I Come from Afar Within the Zerg

Chapter 32: Thrill, instinct


The cold needle slowly pierced the skin, bringing a subtle but hard-to-ignore stinging sensation. Justu growled slightly angrily, and raised his hand to knock the needle away, but Lu Yuan had already quickly injected the liquid into him.

Lu Yuan covered the place on the back of Justu's neck where the injection had been given, and at the same time held his hands to prevent him from moving, and said in a low voice: "Shh, it's okay."

Justu seemed to be in pain, struggling irritably, and his sharp nails left deep marks on the ground. Instinctively, he wanted to tear apart the human holding him down, but instinctively, he didn't want to hurt the other person.

The faint aura from Lu Yuan could no longer provide any soothing effect.

Justu buried his head in his neck, feeling the blood flowing under Lu Yuan's warm skin. His dark red eyes suddenly became deep for a moment. He couldn't help licking the tip of his teeth, and then bit it directly.


This time, Lu Yuan was the one who felt the pain. He frowned unconsciously, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his collarbone, and it was probably bleeding.

And maybe Justu heard him gasping, he slowly loosened his teeth after biting, and saw two small blood holes on Lu Yuan's collarbone, the wounds were not deep, but some glaring red blood still flowed out.

Justu lay in Lu Yuan's arms and licked him gently with the tip of his tongue. The fishy and sweet blood of the other person seemed like a shot of excellent tranquilizer, which calmed him down instantly.

Justu looked at Lu Yuan in confusion, licked his lips unconsciously, and his bloodshot eyes had a strange and beautiful charm in the night. He didn't understand what Lu Yuan was saying, but he just lay in his arms again, his silver hair rubbing against his neck, and he made a purring sound like a small animal in his throat.

"A good night's sleep will be fine."

Justu closed his eyes and frowned, saying weakly: "Don't want them..."

Lu Yuan's body froze and he subconsciously grabbed Justu's shoulders, as if he wanted to push him away, but for some reason, he did not move.

Lu Yuan frowned and grabbed the back of Youstu's head to prevent him from licking him. He really didn't understand this behavior: "Are you a dog?"

He is acting like a spoiled child...

Clearly, he said nothing, but it seemed as if he had said everything. Justu's wrist was bloody from the electronic shackles, but he seemed to feel no pain, hugging Lu Yuan tightly, as if he was holding on to his last straw. Scarlet blood rubbed on their clothes, like a mottled blood line, silently getting tighter and tighter.

The silver-haired female insect seemed to finally wake up a little. He was still weak, closing his eyes and pressing his cold face against Lu Yuan's warm cheek. His voice was hoarse, and he pulled the corner of his mouth and asked self-deprecatingly: "Sir, you are not going to mark me at this point..."

In the few seconds of his hesitation, the effect of the sedative finally began to take effect.

But Justu still followed his instinct in the dream, and used up his last bit of strength to hug Lu Yuan tightly. He buried his face in the other's neck, his lips pale, with the weakness after the mental turmoil, and his voice hoarse, hiding some unknown attachment: "Sir..."

Because he had been sitting on the ground for too long, Lu Yuan's body swayed slightly when he stood up. He closed his eyes and waited for the dizziness to subside, then he carried Justu to the bed in the middle and leaned over to put him on the bed.

He lowered his eyes and noticed the messy and torn military uniform on Justu. He quietly took off his coat and wrapped him in it to isolate him from the cold air invading from the outside. Then he stood up slightly and picked Justu up from the ground.

Justustu's body, which was lying in Lu Yuan's arms, suddenly slid down slowly, as if all his strength had been drained away, and he fell into a semi-comatose state. Seeing this, Lu Yuan subconsciously caught Justustu's body, thinking that something had happened to him, and frowned and whispered, "Justustu?"

Lu Yuan whispered these words into Justu's ear and was about to get up and leave, but his collar suddenly tightened and Justu silently circled his neck.

Just these two words,

As long as you.

He thought he was dreaming because male insects were not supposed to be here.

Justu's thoughts were in a mess. He heard a shout in his ear and opened his eyes with difficulty. In a trance, he saw a familiar face appear in his sight, with black hair and black eyes. It was Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan paused, as if he was thinking about something.

He said, "As long as you..."

It was a chill in the middle of the night, and outside the window was still a vast and endless night. No sound of wind could be heard, and no shadows of trees could be seen. The sun had clearly not risen, but in a trance, there was some obscure throbbing that finally saw the dawn and was unbridled in front of my eyes.

