I Cultivate Passively

Chapter 4: lie!


With the help of Blood Coagulation Art and Passive Gluttony.

Zhou Feng generates blood energy extremely quickly.

So this night, there was no danger at all, and the bloodthirsty Gu truly began its first transformation and feedback.

As mentioned before, bloodthirsty Gu only needs you to provide enough blood.

So as a host, you can also get a lot of benefits.

Normally, among the many new disciples.

No one can provide enough blood energy to allow the bloodthirsty Gu to transform.

Usually, they just barely feed the bloodthirsty Gu, and then rely on the blood coagulation technique.

Making the bloodthirsty Gu spit out a trace of pure blood, being able to accomplish this step is already considered a talent.

And this is actually the real entrance test of the Three Gu Sect.

Despite the fact that the Three Gu Sect seems to have no threshold for recruiting new disciples.

In fact, the threshold is here. Only those with the talent to control Gu can be taken to Gu Mountain, which is the headquarters of the three Gu sects.

The current location of Zhou Feng and others is just a hill far away from Gu Mountain.

What is mentioned above is only the situation encountered by ordinary people.

The situation Zhou Feng encountered now was completely different.

Because the blood provided was too strong, the bloodthirsty Gu transformed directly.

And in all this, he himself did not realize what the transformation of the bloodthirsty Gu actually meant.

"Try your best to circulate the blood energy throughout the body and open up blocked meridians."

He was chanting while controlling the pure blood fed back by the bloodthirsty Gu after its transformation.

Because it was recorded in the booklet that after the bloodthirsty Gu feeds back pure blood, it must use this blood to open up the meridians as soon as possible.

In this process, the more meridians are opened, the easier the future practice will be.

pain! ! pain! ! pain! !

The process of opening up the meridians was more painful than he imagined.

It felt like my body was being torn apart.

But at this moment, he showed amazing perseverance and endured it.

Let the pure blood flow throughout your body.

In this way, a large number of blocked meridians were opened, and some impurities in his body were also discharged.

Wash the essence and cut the marrow! Isn’t this a cleansing of the essence

If some old disciples of the Three Gu Sect saw this scene, they would definitely be envious and jealous.

Because this is one of the major benefits of bloodthirsty Gu.

Although bloodthirsty Gu has all kinds of disadvantages, it can even be sucked dry if one is not careful.

But the reason why the bloodthirsty Gu is favored by the three Gu sects is that when the bloodthirsty Gu is fed to a certain level, it can help you cleanse your essence and cut your marrow.

Moreover, this cleansing of essence and marrow is continuous and endless.

That pure blood will gradually transform your body into an innate body.

The starting point of practice is to transform oneself into an innate body.

But it is very difficult to make the bloodthirsty Gu willingly help you cleanse and cut the marrow.

After all, all bloodthirsty Gu are Pixiu, and almost all of them can't get in or out.

I don't know how many disciples of the three Gu sects of the bloodthirsty Gu lineage waited until the bloodthirsty Gu sucked them dry.

He has not yet waited for the bloodthirsty Gu to feed back a large amount of blood energy and wash away the essence and marrow of himself.

Normally, being able to let the bloodthirsty Gu feed back a trace of pure blood for cultivation is already pretty good.

"Is this the legendary cleansing of essence and marrow?"

Zhou Feng slowly opened his eyes and saw the thick layer of dirt on the surface of his body.

so amazing! This bloodthirsty Gu is so powerful!

He wiped away the dirt on the outside and couldn't help but sigh when he looked at the smooth skin exposed.

This is simply a rebirth, this bloodthirsty Gu is too powerful!


However, before he could sigh a few words, his stomach growled again.

After the transformation, the bloodthirsty Gu began to absorb a large amount of blood from his body.

Zhou Feng seemed to hear the bloodthirsty Gu urging him to eat quickly to turn into blood.

"I go!"

At this moment, he felt like he was going to be sucked dry.

Because the suction force released by the bloodthirsty Gu was far greater than the previous times, and it was extremely rough and did not know any restraint at all.

Zhou Feng was helpless and had no time to clean up the dirt on his body.

You can only start eating like crazy, and then rely on the passive of gluttony.

Continuously decompose food and transform blood into blood for the bloodthirsty Gu to absorb.

However, the blood energy passively transformed by gluttony was slightly insufficient.

This is because the bloodthirsty Gu in his body was not of the highest level before, not even of the highest level.

But after the recent transformation, the bloodthirsty Gu in his body has now reached a higher level, and the blood energy it requires has doubled.

Not to mention, the bloodthirsty Gu has just undergone transformation and continues to replenish its previous losses with a large amount of blood.

Zhou Feng, who looked relatively strong just now, was losing weight at the speed of the naked eye.

Smooth skin also becomes dry and cracked.

From a distance, he looks skinny.

"Finally stopped!"

Fortunately, at this time, the bloodthirsty Gu in his body slowed down the speed of absorbing blood.

He finally got through this.

At this time, the bloodthirsty Gu has stabilized. After that, he only needs to continue to eat and replenish his blood energy to return to the previous state of washing essence and marrow.

And just when Zhou Feng was going through this ups and downs.

The rest of the yard is extremely miserable.

Ninety percent of the new disciples were sucked into mummies.

In desperation, some people rushed out of the yard, but they were captured by patrols in an instant.

The sun rises slowly, and a new day arrives as usual.

Zhou Feng, who had barely slept all night, walked out of the yard after a simple wash.

"Huh? Not bad! I can survive!"

Zhou Feng just walked out of the house and met Wei He.

There was a hint of surprise on Wei He's face, and he seemed a little surprised.

It seemed that Zhou Feng was able to survive by accident.

"Just right! Follow me!"

Zhou Feng, who had no idea what was going on, followed Wei He consciously.

Then he witnessed Wei He taking out the dead bloodthirsty Gu from each mummy.

Along the way, no one could survive.

Even those village residents who were cleanly dressed were sucked to death.

Judging from the ferocious expression on his face, he seemed to have suffered tremendous pain before his death.

"Oh? There's another one?"

It was not until the end that Wei He discovered the survivors except Zhou Feng.

This is a girl with long dry hair flying in the wind.

The haggard appearance looked a bit scary under the sunlight.

"Not bad! Two people can survive! Congratulations! You have officially become disciples of the Three Gu Sect!"

Wei He had a smile on his face and seemed to be in a good mood.

Officially become a disciple of the Three Gu Sect

Listening to these familiar words, Zhou Feng suddenly realized that what Wei He said before seemed to be false.

He has officially become a disciple of the Three Gu Sect, and he has a canteen where he can eat whatever he wants.

I'm afraid these are all fake, after last night's test.

Those who can survive can be regarded as the true entry-level disciples of the Three Gu Sect!

He recalled the mummies he had just seen, and couldn't help but feel a chill in his back.

(End of chapter)