I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 85: The wave of the times


(No typos, please read it later)

"Old Hong, where does Mr. Xia come from? He looks quite young."

On the way to the roadside to stop a car, Hong Bo's roommates lagged behind a few steps, quietly and curiously looking at Xia Xu's back while whispering to each other.

He runs his own venture capital company, and he casually throws away 500,000 yuan and buys a dog with 200,000 yuan. This Mr. Xia is really generous, but he looks too young.

If they ignored the difference in temperament and only looked at his appearance, they would even feel that Mr. Xia was probably a minor, or at least not as old as them.

"He must be a second-generation rich man. I'm so envious. Why didn't I have a good family in the first place?"

"Shut up, what nonsense are you talking about."

“I don’t mean to belittle you.”

"But don't you think it's rude to talk about others like this?"

"… "

Several people were whispering there, and even though their voices were very low, Xia Xu could still hear them vaguely.

But... to avoid embarrassment, just pretend you didn't hear it.

After waiting for a while on the roadside, the group stopped two taxis.

"It's time to buy a car. It's not a good idea to take a taxi all the time."

Xia Xu pondered in his heart, picked up Atuo and sat on the co-pilot, and the group divided into two groups and went to the private restaurant they had last time.

"Mr. Xia, in recent days, many people have been asking for your contact information with Xinghai Venture Capital. Some want to discuss business, while others want to do interviews. What do you think..."

As soon as they sat down in the private restaurant, Hong Bo, who was sitting next to Xia Xu, started asking.

In the past few days, Feizhou Studio and his own phone have been bombarded with calls. Some of them are interested in the studio's share potential, and some media and self-media in the gaming and financial circles want to do news interviews.

In addition, there are also some people who approach Xinghai Venture Capital hoping to get investment or try their luck.

Some of these people think that Xinghai Venture Capital has vision and they themselves are also shallow-rooted, while others simply think that the people in Xinghai Venture Capital are stupid and have a lot of money and are easy to fool. Their reasons are different, but their purposes are very consistent.

"Forget about interviews. I have no intention of showing up in public. Forget about soliciting investment. I don't have the energy for that right now..."

Xia Xu shook his head slightly when he heard this.

Forget about interviewing news or anything like that. He doesn't have any industry that requires fame right now. At present, interviews or something like that won't bring him much benefit. Instead, they may cause a lot of trouble. There's no need to seek the limelight.

If this were an ordinary world, he would be happy to make money while pretending to be cool. After all, life is nothing more than fame, wealth, power and sex, and not pretending to be cool would be a big loss of joy.

But given the situation on Planet Aquamarine... forget it.

The Hunter plot creates a group of biological weapon werewolves, and the Night Owl plot has a monster-level combat power like Uncle Luo, and the story behind it must not be simple. This world has become more and more different from what he is familiar with.

You have to know that this is just the Star City of Xia Country, not even a corner of the world. We don’t know how many plots are being played out simultaneously around the world, and how many of them contain black technology and extraordinary power.

It would be too dangerous to go out and show up in public at this time.

Normally, if he only stayed active in Star City, the butterfly effect he could create would most likely be limited to Star City. However, if he made a high-profile appearance in the media and on the Internet, it would be seen by characters in other plots, and the butterfly effect would spread.

For example, if a villain is doing something according to the original plot and is short of money, you accidentally see him, and then find that he is easier to deal with and fatter than the target in the original plot, then he will just come to your doorstep.

This is a real world. All the characters have their own consciousness. It is just their experiences due to fate that constitute a "movie".

Therefore, it is impossible for the so-called "plot characters" to follow the original plot settings 100%. If they follow the original trajectory without any interference, they may follow the plot, but a flap of his little butterfly wings may cause earth-shaking changes.

Therefore, before he has sufficient strength and power, he should keep a low profile as much as possible. He does not want to be targeted by any organization one day.

"What about business talks? Should we refuse them too?"

Hong Bo continued to ask questions, and while speaking he took out a small notebook from his pocket, which contained a lot of phone numbers and some descriptive records. It seemed that he took it very seriously.

"Let them contact me directly next time they call."

Xia Xu nodded.

"Mr. Xia, can I ask..."

Hong Bo hesitated for a moment: "What are your plans? These companies should be ready to buy your shares, right?"

"I will most likely cash out. Waiting for the studio to recover funds before paying dividends will take too long."

Xia Xu frowned slightly, looked at Hong Bo with a little hesitation, and finally made up his mind.

He naturally understood what Hongbo meant, probably because he didn't want him to sell his shares.

Whether it was out of emotional reluctance to let him leave or out of interest because he did not want to introduce a major shareholder with an unclear attitude, it would definitely not be in line with Xia Xu's wishes if he wanted to sell his shares at this time.

Just because Xia Xu can trust him and let him manage the company and make independent decisions doesn't mean others will be willing to let him be so willful. Real capital doesn't have any sense of good or evil, let alone dreams or visions.

However, although he had decided from the beginning to sell shares to quickly cash out the funds, Xia Xu still has a little hesitation now.

The reason for hesitation is nothing else but Hongbo.

It is easy to get money but hard to find a good general.

According to the analysis of the people we have come into contact with so far, one star is considered to be somewhat talented, two stars are upper-middle level, three stars are the ones who have discovered their talent and become industry bigwigs, and four stars are the top few in the entire industry.

As for five stars, this is probably the limit of human beings or even an inhuman level, the kind that can only be seen once in a thousand years.

Just look at Uncle Luo and you’ll know that it’s hard to judge his skills, but his physical fitness is ridiculously strong. He would believe it if you said he could kill a cow with one punch.

Moreover, the performance of the five-star talent is still considered "normal". What is really outrageous should be the five-star fate potential, or simply those "fates" with special effects.

Needless to say, we are talking about the little white flower here.

He has personally experienced the abnormal degree of the fortune of a prosperous husband, so he would not find it abrupt or unexpected even if it was rated six stars.

Of course, Hong Bo's talent is not as good as these five-star non-humans. Even Yang Bowen has a four-star talent and two three-star talents. In comparison, Hong Bo is not too impressive.

But Samsung is actually very good, and the uses and values of different talents are different. Yang Bowen's talent can only be used when he needs to track people, but Hongbo's game planning talent can continue to help him develop games and earn a lot of cash.