I Come from Afar Within the Zerg

Chapter 68: overnight


Han Yan embraced Gain without saying a word. His cold fingertips slid down the buttons of the female insect's shirt, opened the collar, and looked at the wound on her abdomen.

It's not too deep, but it's a bit annoying with the gauze sticking to it.

Han Yan quietly put out the cigarette in his hand. With a flick of his fingertips, the remaining half of the cigarette butt flew accurately into the trash can in the distance. He whispered, "Don't let this happen again."

In fact, Gain didn't need to do so. Even if he and Sander stayed in the locker room safely, Han Yan would not suspect anything. He knew the character of the female insect in front of him well, and it had nothing to do with "adultery".

Stabbed in the abdomen, what a loss...

Not only Jia Yin felt at a loss, Han Yan himself also felt at a loss.

But Gain misunderstood his meaning: "Sorry, it won't happen again next time."

Sander quietly followed into the locker room, with nothing more than the lustful intention of having a one-night stand. In any case, there are certain risks associated with female and male insects being in the same room, and this kind of thing really shouldn't happen again.

Han Yan suddenly smiled: "What do you think I'm talking about?"

Gain met his gaze, and was slightly startled. Then he realized that Han Yan was pointing at his wound, and he couldn't describe the feeling in his heart.

The knife wound on the abdomen is actually nothing for female soldiers, their bodies are much stronger than humans.

"Hero Lord,"

There is no benefit in caring about such things except wasting your time.

He had nothing more precious.

Gain opened his eyes in the darkness. The red mole under the corner of his eye was like a drop of blood hanging on the tip of his heart. "Gently, okay?"

Han Yan asked in a low voice: "Don't you like being touched here?"

Han Yan narrowed his grey-blue eyes and frowned unconsciously. His emotions were usually calm, but this time his brows were furrowed particularly tightly, with deep furrows. It was not until a warm and delicate kiss fell on the side of his face that he came back to his senses a little late.

He said seriously: "This is also yours."

It was a warm, violently beating heart.

Gain said, "I want to make you happy."

Do something else to distract yourself, and maybe you'll be happier.

Han Yan closed his eyes and kissed Gain. His voice had an illusion of tenderness in the vast night. Or maybe it wasn't an illusion, it was indeed tender. He covered the other's heart tightly with his palm and asked without any emotion: "You belong to me?"

Han Yan finally stopped thinking about those old things and asked with interest: "How do you want me to be happy?"

Why should Gain care

The more Han Yan thought about it, the funnier it became. But he couldn't laugh anymore, and the curve of his lips became indifferent again. The female insect was still kissing him seriously, like two wild animals in the jungle licking each other's wounds, and even gave Han Yan an illusion that he had become a pitiful and embarrassed little animal like Gain.

The female insect's kissing skills were still a little rusty, not as good as Han Yan's self-taught skills. Han Yan stroked the insect pattern on Gain's neck with his fingertips, and suddenly remembered that he hadn't touched him for a long time. He raised his hand to take off his glasses and gently placed them on the corner of the table.

Gain's Adam's apple rolled up and down: "Yes, it belongs to you..."

Really do not have…

Jia Yin had somehow broken free from Han Yan's embrace and reached out to hug him. He was keenly aware of Han Yan's low aura and tried to pull him back from his drifting thoughts, kissing him awkwardly, little by little.

A displaced ghost has nothing.

Jia Yin couldn't tell why, but he felt very happy. He raised his head and tried to kiss Han Yan, hoping that the male insect would give him more, but his wrist was grabbed, and Han Yan's low voice rang in his ears: "You are injured."

Those untouchable memories had been firmly sealed away in a box and put aside when Han Yan became successful. He thought he would never think of them again in his life, but on this quiet night, they suddenly surged up in his mind with Gain's words.

Jia Yin suddenly spoke in a deep voice. He held Han Yan's hand, then slowly moved it to the wound on his abdomen. He closed his eyes and said, "If you don't want to kowtow, you have no choice but to get hurt."

Han Yan silently tightened his fingertips upon hearing this, as if he had grasped something. He turned his body and directly pressed Gain under him, carefully avoiding his wounds. After a moment, he chuckled and whispered word by word: "Okay, I'll take it."

Gain wrapped his arms around his neck, closed his eyes and whispered, "I miss your pheromones."

After all, he is a cripple, and a cripple usually can't beat a group of people...

Gain's right leg trembled for a moment, as if he wanted to dodge, but for some reason he didn't dodge. No matter how many times his broken leg was touched, he would always feel an indescribable embarrassment and unbearableness in his heart, but Han Yan seemed a little unhappy today, and he wanted to coax him.

