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Chapter 90: Kill!


"Carry the knife on your shoulder and use your waist to exert force..."

Slowly raising the knife to his shoulder, Xia Xu adjusted his breathing, suppressed his madly pounding heart, and kept simulating in his mind how to draw the knife next and Uncle Luo's instructions.


I don’t know how long it took.

Maybe just a few seconds.

Maybe a few minutes.

But to Xia Xu, it seemed as if several hours had passed.

Some people say that the most frightening thing is not death itself, but the process of waiting for death and watching it helplessly.

The current situation is not much different from waiting for death, and the same principle applies if we change it to a crisis.

If death really comes, it would be nothing more than closing your eyes, but the helpless waiting is the ultimate torture.

Finally, there was a click from the keyhole of the door, which was particularly eye-catching in the dead silence.

The key is right!

The sound of twisting the keyhole is like the starting gun in a 100-meter sprint, and it is also the spark that ignites the gunpowder barrel.


The door was kicked open.

But no one rushed in at the first moment.

Xia Xu, who was leaning against the side wall, trembled a little when he was about to swing his knife, but he forced himself to endure it.

Both sides paused for a moment, which was also the last moment of stalemate.

Bang bang bang bang!

After the door was opened, the three white men who had been hiding on both sides of the wall suddenly rushed out and fired continuously into Xia Xu's room with their guns.

Bullets flew everywhere, leaving holes in the ground and walls, and cement and white putty wall paint exploded and splattered.

Fortunately, Xia Xu was standing against the wall next to the door, and the pistol fire did not have the angle to hit him.


The three bandits wearing tactical vests were well-trained. After completing the fire suppression, they quickly broke in, one in charge of one direction.

At the same time, Xia Xu also suddenly jumped up.

Hold the knife horizontally behind the neck, carry the knife on your back, and use your waist to exert force!

Twist around and slash sideways!

A bright knife light filled the three gangsters' vision.

At this time, the advantages of Miao Dao are reflected.

If he had a dagger or something like that, he would definitely not have the capital to engage in close combat with these professional gangsters, let alone deliver a fatal blow.

But the Miao Dao is different. It is up to 1.6 meters long and extremely suitable for swinging. Even an ordinary person holding it can easily cut a person's body with one fatal blow.

And the most important thing is that it is long enough to cover all three people who rushed in from the door.

Puff! Puff!

His potential exploded in the face of life-and-death crisis. He had simulated the knife move countless times in his mind and successfully incorporated the force-generating technique taught by Uncle Luo into it. He easily cut through the necks of the two bandits, leaving a smooth gap that was consistent with the incision, and the spine was vaguely visible.

Unfortunately, due to lack of experience, we failed to achieve complete success.


The lower half of the blade was about to cut the last person, but it hit the edge of the corner of the wall and stopped abruptly.

The fear on the face of the last bandit who survived the robbery gradually turned into a hideous smile.

Just about to raise the gun.


A yellow shadow suddenly rushed out, flew up, and bit his neck tightly with its sharp teeth and saliva-filled beast mouth.


Atuo's entire body was hanging in the air. He swayed twice, and his mouth that was biting the bandit's throat exerted force angrily, biting off a large piece of flesh and blood mixed with a tubular object.


Atuo's body fell lightly to the ground, and the latter covered his neck in disbelief.

Unfortunately, this could not stop the blood from splattering and the air from his throat. He fell forward with his eyes wide open, splashing a small amount of dust and his forehead hitting just an inch in front of Xia Xu's toes.


Seeing the last person being dealt with in time by Atuo, Xia Xu's heart, which had been in his throat, finally calmed down a little, but the beating frequency did not decrease at all, and he was gasping violently as if he was exhausted.

"Well done, Atto."

Ignoring the pool of blood, Xia Xu sat down on the ground and gasped for a while. Finally, he came to his senses. With gratitude and praise, he took Atuo's head and rubbed it vigorously.


He was so nervous before that he didn't care about the nausea, but now he felt nausea and discomfort.

"I... I killed several people just now?"

Looking at the corpses all over the ground, Xia Xu felt a little dazed and even a little unreal.

No matter in his past life or this life, he was just an ordinary citizen who abided by the law. He had never experienced such a bloody life.

Even the werewolves and the people who died at the hands of Luo Hongyun were nothing compared to doing it personally at this moment.

"Brother, are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Louise, who had been hidden in the bedroom by Xia Xu before, quietly poked her head out.

"Don't look, go back to the room, I'm fine."

Xia Xu quickly stood up, blocking Louise's view of the corpse, walked closer, bent over and said, "I'll go help your father, you hide in the bedroom closet, don't run out again, and don't make any noise, understand?"

"Okay, I'll be obedient, brother, your face is dirty..."

Louise stood on tiptoe and wiped the blood splatters on Xia Xu's cheek with her sleeve.

A soft and warm little hand stroked his cheek, and Xia Xu suddenly felt that killing people was not so uncomfortable.

These foreign bandits are extremely vicious and they even tried to kidnap such a cute little girl like Louise. They deserve to be put to death.

"Remember to be obedient and hide well."

Xia Xu touched Louise and hid her back in a closet in the bedroom. He moved the body at the door out, and then led Atuo out fully armed to look for Luo Hongyun.

He didn't know where Luo Hongyun and the attackers had gone, but since the conflict happened in the community, they wouldn't have gone too far.

"Ato, it's your turn to shine again. This time you are the protagonist."

Xia Xu squatted down and patted Atuo's head: "Help me find Uncle Luo."

Atuo often met Luo Hongyun, so he naturally had a deep memory of the smell of Luo Hongyun.

After understanding Xia Xu's words, Atuo immediately led Xia Xu back to Luo Hongyun's house, which had been destroyed beyond recognition, and followed the broken windows all the way forward.

The area near the community where they live is relatively remote, so it is natural to build large-scale facilities such as an amusement park in this area.

In the past, people might have thought that an amusement park would boost the development of the surrounding area, but in reality, it has never been very active. At most, there are tourists visiting the interior and the periphery of the amusement park, but it is bleak as you go around the surrounding areas.

The result of the lack of development is that there are sparsely populated areas and many unfinished buildings and idle communities. Some places have formed some small business districts, while some places are as empty as a ghost town.

Following Atuo forward, Xia Xu was soon brought into the ruins of an unfinished building.

Of course, although it is called a ruin, in fact the entire thing has basically been built, but it still retains the appearance of a cement embryo and ventilation on all sides, and the ground is full of construction waste and garbage.