I Come from Afar Within the Zerg

Chapter 58: Gain


Han Yan always had too many things on his mind, and these things often had nothing to do with human feelings, but were mostly related to interests. For example, what he was thinking about now was not how to return to Earth, nor the "father" and "brother" who appeared out of thin air outside the house, but what benefits would come from marrying the eighth prince.

Han Yan paced slowly in front of the window, his leather shoes hitting the ground silently, calmly analyzing the pros and cons.

It is known that male insects in the Salilan Law are rare, and every male insect must be matched with a partner after adulthood. This is a mandatory requirement of the empire. In other words, even if Han Yan does not marry the eighth prince, she will be forced by the country to match a strange female insect as a female monarch in the future.

Refusing the marriage alliance would offend the royal family and cause endless troubles.

Accepting the marriage and becoming a royal relative can not only exempt you from a huge debt, but also allow you to settle down permanently on a first-class star and enjoy countless resources.

Since you have to marry her anyway, why not choose the one with more advantages

Han Yan's choice is beyond doubt. He never changes the rules by force, he only uses them.

I just don't know what the Eighth Prince's personality is like? What does he look like? There are very few records about him on the Star Network. Han Yan only heard that he was injured on the battlefield in his early years, which caused his right leg to be lame, and he was disliked by the nobles and had to cancel his engagements frequently.

Lame right leg...

A cripple...

Han Yan slowly stopped in front of the window, looking at the endless night outside. He chewed these words over and over in his mind, not knowing what meaning he derived from them. Finally, he smiled.

Han Yan hummed, "I've calculated it. Excluding water, electricity, and rent, the subsidy is only enough for you to order takeout for ten days. But if you can buy groceries and cook, you can maintain a normal diet for thirty days."

This is true for both humans and insects...

In the days that followed, Han Yan tried hard to adapt to this strange world every day. On the contrary, Aedmon and Johnny were obviously not used to Han Yan, who had a normal IQ.

Han Yan: "Go and learn."

They were extremely nervous, thinking that Han Yan was going to issue some "cruel and inhumane" rules and orders again.

"God of Insects, I've never heard that crashing into a flying machine can heal your brain. Can we crash Ashya back to his original state?"

Ademon was surprised and said, "But we don't know how to cook!"

Han Yan said calmly: "Then go die."

Johnny curled his lips: "Only a fool would be happy."

Han Yan glanced at them and said nothing. It was unclear whether he believed it or not. He originally wanted to go upstairs to change clothes, but he remembered something and took two steps back to the table: "By the way—"

Johnny and Admon sat up straight reflexively: "What?!"

However, Han Yan simply threw a star card onto the table and delivered a piece of good news for the first time: "It contains this month's empire subsidy. From today on, you don't have to eat fast food anymore. You will take turns buying groceries and cooking."

Han Yan discovered an interesting point. Whether on Earth or in Salilanfa, people with disabilities can never escape the strange looks and treatments from the outside world.

Han Yan had just returned from morning exercise. As soon as he entered the room, he heard Johnny and Ademon sitting together and whispering. He closed the door, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What are you talking about?"

The evening breeze blew away the dark clouds, and the mist gradually covered the moon, with a few cool rays of light leaking out from the gaps in the clouds. Han Yan gently brushed the window sill with his fingertips, thinking that there could be countless different countries and races in the world, and the sun and the moon should be unique.

Johnny's eyelids twitched, and he had an inexplicable ominous premonition in his heart: "Buying groceries and cooking?"

Admon's face also turned green. This kind of bad-tasting food was obviously a great torture for the pampered male insect: "What nonsense are you talking about? Ashya has finally become smart, we should be happy!"

Johnny and Ademon were shocked when they saw this, and quickly waved their hands and shook their heads: "Nothing, nothing."

Johnny sat at the dining table, staring at the black canned meat on the plate, his stomach churning uncontrollably. He had been eating canned instant food for half a month, and now he felt physically nauseous and wanted to vomit when he saw this kind of food.

But this question was too profound for him and could be studied slowly later. It was getting late and he should go to bed.

