I Come from Afar Within the Zerg

Chapter 82: Ah Yan


It was obvious that a fight had just taken place here. Five or six children all had bruises on their faces, but the worst-off seemed to be the "Third Uncle". His clothes were torn, his head was bleeding, and there was not a single good spot on his body.

Ah Sui stood on a small dirt slope, his hands on his hips, and accurately conveyed his great grandfather's instructions: "Great grandfather said that each of you should carry ten buckets of water, and you are not allowed to eat until you finish carrying all the water."

One of the older boys was obviously not convinced. He wiped the blood from his nose with his hand and said indignantly, "Why would Great Grandfather suddenly ask us to fetch water? Suizhi, are you going to complain again?!"

Ah Sui made a face and said, "I didn't complain. You guys were fighting anyway."

Another child retorted: "Who started a fight? It was Ayan who rushed over to hit us first!"

Ah Sui was simple-minded and spoke too quickly: "Who told you to call him a cripple?"

"He was a cripple!"

“That’s right!”

The malice of children is the most innocent, but also the most hurtful. With the voices echoing from all around, the quiet Ah Yan suddenly rushed forward. He pinned the loudest child to the ground and beat him to death. His eyes were cold and fierce, which did not belong to this age: "You curse again?!"

Yuanzhi was frightened by his fierce eyes and collapsed to the ground, unable to speak for a moment. The other children rushed forward to drag Ayan away, and the commotion was finally calmed down.

Jia Yin inexplicably liked this child. He looked at A Yan's delicate features and high nose bridge, and thought that if he and the male master had a bug cub in the future, it would be great if it was as beautiful as this one.

Gain seemed to want to reach out and touch it, but before he could move, he heard a shout suddenly coming from the distant hillside. It turned out to be the old man who was sitting at the entrance of the village eating walnuts before.

He didn't know that Ayan was an orphan.

This is a dream, he can't touch the other person.

A pair of black military boots appeared in front of Ah Yan at some point, and then they slowly squatted down. Unfortunately, neither of them could see each other. Gain stared at the poor insect in front of him quietly. The sky was drizzling, but it only fell on one person.

It was rainy and the mountain road was muddy and difficult to walk on, but the old man was very agile and jumped down the hillside to the stream in a few leaps. He walked along the gravel beach all the way to the stream, stretched out his hand and grabbed Ah Yan from the ground.

Gain was silent for a moment, thinking that the child named Asui was really stupid. If the other party refuses, it doesn't mean he really wants to refuse. If you ask a few more times, he will naturally agree.

Ah Sui had no choice but to change his words: "Okay, Ah Yan, how about I help you fetch water?"

They were all playmates who grew up together in the village. They didn't necessarily have any bad intentions. They would occasionally fight over arguments, but the fights would be forgotten over the time it took to eat a meal. No one had ever been as serious as Ayan, who seemed to want to tear a piece of flesh off alive when fighting.

Ah Yan couldn't hear him, so he couldn't answer him. The skinny child curled up in the rain like a homeless dog, but he seemed to prefer being wet in the rain to going back to the village.

"It's going to rain hard soon. What if I get sick?"

Ah Sui also jumped up and down beside him: "Third Grandpa, do you want me to help you choose~"

Indeed, they are all crippled.

The children looked at each other, finally realizing that their previous fight was a bit extreme. Finally, they dispersed obediently and went back home to get the small wooden buckets they usually used for practicing martial arts and go to the stream to fetch water.

Ah Yan lowered his head and eyes, his expression was cold and stubborn: "I don't have a home."

Jia Yin was a little worried that the old man would punish A Yan, so he nervously reached out to stop him, but his hand was empty.

As if afraid of disturbing something, Gain asked in a low voice: "Why don't you go home?"

Jia Yin chewed on these two words again and again, thinking that this name was really strange, but not bad. He followed behind Ah Yan, and saw him carrying a shoulder pole and carrying water again and again with difficulty. He didn't know how many times he fell on the mountain road. Ah Yan carried 16 loads of water to fill the water tank that could be filled with 10 loads.

Ah Yan said coldly: "Don't call me Third Grandpa."

