I, Cute Grass, am Super Fierce!

Chapter 26


Because of this kiss, Ji Xi struggled all day. Especially when I saw the other party acting as if nothing had happened, my heart became even more angry. It was obviously Ji Cao who kissed first, but the other party still acted indifferent, how could Ji Xi not be angry. She was so angry that she didn't even read the document, but just sat there all afternoon.

Amidst her entanglement and Ji Cao's boredom, it was time to get off work before she knew it.

"Dong dong dong—" Before Ji Xi could speak, the door was pushed open. Three heads came in through the crack of the door again, and Li Yuanyuan asked, "Xiaoxi, do you want to sing with us after get off work?"

Ji Xi was distracted by Ji Cao, thinking that going to sing would relax him, so he nodded, but seeing the three of them with only three heads coming in, he said in a irritated mood, "Don't do it next time." Just put your head in, I always thought you were caught between the cracks in the door."

The three of Li Yuanyuan shrank their necks together: ... so angry.

They used to be called Ji Xi like this before, but they never saw what Ji Xi said. It's so abnormal now, it seems that Li Qingqing is jealous and sulking as he said, that's why she blamed the three of them.

Adults don't count villains. The three who knew that they were being angered silently chanted in their hearts.

Li Yuanyuan: "Remember to take Xiaozao with you later, and I will take my dear one with me." After she finished speaking, the three of them retracted their heads and closed the door smoothly.

It's really dishonest. Ji Xi snorted softly, put together the documents that had been spread all afternoon in front of him and put them aside.

At this moment, Ji Cao opened the curtain and came out, yawning, and asked sleepily, "Was anyone there just now? I seem to have heard my name."

Ji Cao was wearing a skirt and didn't notice that the suspenders slipped off her shoulders. Ji Xi took a look, pushed the chair away, walked over to help pull it up, and explained, "It's Qingqing and the others who said they were going to sing, do you want to go?"

"Singing?" Ji Cao remembered the singing program on TV and nodded. Now she has great enthusiasm for all novel things and things, and she hasn't tried singing or anything.

"Okay then, you go wash your face and wake up and we'll go there together." Seeing that she was wearing thin clothes, Ji Xi went to the wardrobe in the lounge and found a thin white coat for Ji Cao to put on.

Ji Cao is a goblin, not as sensitive to heat and cold as humans, and avoids: "I'm not cold."

"The temperature difference between day and night is relatively large now, and it will be colder at night." Ji Xi continued to put on her.

Ji Cao looked at her: "But I'm not human, so I don't feel cold."

Ji Xi almost forgot that Ji Cao was a monster, he slammed his hands, and threw his coat on the bed, "Then don't wear it, let's go." After walking two steps, he stopped suddenly, turned and went into the toilet.

Ji Cao looked at Ji Xi's back, not quite understanding why the other party's mood became lost in an instant. Although Ji Xi was expressionless as well, she could feel the other person's frustration and frustration, and immediately turned to look at the white coat on the bed.

Could it be because she wasn't wearing the other's clothes? It's not impossible, after all, Ji Xi, a human being who is narrow-minded and stingy, might really be because of this incident.

Sighing, she stepped forward to pick up the coat, and found that it was a bit old, it should be Ji Xi's clothes.


Ji Xi washed his hands in silence, when he suddenly heard the "click" sound of the door being pushed open, and looked up. When she saw who was coming, she froze for a moment.

"Give way." Ji Cao squeezed her away, turned around in the mirror twice, and then looked at Ji Xi, "Doesn't this look better?"

"Yeah." Ji Xi nodded, glanced at the coat she was wearing, his brows and eyes softened, "It's pretty pretty."

"Of course." Ji Cao raised her chin slightly, "You don't even look at who wore it."

Ji Xi raised his lips: "Yes, yes."