Johnny slammed the table angrily: "This kind of thing is only done by female insects. Where in Salilandia would a male insect go to buy groceries and cook?! I would rather starve to death than cook!"

Han Yan's answers were always so straightforward. He had already arranged the food expenses and plans. As for whether they followed his instructions or not, it had nothing to do with him. Anyway, he would not be the one starving to death.

Han Yanyu glanced at the time, then turned and went upstairs. Before leaving, she said, "I'm going to the palace to attend a banquet this afternoon, so I won't be having dinner at home. You two can draw lots to decide who will cook."


Johnny and Admon fell right off their stools.

After Han Yan returned to the room, he habitually logged into StarNet to see if the items listed online had been sold. He found that Johnny's limited edition deluxe game card set had been bought by a local tycoon, and Admon's luxury handbags and watches had basically been sold out.

These things are out of print in the market and have a fixed group of players who collect them. In addition, Han Yan's product pictures are very beautiful and come with authentic purchase records from official stores. If you just buy the entire series, you will also get a small gift. His sales are almost the highest among similar products.

He currently has 18 million star coins in liquid funds in his account.

Maybe Han Yan should use the money to pay off his debts, but he is always good at maximizing benefits. The money will disappear after it is paid off, but if it can be used to do business, he can get multiple returns.

As for what kind of business to start...

Han Yan hasn't made up his mind yet, he needs to investigate carefully.

In the afternoon, Han Yan packed the last batch of luxury goods sold into boxes and stuffed a bunch of toys as gifts. After finishing the work at hand and seeing that it was getting late, he went back to his room to take a shower, change clothes, and prepare to leave for the banquet.

Salilan Law is a monarchy. In other words, your life is not controlled by yourself, but by the Insect Emperor. Although the male insect has a noble status, Han Yan will not gamble with his life. He came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, carefully selected a white dress from the closet, and then gestured in front of the mirror -

It fits well.

After a period of training, Han Yan's originally thin figure has obviously changed a little. He is neither too strong nor too thin. Everything is just right. He wiped the water marks on his hair with a bath towel, then changed into a suit and tied a silver-gray tie. His temperament is just like his whole person, rigorous and cold.

The man in the mirror has a gentle appearance, and all his evil ambitions are hidden behind the lens. Outsiders can only see the faint smile on his lips, and they will fall into the trap if they are not careful.

And now, Han Yan is about to discuss a big deal...

The banquet was held at the Wenjueton Palace, which was the most prestigious place in the entire imperial capital and represented the supreme royal power. It was said that today was the military's annual celebration banquet, and the generals of various departments would come from their stationed planets to attend, so the scene was very grand.

Lord Yechi was the internal affairs officer of the Insect Emperor and had to stay with the monarch all the time. When the guests entered the hall one after another, he subconsciously glanced at the dance floor, then bowed slightly and asked, "Your Majesty, the eldest son of the Admon family will also attend the banquet today. Do you need me to go down and greet him?"

At that time, the Insect Emperor was standing on the second floor overlooking the banquet hall below. Although he was over a hundred years old, he was still in the prime of life in the 200-year life of the Insect Race. Hearing this, he tapped the carved railing with his fingertips and asked without emotion, "Is the eldest son of the Admon family coming to the banquet alone?"

Lord Yechi nodded: "Yes."

The Insect Emperor closed his eyes and said nothing after hearing this. He seemed to sigh, "I heard that he is stupid by nature. You go down to pick him up. If nothing goes wrong, Gain's marriage partner will be the male insect from the Ademon family. His maturation can no longer be delayed."

Lord Yechi obviously knew the result and was not surprised: "Do you need to bring that gentleman upstairs?"

The Insect Emperor shook his head slightly and did not agree immediately: "Let's see first."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly remembered something and asked again, "Where is Gain?"

Lord Yeqi hesitated for a moment and said, "The Eighth Prince should be in the room. He never likes this kind of occasion and rarely shows up."

The Insect Emperor only said one sentence: "He will come out. In any case, Gain should see what his future partner looks like."

