I Cultivate Passively

Chapter 181: A grand appearance


Some advanced cultivation methods involve the operation of some rules.

So the more you practice, the more affected you will be.

Even changing one's temperament is quite normal.

For example, some evil and crazy side methods can easily make people fall into a state of madness.

When practicing this technique, it is normal for a person's temperament to become gloomy. In more serious cases, it may even change a person's outlook.

What's more serious is that some exercises contain a lot of secret words and terminology.

Therefore, some advanced cultivation methods are actually very dangerous.

Without the step-by-step guidance of a master, it is extremely easy for a person to go astray.

This is also a major disadvantage of casual cultivation. There is no guide on the road of cultivation, and you can only rely on yourself to explore everything.

Fortunately, the Human Emperor Sutra practiced by Zhou Feng was originally created so that every human race could practice it.

There are not so many secret words and twists and turns in it. You only need to follow the step by step to achieve the human emperor body step by step.

"No one has arrived?"

Zhou Feng glanced around and found Wang Shu nowhere to be seen.

And he didn't look like he was just standing on the stage stupidly.

So I directly found a shady place to enjoy the coolness.

Then in full view of everyone, Zhou Feng took out a small bench from the storage ring.

He found a shade tree and sat directly on a small bench to wait for Wang Shu's arrival.

Dahuang is also very well-behaved, lying directly at his feet.

"What's going on? Where is Wang Shu?"

"It's not because you don't dare to come! I heard that Wang Shu is just a playboy, and he hasn't even had a few official battles!"

"What? Doesn't this mean that Zhou Feng will definitely win this duel!"

"I don't know, but Wang Shu is still a member of the Wang family. Although the Wang family has declined now, it still has some heritage!"

Because Wang Shu was not present for a long time, some people who came to watch the show showed unhappy expressions on their faces.

This Wang Shu was so grand that he had so many people waiting for him.

In fact, Wang Shu really could be late, but he was at a critical juncture and was about to break through to the Purple Mansion Realm.

The Wang family has fallen from the top family in Tianxing City to the second-rate family now.

But he was not approached by his former enemies. A large part of the reason was that the Wang family owned a thousand-year-old medicine.

And this thousand-year-old medicine has become refined.

Every twenty years, some ancient medicine essence can be produced, which can assist the monks at the ninth level of the Lingtai to break through to the Purple Mansion Realm.

Generally speaking, as long as your qualifications are not particularly poor, you can break through to the Purple Mansion realm with the help of this ancient medicine essence.

However, there is a slight flaw in this breakthrough. Relying on the essence of ancient medicine to condense your soul will not help you unlock your innate magical powers.

If you want to unlock your innate magical powers, you must rely on your own efforts.

This means that relying on the essence of ancient medicine to break through to the Zifu realm, compared with other normal breakthroughs to the Zifu realm, the strength is more than a step behind.

Without innate magical powers, he cannot be compared with monks of the same level.

That is to say, he can bully and bully the monks in the Lingtai realm.

Like the Wang family's thousand-year-old medicine, other top families also have similar things.

This is the foundation that can maintain a family from suddenly declining.

We can still survive this generation and look forward to the rise of the next generation.

"Auntie! What do you think I should do now?"

Li Ronger was in a box, looking extremely hesitant, as if she wanted to do something, but didn't have the courage.

Those jade-like onion-like fingers kept circling, causing the gauze skirt on her body to wrinkle.

"What do you mean?"

After Li Manya heard what her little Ronger said, she was stunned. She obviously didn't know what Li Ronger was thinking.

Then he glanced at Li Ronger, who was extremely troubled.

Instantly he understood what Li Ronger wanted to say.

"Emotions can be cultivated slowly when two people are together. When he becomes your husband, it will be good to cultivate feelings slowly!"

Li Manya didn't know how to answer what Li Ronger wanted to ask.

After all, if we really want to be serious, Li Manya has no relationship experience.

When the family wanted to arrange her marriage, Li Manya directly resisted.

Then he worked hard and broke through to the Zifu realm to make the family retreat temporarily.

After finally breaking through to the current magical realm, the family completely ignored Li Manya.

Because a monk in the magical power realm can no longer be restricted by his family.

If Li Ronger wants to ask Li Manya for help on emotional issues, Li Manya really has nothing to teach her.

As for the issue of no feelings between Li Ronger and Zhou Feng.

This is not a problem at all, because there are many marriages between big families in Tianxing City.

The man and woman didn't know each other before, but after they got married, they were very loving. Anyway, feelings can be cultivated slowly.

Getting married first is the most important thing.

This is the consensus of most people in this world. As long as the two parties are connected, isn't it easy to have feelings

Human beings are the most easily affected by emotions.

"Ah~ This is fine!"

When Li Ronger heard her aunt say this, she could only let go of her anxiety.

But after a while, Li Ronger began to worry about whether Zhou Feng could win this duel.

"Auntie! Do you think if you take action, will anyone find out?"

That's right! Li Manya had planned to secretly help Zhou Feng for the sake of Li Ronger's happiness.

Because compared to Zhou Feng, Wang Shu's choice was really bad, but there were so many elders in the clan, he was just a son-in-law.

The Li family will not rely on a door-to-door son-in-law to rise, as long as it is not too bad.

Now is the time when Li Ronger needs to get married as soon as possible to prevent the other wealthy families from being dragged into the water.

To be honest, if this duel hadn't caused a storm in the city.

The elders of the Li family plan to directly decide on the marriage between Wang Shu and Li Ronger.

"It's okay! No one will find out that I'm doing something secretly! After all, that guy Zhou Feng doesn't seem to be very simple!"

“It’s still uncertain who will win in this duel!”

Li Manya sensed Zhou Feng's location again.

That huge and hot mass of blood was like a sun in Li Manya's perception.

This kind of strength may have the opportunity to challenge the monks who enter and exit the Purple Mansion Realm!

When Li Ronger and Aunt Li Manya were discussing secretly.

Wang Shu finally appeared, and his appearance was much grander than that of Zhou Feng before.

"I'm coming!"

"Is that a dragon-drawn carriage? What a grand display!"

"There are so many maids spreading flowers?"

"Wait! Has Wang Shu broken through with this momentum? This is impossible!"


Wang Shu's appearance ceremony was extremely grand and grand.

It was directly a carriage drawn by two dragon horses. The carriage had gilded patterns of exotic animals, and the four corners were hung with orbs from the South China Sea.

There were some maids scattering flower petals around the carriage, and a burst of fragrance hit the nostrils.

What is most eye-catching is the unabashed aura of the carriage owner.

Purple Mansion Realm!

Wang Shu has broken through to the Zifu realm!

(End of chapter)