I Come from Afar Within the Zerg

Chapter 50: Get together


The night in the dense forest of Solitia was full of dangers, and the daytime was safer in comparison. At four o'clock in the morning, all the female soldiers who participated in the mission had gathered and rushed to the port of Labona in the dark night. Above the sky floated a mass of combat starships, like cold and ruthless steel behemoths, and countless searchlights penetrated the darkness, illuminating the turbulent sea below.

Soldiers lined up neatly on the shore, armed with live ammunition and wearing goggles and helmets of the highest protection level. They were all elites selected by the military leaders through layers of screening, with the lowest level being A and the highest being S. If they tried their best, they could capture a small planet within three days.

When Justu and Lu Yuan got off the aircraft, they saw Admiral Saphir and Faus standing in front of the port observing something with night vision binoculars, with a group of adjutants beside them. The salty sea breeze blew in their faces, mixed with the deep chill of the night, making the hems of their clothes rustle, and the atmosphere was filled with a silent tension.

Lu Yuan observed the surroundings calmly and asked in confusion, "Why is the gathering place a harbor?"

As Justu led him towards the port, he explained in a low voice, "The end of Labona Harbor is close to the east of the Soritia Forest. We have explored it before and found that there are relatively fewer mutants in that direction. Starting from here is the shortest and safest route."

He suddenly remembered something and pulled out a silver light energy gun from his waist and handed it to Lu Yuan: "Carry this with you, just in case."

Lu Yuan asked, "Do you have any?"

Justu smiled and glanced at him, his eyes were extremely bright in the night, and asked back, "Do you think the military female has no gun, sir?"

Lu Yuan also felt that his question was a bit redundant. He took the small light energy gun, weighed it, and then put it into the holster on his waist, thinking that fortunately he had been practicing shooting recently and was not a gun idiot.

Phaeth hated these Western female insects who pretended to be so pretentious. Upon hearing this, he threw the telescope in his hand to his adjutant and threw his military jacket over. Then he stood on the shore and stretched lazily, curling his lips coldly and said, "Justu, if you really obey orders so well, you shouldn't have brought your adjutant here. I can't compare to you in terms of rules!"

Justu instructed: "You don't have to say anything later, just follow me."

Justu led Lu Yuan and walked over in the dark night, one step deep and one step shallow. Admiral Safir and his men saw Justu and couldn't help but wonder, "Your Highness, where did you go just now?"

The North has always been unruly. As soon as Phaeth gave an order, a huge roar suddenly sounded in the sky. The starships changed direction one after another, and then threw out a long climbing ladder from the hatch.

Justu looked at the terminal on his wrist and found that the time was almost up. After obtaining Admiral Safir's consent, he was about to give the order to set off, but Phaeth on the side had already taken the lead in ordering the adjutant behind him: "Let them all gather on the starship and prepare to set off!"

Lu Yuan nodded. He saw Admiral Safir in front of him. He would most likely be recognized as soon as he opened his mouth.

Seeing this, Lu Yuan had not yet recovered from his shock. He felt his waist tighten and a sense of weightlessness came over him. He was instantly carried into the sky by Justu. The strong airflow made it impossible for him to open his eyes. He subconsciously grabbed Justu's shoulders and said, "Fuck!!!"

After Brand landed, he nodded slightly to Justu and Admiral Safir and said, "Your Highness, Admiral, I have completed the survey. There is nothing abnormal in the east of the dense forest. We can set off at any time."

Admiral Safir said: "If nothing goes wrong, we can set off in half an hour, and the team sent out for exploration should be back soon."

After he finished speaking, ignoring the slightly changed expression on Justu's face, a pair of pure black wings suddenly spread out behind him. As they flapped, a gust of wind arose, and sand and rocks flew everywhere.

Lu Yuan always felt that he would fall at any time, and in a panic he almost swore: "Slow down!!"

Lu Yuan saw a group of female insects in white military uniforms descending from the sky, landing silently, like a group of graceful swans slowly landing, and their translucent wings behind them were instantly retracted. The female military officer in the lead had light blue eyes, revealing the gentleness of moonlight. It was Brande who had met at the last banquet.

