I, Cute Grass, am Super Fierce!

Chapter 17


After lunch, the two sat on the sofa and watched animation. It should be said that Xiaotuanzi looked at the running sheep on the TV, while Ji Xi looked at Xiaotuanzi, the atmosphere seemed peaceful and peaceful.

Ji Xi suddenly said: "By the way, Xiaolu. It's rare to take a break, why don't we make croquettes for afternoon tea, okay?"

Xiaotuanzi subconsciously remembered the croquettes he ate in his dream, and immediately salivated, and raised his hand to wipe his mouth, "Okay."

Ji Xi watched it amusedly, "How many do you want to eat? I'll cut it up now."

"Cut?" The word finally brought Xiaotuanzi back to his senses, "Did you mean..."

"That's right." Ji Xi sat up straight, leaned forward, stretched out his hand to pinch Xiaotuanzi's white and tender face, and then moved his fingers down, "I raised the potted plants outside to be white and tender, cut a part and took it down It must taste good when fried.”

Xiaotuanzi broke into a cold sweat, "Grass shouldn't be edible, right?"

At this time, a sentence came from the TV, "This grass is really delicious, and the fresh one is the best."

Xiaotuanzi: ...

Ji Xi suppressed a smile, "Look, that's what's said on TV."

Yes, but those are sheep. Xiaotuanzi trembled, not knowing what to say to make Ji Xi change his mind.

"It's 12:30, and we just finished our meal. Why don't we make croquettes at 2 o'clock, and then we can eat them at 3 o'clock." Ji Xi stared at Xiaotuanzi, and was satisfied to see drops of cold sweat dripping from Xiaotuanzi's forehead fall.

Xiaotuanzi's mind turned quickly, "But let's take a nap." She decided that she would sleep until night after the nap, so that it wouldn't need to be cut up to make croquettes.

"You're very energetic now, so you probably don't need to—" Before Ji Xi finished speaking, Xiaotuanzi closed his eyes, tilted his head, and fell down on the sofa, purring intentionally. .

How can it be so cute.

Ji Xi clenched his fist with his right hand and put it on his lips to cough a few times, barely suppressing the laughter that was about to come out, and stretched out his hand to push the "sleeping" Xiaotuanzi, "Xiaolu, it's already two o'clock, it's time to get up and fry the balls."

When Xiao Tuanzi heard this, she got up instantly, "There are two points, obviously I-" Looking at Shang Ji Xi's eyes, she realized that she should be "deeply asleep" and couldn't hear it.

"Didn't you fall asleep?" Ji Xi looked at Xiaotuanzi leisurely, and raised his voice at the end, "Huh?"

"I just woke up." Xiaotuanzi was stunned for three seconds and quickly yawned, his voice was slightly hoarse, and he muttered, "What are you doing? I just fell asleep, but you woke me up .”

"So, it's my fault?"

"It was your fault in the first place." Facing Ji Xi's expressionless face, Xiaotuanzi became cowardly after saying this, and his voice became softer and softer, "Forget it, I don't care about adults, so I will forgive you this time. It's just that you are not allowed to disturb my sleep for a while."

"What you want to say is that the adults don't count the faults of the villains."

Xiaotuanzi explained confidently: "But I am a child, a child, and you are an adult."

Ji Xi: ... It seems quite reasonable.

"Okay, I'm going to continue to sleep, remember not to disturb me anymore." Xiaotuanzi worried that Ji Xi wouldn't believe it, so he yawned, and continued lying on the sofa with his eyes closed.


Ji Xi knew it was a fake sleep as soon as he heard it, so he stretched out his hand to poke Xiaotuanzi's ups and downs.

This time, Xiaotuanzi has previous experience, no matter what Ji Xi says or does, she doesn't respond.

Seeing this, Ji Xi had no choice but to give up, after all, he couldn't be as knowledgeable as a child. She picked up her phone and sat aside, wanting to see how long this little guy can hold it.

