I Cultivate Passively

Chapter 5: Passive old skin


"Now that you have passed the test! I might as well tell you something!"

Wei He put the bloodthirsty Gu collected previously into a small bag.

Then he told some situations to the two people in front of him.

It turned out that almost all the information Zhou Feng had learned before was false.

This is not the headquarters of the Three Gu Sect, and there are not many practitioners here.

Of course, the canteens mentioned above are all fake.

What else is there to teach you personally this morning? This is also false.

Almost everyone is dead this morning, and you still teach nonsense!

Next, Zhou Feng, as an official disciple, will be taken to Gu Mountain later, where the headquarters of the Three Gu Sect is located.

After that, you have to deal with the matter of eating by yourself.

The purpose of this place's existence is simply to allow the nearby village to send children there.

In layman's terms, this is just an enrollment point.

The purpose is to absorb more students. After all, the disciples of the Three Gu Sect are directly consumables.

If we don't recruit more people, the consumption rate will be the same as that of many.

That's why a stronghold was set up here to attract the surrounding villages to send their children over.

At the same time, this is also a resource point controlled by the Three Gu Sect.

Food and blood Qi Gu are transported from here to Gu Mountain every year.

The so-called blood-qi Gu is actually a blood-thirsty Gu that drains the host after it dies.

Each of these blood energy Gu carries a human life.

Knowing this cruel truth, Zhou Feng couldn't help but clenched his fists.

"Okay! You will naturally understand some other things when you get to Gu Mountain!"

"It's best for you two to get to know each other. After all, it's not easy to get around in Gu Mountain!"

After a few brief explanations, Wei He left.

Zhou and Feng were left alone.

"Dead! All dead."

Zhou Feng glanced at the skinny zombie-like woman.

I found that this woman had been muttering about death.

It seems that some relatives and friends died in this entry trial, and now they can't bear the blow.

In this regard, he had no intention of going up to comfort him.

Firstly, he is not familiar with others, and secondly, he has no spare time to care about others now.

Now everyone is a clay Bodhisattva who cannot save himself when crossing the river.

But it was a bit ironic to say that he still remembered that on the day of planting Gu yesterday, the huge crowd was divided into three, six or nine grades.

There are also many so-called villagers who look down on the abandoned people who have been pushed to the edge.

In this blink of an eye, everyone is equal, and almost everyone is buried here.

"Huh? The progress bar is almost full?"

Zhou Feng found a cool place to sit down, and then opened the skill panel.

After opening the skill panel, he was surprised to find that the progress bar below was almost full.

He remembered that after acquiring the Passive Gluttony, the progress bar had cleared.

Why is it so full all of a sudden

What exactly is this pattern? Or is it that doing something will speed up the progress of the progress bar

"Forget it! Let's move the blood!"

Zhou Feng couldn't figure out the reason, so he practiced the blood coagulation technique on the spot.

At the same time, he put the dried meat hidden in his clothes into his mouth and chewed it.

During this process, Yin Ling also chatted with him for a few words.

That's right! The woman who was in the same class as him was named Yin Ling.

But because the two of them have nothing in common.

After a few simple awkward conversations, there was no intention to continue the conversation.

After waiting for a while, Wei He finally appeared again.

The person who took them to Gu Mountain was not Wei He, but another senior fellow from San Gu Sect.

At this time, Zhou Feng also saw several haggard people. These were the other survivors.

He also looked at a very familiar person, who seemed to be standing at the front during the day of planting the Gu.

But none of the people around this man seemed to see it.

Soon, they were brought to the foot of the mountain.

There are several giant rhinos in front of us.

If they guessed correctly, these rhinos would take them to Gu Mountain next.

These rhinos are very huge and have a huge saddle on their back, enough for many people to sit on.

At the same time, it is worth noting that this rhinoceros has only the whites of its eyes and no pupils!

And these rhinos don't make any small movements, just like a car, completely lifeless.

How is this done

Zhou Feng looked a little dull and dull on the surface, but inside he was asking questions like crazy.

On the back of the rhinoceros, there was a silent and strange atmosphere surrounding it.

No one spoke or looked around.

Almost everyone lowered their heads and said nothing.

This is probably because what we experienced before has hit everyone too hard.

On the third day of the journey to Gu Mountain.

Zhou Feng found that the progress bar on the skill panel was full.

New passive skills will be drawn randomly.


"Get the passive skill Lao Pi!"

Lao Pi (Level 1): Whenever you are injured and then recover from the injury, your defense +1.

"It's actually a defensive passivity?"

Zhou Feng raised his eyebrows.

To be honest, he really needs a lot of defensive passives.

After all, now that I am in such a dangerous environment, necessary life-saving measures are necessary.

But when he saw the description of this passive skill clearly.

There was an indescribable expression on his face.

What does it mean that every time you are injured and then recover from the injury, your defense will be +1

What the hell trigger condition is this

This means that if he wants to trigger this old-skinned passive skill, he has to be beaten first.

After being beaten, you need to recover from your injuries. Only when you recover from your injuries can you add some defense.

He didn't know what to say about this passivity.

Because this is simply a skill exclusive to masochists and fighting maniacs.

He has no interest in being a masochist, and his character is not that of a fighting man.

Not to mention how this defense plus one is quantified.

In other words, what is the actual effect of the one-plus defense.

All of this is unknown, and when the benefits are unknown, deliberately injuring yourself

Especially in an evil sect like the Three Gu Sect, the risk is really too great.

After thinking about it and weighing it, Zhou Feng felt that this newly acquired passive was a bit useless.

If there are other cooperative passives, such as accelerating injury recovery, etc.

Perhaps this passive is useful.

Zhou Feng's mood was a little complicated after he obtained a mediocre passive skill.

It's a pity that it's not the kind that are passive against nature, such as the kind that can increase attributes by hanging up.

But if you want to say it's a pity, it's not.

After all, this was almost picked up for free. It is better to have something than not to have it. If you think about it carefully, it is not a loss at all.

What else can we do? This is all we can do!

"It only takes a while to get a passive! Doesn't that mean I just have to wait long enough?"

At this time, he realized a very critical issue.

That is if you can obtain a passive skill every once in a while.

So as long as you persist long enough, wouldn't you be able to have thousands of passives

Not to mention becoming the strongest by then, you will definitely have the ability to protect yourself!

At this moment, Zhou Feng's mentality changed slightly, and his future plans also changed.

(End of chapter)