Ayan was no exception. He carried two empty buckets on a shoulder pole and limped down the mountain. It was not until this time that Gain discovered that there seemed to be something wrong with his right leg.

The rain drops down in a fine stream, it's very cool.

Congenital disabilities are difficult to treat.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and whenever the wind blew, the whole forest made a whistling sound, which was a sign that it was going to rain.

Gain didn't quite understand why this young insect was lame at such a young age and had to work so hard to fetch water down the mountain. He was a little worried that it would fall off the mountain, so he followed it closely, even though they couldn't touch each other at all.

"If you don't go back, your female father and male father will be worried..."

Gain had no choice but to follow the child slowly. He stared at the other's stubborn and lonely back. He felt vaguely familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere. After thinking about it again and again, he realized that he was a bit like himself.

Seeing that Ayan was soaked, Jiayin took off his military jacket without saying a word and held it above the child's head. He didn't know if this would help, but he felt that it would make him feel better.

Ah Yan, for some reason, did not go home, but sat by the stream, staring at the gravel in a daze. He was too thin, with no flesh on his face, black eyes, and black eyelashes, but his face was handsome and delicate, unlike other children who looked childish, and he could already see some maturity after growing up.

The great grandfather grabbed Ah Yan's arm, looked up and down, noticed the mud and scars on his body, frowned in the rain and asked: "It's raining, why don't you go home?"

"Little bug,"

When the water tank was full, the two legs were broken into pieces, the pants were torn and the knees were torn.

After A Yan finished speaking, he quickened his pace and walked in front. His refusal was very obvious. Seeing this, Asui scratched his head, believing it to be true, and had to go play by himself nearby.

It's a pity that he has silver hair and red eyes, while the male master has blue hair and blue eyes. They probably won't be able to give birth to insect cubs with black hair and black eyes in the future.

The mountain road was steep, and the child would fall down from time to time, but would eventually get up on his own, as if he didn't feel any pain. There were several times when Gain couldn't help but reach out to help him, but his fingertips went straight through his body, as if they had touched a void soul.

Thinking of this, Gain slowly lowered his eyes to look at Ayan's injured right leg, only to see that his knee was twisted and deformed, which was probably the reason why he walked with a limp.

He had no bad intentions, but his jumping appearance would obviously make 99% of the cripples in the world feel uncomfortable.

The child named Ah Yan was too proud. Asking once was not enough. He should have asked a hundred or a thousand times. Maybe his heart would soften. Unfortunately, kindness in this world can only be shown once, at most three times. After that, there is no more.

"Need not."

Ah Yan...

Ayan was too thin, so Gain had to half-kneel to talk to him.

Ah Yan...

Great grandfather was so angry that he blew his beard and glared: "Nonsense, who said you have no home? Folang Village is your home!"

Ah Yan didn't argue or make a fuss. The rain slid down his cheeks, diluting the blood from his wounds. He repeated coldly, "They all know that you picked me up. I'm an orphan."

The great grandfather said: "Since you have been picked up by me, you are no longer an orphan. Fallen leaves return to their roots. From now on, Folang Village is your root!"

Seeing that the rain was getting heavier, he finally stopped talking nonsense with Ayan and directly grabbed his hand and walked towards the village.

Gain wanted to catch up anxiously, but the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and there was a white mist everywhere. When he passed by a dilapidated stone tablet at the entrance of the village, he seemed to be cast under a spell and could not take another step.

He stood there, staring at the child disappearing into the forest.

Ah Yan was dragged back to the village by his great grandfather, limping as the raindrops dripped into his eyes, making them stinging and painful. He raised his hand and wiped them with his sleeve. For some reason, he subconsciously turned his head and looked into the distance. He saw a slender man standing in the rain and fog, with silver hair and red eyes, very handsome.

A Yan was stunned for a moment, but when he looked carefully again, the figure disappeared again, just like clouds blown away by the wind, disappearing without a trace in the air.

A Yan will never know that he will grow up slowly after many years.

He would never know that one day he would finally be able to walk without limping.

He would wear a well-tailored suit, step into a magnificent palace, and meet a lame female insect at a dance party.

The outside world thinks he is incomplete and gloomy.