Ji Xi played the game for a while before remembering the existence of Xiaotuanzi. Looking down, Xiaotuanzi was actually asleep, with two small arms and legs spread out to form a big character, and his mouth was slightly open, spitting out small bubbles.

It doesn't look like grass at all, but it looks like a little fish that has run out of water on the shore and is desperately breathing and bubbling.

Thinking of this, Ji Xi's drooping hair covered the smile in his eyes.


Xiaotuanzi slept very soundly. He dreamed that he went to the amusement park with Ji Xi. This time he was not lost, and he even bought candied haws from the kind uncle. It's just that the moment I bit it down, a miraculous thing happened, the candied haws turned into croquettes in an instant.


"No!" Xiaotuanzi opened his eyes suddenly, yelled and sat up, panting. After watching for the next four weeks, the TV is still showing a few sheep playing games.

This is a dream. Xiaotuanzi patted his little chest and let out a sigh of relief.

But... the dream was horrible. Xiaotuanzi rubbed his eyes while thinking, then climbed off the sofa to seek comfort from Ji Xi. However, when he found Ji Xi, he was cooking in the kitchen.

smell good.

The moment he smelled the fragrance, Xiaotuanzi felt hungry, touched the corner of his mouth and walked over without drooling, and tugged on Ji Xi's pants, "What are you doing?"


Croquettes... Croquettes... Fried... Meatballs...

Xiaotuanzi remembered her nightmare, and suddenly woke up from the smell of delicious food, "No, no, no croquettes." She stomped her feet anxiously, and kept shaking Ji Xi's legs.

Although she is small in stature, she is quite strong, pulling Ji Xi's pants almost to the point of taking them off. Ji Xi had no choice but to turn off the fire, and grabbed his pants with his hands to keep them from falling off.

"Ji Cao." Ji Xi bent down, pushed aside the little dumpling hanging on her lap, and stared at her sternly, "Sister is cooking, what are you doing? Do you know that this is very dangerous! "

It was the first time Xiaotuanzi saw Ji Xi being so stern, his body involuntarily took two steps back, and put his hands up in a defensive posture. Although Ji Xi had been expressionless before, she didn't think it was serious, but now Ji Xi gave her a really serious feeling.

It was just a matter of life and death, no matter how strict Xiao Tuanzi was, he was not afraid, and stepped on Ji Xi with a bulging face, "Who made you croquette, you are a bad person."

Hearing this, Ji Xi came to his senses and rubbed his eyebrows: "I was just frying normal meatballs, without touching the grass outside."

Xiaotuanzi was stunned for a moment, then looked at Ji Xi in disbelief: "Really?"

"Really." Saying that, Ji Xi went out to the hall and moved a chair back, picked up Xiaotuanzi and put it on the chair, and picked up a piece of meatball that was ready with chopsticks and sent it to Xiaotuanzi, "I made vegetarian meatballs and Meatballs, this one is meat, give it a try."

"Ah." Xiaotuanzi opened his mouth and bit the ball into his mouth in one bite. It's just that in the next second she opened her mouth and breathed out, shouting "It's so hot" vaguely, but she didn't mean to spit it out.

Ji Xi shrugged at Xiaotuanzi as if he just remembered, "Sorry, I forgot that the freshly baked croquettes are hotter."

Xiaotuanzi didn't miss Ji Xi's watching eyes, he chewed a few times and swallowed it, his cheeks puffed up immediately.

"Is it delicious?" Ji Xi asked with a smile in his eyes.

Xiaotuanzi took a deep look at her, and replied while climbing off the chair, "It's delicious."

Seeing that Xiaotuanzi was going out, Ji Xi hurriedly asked, "Where are you going?" Could it be that he got too angry

"I'm going to the bathroom."

"Then go and come back quickly." Ji Xi waved his hand and continued to fire the croquettes.

Xiaotuanzi turned around and grinned at the back who was staring at Ji Xi.

She wouldn't just let the person who lied to her go, hum╭(╯^╰)╮.