I Come from Afar Within the Zerg

Chapter 75: Take control


It is five o'clock in the afternoon. Normally, Gain still has two hours before he gets off work at the military headquarters. No one knows why he suddenly returns home, but it is not difficult to see that he must be in a terrible mood, as if there is a thick ink in his eyes that cannot be dissolved.

Han Yan paused and sat back on the sofa. He glanced at the embarrassed Fulun on the ground and suddenly became curious about what Gain would do next. It seemed like this was the first time he saw him fight.

After Gain used his mental power to push Furen away, he limped into the house. His black military boots made a light sound when they hit the ground, which was depressing and dull.

When Furen was thrown against the wall, he was obviously hit hard. It took him a long time to get up from the ground with a painful look on his face. When he found Gain walking towards him with a gloomy face, he panicked for a moment and subconsciously wanted to turn around and seek Han Yan's protection. He rolled and crawled to Han Yan's feet: "Sir! Sir, save me, Sir!"

Han Yan obviously wouldn't pay any attention to Furen. He sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, looking relaxed and at ease. His gray-blue eyes kept following Gain's steps, but the female insect stopped when it was three steps away from him.

"… "

Gain said nothing. He narrowed his dangerous red eyes and stared expressionlessly at Furen's hand that was holding Han Yan's trouser leg. He stared at him until the other party shrank back as if he had been electrocuted. Finally, he looked at Han Yan.

The man remained indifferent, neither refusing nor taking the initiative.

He is always so cold, his heart seems to be made of stone and can never be warmed up.

Jia Yin felt as if his heart was stabbed by something, and his eyelashes trembled uncontrollably for a moment. He said nothing, did nothing, just stood in front of Han Yan for a moment, and finally withdrew his gaze without saying a word, turned around and went upstairs in silence.

The room was too dark, Han Yan turned on the light and sat in front of his laptop to prepare for work as usual. He did not open his mouth to explain anything, perhaps because it was unnecessary, or perhaps because he did not have the habit of doing so. He clearly never explained anything to anyone, and if he opened his mouth rashly, it would be like...

Before he finished speaking, he saw Fulun shaking his head and waving his hands, retreating in panic with tears in his eyes: "I'm sorry, sir... Please pretend that I didn't say anything... I didn't say anything..."

Gain always liked to collect those small things, ornaments, stones, dolls, bracelets. These things were small and delicate, and even if he hid them alone, no bugs would find them.

So Han Yan said nothing.

Gain: "My Lord, do you have any clothes you want to change into?"

Is it because the other person is not pretty enough

Gain paused, said nothing more, turned into the laundry room and closed the door gently.

Gain held his hand without saying a word, then slid it in along the hem of his clothes. He let the male insect's fingertips touch everything he could touch, the flexible waist, the delicate skin... The meaning was self-evident.

Fulun didn't understand what was going on, and his face was still in panic: "Wha...what?"

This strange state continued until they went to bed at night. Before that, neither of them took the initiative to talk to the other. Han Yan was absent-minded, but Jia Yin didn't know why.

There was silence in the air. Gain did not leave. His eyes fell on Han Yan's trouser legs. He always felt that the leg was a bit annoying.

Han Yan's breathing became disordered for a moment.

Han Yan paused holding the cursor, and subconsciously looked at Gain, who had already started cleaning the room. They would soon move to a new residential area, and there were many odds and ends that could be packed up now. Gain was putting those things into storage boxes one by one.

Still, heavy money is more appealing.

Han Yan raised his eyebrows lightly: "What?"

Han Yan slowly opened his eyes in the darkness, but not because he had figured out the answer, but because a female insect with silver hair and red eyes silently sat astride him, her eyes slightly lowered, staring at him with a cold and chilly look.

That face is obviously pretty good.

After saying this, Foren got up from the ground with almost weak legs, and crawled away. Before leaving, he did not forget to close the door, which made a loud "bang" sound, and he could be said to have fled in a panic.

Han Yan didn't look up, his eyes focused on the screen: "Why do you ask?"

"… "


Gain did not answer, but raised his hand to close the curtains. His thick eyelashes drooped, covering the endless haze and darkness in his eyes. He said to himself, "What a pity, I seem to have ruined your good fortune..."

It seemed as if he cared about Gain.

