I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 8: Four-character title


"Not like that? What is that? Could it be that he secretly put a love letter in my drawer?"

Xia Xu smiled playfully and pretended to reach into the corner where Tang Youxin had just stuffed something.

"Don't… "

Tang Youxin, a trace of shyness just appeared on her face, saw this and hurriedly tried to stop it.

But Xia Xu reached out his hand first, and she was distracted for a moment because of shyness, so she was unable to stop him, and Xia Xu turned out the things hidden in the desk.

It wasn't really a love letter or anything else that might inspire fantasy, but rather a crumpled ten-yuan bill.

Tang Youxin lowered her head like a child who had done something wrong, and said weakly: "I... I just want to pay you back for your lunch money..."

His voice got weaker and weaker, but it suddenly recovered a little at the end, and he said hesitantly, "I have money, really. Teacher Liu just gave me a scholarship."

"So? Just because you have money, you want to insult my personality?"

The smile on Xia Xu's face gradually faded: "Ten dollars, what? Are you really going to treat me to lunch? Let everyone know that I, Xia Xu, have no money for lunch, and force a girl to treat me?"

The prices here are still a little lower than on Earth, probably a few years behind. A bowl of the cheapest black fungus and shredded pork noodles is only five yuan.

"I... I didn't..."

Tang Youxin was at a loss and apologized repeatedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't think so much, I just don't want to owe you a favor... I..."

She remembered what Teacher Liu had told her before, that Xia Xu's family situation was not that good, and in some ways was even worse than hers.

Putting herself in other people's shoes, she could understand this strong sense of self-esteem and resistance.

The more you lack something, the more you need it, and the more you want to cover it up to avoid other people's strange looks.

It's just like if you insult someone who is generally considered beautiful, people will just ignore it and treat it as a joke, but if you insult someone who is really ugly, it would be an extremely irritating and direct ridicule to their face.

The latter will inevitably become angry and ashamed, and will try to hide their appearance problems by wearing makeup and avoiding related topics even on ordinary days.

Pity is essentially a strange look, a differential treatment, a constant reminder of certain things, and even opening a bloody wound again and again and sprinkling salt on it.

Sometimes needing help does not mean they want help. What they want may be recognition, respect, and being "the same".

The more she felt the same, the more she felt guilty and remorseful. She lowered her head as if she had committed a heinous crime and was awaiting trial, repeating the word "I'm sorry" over and over again.

"Then put it away."

Xia Xu frowned and stuffed the ten-yuan bill into Tang Youxin's hand.

"Oh, yes, yes."

It was as if the voice of judgment had been pronounced, and it was a super light sentence.

Tang Youxin didn't care about being happy. She timidly took out a worn-out black wallet with a peeling surface, stuffed a ten-yuan bill into it, and showed it to Xia Xu.

Although the wallet was worn out, there was quite a lot of money in it, at least twenty or thirty red bills. If someone didn't know the truth and didn't see the worn-out appearance of the wallet, they would definitely mistake Tang Youxin for a wealthy woman.

However, Xia Xu was obviously an "insider". The money in the wallet should be the scholarship that the school had just given to Tang Youxin.

Although Aquamarine was very similar to Earth, there were still some differences. In general, it was a little behind the Earth in all aspects when he traveled through it. The distribution of scholarships had not yet been standardized to the point where an online transfer system was required, nor had a widely popular third-party payment platform been formed. Many things were still done in cash.

"That's right, put it away quickly. If you really feel that you owe me money for food, then lend me your homework and notes to copy in the future."

Seeing that Xiao Baihua successfully collected the money, Xia Xu's tense expression suddenly relaxed and he revealed a satisfied smile. It was obvious that his anger just now was just an act.

Although factors such as appearance and justice cannot be ruled out, he did invite Tang Youxin to dinner out of pity and sympathy.

If he accepted the money at this time, wouldn't it be a big deal? Not only would he not be able to help the other person, but he would be doing more harm than good, causing her, who had always been frugal, to have a heavy bleeding for no reason? This would be an immoral thing to do, so he could not accept the money no matter what.

I easily picked up the little white flower and the bell for class rang.

The entire afternoon, Xia Xu attended classes seriously, except for the break when he would go to the school gate to stare at Xue Mingjie.

Learning is still necessary.

After all, he still wants to go to college to have fun. Compared to high school where he faces the pressure of college entrance examination, college is a truly colorful place where he can enjoy campus life comfortably.

Moreover, the classification of key technical colleges and undergraduate colleges also screens people's abilities and talents into different levels to a certain extent.

Although it is not absolute, being able to adapt to exam-oriented education and achieve better results than others must also mean a higher IQ, stronger learning adaptability, and stronger self-discipline and self-control.

Talents that are more emotional, such as painting and calligraphy, are fine, but computer programming, mechanical engineering, chemistry, physics, medicine, etc., these talents based on modern science all require corresponding IQ and learning ability to support them. People with such high-star talents will certainly not be too bad in IQ.

There may be stories of super geniuses who are extremely poor at certain subjects or who accidentally fail exams and end up in fake schools, but those would only be extremely rare and accidental events.

Being able to enter a better university basically means being able to meet higher-level and more concentrated talents, and these people can be easily found with the ability to check attributes.

Having a classmate relationship with them allows him to better win over people and even invest in advance, build good relationships, and easily organize a luxurious team no matter what he does.

What's more, many top universities have a large number of famous graduates, and the alumni alone form a network of relationships that cannot be ignored.

Maybe these people have never met each other and they are of no use on a daily basis, but when they are reported at a critical moment, it is also a trace of affection and goodwill, and this insignificant trace of goodwill can often play a decisive role at a critical moment.

Unfortunately, the problem now is that there are only two or three months left before the college entrance examination. We can forget about getting into any famous key university, and it is even a question whether we can get into an undergraduate program.

He himself had long since thrown away his high school knowledge in Java, and the world was different so many knowledge points and details were different. His original self was also a poor student and his mind was not on studying at all.

Now all he could do was to cram and memorize as much as possible, and at the same time recover some of the knowledge he had thrown away.

No matter what, you have to get a bachelor's degree. It doesn't matter how valuable it is, but at least it won't be embarrassing to show it off.


The bell for the last class also rang for the end of school.

For all students, the bell at this moment is definitely the most wonderful music. It is Friday after school and there are two days of vacation. It is like being released from prison and full of the taste of freedom.

After the bell rang, all the students ran faster than each other, as if they were afraid that if they ran late, they would be given more homework by the subject teacher or be kept after class by the head teacher.

Of course, it is also possible that they have already made an appointment to go to an Internet cafe or game hall or something like that, and have been looking forward to it all day and can’t wait any longer.

"Let's go, let's go to the Internet cafe. Today, this gun god wants to clear his name."

"I've never won in a row at an internet cafe, so stop pretending, you idiot."

"Xia Xu, do you want to go online?"

This scene was happening in Xia Xu's class. Ma Bing, the slow and lazy classmate, showed extraordinary efficiency and passion at this moment. He quickly packed his schoolbag and started calling his friends.