Han Yan only thought that the female insect was very beautiful with its silver hair and red eyes...

This dream was so long that Gain slept until noon the next day. He opened his eyes dazedly and subconsciously reached out to touch his side, but only felt a cold temperature. Through the transparent balcony glass door, he saw Han Yan sitting on the terrace smoking. It happened to be raining outside, and the sound of rain came in through the door, like countless beads jumping on the floor.

Gain glanced at the time, then quietly walked into the bathroom to wash and change clothes, then opened the balcony glass door and limped to Han Yan's side.

Han Yan didn't go to work today. He was wearing a white casual shirt, sitting on a chair with his legs crossed, his gray-blue eyes staring at the rain and fog outside, wondering what he was thinking. He held a half-burned cigarette between his fingertips, and the smoke just rose up before it was blown away by the cold wind.

Han Yan was looking at the rain, and Gain was looking at him.

Gain stared at Han Yan's elegant and handsome profile, lost in thought for a moment. He inexplicably thought of the village in his dream, and of Ah Yan who limped. In his hazy memory, the child's appearance seemed to gradually overlap with the mature man smoking in front of him, and it was difficult to tell the difference between you and me.

Han Yan noticed the footsteps coming from behind him and turned around inadvertently, only to see Jia Yin standing behind him. He flicked the ash from his cigarette and asked casually, "Are you awake?"

It is possible that it was because I stayed up too late yesterday.

Gain nodded, his voice still a little broken: "Why are you sitting outside?"

The winter in Salilanfa is very cold. After the last rain, there was overwhelming snow. Han Yan was wearing thin clothes and it was easy for him to get sick and catch a cold sitting outside.

"Nothing, just look at the rain."

Han Yan also noticed the chill in the air. He put out his cigarette, stood up from his chair, turned around and went back into the house with Gain. When the heater was turned on, even the floor was warm.

Han Yan didn't want to work today, so he sat on the floor next to the bed, took out a notebook from the drawer, and began to quietly copy the ancient medical books in his mind. The text was obscure and difficult to understand.

Seeing this, Gain pulled the curtains open a little to let the sunlight in. Because of the large temperature difference between indoors and outdoors, a thin layer of white mist appeared on the balcony glass door. Seeing this, he remembered something and gently wrote two words on it -

Ah Yan.

Gain wasn't sure if the child's name was this word, he just thought the word sounded better, and after a moment he slowly withdrew his hand.

Gain didn't sleep well and was still a little sleepy. He saw Han Yan sitting on the ground, so he walked over quietly, leaned beside him, and then rested his head on the male insect's legs.

Han Yan would not push him away. Seeing this, the tip of his pen paused for a moment, then continued writing.

The room was heated and covered with soft carpets, which was more comfortable than the bed. Jia Yin closed his eyes and rubbed Han Yan's legs. He couldn't help but asked softly, "Master Xiong, what were you like before?"

Han Yan said, "Same as you."

This sentence was half true and half false, and I didn't know if the male insect was joking on purpose. He still lowered his eyes and wrote something seriously, leaving sharp and beautiful words on the white paper, revealing his seriousness and rigor.

Maybe the question is irrelevant.

Gain didn't need to know what he looked like before.

He only needs to know that Han Yan's appearance towards him is unique, and will never be revealed to anyone else in the past, present, or future.

The rain outside is getting heavier.

Jia Yin suddenly lost all his sleepiness. He rested his head on Han Yan's right leg, touched the scar that had long since healed through his pants, and then, under the male insect's gaze, he tilted his head and kissed his knee.

Han Yan's legs trembled for a moment, very slightly.

Gain seemed to be unaware and kissed her again.

Han Yan pinched his chin expressionlessly, lowered his eyes to look at Gain, a strand of blue hair slipped quietly, almost touching the other's eyes, and asked in a low voice without any emotion: "What are you doing?"

Gain did it for some unknown reason. He felt the force coming from his jaw and wondered if Han Yan was angry.

"Are you angry?"

Han Yan was naturally not angry. He seemed to want to ask something, but he didn't ask anything. Finally, his eyes darkened, and he lowered his head to return the kiss twice, hiding all the words he wanted to say between his lips and tongue.