When lying in bed at night, Han Yan closed his eyes and kept thinking about what happened during the day. He didn't mind Fulun's little thoughts of seducing him, nor did he mind using some despicable means to achieve his goals when negotiating business. What he really cared about was why he couldn't have any desire for Fulun.

So what is the reason

Han Yan heard the noise and looked upstairs, but saw the door was closed and the silence was uncomfortable. He slowly stood up from the sofa and finally looked at Fulun. He leaned over and squatted beside him, and asked casually, "How is it?"

Han Yan: “No.”

Is it because his personality isn't likable enough

But Furen is obviously very obedient and can be servile to a certain extent when necessary, even Gain is slightly inferior to him.

Han Yan hummed casually: "Change it in the evening."

Han Yan raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw this. He was not surprised. He slowly stood up from the ground, probably thinking that the love that Foren talked about was just like that and would be blown away by the wind.

Jia Yin stood in front of the window and looked back at Han Yan, only to see that the man was already sitting in front of his laptop, busy with work. He asked in a low voice without any emotion: "Do you want to marry a female servant?"

The door closed with a slight sound.

But it was only for a moment, and he quickly restrained himself.

Han Yan withdrew his gaze upon seeing this, thinking that this matter had nothing to do with him. However, not long after, Gain suddenly changed the sheets and pillowcases on the bed and passed by him with a laundry basket.

Han Yan has already reacted.

Han Yan made an unprecedented offer: "If you want, maybe I can consider it..."

Han Yan hated things that were even more illusory than clouds and smoke.

The man chuckled, having had enough of this cat-and-mouse game, and raised his hand to adjust his glasses before turning to go upstairs. When he pushed the door open and entered the room, he saw Gain standing by the window with his back to him. From this angle, he could just see Foren and the others fleeing in panic.

Gain reminded: "Your pants seem to be a little dirty."

Han Yan smiled, but his gentle and elegant face did not make people feel friendly, but only gave people a sense of cat and mouse playfulness: "Do you still want to be my slave?"

Jia Yin tried his best to seduce Han Yan, leaning over and kissing him, but the male insect didn't make any moves for some reason. He finally fell into Han Yan's arms like a dehydrated mermaid, with red eyes and weak eyes, and asked in a low voice: "Don't you want it?"

But he suddenly realized a problem today—

The female insect in front of him controlled his desires.

This question is a bit scary for Han Yan, because for a person like him who is obsessed with money and greed, desire is everything. Whoever controls his desire means controlling his heart.

This is never a good sign...

Han Yan closed his eyes and lay on the bed, somewhat resisting this knowledge. He gently pushed Jia Yin aside, as if to prove something in this way, and said lightly: "It's getting late, go to bed."

He could control himself from touching Gain.

You can also control yourself from kissing the other person.

Han Yan used this clumsy way to prove that he could still control his desires, but he forgot that such things should be done as one pleases. If one needs to deliberately "control" them, then he has already lost half the battle.

Jia Yin obviously didn't expect Han Yanyan to push him away, so he fell to the bed and was stunned for a few seconds before he came to his senses. He subconsciously looked at Han Yan, but saw that the male insect had closed his eyes, as if he had fallen asleep.


Obviously I would never reject myself before...

Why is it so abnormal today...

Because of that female insect

Gain's face was sickly pale in the moonlight, his eyes were gloomy and he was lost in thought, not knowing what he was thinking. He slowly approached Han Yan in the dark, held the man's gentle and handsome face with his cold hands, and whispered to Han Yan against his forehead, "Are you tired of my body?"

This disabled, boring body...

Has Han Yan become bored already

Gain smiled and thought, how can this be possible

Didn't he give Han Yan a choice in the first place

He had reminded Han Yan that he was a cripple, so he should either not marry her or never let her go in his life...

Unless he dies. Jia Yin lowered his eyes and kissed Han Yan, again and again, quite hard and fiercely. A fishy and sweet smell of blood spread between his lips and tongue, making his dark red eyes look even more dangerous.

Han Yan originally thought that Jia Yin would stop after two kisses, but he didn't expect that the other party would become more and more excessive. He couldn't continue to pretend to be dead, so he had to quietly open his eyes.

Han Yan stared at Jia Yin quietly, feeling that this female insect seemed to have taken the wrong medicine today, and was crazy and critical: "I told you, go to sleep."

Jia Yin curled his lips coldly: "I am sleeping with you."