Han Yan felt the rough gauze on his fingertips, not knowing what he was thinking. The smell of tobacco in the air had gradually disappeared without a trace. The pale smoke perhaps reminded Han Yan of the misty clouds on the top of the mountain in Folang Village, and also reminded him of the time when he was a child and was ostracized and ridiculed by children of the same age because of his lame leg.

Ever since Sander stepped into that room, there were only two choices waiting for Gain: resistance or obedience. Resistance would inevitably cost a little blood.

This is the fate of female insects.

Han Yan let the female insect sit on his left leg without saying a word. His fingertips slid into the loose trouser leg of the other party and moved along the hideous scar on the calf all the way to the knee.

The one who gets beaten to a bloody pulp is always Han Yan.

Han Yan had incredible wealth in his previous life, with no shortage of fame, fortune, or power. Countless items had passed through his fingertips, but it seemed that no one had ever held a warm and sincere heart in his hands.


Han Yan thought hard for a long time, but all that came to his mind seemed to be the cold and exquisite collections on the antique display cabinet. Those things had no temperature at all and could be easily bought with money. They were far less precious and warm than the heart in front of him.

The female insect's eyes were red, and she was obviously aroused. He took Han Yan's hand and slowly moved it to his abdomen, where the reproductive cavity was located. He smiled and whispered: "This is also yours..."

A wild dog gave him its heart, which was different from the cold money, and was hot to the touch.

Gain sat on his lap, shook his head slightly, and said in a hoarse voice: "This place belongs to you."

Jia Yin held Han Yan's hand and continued to move it slowly upwards, finally moving it bit by bit to his heart. Something was beating in his warm flesh and bones: "And here..."

Most of the villagers were kindhearted, but the young children were mentally handicapped and were the most malicious. When Han Yan was young, he was not as cunning as he is now. He was always ruthless. If anyone bullied him, he would pay them back a thousand times, and the final result would only be a bloody head.

Han Yan grabbed his waist and asked, "What?"

There was a faint smile on his lips, probably because he found it funny. He wondered why this female insect wanted to make him happy? This question was obviously insignificant, wasn't it? In his previous life and this life, no one had ever cared about his mood, including Han Yan himself. Why should Jia Yin care

Han Yan was not one to indulge in lust, but he seemed to have made an exception again and again when it came to Gain. He raised his hand to push away the hair in front of the female insect's eyes, and finally agreed without making a sound, but leaned forward slightly and kissed the hideous scar on the other's knee.

Gain's body trembled violently for a moment.

Han Yan was laughing.

Han Yan likes Gain's right leg.

Han Yan doesn't mind that leg being disabled.

He was not as lucky as Gain.

In his previous life, no one had ever caressed his imperfections like this...

Han Yan hugged Gain and finally marked him very gently.

Outside the window, the clouds are thin, and the cold moonlight falls softly, illuminating the artificial flowerbed in the back garden. The branches and leaves are curled up and refuse to stretch, just like the sensitive and suspicious people in the world, stubbornly hiding their own hearts.

Gain just said that the heart belonged to him, and Han Yan believed it. He seemed to want to dissect the female insect's body, stubbornly searching for his own heart among the pile of flesh, blood and bones.

The smell of pheromones filled the entire room, it was that damp, slightly bitter scent of ancient rainforest woods, the difference was that this time it was as if someone had opened an umbrella to block the falling rain.

Gain's mind went blank, his vision blurred, and finally he could only feel the male insect gently covering the wound on his abdomen, and said in a low voice with indifference: "This kind of thing will not happen again."

Han Yan doesn't like to see his belongings damaged.

Jia Yin's eyelashes trembled: "Yes... I promise you... it won't happen again..."

The S-class military female's strong physical strength was not verified on Gain, who was so tired that he couldn't even get up. Han Yan could only carry him into the bathroom and cleaned Gain briefly before returning to the bathroom to clean himself.

The bathroom door was not completely soundproof, and the sound of water splashing could be heard, as if it was raining in this enclosed space.

When Han Yan came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, he saw that Gain was still awake. He was lying in the bed with his back to him, and he didn't know what he was doing.

Han Yan walked up to him and saw that the other person had a bunch of scattered beads in his hand. When Jia Yin was trapped in the locker room today and was slamming the door, he probably accidentally bumped into something, and the sandalwood beads on his wrist also loosened. Just now, they completely fell apart.

Gain frowned and tried to string the beads together again, but because his hands were wrapped in gauze, he couldn't string them together no matter what. When he was tying the knot, his fingertips shook, and the beads instantly scattered all over the bed.