Ji Cao noticed her improved mood and shook her head from the bottom of her heart. She really is a narrow-minded and simple human being, and she can be happy just by wearing a dress. Thinking of this, she went to hold the other's hand, "Sister Qingqing and the others should be outside, let's go out quickly."

"Don't worry, they're going home to change, and then we'll meet up at the singing place."


Sure enough, when Ji Cao and the others arrived, Li Qingqing and the others hadn't arrived yet.

"Let's open a room first." After finishing speaking, Ji Xi always felt that this sentence was a bit intriguing, so he quickly changed his words, "Let's go in and wait for them."

Ji Xi and the others often come to this place to sing, so they are very familiar with everything. I just bought a set meal and was about to go to the private room, when Li Qingqing and the others came over.

Ji Xi raised his eyes and glanced at them: "You can still delay."

Li Yuanyuan ignored the dislike in Ji Xi's words, and shook her head with a smile: "Haha, it's better to come early than coincidental." As she said, she pulled the young man beside her, "Zhixu, let me introduce you, the man next to Xiaoxi This little lolita is her target, named Xiao Zao."

Ji Xi frowned and corrected, "Distant relatives."

"Yes, yes, distant relative." Li Yuanyuan chuckled, "Xiaozao, this is my fiancé Cheng Zhixu, you call him... well, what should I call him?"

Ji Cao called out tentatively: "Brother-in-law?" She glanced at the young man as she spoke. This boy looks much prettier than that Lin, and also much taller than that Han. Thinking of this, she secretly glanced at Ji Xi. They are all human, so why are they different

As soon as she said "brother-in-law", everyone laughed instantly. Seeing her bewildered face, You Qi made everyone happier.

"It's good to call Brother Cheng." Ji Xi stretched out his hand and rubbed her hair, telling them to go to the room first.

Li Yuanyuan had no objection either, she dragged Cheng Zhixu to ask for the room number and left, and the rest followed.

Because there were a lot of people, Ji Xi asked for a large room with a spacious area.

"Ahem," Li Yuanyuan stood up holding a microphone, "This gathering is mainly to meet the parents, so my dear, you can meet Xiaoxi—" "Distant relatives."

Before Li Yuanyuan finished speaking, Ji Xi quickly answered, causing everyone except Ji Cao to look over.

Ji Xi didn't bother with them, and left it alone after speaking. He just picked up the mineral water on one side, unscrewed the cap, and passed it to the people around him, "Drink some water first."

"Thank you." Ji Cao was looking at the equipment inside, took it over, took a sip and put it down.

Seeing that she was interested, Ji Xi pulled her up and went to the karaoke machine, and explained to her how to use the machine. Fortunately, Ji Cao has a good memory, and during this period of time, her writing learning has improved by leaps and bounds. After Ji Xi talked about it, she would almost remember the meaning of the sign and the meaning of the words on it.

"Would you like to try it?" Ji Xi noticed the eagerness in Ji Cao's eyes, picked up a microphone to test the sound, and then stuffed it into her hand, "Put this on your mouth for a while, and then sing along to the lyrics. .”

"Oh." Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, Ji Cao nodded quickly, but there was a problem when choosing songs, she didn't know what songs to sing.

Ji Xi thought for a while, "Didn't you watch those singing shows? Pick a song that you think you can sing."

Ji Cao frowned, hesitation flashed in her eyes, "Can you all sing?"

"Sure. Tell me your name, and I'll search for you." Ji Xi clicked on the search page, seemed to think of something, and added, "Don't sing that only mothers are good in the world."

Ji Cao pursed her mouth, "But I think this sounds good." After all, it was very vivid. She neither has a mother nor is she a grass.

Ji Xi raised his head and looked at her expressionlessly: "... change to another one."

Yes, murderous. Ji Cao: ... QAQ

The two talked to themselves, completely oblivious to the toothache expressions of the four on the sofa.

Li Yuanyuan whispered: "Distant relatives, do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it." The other three shook their heads in unison.