After saying this, Jia Yin continued to lower his head and kiss Han Yan, his expression focused and paranoid. He knew all the interests and hobbies of the male insect and could easily arouse his desires, but he didn't know that the more he did this, the more Han Yan wanted to push him away.

Jia Yin deliberately cried and asked for a kiss in Han Yan's ear. The red teardrop mole at the end of his eye looked enchanting, but his face was pale and gloomy, giving off a beautiful sense of brokenness.

He called him "Master" in a hoarse and helpless voice.

The reproductive cavity in the abdomen is shrinking slightly due to emptiness.

He pressed the male insect's palm against his abdomen, silently hinting at something.

"… "

Han Yan slowly closed his eyes and at one point wanted to kill Gain.

Of course, the word "kill" is not necessarily derogatory. In Han Yan's dictionary, this word can have many different interpretations, such as killing someone violently in bed.

Han Yan finally pushed Gain away.

He suddenly realized that if he continued to stay in the room, he would soon break his vow, so he put on his clothes, took his pillow, and went straight to the living room downstairs to sleep.

Han Yan needs a cooling-off period. He needs to sort out where that inexplicable feeling comes from. Before that, he will not pay attention to any situation of Gain, as that will interfere with his judgment.

The door upstairs was tightly closed, and everything was quiet inside and outside. Han Yan closed his eyes and lay on the narrow sofa. His bitten lips were still aching. He licked the blood between his lips and teeth carelessly, and suddenly felt that he was crossing the river in a mud boat, unable to save himself.

Not only was Gain going crazy, he himself was also going crazy.

A sleepless night.

The next morning, Han Yan went upstairs to his room while all the insects were still asleep, and washed and changed his clothes as usual. Gain also ironed his coat as usual, helped him put it on, and then smoothed the buttons carefully.

They acted as if nothing had happened.

Han Yan lowered his eyes and looked at Gain, noticing the dark blue under the female insect's eyes. He slowly brushed her delicate pale cheek with his cold fingertips and asked with ambiguous meaning, "Didn't you sleep last night?"

Han Yan might habitually want to kiss Gain's cold and soft lips, then push him against the desk and play with his flexible waist under the military uniform. After everything is done to his heart's content, he will leave home contentedly and go to the company to start a busy day.

Very good, this is another strong evidence that he cannot control his desires.

There was a hint of regret in Han Yan's eyes behind his glasses. He thought that during the time when he was learning to control his desires again, he probably wouldn't be able to touch Gain again. A smart businessman must learn to pull back from the brink, otherwise he would be crushed to pieces.

"Um… "

Jia Yin went to another extreme of silence. He frankly admitted the reason, then lowered his eyes to help Han Yan adjust his buttons one by one. Those red eyes seemed to have something more and something less: "Isn't it time for you to go to work?"

Han Yan hummed and was about to leave, but Jia Yin suddenly reached out and grabbed him, and after a moment he slowly let go: "My Lord..."

Han Yan turned around and waited for his words.

Gain whispered, "Our new home has been renovated and we can move in soon."

Once they move in, no more bugs will bother them.

Han Yan said: "You arrange it, I still have a meeting to attend."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the time and then turned around to go out for work, but he ignored Gain's hesitant expression.

An invitation was quietly placed on the corner of the table, in a very conspicuous position, but Han Yan was obviously absent-minded this morning and did not notice it. If he had taken a look at the Star Network news, he would have found that today was the wedding of the Seventh Prince Justu.

Gain picked up the invitation, quietly put it into his military uniform pocket, and limped out of the room. After all, it was his biological brother's wedding, so he should go no matter what, even though he was not used to being in the same place with Justu. The male insect was busy with work and rarely paid attention to such activities. He had a meeting today, so he was afraid he would not go.

Han Yan was a bit busy today, and those messy things temporarily controlled his divergent thoughts. Prince Bape was also present at the afternoon meeting. He subtly tested the other party's interest in developing a new short video platform, which aroused Prince Bape's interest.

Prince Bape, due to his years of business habits, first considered risks rather than profits: "People nowadays are used to browsing videos on Starnet. If we set up a separate video software, will it make them feel inconvenient?"

Han Yan said: "Although there are a lot of video content on Starnet, they are not well categorized, and the ranking and recommendation are based on the number of rewards, which results in many small anchors not being able to stand out. There are too many disadvantages."

He pushed up his glasses and controlled the optical computer to directly display the content on the large screen in front of him. "These are the dozens of new star anchors I selected. They have good potential, but they don't have the opportunity to be exposed. I plan to sign them directly when the platform is established later."