After saying this, Justu grabbed Lu Yuan's waist and suddenly spread out a pair of silver wings behind him. They were covered with intricate patterns. Every time they flapped, the color would change with the angle. They shone brightly in the dark night, noble and incomparable. The edges were extremely sharp. It was not difficult to imagine that they could easily pierce the enemy's armor and flesh in battle.

Justu didn't explain too much: "How about it, when can the troops set out?"

Just now, Justu saw Lu Yuan staring at the wings of Phaeth in a daze. He couldn't help but feel a little jealous. Hearing this, he raised his eyebrows and said, "The silver wings of the king insect are much more noble and beautiful than those of the northern insects. Don't you think so?"

I don't know if it was to respond to his words, but not long after, a strange sound suddenly came from the dark night sky in the distance, and a group of white figures appeared. They were the southern Zerg who went to explore the road.

Lu Yuan stood nearby and watched in amazement. Although he knew that Zerg had wings, this was the first time he saw them spread their wings. He wondered what Justu's wings looked like, as he seemed to have never seen them before.

After being surprised, Lu Yuan carefully thought about what Phaes had just said in a sarcastic tone, and subconsciously looked at Justu, with a clear message in his eyes: Was I recognized by him

Justu looked grim, obviously not understanding how Phaeth had recognized him. The other party was completely insulting his disguise skills, and he said coldly: "Ignore him!"

These are the silver wings unique to the king insect.

Although the appearance of the Zerg after evolving into human form is similar, their original forms are actually different. The Zerg, which originated from the southern Yinchatai, are pure white in their original form, with translucent and colorful wings. They are recognized as the most gentle and beautiful of all races. They are not good at fighting, but their speed and sensitivity are unmatched, so in most cases they are responsible for intelligence detection.

Phaeth leaped up and instantly flew towards the starship parked above, so fast that only his afterimage could be seen, like a black eagle soaring in the sky, carrying the cold breath of death.

Seeing this, the female soldiers from the north immediately formed a team and boarded the starship quickly. Justu frowned unconsciously and said to Phaeth in a deep voice: "This is the army, not Horsburgh. His Majesty has ordered that all actions must follow the command of Admiral Safir. If you still disobey orders, you will withdraw from this operation!"

Lu Yuan thought, yes, yes, whatever you say is right. In this case, even if Justu asked him if he was a jerk, Lu Yuan would agree without hesitation. He hurriedly urged, “Stop flying! Get back to the starship!”

It’s so damn high that I’m about to have a heart attack!!!

Justus curled his lips when he heard this, thinking that it seemed that Lu Yuan didn't like staying in the sky. He flapped his wings and sent Lu Yuan directly to the hatch of the main ship, then retracted his wings and walked in with him. He saw that Phaeth had already found a seat in front of the translucent observation cabin, with his legs resting on the tea table without any image, and his black military boots polished to a shine.

Seeing this, Justu snorted coldly: "How vulgar!"

Lu Yuan finally found his feet and found a place to sit. He was trying to calm down, but when he heard Yusitu's words, he subconsciously turned his head and looked at him: "Are you sure?"

He remembered that when he first met Justu, the other party was as arrogant as Phaes, and he also sat in an untidy manner, more like a gangster than a gangster.

Yusitu was a double standard bug, and he raised his eyebrows when he heard it: "Of course."

After he finished speaking, he walked into the water tank, took a cup of hot water and handed it to Lu Yuan, then sat down next to him and asked casually, "Are you afraid of heights?"

Hearing this, Lu Yuan paused for a moment while drinking water, and frowned in a voice that only the two of them could hear, asking, "Why, aren't the male insects here afraid of heights?"

Didn't he just embarrass himself

Justu crossed his legs and shrugged his shoulders. "I only know that some male insects like to collect the wings of female insects. I don't know anything else."

Lu Yuan drank a mouthful of hot water and thought to himself, since the wings grow on the female insect, can this thing be collected? He subconsciously asked, "How to collect it?"

Justu said: "Of course I cut it off and keep it."


Lu Yuan spat out a mouthful of water when he heard this, and almost choked to death. The degree of perversion of these male insects was refreshing his worldview every day: "Cut? How to cut?!"

