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Chapter 91: Centipede spine


Inside an empty unfinished building.

There were already four or five corpses lying on the ground with tragic deaths.

And in the center, two men as strong as bears were confronting each other.

One of them was a bald white man, with a body similar to that of Dwayne Johnson, with muscles all over his body, vividly demonstrating what a strong and muscular body is.

The other person was of similar build, but had Asian features.

Needless to say, the latter is undoubtedly Luo Hongyun.

If Xia Xu were here, he would definitely be surprised. Therefore, Luo Hongyun looked extremely embarrassed at this moment. He was covered in dust, as if he had been crawling on the ground. There was a trace of blood and bruises at the corners of his mouth.

"Night Owl, the former ace of the Raptor Special Forces, a monster that countless mercenaries considered taboo, now seems to be nothing more than this."

The bald strong man grinned.

It can be seen that he was only wearing a white sweatshirt and there was no sign of him carrying any weapons, let alone a gun, he didn't even have a dagger.

He was actually engaging in hand-to-hand combat with Luo Hongyun, who was considered the ultimate melee fighter!

He even gained the upper hand and injured him.

Even if there is a factor like Luo Hongyun being worried about his daughter, this is still absolutely shocking.

After all, you have to know that this soldier king would subconsciously feel surprised when he heard that there was someone who could rival him. Not to mention being the best in the world, he is at least a top leader in Xia Country, with combat power close to the peak of human beings.

"Who are you anyway?"

Luo Hongyun had a cold expression, and a surging murderous intent emanated from his body.

Just now, after the bald strong man blocked him, he asked the rest of his men to go back and search for Louise, so he was a little anxious now, and at the same time, he was also filled with tremendous anger.

Accustomed to the bloody storms, he actually had no emotion about the siege and ambush by these people, but he could not tolerate these people attacking Louise one after another.

"I'll tell you if I win."

The bald sturdy man grinned, stretched out one hand to pull his chest, and the white sweatshirt on his upper body was torn off easily like paper.

As the white sweatshirt was torn off, his granite-like muscles were exposed.

But what is even more striking is what is behind it.

A silvery-white, multi-segmented metal object climbed along the spine like a centipede in the center of his back, with fine probes like centipede feet extending from both sides and piercing into his back and muscles.

At first glance, the sturdy man seemed to be parasitized by a giant silver centipede. Only when he looked closely could he find that it was a sophisticated mechanical structure.

Because Luo Hongyun was standing in front of the enemy, he naturally could not see the centipede's spine at the first moment, but this did not prevent him from understanding how difficult this opponent was.

Although the purpose just now was to lure the person away, they had already had a brief fight.

The fighting skills of this sturdy white man are slightly inferior to his, but also at the top level.

And the most important point is the basic qualities. This person has extremely strong strength and amazingly fast reaction speed.

In the past, he always used his strong physical fitness to crush others, but he never thought that one day the situation would be reversed.

"It seems I can't leave without killing you."

Luo Hongyun, who had been confronting the white man for a moment, took a deep breath and forced himself to suppress all distracting thoughts and worries about his daughter.

This person is very powerful, and it is impossible for him to get away now. He might even be killed by him if he is not careful, and then Louise will be even more lonely and helpless.

The only thing to do now is to concentrate and kill this man. Maybe we can rush back to rescue Louise. After all, the goal of this group of people seems to be just to kidnap her.

"That depends on whether you have the ability."

The sturdy white man grinned provocatively, then he jumped up and attacked Luo Hongyun with his huge fist with amazing power.


Having learned the lesson of suffering a loss in a head-on confrontation, Luo Hongyun did not choose his previous aggressive fighting style. He leaned back so that the white man's fist whizzed past his nose. Then he took advantage of the situation to bend his right leg and kick his crotch.

There is no morality in a fight between life and death, so naturally you have to use whatever is ruthless you can.

The legs can be said to be the most muscular part of the human body and also the most powerful part.

If this kick hits, with his explosive power, ordinary people would basically die on the spot no matter where he kicks. Using it as a crotch kick makes it even more dangerous.

But the bald strong man's movements and reaction speed were astonishingly fast.

No, it should be said that it goes against common sense.

His left hand arrived first, directly blocking Luo Hongyun's calf that was kicked out.

It was obvious that the right fist that was swung out with all the strength of the whole body, and which was dodged by Luo Hongyun, was forced to change direction in the blink of an eye, and it turned a corner with a slight arc and smashed downwards.

This obviously counterintuitive action caught Luo Hongyun off guard. He had no time to respond and was hit hard on the thigh by the fist containing huge force.

The terrifying force made his muscular thighs, which had been tempered for thousands of years, groan morbidly. His raised legs were hit backward by the force and his whole body lost its balance and he stumbled forward.


The sturdy white man angrily received the headbutt and hit Luo Hongyun's forehead as he fell forward.

However, this blow caused Luo Hongyun to stagger back two steps, but it also gave him the opportunity to regain his balance and stand firm again.

The most taboo thing in close combat is falling to the ground. Most of the time, once you fall to the ground, you will have no chance to resist and can only be slaughtered.

"Is it the thing behind you..."

Feeling the severe pain and numbness in his thigh, Luo Hongyun moved his legs slightly and stared at the white man with narrowed eyes.

Not only was the strike just now likely to strain muscles, it was also clearly inconsistent with common sense of the human body. Even the Xia country's boxing, which often emphasizes exerting more than three points of force, could not achieve such a hasty and strange twist of direction.

Naturally, he placed his suspicion on the mechanical spine that he caught a glimpse of when the white man made his move just now.

The spine is not only the most important bone in the human body that bears weight, but also the central location for the brain to transmit signals to control the whole body. Any carelessness may cause hemiplegia.

But in other words, working on this may produce some incredible results.

He doesn't know much about technology, but that doesn't stop him from making reasonable guesses.

"It seems that this world has become different from what I know..."

Luo Hongyun was silent.

He thought of the werewolf from a while ago, and the mysterious strongman in the war-torn area that his comrades had mentioned in the past two years...

It seems that many people are improving and strengthening themselves in various ways, but he, who has retired and is standing still. Perhaps in another two years, his physical peak will also be over.

It seemed that I no longer had the capital to be invincible as before.

For a moment, he inexplicably felt like a hero in his twilight years.

Of course, this only lasted for a short moment, and was then replaced by the burning desire to fight.

More and stronger opponents, this is the news he had always dreamed of before retiring.

Moreover, those who are not as good as me can become stronger through some means, so why can't I

Perhaps this would give me, who has no chance of making any progress, more possibilities to become stronger.

But before that, he just needs to kill the opponent in front of him.


This time, Luo Hongyun did not passively defend himself, but took the initiative to attack the white man.

If you don’t have enough strength, then compete with skills!

If you can't react quickly, just attack quickly and use intensive attacks to force the opponent to react!