Han Yan directly lifted the quilt and went to bed. A gust of cool breeze blew through the quilt. He lay on the pillow, closed his eyes and said calmly, "Let's go back tomorrow. It's getting late. Let's go to bed first."

Although the string of sandalwood beads was precious, it was not worth a huge price. In Han Yan's eyes, it was just a toy at most. He obviously would not waste any time on such a thing.

Jia Yin paused for a moment after hearing this, but he did not listen to Han Yan's words. He lowered his head to retrieve the beads one by one, pursed his lips and continued to string them together in the dark, his expression focused and paranoid. "… "

Han Yan opened his eyes silently. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but the man seemed to sigh. He sat up straight on the bed, and with his slender fingertips, he directly took the scattered beads, then pinched the rope and strung them one by one, and tied a strong and beautiful knot again.

Gain looked at him silently without saying anything.

Han Yan motioned for him to stretch out his hand, and directly put the beads on gently, saying concisely: "Go to sleep."

Jia Yin was very obedient this time. He finally lay down quietly, then moved closer to Han Yan's side little by little, closed his eyes and began to sleep.

Han Yan opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling, feeling that he had forgotten something. However, there were too many things in his mind and he couldn't remember anything, so he had to give up thinking.

His memory was pretty good, and the fact that he couldn't remember it only meant that the incident was not important, so Han Yan slept peacefully.

Meanwhile, Johnny sat on the sofa in the living room of the Prince's Mansion, completely confused: What happened? He just went to the dining area to eat a meal and played some games in the entertainment lounge, but when he came out, the whole banquet hall was empty. Where was his brother

Prince Bape obviously didn't expect Johnny to end up here. Ever since the incident in the locker room, the banquet ended in a bad mood and the guests all left. He was ready to rest and sleep, so why didn't Johnny leave yet

Prince Pape frowned and subconsciously looked at the butler: "Why is Sir Johnny still here?"

The butler in charge of cleaning the banquet hall lowered his voice and explained to Prince Pape, "Your Highness, Sir Johnny has been playing games in the lounge. We just found him when we were cleaning. Do you want to call Admon's house to let him know?"

This kind of important banquet is for making connections. Who would be so stupid as to hide in the lounge and play games for hours? The butler was stunned when he found Johnny just now.

Prince Pape glanced at the wall clock and found that it was already midnight. Most of the insects had gone to bed. Calling at this time would inevitably disturb them. He waved his hand and signaled the butler to leave: "Forget it, you guys go and tidy up the banquet hall first."

Prince Pape walked towards Johnny, who was sitting on the sofa, and sat down not far from him. He couldn't help feeling a little helpless, thinking that this male insect was stupid: "Sir Johnny, because there was a little accident at the banquet just now, Sir Ashya and Gain left first. Accidentally..."

Prince Pape paused before saying, "I accidentally left you here."

This kind of thing was a bit far-fetched, and Prince Pape found it more or less amusing. After all, male insects were so precious, and the forgotten ones were mostly female insects, so how could male insects be left behind

Johnny was stunned at first, then he reacted and asked in surprise: "Accident? What accident?"

He was so busy eating that he didn't even have time to eat the melon.

Prince Bape thought for a moment, but didn't say much. After all, the matter was too complicated and he hadn't figured it out yet. He could only say briefly, "Gain got injured accidentally. Lord Ashya may have taken him to the hospital, so he didn't have time to call you when he left."

He thought Johnny would be angry. After all, no matter how important female insects are, they are not as important as male insects. It is natural for his brother to be angry because he forgot about him for his partner.

However, Johnny just said "Oh", as if he was used to it, scratched his hair in distress and asked, "Then how should I get home?"

Prince Pape glanced at the time subconsciously after hearing this: "It's already very late, why don't you stay in the guest room for one night, I'll ask the butler to take you back tomorrow."

Although Prince Pape and Johnny are of different genders, they are several dozen years apart in age after all. Given the generation gap, it should not cause controversy if the news gets out.

Johnny was a little moved when he heard this, but he still scratched his head and asked embarrassedly: "Is it too much trouble?"

The Prince's Mansion was so comfortable. Not only were there countless delicacies, but there was also a full set of game cards. Johnny was now somewhat reluctant to leave and did not want to return to the small villa under Han Yan's dark rule.

Prince Pape smiled and shook his head: "Sir, it's just a small favor, don't worry about it."

After he finished speaking, he ordered the butler to bring some wine and cakes, and then went to the third floor to prepare a guest room. He behaved considerately and took good care of Johnny in every possible way.

