I Come from Afar Within the Zerg

Chapter 21: Discipline


Lu Yuan never thought that he would travel through time to the Zerg one day, just as he would never have thought that something like school bullying would one day happen to him.

What do you call this? Is this a matter of time

Lu Yuan's expression was even more puzzled than before. He looked at the aggressive Bryan and other insects in front of him, and roughly counted them, finding that there were about five or six of them. He raised his eyebrows calmly and said, "You want to fight me?"

Is there such an incredible thing in the world

Red, who was standing next to them, could no longer bear to watch. Hearing this, he lowered his head and quietly withdrew from the battle circle. Wouldn't it be like rushing to the hospital to deliver performance to the big devil Lu Yuan? The precious life span of 200 years given to them by the Insect God was not to be squandered like this.

Brian was born into an aristocratic family and had been treated like a star since he was a child. When he was punished to run yesterday, he was dissatisfied with Lu Yuan for stealing the limelight. Today's "class monitor incident" undoubtedly ignited the fuse in his heart.

Brian gnashed his teeth and said, "If you are smart, just give up your position as squad leader. Otherwise..."

Lu Yuan tilted his head and scratched his ears: "Otherwise what?"

"Otherwise you won't be able to keep your pretty face!"

Brian attacked without warning and punched Lu Yuan hard in the face. However, Lu Yuan was faster than him. He dodged to the side and grabbed Brian's wrist with lightning speed, making Brian unable to move.

Lu Yuan felt that he had committed too many murders recently and needed to cultivate his character. Considering that the other party praised his pretty face, he sincerely reminded him: "We are all classmates. If you have something to say, talk it out. Violence cannot solve any problem."

Yoriga stood aside and said to Brian and the others jokingly, "Hey, little brother, don't blame me for not reminding you that fighting will result in deduction of credits."

"Your Excellency, I think you'd better be careful where you walk."

After saying this, he turned around and glared at his followers, angrily saying: "What are you all standing there for! Why don't you teach him a lesson!"

Justu raised his eyebrows coldly, grabbed Brian who had bumped into him, and threw him back like a chicken. He frowned and patted the non-existent dust on his hands. Seeing that these male insects had bruises on their faces, he asked in a deep voice: "Who of you can tell me what happened?"

The students passing by on the playground were shocked when they saw this scene and gathered around. It was obvious that they had never seen such a spectacular scene before. Some of the smart ones turned around and ran to the teacher's office to report the situation. After all, the injury of a male insect was no trivial matter.

The difference in strength between them was too great. Brian's face flushed red, but he still couldn't break free from Lu Yuan's grip. Hearing this, he glared at Lu Yuan angrily: "I have nothing to say to you. Don't blame me if you want to die!"

Lu Yuan saw Justu from a distance and thought to himself that something was not good. The other party had just warned him yesterday not to fight in the academy, but he didn't expect to run into trouble today. What a narrow road for enemies!

Justu had been waiting for their answers. Seeing that Brian and the others were silent, he raised his eyebrows slightly. A strand of his silver-white hair fell down, contrasting sharply with the black uniform on his body. "Since none of you want to say anything, well, then we'll treat it as a gang fight and deduct one credit from everyone."

Seeing Brian pointing his finger at them, everyone subconsciously stepped aside to make way for him. However, they did not see the arrogant murderer as they had imagined, but only a male insect with black hair and black eyes lying on the ground, holding his shoulder and crying out in pain. It looked like he was seriously injured.

There was silence all around. Those who didn't know the situation had no way to explain, and those who knew the situation didn't dare to say a word. It was obvious that this was a fight between male insects, and they didn't want to get into trouble.

Brian panicked when he heard that. He immediately put down his right hand that was covering his face, revealing the obvious slap mark on it. He raised his hand and pointed in the direction of Lu Yuan and said angrily: "Senior, a male insect just beat us for no reason. You must catch him and punish him severely!"


After he finished speaking, he raised his leg as if to kick them. Brian and the others screamed in fear and scattered in an instant, running outside in panic. As luck would have it, they ran into the Discipline Committee that came to inspect.

There were a series of heavy objects falling to the ground, and the surrounding male insects were kicked away by Lu Yuan. They fell to the ground with painful expressions, screaming, some holding their stomachs, some holding their buttocks, they never expected Lu Yuan to be so strong.

The morning sun was still a little hot. Lu Yuan unzipped his coat and took it off. He threw it on the bench beside him. His black short-sleeved T-shirt couldn't hide his muscular figure. He was obviously a good fighter. He said with a half-smile, "I'm here to fight, not to go on a blind date. What does your identity have to do with me?"


Brian was stunned by Lu Yuan's slap. His ears were buzzing and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. He covered his burning cheek and climbed up from the ground with difficulty. He and his followers retreated in fear while glaring at Lu Yuan angrily and said, "Do you know who I am? How dare you hit me?!"

The followers reacted after hearing what he said, and rushed forward to restrain Lu Yuan. Lu Yuan didn't even bother to raise his eyelids to such a small shrimp. Seeing them coming from all four directions, he directly slapped Brian to the ground with his backhand, and kicked the remaining male insects one by one.

Brian and his classmates had just entered the school, and when they suddenly saw a dozen discipline seniors in black uniforms rushing over, they panicked for a moment and looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.


Every freshman has only three credits when he or she first enters school. Losing one point is a very serious matter, which basically means that the student will not be eligible for the honors evaluation at the end of the year.

Brian's eyes widened in shock when he saw this: "?!!!!"

What happened?! Lu Yuan was just chasing them aggressively and wanted to beat them up, how come he suddenly lay on the ground in the blink of an eye?!

