I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 82: Wulin Painting Scroll


Let’s get back to the topic.

The two stories above may differ in direction and style, but they are essentially the same - a story about a natural, special genius.

Xia Xu not only sees the essence through the phenomenon, but also sees the essence based on his own needs. If he follows this guess, he can easily find a genius child with his ability to check attributes.

A protagonist with a 'genius' template must have at least a four or five star talent, right

In addition, there is the opposite of "born genius"... an "acquired genius", a super brain that is artificially and accidentally shaped!

"If that's true, it's like sending a pillow when you're sleepy..."

Xia Xu's heart began to beat faster.

According to this speculation, doesn't it mean that there is something that enhances the brain or IQ

Whether it is a drug, genetic modification, smart chip, or any other form of existence, as long as its function is truly to enhance the human brain, its value is simply immeasurable.

To put it simply, slightly strengthening his brain would enable him to quickly master high school studies and get good scores in the college entrance examination as he wished.

To put it in a broader sense, if one can enhance his IQ to the top level, learning anything will be easy and he himself will be the top scientist.

Combined with the various plot-driven high-tech products that have already begun to emerge in this world, he may be able to embark on an unparalleled path to glory.

Let's think a little more wildly. If this kind of enhancement can be carried out in batches, can we mass-produce super geniuses

"It's not certain yet, so don't have too high expectations..."

Xia Xu forced himself to calm down, nodded slightly to Catherine, and pretended to be ready to leave. Suddenly, as if remembering something, he stopped and turned back: "By the way, Ms. Catherine, I don't think I have seen you before. Are you Louise's new teacher?"

“Yes, I just joined the company.”

Catherine nodded.

"Have you just arrived in Xia Country? Excuse me, but you don't look like an elementary school teacher. You are full of knowledge. I think you are a young professor who should be teaching at a university somewhere."

Flattery never wears out, no matter how many holes it has.

Regardless of whether Catherine has any secret origins, since her attribute panel shows her obsession with teaching and educating people, she must have a strong sense of identity with this profession, which is a perfect entry point.

"Then I have to praise your vision. I did spend some time at Johns Hopkins University."

Catherine really showed a happy expression, blinked her eyes, and said generously: "But, you don't want to pursue me, do you? Excuse me, you seem a little young."

"No, just a casual chat."

Xia Xu shrugged.

He was indeed just chatting casually to try to get some information.

As for other thoughts...

Are there any beautiful little white flowers

Are there cute little white flowers

Is it so terrifying to be blessed with the good fortune of a little white flower

Humph, woman, don't even think about lusting after my body.

"I have to take Louise home first. I guess we can only talk next time, Ms. Catherine."

After chatting for a while, seeing that no valuable information could be obtained, Xia Xu decisively ended the topic and took Louise and Atto into a taxi.

As soon as he got in the car, Xia Xu took out his cell phone and sent an email to the contact information Grant left, asking him to help check the Johns Hopkins University that Catherine had mentioned before.

"Hey, Lao Yang, you have a new job."

After sending the email, Xia Xu called Yang Bowen again.

"I'm always ready, Boss. Is there any difficult task this time? Are we going to look for vampires again?"

Yang Bowen was very active and enthusiastic, or perhaps he had been waiting for a long time.

After he and Grant and the others really discovered werewolves during their last operation, it was like opening the door to a new world for him. A mysterious world and circle seemed to be within reach.

Curiosity kills the cat, but human curiosity and desire to explore are the most difficult to control. After seeing a glimpse of the extraordinary, no one would be willing to be ordinary.

"There are no vampires in the world. Old Yang, you have to believe in science."

Xia Xu was speechless.

Yang Bowen: "Yes, yes, yes, I understand. I understand. There are no vampires, werewolves, or demon hunters in this world. We are just an ordinary consulting company."

Xia Xu: “…”

This guy might have fooled himself.

After being speechless for a moment, Xia Xu continued, "Okay, okay, whatever you think. Anyway, I have a task for you now. I'll send you the details via text message later."

"no problem."

After Yang Bowen responded, Xia Xu immediately hung up the phone and sent the names of Qingteng Primary School and Catherine.

Let professionals handle professional matters. Let Lao Yang keep an eye on Catherine first, and perhaps there will be some gains.

When I brought Louise back home, Luo Hongyun was not at home as expected. I didn't know where he was doing. He didn't even bother to pick up his beloved daughter.

Fortunately, Louise has a very well-behaved personality, or perhaps it should be said that she is a little precocious, and she never cries for no reason or causes trouble to others.

Therefore, Xia Xu did not spend too much time on it. After taking the little Loli to have dinner, he let the girl pester Atuo - the little Loli and the big dog have always been a good pair of companions.

"Yes, that's it."

Ignoring Atuo's desperate and pleading look, Xia Xu glanced at Louise who was riding on it and giggling, and gradually looked away.

The next two days passed in a flash.

Luo Hongyun came back the next day, but Xia Xu still took the initiative to take over the responsibility of picking up Louise from school for the next two days, and went to Qingteng Primary School every day to gather information.

Unfortunately, there was no progress. Catherine seemed to be just an ordinary teacher, teaching elementary school students every day.

The situation of Yang Bowen's surveillance was the same. Catherine basically never left the school.

As an inland city, Xingcheng does not have as many foreigners as coastal cities. When they travel here, they will encounter a lot of strange looks and do not have many friends.

Fortunately, Grant is more reliable and has agreed to help investigate Catherine's file and interpersonal relationships at Johns Hopkins University, but this will also take some time.

Sunday is a special day.

"Wulin Picture Scroll" is officially on sale.

Even Xia Xu, who happened to be on vacation, took out his laptop and loaded a trial copy to play.

The experience can only be described as amazing.

This is a martial arts strategy game with a high degree of freedom. You can become a disciple of various sects and practice various good and evil skills. It also has a large number of extremely complex and playable modules such as gathering, construction, and management.

Even he, who hardly plays games anymore, couldn't help but get addicted to it, and before he knew it, it was already evening.

“This is going to be a big fire!”

Xia Xu looked at the sky which had darkened unnoticed and could not help but marvel.

When it comes to domestically produced games, they are basically all martial arts games, and this theme has almost been overused by game manufacturers in the country.

However, Hong Bo and his team's "Wulin Painting Scroll" has opened up a new world on this overused theme. The combination of various martial arts schools and a large number of side jobs with unique Xia characteristics makes the game very playable. Moreover, it has broken away from the "Three Kingdoms, War" that has been re-skinned for countless years and created a strategic management gameplay that is more characteristic of the Xia country.

In his opinion, this is definitely a phenomenal work. With a little hype, it might even be called the "light of domestic games."