I Cultivate Passively

Chapter 108: bed bugs! You don't deserve me to target you!


"Is this the genius of the Three Gu Sect?"

With such doubts, Qin Xiang fell into darkness forever.

So desperate! The battle just now was too desperate for him.

No matter how hard he attacks, he can't hit, and his opponent always seems to know his next move.

Then when he faced Zhou Feng's attack, he couldn't resist it.

A demonic energy invaded his body through some unknown method, and then began to spread.

Until the end, the battle ended without Prime Minister Qin touching a hair of Zhou Feng.

Such a huge gap is nothing like the fifth level of the Lingtai versus the second level of the Lingtai.

This is actually like the Lingtai Realm versus the Qi Condensation Realm.

Although Prime Minister Qin's combat power dropped a lot because he had no magical weapons and was unable to use other means.

But the problem is that Zhou Feng did not use magic weapons, and only used the magic swallowing tactics to fight throughout the whole process.

The more Zhou Feng uses the demon-swallowing strategy now, the more mysterious it becomes.

Especially after the whole body's spiritual energy is converted into demonic energy, this demon-swallowing combat method can be used smoothly.

It can change various attack phenomena at will, and can also simulate various natural disasters.

There are no fixed moves at all when fighting, just move as you like.

"Complete a qualified battle! Endurance +1!"

"Collecting souls successfully!"

After winning this battle, two messages pop up on the skill panel.

The passives of Whetstone and Soul Collection are triggered!

Zhou Feng's endurance increased again, and then the upper limit of the soul's power also increased a little.

"We can break through!"

Feeling the state of the spiritual platform that could transform at any time, Zhou Feng felt that he would be able to break through to the third level of the spiritual platform after returning.

besides! The progress bar of the skill panel is full again!

He can draw passive skills again.

Zhou Feng felt that his short dormancy had been replaced by a terrifying explosion.

It's true that the more passive skills he has, the more obvious the impact on his strength will be.

Just like now, it is clear that his qualifications are not good, he has not practiced any secret Taoism, and he is extremely casual when he is promoted to the Lingtai realm.

The Lingtai is only at the eighth level, but its strength far exceeds that of normal people.

He is even on par with some geniuses, and the challenge of leapfrogging is like eating and drinking.

Having said that, he seems to be always pushing the limits.

"So strong! This man"

"I've been doing this level challenge all the time, but I haven't lost a single game? And I haven't used any magic weapon yet!"

"Something's wrong! This man's spiritual power is obviously so patchy! The spiritual platform is only at the eighth level! Why is he so powerful in combat?"

"I don't understand either. Such fighting power is a bit strange."


The few people who had been watching secretly from the side immediately started to marvel when they saw Zhou Feng deal with Qin Xiang so easily.

At first, when several of them saw Zhou Feng, their first reaction was that such a person could enter the blessed land

Could it be the elder's son

But then I thought about it, it was impossible!

If this was the elder's son, he would have been strangled to death long ago.

The spiritual power is mottled and the power of the soul is scattered. Such people are rarely seen in the blessed land.

Because those who can enter the blessed land are basically geniuses, and they have been soaking in medicine jars since childhood.

It is impossible for these people to have mottled spiritual power.

At the same time, it is even more strange that the power of the soul is scattered. Such a scattered power of the soul is most likely to be a lower-level third-grade spiritual platform.

To be able to enter the Blessed Land, one must be at least in the third level of the spiritual stage!

You must know that in addition to being able to store more magic weapons, the level of the spiritual platform also has another very important factor.

That is, the higher the grade, the purer the power of the soul.

Whether the power of the soul is pure will have greater impact later on.

To give a simple example, there are two people who are both at the ninth level of the Lingtai, but one is only at the eighth level of the Lingtai, while the other is at the second level.

And that person who is only at the eighth level of the spiritual stage will never be able to win against the second level person in his life.

That's right! It’s a lifetime!

The gap between the levels of the Lingtai is really huge as you go to the back.

However, it is under this kind of disapproval.

Zhou Feng directly broke the eyes of these people. After entering the life and death arena, he didn't lose a single game.

And what makes people feel the most wrong is that Zhou Feng is getting stronger and stronger as he fights, and the speed of progress is a bit abnormal.

In the first few games, Zhou Feng would suffer minor injuries, but in the future, even masters like Qin Xiang would not be able to touch Zhou Feng.

"Hey! Are you Zhou Feng?"

Just when Zhou Feng was about to go back, a person blocked his way.

He looked up.

I saw a man with disdain on his face, looking down at him with a high attitude.

"Finally here to cause trouble!"

Zhou Feng raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw this.

Because the person who was looking for trouble finally came, and he didn't know how long he had been waiting.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for so long, someone was deliberately looking for trouble for him now.

After seeing Zhou Feng's reaction, Gong Qu frowned.

Because this was different from what he expected, why did Zhou Feng in front of him look a little excited

"Let me ask you! Are you pestering Senior Sister?"

Although Gong Qu felt something was wrong, he still followed the preset script.

Question Zhou Feng directly.

In fact, everyone knows the answer to this question. Zhou Feng cannot pester his senior sister Leng Manyer at all.

With Leng Man'er's strength, except for the top few monsters, no one dared to think anything.

The reason why Gong Qu asked this was simply to get the head start.

In fact, Gong Qu came to trouble Zhou Feng this time, not specifically to deal with it.

This is just the people behind Gongqu declaring their sovereignty and making the rest of Leng Maner's admirers flinch.

Zhou Feng? Which onion is this

Is it worth targeting the person behind Gongqu specifically for a mere second-level spiritual platform? This is simply a joke.

If Zhou Feng's entry into the blessed land had not been related to Leng Manyer.

He doesn't even deserve to be called the chicken that kills the chicken to scare the monkeys.

"Sister? Are you talking about Leng Man'er?"

Zhou Feng's face was calm and he called Leng Man'er nonchalantly.

"You!? How dare you, a good-for-nothing like you, call Senior Sister by her first name?"

Gong Qu never expected that Zhou Feng would dare to call Leng Manyer so directly.

You know, Leng Man'er has countless admirers because of her status and strength.

Everyone else in the sect would respectfully call Leng Man'er Senior Sister, and no one dared to call Leng Man'er directly.

Because once you do this, it will immediately attract many people's attention.

"Do you really think you can enter the blessed land with your own strength?"

"Tell the truth! A bedbug like you wouldn't even be worthy of being targeted by me if it weren't for Senior Sister, you know?"

Gong Qu made no secret of his contempt.

This directly made it clear that he was here to target Zhou Feng.

For a moment, Zhou Feng felt several eyes focused on him.

(End of chapter)