Will Gain understand

Han Yan is not sure...

Before the first snow of the year fell in Saliland, a lot of things happened. After an intensive investigation, the military finally found out the identities of the female insects that attacked Han Yan, and also found out the information about the mastermind behind the incident.

Jia Yin knew that Han Yan had been following this matter, and he told Han Yan as soon as he got the news: "Those female insects are roaming interstellar pirates, belonging to the Clet Alliance, and one of them is the most wanted criminal in the Empire. According to his account, a month ago, a strange female insect suddenly found their alliance headquarters and paid a large deposit to ask them to secretly kill two male insects."

Needless to say, the two male insects must be Han Yan and Johnny.

Han Yan was sitting on a chair, studying the silver needles that had just arrived. He didn't even raise his head when he heard this. He was obviously more interested in the thing in his hand. He asked casually, "Who is that female insect?"

Gain couldn't help looking at the row of silver needles flashing with cold light in Han Yan's hand: "He is a distant relative of the Durant family. We took him to the military interrogation room for questioning, but he took the blame himself and refused to say anything else."

Han Yan finally looked at Jia Yin after hearing this. He held a silver needle in his slender fingertips and asked with interest, "You won't say anything?"

There is no mouth that cannot be pried open, only needles that cannot pry open the pain point.

Gain shook his head slightly and said meaningfully: "Don't worry, the military has many ways to make him talk. We can give you the answer you want in three days at most."

He had already said this, so Han Yan naturally did not ask any more questions and turned to ask another question: "Do you know any single female insects?"

Gain was stunned for a moment when he heard this: "What?"

Han Yan lowered his eyes, sorted the silver needles in the needle bag one by one according to their sizes, and patiently repeated: "Do you know any single female insects? Johnny wants to marry a female monarch, help him find a blind date."

Han Yan had no intention of interfering, but he did say that he wanted to marry Johnny to a female monarch, and it was too late to regret what he had said. The other party was now bombarding him with messages every day, and he was so obsessed with marrying a female monarch.

Gain hesitated and said, "Didn't you meet any female insects when you were out discussing business?"

He seemed to be testing something without leaving a trace.

Han Yan raised his hand to adjust his glasses and said calmly, "Yes."

Gain's ears perked up: "Who?"

Han Yan: "Prince Pape."

Jia Yin choked and didn't dare to ask any more questions. His cousin and the brother of the Lord were in that kind of relationship. He felt a little embarrassed for some reason, so he had to think seriously and select suitable blind date candidates for Johnny in his mind.

Brand, the young leader of the Southern Yinchatai

It shouldn't be possible. The other party is off to destroy the Interstellar Pirate Alliance and probably doesn't have time to return to the main planet for a blind date.

Major General Axe

His personality is too cold, and he doesn't seem to get along well with Johnny.

Gain screened all the single female insects of the right age that he knew, but found that none of them was suitable for Johnny. Either their age, personality, or level were not suitable.

He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't even notice when Han Yan walked up behind him. It was not until he was caught off guard and fell into a familiar embrace that he came to his senses: "My Lord?"

Han Yan didn't say anything. His slender fingertips moved down and directly pushed open the military belt around Gain's waist. He rubbed the female insect's strong waist for a while, then uttered a word: "Take off your pants."

It is still daytime, and this sentence is bound to arouse my imagination.

Gain subconsciously glanced at the sun outside, and finally followed Han Yan's instructions, lowered his head and obediently took off his military pants, then lifted the quilt and lay down on the bed.

However, Han Yan did not seem to want to roll out the sheets. He sat down at the end of the bed and lifted the corner of the quilt, revealing Gain's injured leg. He slowly spread out the needle roll on his knees, then pulled out a thin silver needle from it, and his eyes fell on Gain's leg, as if thinking about where to insert the needle.

Jiain didn't understand and stared at him blankly with his red eyes.

Han Yan asked him, "Are you afraid?"

Jia Yin finally realized that the needle was meant for him, but he felt that Han Yan was not punishing him. Hearing this, he suppressed his uneasiness and shook his head gently: "It's okay."

It's just a needle, nothing to a military female.

(End of this chapter)