I Cultivate Passively

Chapter 208: Li Ronger’s transformation



Zhou Feng looked at Li Ronger and felt that Li Ronger still had some energy left.

He just continued to lead the way, with no intention of stopping to rest.

During this period, many accidents occurred, such as monster attacks and some traps.

When all these were resolved one by one by Zhou Feng, it was all thanks to a thick-skinned man.

Sometimes, in order to save time, he knew there were traps ahead.

They will all go straight forward.

Anyway, if you get injured, you will recover after resting for a while.

Li Ronger also understood how to write the word exaggeration.

Zhou Feng's performance can be described as exaggerated. He was simply a human shield.

Keep all negative factors out.

Li Ronger only needs to follow obediently from behind and doesn't have to do anything.

He had to break out of the originally dense jungle.

Li Ronger originally wanted to say something, but in the end she swallowed it all.

Because she really didn't know what to say.

The two sides seemed to have nothing to say.

After a while, under Zhou Feng's violent efforts to clear the way, the evil well arrived!

As soon as he approached the evil spirit well, Zhou Feng felt the violent evil energy all around, the feeling of skin tearing.

His physical body began to become active, and the Human Sovereign Sutra that was originally difficult to move into became slightly loose.

Zhou Feng's physical body is strong, and this mere evil spirit is naturally not a problem.

But Li Ronger felt extremely uncomfortable and could only open the spiritual shield to cover herself.

"Be careful! There is an evil spirit sitting here!"

Li Ronger looked at his excited expression and reminded him kindly.

This is not a good place, there is an evil beast formed by the condensed evil energy.

And no one knows what this evil beast looks like.

Because the evil spirit beast itself has no fixed image, and its image can change at any time.


Just as Li Ronger finished speaking, a strange cry sounded like a baby crying.

This weird cry gave goosebumps to all the two people present.

A humanoid monster about two meters tall rushed towards Li Ronger.

This monster has green lizard-like skin all over its body, and has sarcoma-like wings on its back.

His face was a blur of blood, which gave him a very disgusting feeling.


The violent anger rushed towards her, causing Li Ronger to panic for a moment.

This was too sudden. As soon as this evil beast appeared, it directly targeted Li Ronger.


Zhou Feng reacted very quickly. His body moved and he collided directly with it.

A muffled sound!

Two extremely powerful bodies collided together, just like Mars hitting the Earth.

Zhou Feng relied on various passive skills to absorb the terrifying impact.

As for the evil spirit beast on the opposite side, part of its body collapsed, turning into evil energy and dissipating.

A trace of blood flowed out from Zhou Feng's seven orifices.

The two sides started the most primitive physical fight directly without saying a word or preparing anything.

Just do it!

When Li Ronger came to his senses, Zhou Feng looked extremely miserable.

There were various wounds, all kinds of bright blood, and the clothes on his body were torn.

The evil spirit beast opposite was at least in the Purple Mansion realm, and its body was very powerful, with every attack carrying a trace of evil energy.

Those evil spirits eroded Zhou Feng's body crazily.

However, the evil spirit beast is only as powerful as the previous attack, and Zhou Feng has adapted to this attack later.

Because his latest passive comes into play.

Adapting to the passive function of the shell, after several superpositions, it directly reduced the damage of the evil beast by 25%.

After all, this evil beast comes and goes with the same attack, and there are not many attack methods.

When it comes to adapting to the shell, there is simply no solution.

"Spirit Purification Technique!"

After waiting for a long time, Li Ronger realized that at this time, she seemed to be helping Zhou Feng fight.

After saying that, a line of pure spiritual energy formed.

And this line connected Zhou Feng's body.

A warm feeling washed over Zhou Feng's whole body, and the wounds on his body began to recover.

Spirit purification technique! This is the secret secret method of the Li family.

You can turn your own spiritual power into a line to connect with your companions and assist them in fighting.

Because Li Ronger knew that after entering the secret realm with her strength, she would definitely be held back.

So I learned this spell specifically to assist Zhou Feng.

"This is!"

After Zhou Feng felt the pure spiritual power, his whole body felt refreshed.

This feeling is like being given a buff, able to break through one's own limits.

The evil beast on the opposite side also felt his change, and instantly focused on Li Ronger.


Suddenly, Zhou Feng shouted hurriedly.

The sarcoma wings on the back of the evil beast broke off instantly and turned into bone spurs and flew towards Li Ronger.

The bone spur flew fast and hasty, and the angle was particularly tricky.

This beast was hiding his clumsiness before! Now that he discovered that Li Ronger was a threat, he immediately stopped hiding it.

He shouted hurriedly, leaving Li Ronger stunned, not knowing what to do.

After all, Li Ronger has no combat experience at all.

Fortunately, Zhou Feng reacted quickly and stood in front of Li Ronger in a flash.

Several bone spurs instantly pierced his body.


Seeing those exaggerated bone spurs piercing Zhou Feng's back, Li Ronger almost cried.

His eyes instantly turned red.

"Concentrate! Use your magic to bless me! If you are still like this, I can only take you away first!"

Before Li Ronger could cry, Zhou Feng said with a cold face.

As soon as he finished speaking, the bone spurs on his back were squeezed out.

The huge wound began to heal, but bright red blood was still flowing out.

After what he said, Li Ronger calmed down.

His face started to freeze and he didn't speak, just like when Zhou Feng was fighting.

Then use the Spirit Purification Technique with all your strength!

Zhou Feng sacrificed a purple jade bell to cover Li Ronger, and then began to burn the essence.

The more he fought, the more courageous he became. At this time, he punched down and set off a storm, which severely suppressed the evil beast.

The evil spirit beast was also very smart and began to target Li Ronger crazily.

And it was the same tactic that Zhou Feng had used before, which was to exchange injuries for injuries. Anyway, he wanted to deal with Li Ronger first.

"Get away!"

"Stand behind me!"

"Get back!"

Of course Zhou Feng would not allow this to happen, and directly ordered Li Ronger with a cold face.

And Li Ronger's adaptability exceeded his imagination.

He fulfilled his instructions meticulously, without even caring about his own image.

In times of crisis, just get out of here and there will be dust on your head and body.

Even though she was sometimes scratched by the sharp claws of evil beasts, Li Ronger still held back a word.

Tears were clearly welling up in his eyes, but he still resisted.

It was precisely because of the sudden addition of such a support that Zhou Feng exploded with strength beyond his limits.

The blood all over the body began to boil, and the blood in the body began to condense with traces of golden color.

(End of chapter)