Prince Bape glanced at Han Yan and asked in surprise, "Sir, isn't the scope of your career too big?"

The other party had just developed the food delivery software not long ago, and now they are turning around to get involved in the entertainment industry. Even Prince Pape felt that it was not safe.

Han Yan thinks that it won't happen, because the Zerg software market is really uncompetitive. As long as you get involved in development, it's basically a business that is guaranteed to make money. This is a piece of cake that no one can share: "In fact, whether it's developing software or signing a live streamer, the final result is to face the Internet public. There is no difference in essence. Even if it's software promotion, the help of these live streamers is indispensable behind the scenes."

Prince Pape was browsing the information on the big screen. He was so engrossed in reading that he didn't even notice that You Chong was pouring tea for him. As a result, he accidentally knocked over the cup when he turned sideways, and the scalding tea splashed all over his body.

"Are you okay?!"

Johnny had been sitting next to Han Yan, and he subconsciously stood up from his seat when he saw this. He took the tissue on the table and walked forward quickly, half-crouching beside Prince Pape's legs and using the tissue to wipe off the hot fruit tea residue on his body, and said hurriedly: "The company has a spare medicine box, I'll take you to wash it with cold water, it's not good to get burned."

Prince Bape didn't expect Johnny to rush over. In front of Han Yan, he was inevitably a little embarrassed: "Sir, it's okay, it's just a little splashed, it's no big deal."

He had served in the battlefield when he was young, and his physique was not as weak as that of the sub-female. Not to mention that he was not burned, even if he was really burned, it would not cause any damage to his skin.

After a period of experience, Johnny finally matured a lot and was no longer the young boy he used to be. Hearing this, he realized that this was a public place, and slowly withdrew his hand, put the tissue next to Prince Pape, and asked the staff beside him to find a spare medicine box, and found an excuse for his behavior: "Sorry, our company's employees accidentally burned you, you should go to the lounge to treat the wound later."

After he finished speaking, he retreated to sit next to Han Yan again. He was well-mannered and organized, as if he could already take charge of things on his own.

Prince Pape was dazed for a moment. He saw that his cuffs and knees were wet. He remembered that he had to attend the Seventh Prince's wedding later, so he got up and left to go to the lounge to deal with his clothes.

Han Yan had to suspend the meeting and took a sip of tea during the break. His eyes fell on the light brain and he inadvertently discovered that Star Network News was reporting the wedding of the Seventh Prince Justu and a male insect. He paused slightly.

Han Yan asked Johnny, "Is the Seventh Prince Yusitu getting married today?"

Johnny thought about it, then nodded: "It's probably about to start now, don't you know?"

Han Yan didn't say anything. He was thinking about such a big thing. Why didn't he receive an invitation? It couldn't be that the royal family missed it. "Why didn't Prince Pape go?"

Johnny: "He is the elder, he can arrive late. Last time when you and Gain got married, he arrived just as the banquet started."

Han Yan glanced at him with his gray-blue eyes, and it was unknown what emotions were mixed in his expression: "You remember it clearly."

Johnny realized he had said something wrong, so he immediately lowered his head and kept silent.

Han Yan thought about it, but he couldn't figure out who had the invitation, and why Gain didn't tell him. Finally, he pulled out a chair and stood up, ending the meeting. He said calmly: "I have something to do, so I'll leave first. When Prince Pape comes out later, remember to apologize on my behalf."

Johnny was a little surprised when he heard this: "The meeting isn't over yet, where are you going?"

Does Han Yan, a workaholic, have anything else to do besides work? Does he also want to attend the wedding

Johnny's confused mind finally cleared up for once.

After Han Yan left the company, he packed a gift at a nearby mall and took a flying vehicle straight to the wedding venue. He calculated the time along the way and found that the wedding had just begun. As a result, when he arrived at the door of the banquet hall, he saw Jia Yin limping out and quietly leaving the banquet.

Gain still doesn't like crowds.

Because the more lively the environment, the more pitiful he will look, like a stray dog that no one wants.

He sat alone in a secluded corner for a while, then put down the gift and left.

Han Yan slowly put his hands into his pockets, stood not far away and looked at Gain, thinking that he could no longer control his emotions again. This time it had nothing to do with desire, he just felt that the female insect was a little pitiful.

(End of this chapter)