I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 99: Super Brain Project


Super Brain:

Nothing in this world is absolutely fair.

All men are not born equal.

Wealth, power, connections, education, and even... talent, everyone stands on a different starting line from birth.

Some people are born tall, some are strong, some are fast runners, and some have excellent eyesight. Even among human beings, the individual differences can be great enough to make people despair.

The most important and mysterious part of human beings is the brain, which widens the gap between individuals into a chasm.

Top Secret File (Jump Plan) - 0874: The target is an Aryan female who has shown superb computing ability since childhood. After a small amount of basic education, she can easily complete complex calculations and get answers instantly, just like a human computer. After training with the human computing array...

Top Secret File (Jump Plan) - 0875: The target is a Latino male with congenital intellectual disability and no education, but he shows a strong sensitivity to prime numbers. After testing, the target can calculate up to the 52nd Mersenne prime number without any obstacles, far exceeding the current known limit...

Top secret file (Super Brain Project) - 1274; the target is a Celtic male, who has been confirmed to have acquired hyperthymesia, with the brain producing non-selective memory and photographic memory...

Top Secret File (Super Brain Project) - 1276: The target is a Germanic female. When captured, her brain was 98% filled with water, but she still maintained a normal survival state and even showed an intelligence level beyond that of ordinary people...

Log 016:

The brain is not us, it betrays us!

I tried my best to memorize knowledge when I was in school, but as time went by, it slipped away from my brain.

But looking at this experimental subject, an accident, a so-called disease, made him remember everything he saw, he couldn’t forget it even if he wanted to, he was still groaning in pain!!!

This proves that this should have been our ability, we should have been able to remember everything we saw, but it was our damn brains that betrayed us and imprisoned us!

As humble as a wild dog, everything it does is just for survival and reproduction, or even just for the continuation of genes. This is its logic.

Record 021: I think I found a solution.

Record 221: I may soon be able to take back the power that belongs to me...

This was the fate summary obtained from the 'Hovagnal' just on the treetops. It was also the first time that Xia Xu had seen such a unique plot summary.

"It looks like some quick synopsis from the beginning of a movie..."

Xia Xu became interested.

Just based on the opening synopsis, he would probably be very interested in watching it even if it was just a science fiction movie, not to mention that this is not a movie, but a "story" that is about to happen in his life.

Looking at this part of the description, it is obvious that his previous guesses and expectations have come true.

"Super Brain" is indeed a science fiction drama about developing or enhancing the brain.

Looking at the whole article, this is probably about the individual differences among humans, especially in terms of the brain. Some people can do things that can be called superpowers, such as photographic memory, super calculation, super sensitivity and talent for a certain type of thing, etc.

Well, it seems to be a bit similar to the talent potential on the attribute panel.

Then some high-tech company, laboratory or other organization started research on this, and a scientist who seemed a little neurotic about grammar came to the conclusion that everyone can actually do this.

The so-called "betrayal" is obviously just an exaggerated and paranoid statement. What it actually means is that the brain will spontaneously limit its own functions, just like limiting its own muscle strength, to prevent damage.

Photographic memory sounds great, but human beings experience not only good moments and knowledge learning throughout their lives, but also a lot of pain.

Birth, aging, sickness, death, love, resentment, and failure to obtain what one desires. With a developed brain and emotions and thinking that are countless times more complex than those of animals, humans have countless illusory pains. If they cannot forget, 99% of people will fall into madness and have strong self-destructive tendencies.

Just as the sense of pain is not meant to torture oneself but to quickly detect injury, the protective mechanisms of the brain, muscles, etc. are unique instincts and operating mechanisms that have evolved through millions of years of survival of the fittest.

However, this mechanism obviously no longer meets the needs of modern technological society, and can no longer satisfy the ever-expanding desires of mankind.

Then the neurotic scientist found a way to take back the power that should have belonged to him. It is not difficult to understand between the lines that this is not referring to a real struggle for power, but is still talking about the progress of the experiment.

Take back control of your brain

Forced to bypass the brain's protective mechanism to perform temporary memory entry and high-intensity thinking

"Although one is mechanical and the other is medical, one is physical and the other is brain, they seem to be following the same path... There shouldn't be any connection between the two..."

Xia Xu glanced strangely at the place where he placed the mechanical centipede's spine.

Although one is mechanical technology and the other is biotechnology, they obviously lead to the same goal.

"No, it should be said that both are biotechnology. The mechanical centipede is just a carrier of technology. In essence, it is still a product of the research on human muscles and nerves..."

Soon, Xia Xu realized another misunderstanding of his own.

The mechanical centipede may look like mechanical technology, but its core technology is essentially biotechnology. It simply uses electronic components to apply research results on the human body and stimulate the human body.

As for this "Super Brain", if he remembered correctly, Grant said yesterday before he was attacked that Catherine seemed to have worked for a pharmaceutical company secretly controlled by the Andra Group...

"If all of this is caused by this group, then Andra must be doing something behind the scenes. He has been playing the role of a villain behind the scenes in three plots involving black technology."

At this moment, Xia Xu was extremely vigilant towards the so-called Andra Group.

It’s not so bad in the Hunter plot. Although werewolves were created, that was more than 20 years ago after all, and it was just a heritage of the Su country that was accidentally unearthed.

But if this company is also behind "Super Brain" and "Night Owl", then one can imagine how terrifying the power and technical strength behind this company has accumulated.

The ultimate behind-the-scenes boss spanning three "movies", this alone is enough to give people a glimpse of the whole picture.

And the most terrifying thing is the word "behind the scenes". The tentacles of the Andra Group have spread so far that even the Xiaguo Star City is involved in three plots related to it, but it does not have any loud momentum in the international arena.

At least Xia Xu had never seen this company in Xia's news or in lists such as the world's top 100 companies. It might be a little well-known in the United States, but it is definitely not a household name, which is obviously inconsistent with the technical strength and influence it has demonstrated.

"Is this broken group plotting to rule or destroy the world like the villain organizations in classic movies? Don't let them create a biochemical crisis..."

As Xia Xu thought about it, he suddenly felt uneasy.

But it was useless to think too much about it now, so he quickly suppressed the messy speculations in his mind and continued to focus on studying the super brain plot.

This time the fate introduction is quite long. What I just saw was only a part of it. It is basically the summary screen that flashes quickly at the beginning of the movie, and there is a short section of the formal plot at the beginning.

But before continuing to read, he paused for a moment on those lines of 'top secret files'.

"The Super Brain Project is about developing the brain, so what is the Leap Project..."

Several files belong to two plans respectively. Comprehensively speaking, it is not difficult to find that these files are distinguished by serial numbers and have a certain chronological order.

It is obvious that the Super Brain Project is a research branch that was born out of the unexpected results of the Leap Project.

This kind of black technology for strengthening the brain is just a branch project, so what will the leap plan be

Are there other branch projects under this plan