Johnny had been playing games for several hours and was a little hungry, so he just took a piece of cake and ate it. He looked simple-minded and careless, which was very different from the meticulous Han Yan.

Prince Bape took a sip of wine and thought of the software development business that Han Yan had mentioned to him in the study. He couldn't help but feel curious and asked calmly, "Sir Ashya's personality has changed a lot since he was discharged from the hospital. What does he usually do at home? I seem to rarely see him out in public."

Johnny nodded vigorously after hearing this, and agreed with it: "Ashia has indeed changed a lot. He forces me to cook at home every day. He didn't care about these things before."

As for what Han Yan was busy with, sorry, he had no idea at all.

When Prince Pape heard Johnny talking about cooking, he raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Cooking? Aren't the meals in your house prepared by Gain?"

After all, the Admon family is full of male insects, and the only two female kings and female maids are still on the battlefield and have not returned. After Gain gets married, according to the rules, he should be responsible for the housework.

However, Johnny proudly shook his head and said, "No, I cook all the meals at home."

He selectively ignored his comrade-in-arms Admon, with whom he had shared hardships, and his crappy cooking skills. Whenever there was chaos, Gain would privately help him prepare breakfast.

Prince Bape could not hide his surprise: "Where is Gain?"

Johnny thought for a moment and answered uncertainly, "In the room with my eldest brother?"

Anyway, in his memory, Gain was always inseparable from Han Yan and spent most of the day in the room.

Prince Bape: "Is Lord Ashya good to Gain?"

Johnny said without thinking, "Of course."

He felt that it was pretty good. He didn't hit or scold him, and he had never seen Han Yan lose his temper with Jia Yin.

Prince Pape saw that he was not lying, and finally felt relieved. For some reason, he stopped asking questions. He took a sip of wine and said with a sigh: "That's great."

He had always been worried that his taciturn nephew would be bullied, but he was too far away to intervene. He was relieved to learn that Han Yan treated Gain well in private.

Johnny looked at him curiously: "Why are you sighing?"

Prince Pape was a little drunk, and he smiled when he heard this: "It's just the fate of female insects."

Johnny didn't understand what he was saying, and became even more curious. He subconsciously moved closer to Prince Bape: "What fate?"

Prince Pape did not speak, but looked at the male insect in front of him with drunken eyes, as if he was looking at a clean white paper, and whispered: "You will understand later."

Excellent male insects are even rarer than their gender, and not everyone can meet one...

The next morning, the sky was just beginning to brighten.

Han Yan did not go out for morning exercise as usual, but sat in front of his laptop to work. He had already started preparing to set up a company, and the required registration information had been prepared long ago, but when he actually started to implement it, he found that he was seriously short of working capital.

The network that Han Yan had cast was too large, and the initial investment was also staggering. If he wanted to monopolize the lion's share of the profits, he would have to be responsible for this part of the funds himself. Unfortunately, the bank loan procedures were quite cumbersome, and even if male insects had priority, it would take at least four months to get approval.

Four months...

Han Yan stared at the financial details on the computer and frowned slightly. He tapped his fingertips lightly on the table, wondering whether it was worth waiting for these four months. After all, the situation in the business world changes rapidly and timing is also very important.

So many things have happened in four months.

Han Yan was lost in thought and didn't even notice when Gain came in. It was not until he knocked lightly on the door that he came back to his senses.

Gain limped in from the corridor. Unlike his usual uniform, he was wearing a neat military uniform today. He was holding a breakfast in his hand and reminded him, "Master, it's time to have breakfast."

Han Yan's eyes behind the lens were fixed on the optical computer. Hearing this, he hummed and said, "You eat first. I'll eat later."

He always works like this and has no time to eat or drink.

Upon hearing this, Jia Yin glanced at Han Yan's computer screen, only to see a dense stream of cash flow on it. He didn't know what he was thinking. He moved his fingertips slightly, pulled out a star card from his pocket, and gently placed it next to Han Yan's hand: "Hero..."

Han Yan: “Yeah.”

He didn't look back, but still responded patiently.

Gain: "My wedding leave is over."

Han Yan: "Today?"

Gain: "Well, I have to go back to the military academy today."

Han Yan paused for a moment while typing the cursor. He subconsciously looked at Gain, but suddenly found a golden star card next to him. He picked it up with his slender fingertips and took a look: "What is this?"

Gain: "My salary card."

Han Yan paused for a moment: "Salary card?"

Gain: "I have already opened the sharing permission with you three days ago. Please keep it for me."

He suddenly remembered something and added, "Lord, Johnny seems to be missing."

(End of this chapter)