Lu Yuan's body froze when he heard that. He didn't know how to tell the other party that he was a human being, so he had to remain silent.

Yusitu did not embarrass him, but leaned his head to give Lu Yuan a wet kiss on his ear, his voice carrying a burning breath, like the endless love in his heart: "I should have guessed it earlier..."

He was happy and sad, and murmured to himself: "I know you won't do this, but I'm still glad you came..."

At this moment, Justu suddenly realized what it felt like to like someone. It was irreplaceable and unique. Even if there was another male insect in Salilanfa who was gentler and more polite than Lu Yuan, he still couldn't replace the other person's position in his heart.

In the past, he was moved by the equality in the other's eyes.

At this moment, his heart was moved by the other person's soul.

Lu Yuan felt a wet and cold liquid on the cheek that was pressed against him. He was startled for a moment, then frowned and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Justu's eyes with his fingertips, not knowing how to comfort him.

They were in a closed room and could not hear the noise outside, but Yoriga could hear it clearly. A group of figures suddenly appeared in the originally quiet corridor and were walking upstairs. The footsteps were chaotic but orderly. The leader was Admiral Saphir and an elegant female insect in a blue dress.

Yoriga was startled when he saw this, and subconsciously stepped forward to greet him: "Admiral Saphir, brother, why are you here?"

The injury of the crown prince is no small matter, but as the Insect Emperor, he would not easily leave the palace. The female insect in the blue dress is the confidant of His Majesty Apu, Lord O'Hara, the imperial treasurer, and also Yoriga's biological brother.

Unlike Yoriga's impulsiveness, Lord O'Hara obviously went to the other extreme of being steady and elegant, otherwise he would not have been in charge of the empire's finances at such a young age. He did not answer Yoriga's question, but asked, "Where is the Seventh Prince, and how is the situation?" Yoriga heard this and then remembered that Lu Yuan was still locked in the closed room. His face changed drastically, and he shouted "not good" inwardly, and hurriedly turned around and rushed into the closed room to check the situation. However, when they rushed to the observation window, they saw that Youstu, who had just fallen into a manic state, had calmed down and was lying obediently in the arms of a black-haired male insect, who was carried to the bed by the other party.

I don't know if Justu had something to say, but he grabbed the male insect's collar with his bloodstained fingertips, and whispered something in his ear. After a long time, he finally let go slowly, and he showed some reluctance for some reason.

The male insect said nothing, his profile fell into shadow, his expression could not be seen clearly, but he just pulled up the coat that had slipped off Justu's body, his movements were silent and meticulous.

I couldn't hear clearly what they were saying through the window, but at a certain moment, the passage of time suddenly slowed down, which was inexplicably heart-warming.

Lord O'Hara was a little surprised when he saw this, and he turned his head to look at Yoriga and asked, "Who is he?"

Yoriga choked when he heard this, not knowing how to explain the complicated secret love and unrequited relationship between Lu Yuan and Justu. Fortunately, Admiral Safir spoke up to smooth things over and took the initiative to explain, "It's Mr. Lu Yuan."

Lord O'Hara paused for a moment, finding it hard to imagine that Lu Yuan, who had behaved so gently just now, was actually a male insect: "Is that the one whose blood is said to be 60% pure?"

His tone was subtle, even mixed with a bit of suspicion. It was obvious that he didn't quite believe the data, but due to the presence of Admiral Safire, he couldn't show it too obviously.

However, once words are spoken, they cannot be taken back. Admiral Safir usually seems gentle, but in fact he has the rigid and stubborn temper of a military commander. Hearing this, he said calmly, "Of course, I have already reported this matter to the Insect Emperor. Lord O'Hara, as His Majesty's confidant, haven't you heard about it?"

Lord O'Hara had heard of it, but he didn't know whether it was true or not. Seeing that the male insect had come out of the closed room, he adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose and spoke gently, which made the insects feel comfortable: "I am very willing to believe your words. After all, he successfully pacified a king insect. It's just that without conclusive blood data, you can't shut up the outside world."

He paused again, sighed and said, "It seems that the male insect that Your Majesty arranged for you will have made a wasted trip today."

Admiral Safir calmly denied, "No, regardless of whether Lord Lu Yuan is present today, the male insect you brought with you will have gone there in vain."

Justu was his student, and he knew the other's temper very well. Except for Lu Yuan, the high and mighty prince would not accept the comfort of any male insect.

