver acted very genuinely, smiling happily, and agreed readily.

Xia Xu immediately took Atuo out of the car, climbed up the hillside by the road, and looked out at the farm not far from an intersection on the side of the road.

At this time, there was a familiar-looking van parked at the entrance of the farm. I took out the photo I had taken with my mobile phone and compared it with the license plate. Sure enough, it was the one driven by Meng Long, the man with a flat head and scar.

"My God, Atuo, how come your nose is so long?"

Xia Xu squatted down in surprise, hugged Atuo's dog head and rubbed it hard twice.

A dog's sense of smell is very different from that of a human. A place that seems empty to a human may appear as a series of extremely conspicuous odor paths and odor clusters to a dog. It is said that they can smell odors from several kilometers away.

But even compared with other dogs, Atuo is really ridiculously strong. Even if he could really smell the scent in the car, it would probably be so weak that it would be difficult to detect. However, he was able to accurately track Meng Long who was driving the car. This is definitely not something an ordinary dog can do.

And the most important thing is the intelligence shown by Atuo. He can actually understand human language vaguely, and even use his own actions to express his intentions and give directions. I'm afraid that this is the limit for a six or seven-year-old child.


Kindness such as rewards and praise is probably the easiest human behavior for dogs to understand. Atuo could naturally understand it, and while Xia Xuxiao was rubbing his head, he also wagged his tail.

"I will definitely reward you with a big meal when I get back."

Xia Xu patted the dog's head again, then stood up and started to work on the "big things".

In fact, he had just discovered that it was not only Meng Long's van parked in front of the farm, but there were a large number of cars parked on both sides of the entrance and on a cement platform next to it.

Some of these cars are vans of various models, and some are mid-to-high-end luxury cars. There are dozens of them mixed together of varying quality.

Regardless of the grade, the food downstairs in generally better hotels is just like this.

"Looks like good luck."

Xia Xu's mind worked quickly and he immediately understood what was going on.

Normally a farm would not have so many cars parked there. Firstly, there are not so many guests, and secondly, there is no need for long-term stay.

This should not be the dog farm opened by Meng Long, but an underground dog fighting place as he had guessed before.

In fact, the reason why he followed was because he expected that Meng Long would probably go to the dog fighting arena to show off after buying a new dog.

Although 'Brother Hei' is not as good as Atuo, he also has a three-star level fighting talent, and is considered a genius among dogs.

Moreover, it was a eliminated police dog bought at an auction at a huge price. Even if Meng Long was not in a hurry to participate in the dog fight, he would probably show it off to his ordinary friends.

However, Xia Xu did not expect Meng Long to be so anxious. He originally thought that he might be going back home or something, but who would have thought that he would go straight to the dog fighting arena.

This saved Xia Xu a lot of trouble.

Theoretically, they would have to go in and investigate the specific situation, but Xia Xu was in a hurry to go back, and he was at least 70% to 80% sure, so he was too lazy to go deeper into the tiger's den and directly dialed a familiar three-digit number.

"Hello, is this the police officer? I want to report that I found some people gambling in a group..."

He is not sure whether dog fighting itself is illegal or not, but gambling is definitely illegal.

With such an underground dog fighting venue and so many people driving over to watch, no one would believe that there is no gambling involved.

If this is not for gambling, is it for watching? Even if it is for watching, this gray area and behavior cannot avoid gambling.

Judging from the cars parked at the door, there must be a fierce gambling going on inside, and there may be quite a few small wealthy people among the participants.

After finishing the phone call with great dignity, Xia Xu waited on the side of the road and asked the taxi driver to drive forward a little to avoid any accidents.

Even though a police car might come later, he still needed to take a ride. He didn't want to be in the spotlight and go back to the police station with the police car. It would be better to report quietly and get the reward as before and keep his merit and fame hidden.

After waiting for more than an hour, several police cars came rushing over.

This is already a god-like speed of police response. After all, this is a suburb, and it takes time to discuss and organize personnel.

"You again?"

A square-faced policeman and his colleagues drove into the first car, opened the door and got out.

"… I also want to ask, uncle, is there no one else in your police station?"

Xia Xu couldn't help but hold his forehead when he saw it.

It's really such a coincidence in the world. He only played the role of a red scarf three times, but the ones who came back were all the same square-faced people.

"This is also our jurisdiction. Most of the people in the bureau are dispatched together. Isn't it normal for me to come here?"

The square-faced man laughed unhappily and said, "That's what I wanted to say. Are you really planning to make a career out of taking advantage of our police department?"

"Do you believe me if I say it's pure coincidence? I've always been a law-abiding person."

Xia Xu laughed and quickly pointed to the entrance to the farm: "It's right inside. Dog fighting and gambling. The amount is huge."

"Okay, let's go in and take a look. Just like before, you should stay out of the way and come back to make up the record when you have time."

The square-faced man originally came to contact the reporter to understand the situation. With Xia Xu's "credibility" guarantee from the previous two times, he did not question or inquire much and went straight into the farm.

After about ten minutes, one by one the dejected middle-aged men were pushed into the police cars, and the several police cars that came were packed full.

"Well, I'm famous for being law-abiding."

Xia Xu, who did not want to show up, hid on the hillside for a while. After watching a large group of people including Meng Long being taken into the car, he sighed and shrugged, walked out, and got into the taxi that had come earlier.