I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 77: Strengthen Atto


"Hey, this dog is pretty good."

After returning to the community, Xia Xu and A-Tuo just walked downstairs when they saw Luo Hongyun walking towards them with a look of surprise.

"Uncle Luo, do you know how to look after dogs?"

Xia Xu was a little surprised.

"I don't know how to look at dogs, but I can see that there seems to be a fighting spirit in its eyes that will never surrender."

Luo Hongyun showed great interest in Atuo: "The most important thing is that you didn't notice its expression?"


Xia Xu was puzzled.

"It gives me the feeling of a sentinel or a guard, always paying close attention to the surroundings and ready to burst into battle at any time."

Luo Hongyun tilted his head slightly and grinned at Atuo: "I'm not too sure about dogs, but if it were a human, he would definitely be the elite among the elite."

"Maybe it's because it's the first time I come here, so I'm too nervous."

Xia Xu thought this was quite normal.

Luo Hongyun shook his head slightly: "This is different. Tension is essentially fear, while it is just a state of high concentration and vigilance in preparation for war. It is easy to distinguish between the two."

As he spoke, he smacked his lips and said, "It's a pity that it's a little thin, otherwise it would definitely be a fierce dog."


Atuo, who was originally looking around, turned his head reflexively and stared at Luo Hongyun.

"Hey, you still dare to glare at me?"

Luo Hongyun became even more interested, and perhaps with a bit of tentative intent, he unabashedly released his strong murderous intent.


Atuo was furious the first moment.

It's not an adjective, but the hair on his body really stood up, his limbs were struggling to support the ground, his back was arched, and his ferocious sharp teeth were bared.

It had no intention of retreating or escaping. Instead, it stared into Luo Hongyun's eyes, guarding against his sudden attack while slowly moving forward a few steps, standing between Xia Xu and Luo Hongyun.

"Okay, Atuo, this is not the enemy."

Xia Xu quickly spoke to comfort him, half squatted down and stretched out his hand to smooth down Atuo's frizzy hair, and at the same time looked up at Luo Hongyun helplessly: "Uncle Luo, please don't scare Atuo anymore."

"Haha, just try, try."

Luo Hongyun laughed awkwardly: "Xiao Xu, you have picked up a treasure this time. If you can raise it a little stronger, it will be more reliable than an ordinary bodyguard."

"If you can raise them strong, it won't be my turn."

Xia Xu shrugged, chatted with Luo Hongyun for a while, and then took Atuo back to his rental house.

"Ato, this will be your new home from now on, and I will be your master and family member from now on."

As soon as he entered the house, Xia Xu loosened the leash and collapsed on the sofa in relaxation.

After he let go of his hand, Atuo looked at everything in the room with a mixture of unfamiliar vigilance and curiosity, rubbing here and looking there, and after circling around for several times, he jumped onto the sofa, lay down beside Xia Xu obediently, and licked the back of his hand with his tongue.

Kunming Dogs are usually more like bodyguards or warriors, and they basically have no habit of acting like a spoiled brat. This is almost a very intimate behavior.

Xia Xu opened Atuo's attribute panel and took a look, and sure enough, it was true.

Favorability: 60

According to the percentage system, 60 points is the passing score.

Although Atuo already has a basic favorability of forty-five points towards him, it may not be so easy to reach this fifteen-point leap, and it may even be much more difficult than for humans.

After thousands of years of unconscious genetic selection, most dogs are able to 'recognize their owners'.

Although it is impossible for them to have a so-called contract like the "summoned creatures" in anime, they will instinctively be loyal to and rely on their masters. Some species will only be close to their masters and will not allow anyone else to touch them.

The Kunming Dog is not as extreme in the latter, but it is also a leader in loyalty and dependence.

Of course, since the police dog base sells these trained and eliminated dogs to ordinary people, they must have made certain "vaccinations" for these eliminated dogs to change their owners, otherwise it would be difficult for ordinary people to take them home.

Normally, these eliminated dogs can completely change their owners after being brought home and raised for a while.

But Atuo is obviously a little special. Given its intelligence, it must have already realized that it had been abandoned by its original owner and replaced by a new one.

And after the communication and interaction just now, it seemed to have completed the initial recognition of him as its master.

"Don't worry, I will never mistreat or abandon you in the future."

Recalling the scene when Atuo stood in front of him with his anger standing up against Luo Hongyun just now, Xia Xu couldn't help but feel soft in his heart, and he took the dog's head and stroked it affectionately.

He also did not forget his previous promise to Atuo, and directly took out the wolf tribe strengthening serum.

"You've been worrying about your thin body, right? Look at this. This is the reward I promised you before. It's something that will make you stronger quickly."

Xia Xu took out the wolf clan strengthening serum and waved it in front of Atuo like offering a treasure.

Hearing the words "become stronger", Atuo's ears twitched twice.

Favorability: 80

The favorability level jumped by twenty points, and it directly reached a full eighty points on top of its already high level.

"My goodness, your IQ is like the Einstein of the dog world."

Although he had tried his best to overestimate Atuo's intelligence, Xia Xu still couldn't help but be amazed.

The favorability level soared by twenty points.

It was not known whether it was because he 'fulfilled his promise' or 'became stronger', but there was no doubt that Atuo had clearly understood the meaning of his words before.

Not limited to instructions and vocabulary, true language understanding.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Atuo to gain so much favorability instantly because of a 'blue plastic tube'.

Originally, Xia Xu's plan was just to "reward" Atuo with the wolf enhancement serum, and wait and see whether to inject it or not.

But Atuo's intelligence and soaring loyalty made him change his mind a little.

He said solemnly: "Ato, I don't know if you can really understand, but I still want to explain it in advance.

This thing should be able to greatly strengthen your body, making you much stronger than other similar things, but I am not 100% sure about its safety and side effects.

So using this is very likely to be extremely dangerous. If you understand it, you can decide whether to use it. If you don’t understand it, I won’t let you use it for the time being until I study it more clearly later.”


Atuo barked, wagged his tail, picked up the wolf-strengthening serum in his mouth, and looked at Xia Xu expectantly.

Xia Xu saw anticipation and excitement in its eyes, but he did not see even a trace of hesitation or doubt.

Get strong! Fight!

Xia Xu looked at Atuo's obsession column, then met Atuo's expectant eyes again, and finally made up his mind to take the strengthening serum from his mouth.

This serum is actually loaded into a syringe, and it uses some kind of needle-free injection technology or a very short and thin needle.

After all, in the original plot, the protagonist Grant snatched this thing and injected it himself to explode the seed, so we can't expect him to slowly find a nurse or insert a vein himself.

After studying it for a while yesterday, Xia Xu finally understood how to use it. He directly stabbed Atuo and injected the entire tube of serum into him.

And then... nothing happened.

Atuo tilted his head and looked at Xia Xu in confusion.

"This is genetic modification. You think it's like taking stimulants. It will combine with your stem cells and then replace all the cells in your body through metabolism. Do you understand?"

In order to maintain the dignity of his master, Xia Xu barely managed to make up stories with a straight face based on his meager knowledge of biology.