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Chapter 84: Flying Boat Studio


"Okay, I'll go over there."

On Sunday, Xia Xu finally went to the office of Feizhou Studio at Hong Bo's invitation.

In fact, it is just a small shop next to their university, which is regarded as the entrepreneurial base of their university. It is usually deserted and you can hardly see anyone there.

The shutter door opened, and light finally shone into the dark store. The inside was empty except for a few computers, and there was some uncleared renovation waste in the middle of the floor.

The glaring light after the door was opened made the young people sitting in front of the computer feel a little uncomfortable, and they all raised their hands to cover their eyes.

"Mr. Xia."

After adjusting to the change in light and darkness, Hong Bo quickly stood up from his computer chair and happily introduced to the other five young people of about the same age: "Come on, let me introduce you, this is Mr. Xia who invested in us."

"You're all going to be millionaires soon, why are you still eating these?"

Xia Xu first nodded to everyone, then looked at the instant noodle buckets piled on their table, speechless.

Hong Bo is very particular about what he does. He developed the game together with several roommates. After setting up a studio with the game as a stake, he divided the 30% of shares equally among everyone, with each person taking 5%. Now, just based on the current profit dividends, each person can get almost one million.

"Hey, the money hasn't been received yet."

All of them looked like typical science and engineering geeks, not very good at talking. Only one of them responded to Xia Xu, while the others just followed suit with a silly smile.

But there was deep gratitude in the eyes of several people looking at Xia Xu.

They originally had no hope for the game they had made and had already started looking for internships. If it weren't for the investment of Mr. Xia, they would not have achieved what they have today.

In less than a month, they went from being penniless fresh graduates who were looked down upon and frowned upon when looking for internships to being millionaires. This huge leap made them feel like they were in a dream.

This is not just a simple monetary gain, but also their current net worth and fame have increased exponentially. Being a member of the main creative team of "Wulin Painting Scroll" is a brilliant achievement in their resume.

"It's all thanks to you, Mr. Xia. Otherwise, Wulin Picture Scroll wouldn't even have a chance to be listed. After drinking that night, I might have been ready to give up and look for a job."

Compared with his roommates, Hongbo's gratitude is beyond words.

Unlike his roommates who had given up long ago, perfecting the Wulin Picture Scroll and publishing it has always been his dream and obsession.

He was very happy when he suddenly received an investment of 500,000 yuan as if money fell from the sky and was able to truly complete the Wulin Picture Scroll. Not to mention that he became famous because of this battle and became a well-known figure in the industry and a millionaire in the blink of an eye.

Moreover… the outside world and even his roommates only thought that Mr. Xia had a keen eye and saw the potential of Wulin Painting Scroll, but he himself still remembered the situation clearly.

At that time, I was so naive that I didn't even actively seek investment. I only said a few words about the game after Mr. Xia asked me about it. Halfway through, I even went off topic and talked about my dreams and unwillingness to give up.

That kind of state and that kind of narration couldn't even describe clearly what kind of game "Wulin Painting Scroll" was. Not to mention attracting investment from venture capital companies, I'm afraid that anyone would regard him as a drunken lunatic who complains about everything.

Therefore, he was 100% sure that Mr. Xia invested in him not because he valued his potential or wanted to gain benefits, but was really lending a helping hand, helping him realize his dream with the intention of wasting half a million dollars or worrying that he would commit suicide by jumping off a building.

To be honest, he felt more pressure holding the 500,000 yuan these days than starting a business with his own money. He was afraid that his game would be a self-righteous flop and he would lose the 500,000 yuan in vain.

He doesn't attach much importance to money, but the kindness and trust are heavy.

Finally, I have accomplished my mission!

This week he successfully submitted a satisfactory answer sheet and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why should I thank you? I only invested a mere 500,000 yuan, but you were able to bring me nearly a hundred times the return. So I should be the one thanking you."

Upon hearing this, Xia Xu smiled and waved his hand, then his expression showed a hint of surprise.

Favorability: 100

This Hong Bo is really not being polite, his favorability level is completely maxed out.

You have to know that besides Atuofei, this is the first person he has really maxed out his favorability with.

Can you maximize other people’s favorability with just 500,000

What did you do accidentally that touched Hongbo

Anyway, this is not a bad thing. Xia Xu hid his doubts and surprise in his heart and smiled, "Let's go. I'll treat you to dinner. We should have a celebration party for such an achievement."

"Great! I'm about to throw up from eating instant noodles."

"Where are we going to eat? How about a buffet? Or a big restaurant?"

Hongbo's roommates immediately became enthusiastic.

"I know a private restaurant that tastes pretty good."

Xia Xu smiled and planned to take them to the private restaurant near the amusement park where he invited Yang Bowen last time. The food he tried last time was indeed top-notch.

"Ato, let's go."

After two weeks of serum enhancement, Atuo's combat capability is now quite impressive. Also, as a dog, he does not attract much attention, so Xia Xu basically brings him with him as a bodyguard whenever he goes out.

He only chatted with everyone for a while after entering the store. When Xia Xu came out with the six people, Atuo had hidden in some corner again.

Of course, as an excellent guard dog, Atuo usually wouldn't be too far away from him. The reason why he couldn't be seen from time to time was probably because of his four-star stealth talent, which made him habitually like to find places to hide around.


Hearing Xia Xu's shout, Atuo came out from a corner and ran very fast, dragging the dog leash on the ground, making a "rustling" sound.

When it came to Xia Xu, it immediately picked up the end of the dog leash, and as if it was going to hand it to Xia Xu, it stretched its head to his hand at his side, and its tail wagged non-stop.

"Mr. Xia, this... is your dog?"

The six people, including Hongbo, looked as if they had seen a ghost.

A pet dog that comes running to you when you call it seems to be much more interesting than the pet system in the game.

What's more, this dog can actually hand the leash to himself, which is outrageous.

"Ato is just professionally trained, so he is smarter."

Xia Xu smiled and explained casually.

In fact, there are more than one or two people asking these questions. Recently, when people see him called Atuo, they always look at him curiously, and some even come forward to ask him what's going on. He has gotten used to it.

"That's too smart. Where did you buy it, Mr. Xia? I want to buy one when I get my dividends. I've always wanted to have a dog, but the dormitory won't allow it."

Several of Hongbo's roommates were eager to try out Atuo. First, they wanted to pet it, and second, of course, they wanted to raise one.

Xia Xu smiled and said, "Ato is a retired police dog. I bought him at an auction of retired police dogs a while ago. If you want one, you can keep an eye out for notifications next time."

"The dog is still being auctioned? How much?"

Several people were a little surprised to hear this.

Xia Xu: "About 200,000. The auction price will fluctuate, but you will definitely be able to afford it after you get your dividends."

Hongbo and his six friends: "…excuse me"

Although they might get millions in dividends this time, spending 200,000 to buy a dog... is really beyond their understanding and consumption concept.

In other words, Mr. Xia's dog is worth one-fifth of our wealth? It seems that we should not be so arrogant.

(asking for monthly ticket)