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Chapter 83: Investment miracle


"Wulin Painting Scroll: The Light of Domestic Games!"

"Topping the ST game sales weekly chart, is this actually a domestic game?"

"Top secret! Feizhou Studio's equity structure exposed, the craziest investment in history!"

The following week became a carnival moment for all the players in Xia Country.

When everyone had given up hope on domestic manufacturers who could only change the skins and force kryptonians to make copies, a domestic game called "Wulin Painting Scroll" came into everyone's sight and quickly became popular.

As an independent stand-alone game with little publicity, released on a single platform, charged in the traditional purchase way, priced at nearly 70 yuan, and developed by a few college students in their spare time, anyone who has a little understanding of the domestic market will feel that this game has all the factors that will lead to failure.

With low cost and made by a few college students as an amateur, the game is not playable and the graphics are definitely not that good.

Moreover, such a typical small studio obviously does not have the funds to promote and hype. Even good wine needs to be hidden in a remote alley, especially in this Internet age where people are impatient. How can you expect to be popular without promotion? What's the fuss

Besides, stand-alone martial arts PC games? Isn't this thing so desolate that it can't even be considered a sunset industry? They stopped playing this game ten years ago.

Still charge for purchase? Hasn't this been replaced by better props charges and advertising charges

What is the domestic environment like? Is there still room for genuine games to survive? Why do you dare to sell them for 68 yuan? Do you think they are foreign AAA masterpieces? They will be cracked in a matter of minutes

However, this game that no one was optimistic about and was certain to fail, achieved such great results in just one week on the shelves that it made countless people in the industry scratch their heads and exclaimed that it was impossible and unbelievable.

The ST game platform was launched and sales on the first day exceeded 30,000.

Subsequently, daily sales were over 30,000 to 40,000, and sales in the first week exceeded 300,000, directly topping the weekly sales list of the ST platform.

The long-term money-making by re-skinning and copying has apparently caused many manufacturers to ignore the power of a truly phenomenal game that is made with care.

It is difficult to say whether the current situation of the domestic gaming industry is right or wrong. The poor payment awareness has been criticized for countless years, and it is not limited to the gaming industry.

However, someone in the gaming industry came up with a solution that has been met with both positive and negative reviews: charging for items.

You don't want to pay for the game and want it to be free, right? No problem, the game will be free for you to play, and the charges will be for more subtle props that actually destroy the balance and experience of the game.

It was this innovation that directly opened the door to a new world for all game manufacturers. Various free games emerged in large numbers, and a variety of variants were derived from simple props charging.

There are countless games that force players to spend money, marketing activities, and even games that allow players to draw cards or open boxes directly.

Eventually, manufacturers discovered that this was much easier than working hard to make a good game. Making a good game is difficult, expensive, and risky.

But it’s different if you make a crappy game. No matter how bad it is, there will still be people supporting it due to the huge population base in the country. Anyway, everyone else’s game is equally bad, so the question is whether you want to play it or not.

And why start a new game

Just change the character textures, change the background settings, change the fantasy directly to the Three Kingdoms, and change the Three Kingdoms to martial arts, and several new games will come out, and you can make a lot of money.

These are the choices of the environment, human nature and capital. The players have not been able to make any strong voices or take any actions. Over time, the quality of domestic games has naturally become increasingly inferior and perfunctory.

Of course, this is only one of the more one-sided reasons, and there is no need to go into the details.

Domestic game manufacturers who are accustomed to this atmosphere and business model have not noticed that the awareness of paying for games has actually been gradually increasing in recent years. The country's disgust with shoddy games and the urgent demand for good games, especially good domestic games, are increasing day by day.

The hope and call for "domestic games" has never stopped, and has become increasingly intense.

At this moment, "Wulin Painting Scroll" has undoubtedly caused a collective "backlash" among players. While satisfying many people's hopes for domestic games, it has also become a ray of hope, completely igniting their enthusiasm.

A large number of people took the initiative to promote it, and it easily broke the circle without Hong Bo and his team doing much publicity.

As for piracy, it sounds outrageous, but it does happen. Several mainstream domestic pirated game websites actually claim to support domestic products and not crack them. I don’t know whether to say this is ironic or something else.

As a result, in just one week, "Wulin Painting Scroll" achieved the miracle of selling 300,000 copies.

This is not a small amount of money. You have to know that the price of "Wulin Painting Scroll" is 68 yuan. 300,000 copies means that this game has earned 20 million in this week.

Of course, this number does not take into account taxes and platform commissions. The exact number must be higher, but it is also extremely terrifying.

You have to know that this is only the first week. Although the subsequent sales will tend to be flat after the initial boom, it will definitely be no problem to double it several times. This means that the sales of this game alone may reach hundreds of millions.

How much is the investment in this game

The registered capital of the entire Feizhou Studio is only 500,000!

Someone investigated the equity structure of this studio and found that the entire studio was established less than a month ago, and all the funds were only 500,000 yuan invested by an unknown company called Xinghai Venture Capital.

The main creative team holds 30% of the shares, and Xinghai Venture Capital holds a full 70%!

In other words, Xinghai Venture Capital made a profit of at least tens of millions with only 500,000 yuan.

An investment return of 10,000% is simply an investment myth!

Therefore, the launch of "Wulin Painting Scroll" not only caused an earthquake in the domestic gaming circle, but also caused a sensation in the financial investment circle.

Some people were amazed and admired, while others were curious and envious.

Some people think that Xinghai Venture Capital must have a keen eye for the industry, while others think that it was pure luck that Xinghai Venture Capital came across a phenomenally popular game.

There are many different kinds of living beings.

But what they had in common was that countless people turned their attention to Feizhou Studio. Then, whether out of curiosity or some ideas about the equity of Feizhou Studio, their attention was eventually focused on the real controller behind the studio - Xinghai Venture Capital.

However, the clues ended here.

This company that created an investment miracle was actually just a little-known small company, and it was even established just shortly before investing in Feizhou Studio.

The boss doesn't seem to be a well-known figure in the financial circle. Apart from knowing his name as Xia Xu, no one else has heard of him.

As a last resort, these people could only contact Feizhou Studio, and their phone was almost blown up with various business and acquisition inquiries.