I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 9: Class thief


"No, you guys go ahead."

Sitting in the Internet cafe together is also a memory of Xia Xu's youth. Originally, he was very interested in experiencing it again, but when he saw that Tang Hao was among the people invited by Ma Bing, his face twitched and he decisively refused.

He and Tang Hao are both destined to be supporting characters in "Hunter". This guy is no different from a plague to him now.

The name "Hunter" does not sound like a light-hearted comedy at all. No matter whether the plot is about real hunting of wild animals or a battle of wits and courage between conflicting forces such as police and criminals, being involved and playing a supporting role will probably not end well.

"Okay then, we'll be leaving first."

Ma Bing was just calling out to his friends casually. When Xia Xu refused, he did not force him and soon left with them laughing.

Xia Xu also packed up his things, picked up his schoolbag and prepared to go home, but before leaving, he caught a glimpse of Tang Youxin and found that she had no intention of packing up to go home. Instead, she was rummaging around her seat for something.

"What's wrong? Did you lose something?"

Xia Xu frowned and walked over.

"I... I think I lost my wallet."

After hearing Xia Xu's voice, Tang Youxin finally raised her head. Her expression was full of panic and there were traces of tears in the corners of her eyes. It seemed that she had just shed silent tears. Her pitiful appearance was really heartbreaking.

"Did you lose your wallet? Did you look for it around? Or did you take it out and drop it somewhere?"

Xia Xu asked with a frown.

"No, I was sitting at my desk reading a book the whole afternoon. I didn't go out except to go to the bathroom twice, but I searched all my schoolbag drawers."

Tang Youxin seemed to have found her backbone at this moment. She stopped crying and just answered with a wronged look.

She really didn't leave the classroom often. If her friends didn't call her out, she might as well just rest in her seat during the ten minutes between classes. As an introvert, she would basically read books, do homework, or lie down to rest for a while after class.

"Then it looks like it was stolen."

Xia Xu's face turned cold.

"Then... what should we do?"

Tang Youxin clenched the hem of her clothes with both hands, her fair and tender knuckles turning pale from the force.

In fact, she had thought about this possibility, but she was unwilling to accept the worst outcome. Her personality also did not allow her to ask people around her if they had stolen her things.

"What else can I do? Of course I have to look for him."

Xia Xu shrugged, then went straight to the back door of the classroom and closed it.

"Fuck, Xia Xu, what are you doing? Can't you see we are about to go out?"

This was the time when everyone was eager to go home and rushed out one after another. Those who had not left after Xia Xu closed the door suddenly became unhappy.

"Sorry to delay you for a moment, Tang Youxin's wallet is missing..."

Xia Xu tried to explain, but was interrupted before he could finish his words.

"What do you mean? From what you said, you still suspect that we stole it? Are you going to search us too?"

Those who did not leave became even more annoyed after hearing Xia Xu's words.

"Yes, that's what I mean. I advise someone to hand it over voluntarily. Otherwise, when I find you, it won't be as simple as returning it to you. More than 3,000 yuan can be considered a theft case of a large amount. Don't force me to call the police and put you in jail."

Xia Xu nodded without any stage fright, his tone calmly seeming as if he was just stating a fact, and while speaking he was also looking at everyone in the classroom one by one.

It is impossible to let someone leave. There are no surveillance cameras in the classroom now. If the thief runs away, there will be no evidence. Moreover, if such a thing happens in school, there is a high probability that it will be left unresolved.

"Haha, you're so awesome. You even found out and called the police to have them detained."

"Xia Xu, we understand that you want to show off in front of the girls, but you can just go find the teacher about this matter, don't interfere with our fun."

"Come on, let's go out the front door."

Some troublemakers confronted him head-on, some with better connections tried to persuade him with kind words, and some people turned to the front door without taking it seriously, but were blocked by Xia Xu again.

"Well, let's make a bet. Give me three minutes to look for it. If I don't find it, I'll apologize and buy everyone a drink."

"Don't worry, I'm just trying to identify you. I won't search your things."

Benefits are always the best bargaining chip for persuasion. Even if this is in a relatively pure school, everyone's expressions became a little better after hearing about the benefits.

Seeing that everyone agreed and did not leave, Xia Xu did not waste any words and looked at them one by one.

Of course, when I say "looking", I actually mean checking the property panel.

Although about 10 to 20 people had left, there were still more than 20 people left, so there was still a bit of work to do.

However, Xia Xu had certain emphases and priorities when checking.

Tang Youxin's family background was no secret, and everyone in the class knew her background well. People who wanted to steal things generally wouldn't come to her. The fact that someone targeted her wallet was obviously because of the scholarship she received today.

But Liu Xiulan did not publicize the scholarship when it was distributed. She quietly called Tang Youxin to her office to give it to her. The only people who really knew that Tang Youxin had received a scholarship or had a lot of money on her were him and the few people who stayed in the classroom when Tang Youxin paid back the money in the afternoon.

Because he didn't pay special attention, Xia Xu was not very clear about who was present at the time, but with the help of his attribute checking ability to verify each other, he was able to find some clues.

"Do you want to take it out yourself now or do you want me to search it myself?"

Soon, Xia Xu's eyes fell on a short and thin boy with glasses, and he walked over with a sneer.

This man was called Zhuo Ren. In a sense, he was his 'neighbor' and his seat was just to his right, but because there was an aisle between them, they were not considered to be sitting at the same table.

"What do you mean? You think I stole it? Where's the evidence?"

When Zhuo Ren saw Xia Xu, who was nearly half a head taller than him, approaching him aggressively, he panicked as he was already feeling guilty. He tried to remain calm but was actually weak inside.

"Evidence? Do you want me to call the police now and you go talk to them about the evidence?"

Xia Xu didn't bother to talk nonsense and directly snatched Zhuo Ren's backpack.

After all, he had a one-star fighting talent, so his physical fitness was naturally much better than that of ordinary people of his age. Zhuo Ren, who was short and thin, had no power to fight back at all, and his schoolbag was directly snatched away.

After a few rummages, he found a worn and peeling black wallet from the bottom of the bag which was weighed down by many books.

Tang Youxin has been using this wallet for a long time without changing it, and people in the class have seen her take it out before, so this can be considered as confirmed evidence.

"Fuck, I didn't expect it was Zhuo Ren who stole it. Xia Xu is simply amazing."

"Damn, this kid has shifty eyes. He's really not clean. No wonder I always lose things."

"I lost my phone before, wasn't he the one who stole it?"

At this moment, everyone looked at Zhuo Ren strangely, and the latter ran away with a red face.

Xia Xu did not try to stop it. After all, the current situation had already caused the other person to be socially dead, and there was no need to continue to make a scene at the police station.

But just because he let it go doesn't mean others will let it go.

"Stop! Tell me clearly, did you steal my phone?"

There were still a few people who had lost things and chased after them, while the rest just talked about it, or left immediately after seeing that the matter was over.

Of course, some people were more interested in another protagonist of the incident who stayed at the scene. Several people who had some friendship with Xia Xu excitedly gathered around Xia Xu.

"Hey, Xia Xu, how did you know that Zhuo Ren stole the wallet?"

"Yeah, damn, you're almost as good as the elementary school student of the God of Death."

"Tell me the truth, did you see Zhuo Ren stealing it a long time ago or did you really deduce and guess it? Can you teach me a thing?"