I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 78: Full of goodwill


Atuo's condition was surprisingly stable, so stable that Xia Xu suspected that the medicine he got was fake.

Fortunately, he finally showed some unique characteristics afterwards - his appetite increased.

All the meat that Xia Xu bought for the dog as a snack was eaten up completely, vividly demonstrating what it means to wolf down food.

Moreover, the frequency of eating became extremely high. He would come to him for food again within an hour, and ate a whole bowl of chicken and beef in the whole day.

"Luckily I got to be a righteous red scarf again today, otherwise I might not be able to support you."

After serving him back and forth cooking meat and pouring water until late at night, the restless Atuo finally fell asleep.

Xia Xu, who was exhausted, finally breathed a sigh of relief, returned to his bedroom and locked the door.

Emmmm, safety first. He naturally believed in Atuo's loyalty and favorability, but God knew whether the wolf tribe's enhanced serum would have any mutation or other effects. Stability first.

No words were spoken that night.

At 6:30 the next day, Xia Xu, who had gradually gotten used to this schedule, got up early.

“Woof woof woof.”

Just as he opened the door, a figure rushed over, giving him a fright.

"Ato, have you gained weight?"

Xia Xu was stunned for a moment before he realized that his family had a new member. He put Atuo, who was standing up and placing his hands on his chest, down.

"Woof! Woof!"

Atuo was extremely excited and wagged his tail vigorously.

"It seems to have grown a little bit stronger."

Xia Xu looked carefully and actually found that Atuo seemed to have grown a little stronger.

It seems that the wolf enhanced serum is not just a simple enhanced gene modification, it may also contain ingredients that accelerate metabolism and cell division and differentiation, otherwise it would not take effect so quickly.

However, this is obviously good news for Xia Xu. The faster Atuo becomes stronger, the sooner he will have the powerful combat capability to hit whatever he points.

"That's right."

Xia Xu patted his forehead and looked at Atuo's attributes again.

Name: Atuo

Life Level: 1

Fate potential: Stray dog (4 stars)

Talent potential: Fighting (5 stars); Stealth (4 stars); Search (4 stars)

Special: Wolf Enhancement Serum (2 stars)

Obsession: Become stronger! Fight! Protect!

Favorability: 100

Sure enough, Atuo's attributes changed.

First of all, the favorability level soared directly to one hundred.

Although the favorability of creatures is not constant, if they really have a strong liking for a person, it will not decrease because of some small things. Therefore, as long as they don't do anything too disappointing, there will not be any obvious fluctuations.

When the favorability is low, you may have to take various temptations into consideration, but with a favorability of 100 points, it is absolutely no different from being a die-hard fan.

This should be the increase brought about by Atuo's discovery that his body has become truly stronger.

Sometimes, animals' minds are much simpler than humans'. If you are good to it, it will naturally be good to you. It will not be as fickle as humans. If its behavior of recognizing its master and its obsession are fulfilled, it will be rewarded with 100% loyalty.

Of course, the favorability aspect is just a minor detail. Xia Xu originally intended to look at the special column.

He was so busy taking care of Atuo yesterday that he didn't have time to pay attention. He just remembered that the werewolf's 'half-beast wolf' and 'half-werewolf' were both displayed in the special column before, and he wondered if the wolf enhancement serum would be the same.

If the werewolf enhancement serum also showed up he might be able to get a little extra information from it.

Sure enough, I got what I wanted.

Werewolf Enhanced Serum (2 stars): This creature has been injected with Werewolf Enhanced Serum. Its body is in a rapid growth and development cycle and requires a lot of sleep and nutrition.

Xia Xu noticed the '2 stars' after the wolf tribe's enhanced serum at first glance.

This also applies to Werewolf and Grant, but they are both one star. The star rating should be used to judge the special "ability" itself.

The beast genes of the werewolf and Grant are of the one-star level, while the wolf enhanced serum is of the two-star level.

I just don't know what the classification is based on.

If the levels are divided according to effect or strength, does this mean that special 'abilities' of the corresponding level can allow a certain aspect to reach the corresponding level

Can Atuo, who has been injected with the enhanced serum, also gradually grow into a second-level life like Uncle Luo

According to the plot of "Hunter", this serum is actually for the protagonist Grant, and it can be regarded as a small golden finger to enhance the protagonist.

Maybe the fact that the werewolf and Grant don’t even have a second-level life doesn’t mean that Grant, the protagonist, is a weakling or that the power level of “Hunter” is really much lower than that of “Night Owl”.

It's just that the plot hasn't progressed to that stage before. Grant, who was injected with the enhanced serum after suffering from Xia Guo's setback, has a high probability of reaching the second life level.

But now, the thing that allowed him to transform and advance has fallen into Atuo's hands.

"It seems that this further highlights the degree of Uncle Luo's perversion."

Xia Xu couldn't help but sigh.

Others need to go through various setbacks and transformations to gain strength, but he, an ordinary person, achieves it through his own training. Isn't that abnormal

Let’s not talk about this for now.

Although there were no extra bonuses or benefits from the special column items provided by Atuo, Xia Xu at least confirmed that the wolf clan enhanced serum should not have any obvious defects or side effects, so he finally felt relieved.

Before closing Atuo's attribute panel, his gaze lingered on Atuo's fate for a moment.

Atuo’s fate potential is still that of a four-star stray dog.

According to this fate description, it can be simply said that Atuo will be the best and the king among stray dogs.

It was probably his original fate that Atuo would become a wanderer for some reason. With Atuo's talent and IQ, even without the enhanced serum, Atuo would not do too badly among the stray dogs.

Of course, now that Atuo has followed him, his fate must have been completely changed.

The reason why this fate is still maintained is probably because the attribute panel has not been updated in this regard, just like the plot seen through the plot fate will not change in real time with his interference.

The attribute panel can deduce the "fate" of the characters in the plot to a certain extent, and can also deduce the fate and future potential of a normal person. In fact, there is no essential difference between the two.

But it is obvious that this deduction is only their original destiny and will not change, or it will no longer take into account the results of his interference as an outsider who is an unstable factor.

The change in Zhang Jianmin's fate was only because his story came to an end, so he returned to the normal fate he should have had. It was not a real change.