Lu Yuan has eaten everything in his life, but never suffered any loss. He wants everything, but he is shameless. Just now, when he saw Brian pointing his finger at him, he fell to the ground at the speed of light, perfectly demonstrating the spirit of hitting a porcelain plate, lying on the ground and wailing in pain: "Ouch... My shoulder hurts so much... It hurts so much... Can anyone take me to the infirmary to have a look..."

"The road is far?!"

Yusitu's face changed slightly when he saw this. He didn't expect that this matter was related to him. He immediately stepped forward to check the situation and helped Lu Yuan up from the ground: "How are you?" Yoriga was also shocked for a moment: "Sir Lu Yuan, what's wrong with you? What happened just now?"

When Lu Yuan pretended to be a human, he looked like a human; when he pretended to be a dog, he looked like a dog; when he pretended to be sick, he looked like neither a human nor a dog. He "weakly" fell into Justu's arms, covering his shoulder with one hand, pointing at Brian and the others with the other hand, and said weakly: "Just now, six of them beat me up. My shoulder and leg are injured. Can you take me to the infirmary?"

Justu frowned sharply upon hearing this, and his tone became cold: "Six of them beat you alone?"

Brian and the other bugs were furious when they heard this. They had obviously never seen a bug as shameless as Lu Yuan. They shouted angrily, “Damn you! It was you who hit us just now! Not only did you slap me, you also kicked them several times!”

Hearing this, Lu Yuan looked at them in disbelief: "There are six of you, how could I possibly hurt you?! It was you who hurt me, and now I can't even stand up!"

Brian was so angry that he was incoherent: "You liar! When did we hit you? At most we pushed you twice. We have wounds on our faces and bodies. Where are your wounds?!"

Hearing this, Lu Yuan raised his hand with difficulty and pointed at his shoulder to Youstu. When he looked up at him, he actually looked a little pitiful: "Senior, they pushed me here just now and hurt me."

Take charge of me!

Justu read these words clearly on Lu Yuan's face. Although he felt that Lu Yuan was unlikely to be bullied by that bunch of rubbish, he was still a little worried that he was really injured. He frowned and pulled down his collar, only to see a large purple bruise on his left shoulder.

Instructor Horwich punched it out yesterday.

This injury would hurt a female insect for several days, not to mention a male one. Seeing this, Justu's face suddenly turned ugly, and he looked at Brian and the others dangerously, asking sarcastically, "Is this what you call 'a gentle push'?!"

"I… "

Brian didn't expect Lu Yuan to be injured. He was at a loss for words and said in a panic, "I really just pushed him twice!"

Lu Yuan didn't expect that he would be so lucky as to actually have a wound on his shoulder. He remembered that he seemed to have been bitten by a snake on his leg. His eyes lit up, and he quickly rolled up his trouser legs and pointed at the wound and whispered to Justu: "Justu, he just bit me!"

Deduct his credits!

Seeing this, Youstu quickly covered his mouth. He felt helpless about Lu Yuan's behavior of adding fuel to the fire. He frowned slightly and said to him in a low voice: "Shh, male insects are not venomous snakes. If you want to prove that he bit you, two teeth marks are not enough."

He finally realized that Lu Yuan did it on purpose.

Of course Lu Yuan knew it, he winked at Yusitu quietly: "I was kidding."

Compared to those male insects who ganged up to bully, Yusitu certainly helped Lu Yuan. His dark red eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked around. He directly remembered the student ID cards of Brian and other insects with his excellent memory. His deep voice was clearly heard by every insect: "The discipline department will investigate this matter thoroughly, but before that, I have to tell you all a bad news, that is, you will all be deducted one credit for fighting. I hope you will learn from it in the future."

Brian was shocked when he heard this: "I already said that he was the one who beat us up, so he should be deducted credits! We can't just let this go!"

Yusitu interrupted him coldly: "Sir, of course this matter will not be let go, because we are now sending Lord Lu Yuan to the infirmary. If his injuries are serious, each of you must pay a certain amount of medical expenses and mental compensation for him."

Yoriga also chimed in, "It's obvious that the six of you are bullying him. As for him injuring the six of you... Your Excellency, I'm more inclined to believe that it was caused by you beating each other. It would be even better if there were surveillance cameras, but this is a blind spot for surveillance, so I'm sorry, we can't help you."

Brian was very smart, but he was undoubtedly too smart. When he was surrounding Lu Yao just now, he deliberately forced him into a blind corner of the playground, where even the surveillance cameras couldn't catch him. As a result, he shot himself in the foot and couldn't even produce any evidence.

After saying this, Yoriga motioned for his companions to come forward and write down Brian's and their student numbers so that they could deduct points, and to send Lu Yuan to the infirmary. However, before he could move, Justu, who always avoided male insects, actually bent down and helped Lu Yuan up from the ground.

Yoriga's eyes widened in surprise: "???"

Could it be that Justu took the wrong medicine

Of course, Yusitu didn't take the wrong medicine, he just thought he had to act properly. He helped Lu Yuan up from the ground, carried him to the infirmary, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "When we get to the doctor's, you'd better act presentable."

Lu Yuan put his arm around Yusitu's shoulders, trying to pretend he was unable to move. Hearing this, he looked at him in surprise: "Are you really going to take me to the infirmary?"

He is pretending to be sick, won't he be exposed if he goes

Justu raised his eyebrows slightly: "So the wound on your shoulder was painted?"

Lu Yuan then realized that he was pointing at the bruise on his shoulder and said nonchalantly, "It will go away in a few days."

Justu was extremely stubborn: "But you can get rid of it today by getting an injection."

Lu Yuan always felt that he seemed to want to give him a shot. He tilted his head to look at Youstu, and for some reason he remembered what happened last night. He joked, "A shot on the back of the neck?"

"… "

Justu paused when he heard this and said nothing. After a few seconds, his ears turned red.

(End of this chapter)