Justu raised his hand and made a knife gesture, saying with a half-smile, "Of course, use a knife to cut it, but the female insects whose wings have been cut will never be able to return to the battlefield again, and they will never be able to fly again."

His tone sounded nonchalant, but actually contained sarcasm: "This kind of thing is common in the southern Yinchatai, because their wings are recognized as the most beautiful. Many male insects will specifically choose female insects from the south as mates in order to collect their wings."

Lu Yuan thought of Brande: "Is Brande also a southern female insect?"

Justu hummed and reminded him, "Don't be fooled by Brand's smiling face. He actually hates it most when insects praise his beautiful wings. Don't mention this in front of him."

Lu Yuan silently remembered it in his heart and said casually: "Their wings are indeed very beautiful."

However, a man is innocent until he is guilty of possessing a treasure. In an extremely unbalanced social order, beauty sometimes becomes a sin.

As they were talking, they heard a slight sound from outside. It turned out that Brand and Admiral Saphir had also flown into the cabin. They closed the cabin door to isolate the cold air, found a seat, and controlled the starship to fly to the Soridian forest with the troops.

Brande saw Justu sitting and whispering with the strange silver-haired adjutant beside him, not even noticing him, so he asked with a smile: "Your Highness, what are you talking about so happily?"

Phaeth, who was sitting in the front, suddenly said, "They are praising your beautiful wings." Brand paused when he heard that.

Justu: “…”

Lu Yuan: “…”

With just one sentence, Faus succeeded in making the air fall into dead silence, and he did it on purpose. Lu Yuan quickly restrained Justu, who was about to lose his temper, and explained to Brand awkwardly, "He heard it wrong. We were just discussing how beautiful the scenery is at night."

Brand smiled upon hearing this, but did not say anything. He continued Lu Yuan's words in a gentle voice, "Indeed, the scenery at night is more suitable for appreciation. It is not as noisy as during the day."

After he finished speaking, he found a place close to Yusitu and sat down, and whispered, "Your Highness, in addition to the professors from the institute, there are also several Star Network reporters accompanying us this time. When the troops advance, we may need to allocate some troops to protect their safety."

Yusitu frowned unconsciously when he heard this: "We are here to remove the polluted source stones, not to make a movie. Which idiot let them in?!"

Just when Brand was too embarrassed to know how to answer, Admiral Saphir, who had been controlling the starship in front, suddenly said calmly: "Justu, I let them in."

Justu: “…”

Admiral Safir saw that he was silent, so he explained, "This is not only my opinion, but also your Majesty's opinion. Clearing the Originium is of great importance. Whether we succeed or not, we should give an explanation to the people of Salilanfa when we return. The presence of reporters is not necessarily a bad thing."


What else could Justu say? He coughed awkwardly and said, "I'll listen to you."

He couldn't call His Majesty a fool.

Lu Yuan was bored, with a notebook on his knees, drawing some twists and turns on it with a pen, recalling the terrain of the dense forest to the south, which was more detailed than the map he gave to Admiral Safir. Seeing that Justu was repeatedly frustrated, he couldn't help but curl his lips, but then he quickly held back, but unfortunately he was still discovered.

Yusitu gave Lu Yuan a light kick from below: "Don't laugh."

Lu Yuan pressed his index finger to his lips, hushing him, and raised his eyebrows lightly, saying, "Justu, I suggest you stop talking now. You'd better sit quietly."

The more you talk, the more mistakes you make.

As the two of them were whispering, Admiral Safir seemed to have noticed something was wrong. He stared at Lu Yuan for a long while, frowned, and asked Yusitu: "Is this your adjutant? Why have I never seen him before?"

Lu Yuan's body froze when he heard that. He dodged the teacher but not the principal. If he was recognized by Admiral Safir, he would be doomed.

Justu lied with his eyes open: "He is my adjutant, you have met him before."

Admiral Safir said nothing, but just stared at Lu Yuan for a few seconds before slowly looking away and saying, "Maybe, maybe I forgot."

After he finished speaking, he turned and looked at the observation window, continuing to control the starship forward. It was unclear whether he believed it or not.