There is a lounge at the end of the corridor on the second floor. It is separated from the music and laughter outside by just a wall. It is like a magnificent tomb. The air is filled with only silence and desolation.

When Lord Yechi pushed the door open, he saw the Eighth Prince Gain sitting inside. Most of his body was sunk into the darkness of the sofa, and the shadow climbed along the ground to his legs, making him look like a cold stone statue.

Lord Yechi couldn't help but slow down his pace when he saw this, as if he was afraid of disturbing something, and asked in a low voice: "Your Highness, the banquet has started, don't you want to go out and take a look?"

The female insect sitting on the sofa seemed to have sensed something when she heard this. She tilted her head and looked in the direction of Yeqi. Her eyes were as calm as a pool of stagnant water. The light from above her head shone down, illuminating her feminine features. Her face was beautiful but sickly pale. She asked back without any emotion, "What are you looking at?"

"Or do you want me to go down and dance?"

After saying this, Gain gently patted his lame leg. His fingertips were also pale and thin, and one could even see the blue veins on the back of his hand. He lowered his eyes lazily and said, "I'm sorry to disappoint you. I'm afraid I can't jump."

His eyelashes were extremely thick, and when he lowered his eyes, they cast a shadow under his eyes, also covering the thin red mole below the end of his eye.

Lord Yechi was inevitably a little embarrassed when he heard this, but he was used to his lonely and unpredictable personality. "The other princes are also out. It would not be good if you were absent."

Gain was indifferent. His face was still young, but there seemed to be a dark ink-like color deep in his eyes, just like the endless rainy days, damp and rotten to the point of being uncomfortable: "This is not the first time I've been absent."

His voice was very faint, and gradually disappeared into the air like ripples.

Lord Yechi said, "It's different, Your Highness. The eldest son of the Ademon family will also come this time. If nothing goes wrong... he will be engaged to you."

Rumors about Ashya's mental retardation had long been rife throughout the imperial capital, especially the last time Lord Yechi went to visit him with his servants, Han Yan had a thick layer of ointment on his face, and after he came back, news of his disfigurement spread inexplicably.

A stupid, ugly fool; this is how the outside world describes Han Yan.

Gain was in the imperial capital, so it was impossible for him not to have heard about it. Hearing this, he slowly moved his numb right leg, not knowing what he was thinking. After a moment, he lowered his eyes and laughed softly, "Very good, I heard he's a fool, and he's a good match for a cripple like me..."

He was neither surprised nor angry, but just calmly accepted his fate.

Lord Yechi was about to speak, but Gain raised his hand to stop him. He said without emotion, "I know. I'll go down later."

Lord Yechi had no choice but to quietly leave the room and close the door. He looked down at the terminal on his wrist, but saw that the attendant who was welcoming guests at the palace gate suddenly sent a message saying that the eldest son of the Admon family had arrived by aircraft, so he hurried down the stairs to greet him.

Meanwhile, Han Yan had already arrived at the gate of the palace. He wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and looked gentle and abstinent, which was very different from his previous image. His white suit was spotless and stood out among the guests who were dressed in fancy clothes.

Many female insects couldn't help but stare at him blankly with red faces, but no one could recognize him.

Lord Yechi stood at the palace gate for a long while, and finally recognized Han Yan with his gray-blue eyes. He quickly stepped forward and asked, "Excuse me, is this Lord Ashya?"

Han Yan recognized the female insect in front of him as she had visited him in the hospital before. He nodded slightly and called out her name politely and accurately: "Master Yeqi, long time no see."

Lord Yechi was stunned again when he heard this, wondering how come this male insect from the Admon family suddenly became more intelligent? Could it be that the collision with the aircraft actually healed its brain

Lord Yechi was extremely puzzled, but he knew it was inconvenient to ask. He looked at the gentle and elegant man in front of him without leaving a trace, and a flash of surprise flashed across his eyes. He quickly came to his senses and led the other party into the hall with a smile: "It seems that your body has completely recovered. It is really gratifying. Why didn't Lord Admon accompany you?"

Han Yan smiled slightly: "Sorry, he has something to do and can't come for the time being."

(End of this chapter)