As they were talking, the door of the closed room finally opened with a click, and Lu Yuan walked out. It was only at this time that Lord O'Hara and the others finally got a clear look at Lu Yuan's whole appearance with the help of the light.

Without a doubt, quite outstanding.

Lord O'Hara had seen all the noble male insects from the upper class, but none of them could compare to him. Lu Yuan's eyebrows and eyes were too deep, and this cold and hard temperament made him look not as weak and thin as ordinary male insects. He had a slender and upright figure, and his eyes were clear and free of distractions. He just stood there and quietly attracted the attention of all the insects.

In comparison, the male insect with high blood purity that he had specially come to the Durant family late at night with the order of the Insect Emperor seemed as ridiculous as a clown in comparison with Lu Yuan.

Lord O'Hara turned back calmly to look at his team, only to see a drowsy, yawning blond male insect standing there. If it weren't for the servants supporting him, he would have fallen asleep on the ground in the next second. Then he withdrew his gaze with a twitching face.

God of insects, this male insect doesn't look like it has 45% purity at all.

When Lu Yuan opened the door, he was stunned for a moment. He obviously didn't expect so many insects to suddenly appear outside the closed room. Moreover, they were all dressed in luxurious clothes and looked like they were going to a banquet in the palace. They didn't look like doctors at all. He subconsciously asked, "Who are you?"

Admiral Safir was about to explain when Lord O'Hara took the lead and stepped forward to salute Lu Yuan. His eyes accidentally saw the wound on his collarbone, and he paused, then said politely, "Sir, we are here on the orders of the Insect Emperor to check on His Highness's condition."

Admiral Safir was worried that Lu Yuan might be rude, so he winked at him calmly and explained, "This is Lord O'Hara, the Imperial Treasurer, and also Yoriga's brother."

When Lu Yuan heard that they were from the palace, he immediately stepped aside to make room at the door and nodded politely to Lord O'Hara: "I have injected a sedative into Justu, you can go in and see him."

There was a medical officer in the team behind O'Hara. He winked behind him and several female insects immediately entered the closed room with medical boxes and began to give Justu a physical examination. They also took blood samples for data analysis. After they were sure that his mental strength had stabilized, they signaled everyone to go in.

Lu Yuan had been standing outside the observation window. Seeing that Justu's vital signs had returned to normal, he finally felt relieved and prepared to leave. However, when he glanced inadvertently, he saw Justu staring at him quietly through the window. He let the doctors give him an injection and draw blood. He looked pale and lifeless, and his footsteps paused slightly.

"… "

Lu Yuan was silent for a moment. For some reason, he suddenly wanted to comfort the other person, but unfortunately the room was soundproofed and no one could hear anything he said.

His fingertips moved slightly, and he finally took out the silver tie clip inlaid with rubies from his pocket, and gently pinned it on his shirt pocket in front of Justu, and silently said two words: "Tomorrow..."

He felt that the other party needed to have a good rest today instead of thinking about the date.

When Justu saw Lu Yuan's actions, a faint light finally appeared in his eyes. He nodded slightly to him through the window to show his agreement.

Seeing this, Lu Yuan smiled slightly, then turned and left. When he walked out of the closed room, the cold wind outside suddenly woke him up, and the pain in his collarbone also surged up belatedly.

Tsk, that bite is really hard.

Lu Yuan looked down at the wounds on his body, thinking that Justu was indeed a bug. He happened to have a tissue in his pocket, so he wiped the blood on his shoulder that had not yet dried, then threw it into the trash can, and then pulled at his collar that was almost stuck to the wound, then turned around and went downstairs.

Little did they know that not long after Lu Yuan left, Lord O'Hara came out of the closed room. He had been secretly watching Lu Yuan's actions. He glanced at a tissue stained with blood in the trash can and asked the servant who had been standing outside, "Who threw this?"

The attendant leaned forward slightly and said, "My lord, it was the black-haired, black-eyed male insect from before."

Lord O'Hara was thinking something when he heard this. He took out a handkerchief from his pocket, picked up the tissue from the trash can, and ordered the medical officer to put it in a sealed bag. He then said, "Keep it safe and take it back for a blood test."

Admiral Safir just came out. Seeing this, he frowned and interrupted, "Lord O'Hara, I never knew you had a habit of picking up trash."

Lord O'Hara did not expect him to suddenly appear, but he did not seem embarrassed at all. He smiled slightly and said meaningfully, "Admiral Safir, you don't have to be angry. I am just following His Majesty's orders."

(End of this chapter)