It was still a few hours away from the Solitia Forest. Brand had nothing to do on the way, so he kept whispering to Justu, and somehow the topic turned to marriage: "When do you and Lord Lu Yuan plan to become a couple?"

Justu paused after hearing this, and glanced at Lu Yuan who was concentrating on painting beside him, then retracted his gaze and said, "I don't know, maybe after he graduates."

Lu Yuan paused when he heard this, thinking that he didn't have to wait until graduation. If he could return alive from the jungle this time, he planned to go directly to the Insect Emperor and ask to marry Justu.

Brand always had a faint smile on his lips: "I heard that the gentleman did very well in the academy. After graduation, he should also have good grades in the military. Maybe you will work together in the future."

Admiral Safir heard their conversation and said meaningfully, "Brand, your intelligence ability seems to have declined recently. Don't you know that the gentleman has been on sick leave from the academy for almost half a month? It's even a question whether he can pass the assessment this year."

When Lu Yuan heard this, his hands trembled and he almost drew the route map crookedly. He looked up subconsciously and suspected that Admiral Safir had recognized him, but it didn't seem like it.

Brand smiled and said, "Grades are actually the most insignificant thing. As long as the gentleman is sincere and kind enough, that's enough."

Phaeth lazily adjusted his position in the chair and added, "The important thing is that I won't pluck your wings, right?"

"… "

He always had the ability to make the air awkward as soon as he opened his mouth, causing other insects to not know how to respond. However, Phaeth seemed to be completely unaware of this. He fiddled with the pistol in his hand from time to time, and said with a slight curl of his lips: "In Horsburg, if a male insect dares to remove the wings of a female insect without permission, I will shoot him directly."

For the first time, Justu did not refute him.

Brand frowned slightly: "Why?"

Phaeth said nonchalantly with a tone of pity: "Since they envy the wings of female insects so much, I might as well send them to be reborn as female insects in the next life, so that they don't have to envy us all the time."

Justu crossed his legs and tapped his knees lightly with his fingertips, not commenting: "Death is the most satisfying way to get rid of the insect. If they want to collect the wings of the female insect, they should exchange them with something of equal value from their own body."

Phaeth sneered, "An equivalent? The two ounces of meat from their lower body? It's not even worth feeding a dog."

Although Lu Yuan was a human, he suddenly felt full of malice from the conversation between these military females, and even his lower body felt a little cold. He adjusted his sitting posture calmly, thinking that it would be better to find a partner from a tribe with a more gentle personality like Brand. Why did he fall for the cruel Yustu

Destiny and fate are truly amazing.

Perhaps Justu sensed Lu Yuan's discomfort, so he gently rubbed his calf with his military boots under the seat, tilted his head and smiled at him, and said meaningfully, "Are you scared?"

He just moved his lips silently, but no sound came out.

Lu Yuan always felt like he had walked into a wolf's den. He avoided Yusitu's light touch without leaving a trace and said calmly, "Yeah, I'm scared."

I'm scared to death. I wish I could crawl back to earth right now.

While they were not paying attention, Youstu leaned close to Lu Yuan's ear, tapped his fingertips lightly, and whispered, "Your two ounces of meat are different from those male insects' two ounces of meat. How could I bear to throw them away to feed the dogs?"

If the situation was not wrong, he would probably go over and kiss Lu Yuan, the male insect that he loved to the bottom of his heart.

As Brand said, Lu Yuan was sincere and kind enough, and this quality could change everything. Justu was no longer as cynical as Phaeth, and he even began to look forward to the future, looking forward to becoming a partner with the male insect he liked.

Justu took the pen from Lu Yuan's hand and gently wrote a line of ancient Zerg characters on the paper:

We will return injury with death,

We will return love with love,

At the beginning of the world, everything needs balance. This is the teaching of the Insect God.

The text was so ancient that Lu Yuan couldn't recognize it at all. He subconsciously looked at Yusitu and asked in confusion, "What does it say?"

Justu smiled and leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes and not answering: "Anyway, it's a compliment to you." Lu Yuan thought to himself, could Justu actually praise him? Why does this sound so weird

(End of this chapter)