After a while, beer, snacks and fruits were brought up. With food, Ji Cao was not interested in singing, so he returned the microphone to Ji Xi, and went to eat fruit by himself.

Ji Xi has no interest in singing either. Seeing that Ji Cao stopped singing, she also sat with her and put the microphone on the coffee table, so whoever wanted it would take it.

Li Qingqing and the others looked at each other and went to grab it tacitly. There were two microphones in the room, and the three of them stepped forward. In the end, Li Qingqing took a step too late and was snatched by Li Yuanyuan and Guan Wanwan.

The two who grabbed the microphone rushed to the front to order a song, and they started singing after a while. Li Qingqing, who didn't grab the microphone, could only drink beer and shake his head along with the rhythm.

Ji Cao, who was eating melon seeds, heard the singing, looked up, and found that the lyrics appeared on the TV, but there were some words she had never seen before.

"If you want to sing later, you can go up and order it." Ji Xi whispered.

Compared with singing, the temptation of food is greater, so Ji Cao shook her head and refused, "I'll just eat."

"Xiaoxi, come here, let's play dice." Li Qingqing looked over suddenly.

Usually Ji Xi doesn't care, but now with Ji Cao, she doesn't want to play anymore.

Seeing her hesitant gaze, Li Qingqing got up and sat down next to Ji Cao, and asked with a smile, "Xiao Zao, can you let Ji Xi roll the dice with us?"

Ji Cao glanced at Ji Xi, then nodded indifferently.

Ji Xi: ... I really don't care.

Waiting for Ji Xi to fight dice with them, Ji Cao took melon seeds and went over to watch how the fight was going on.

The three of them rolled their dice, and Ji Xi glanced at them and said, "Three three."

Li Yuanyuan: "Four four."

Cheng Zhixu: "Six four."

"Six and four for you." Ji Xi took the lid and glanced at the other two, "Brother Cheng, you lost."

Cheng Zhixu picked up the cup and took a sip, "Continue."

Ji Cao couldn't understand it, but somehow found it interesting, and watched it with relish. After a while, the melon seed shells on the paper towel next to him piled up a small hill.

After the two of them sang the song, Li Qingqing went over to sing, taking turns. Even Cheng Zhixu went up and sang a love song, only Ji Xi and Ji Cao remained the same.

"Give me some melon seeds." Ji Xi said suddenly.

Ji Cao subconsciously passed over, and greeted Ji Xi with an expressionless look.

After being slow for three seconds, Ji Cao finally came to his senses, and withdrew his hands to peel the melon seeds. Then hand it to Ji Xi's mouth, Ji Xi is willing to eat this time.

Several people won and lost, and when they got to the back, they ordered another half dozen beers.

After Ji Cao knocked the melon seeds, she transferred to the rest of the things. After eating the fruit again, he finally shifted his gaze to the beer in front of him.

Seeing that Ji Xi and the others drank so much, the taste should be good, right? It's the same color as orange juice, and probably tastes the same.

Thinking of orange juice, and looking at the mineral water Ji Xi gave her, Ji Cao was suddenly unhappy.

Turning her head to look at the few people who were concentrating on fighting dice, she quietly took an open bottle of beer, poured it into her glass, and drank it down like a thunderbolt.

"Hic." After drinking too fast, Ji Cao couldn't help hiccupping, and her face turned red.

Ji Xi got up instantly and came over to give her comfort, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Ji Cao shook her head and continued to eat snacks with her head down.

Ji Xi looked at her for a while to make sure she was all right, and then returned to his seat to play dice with the others.

So when Ji Xi didn't know, Ji Cao secretly drank a lot of beer.

At ten o'clock, Ji Xi got up, "Stop playing."

"It's only ten o'clock, why don't you play?"

Li Qingqing was surprised, usually they would play until eleven or twelve o'clock, then go to have supper and then go back to their respective homes.

"It's time to go to bed at 10:30 in the morning." Ji Xi was drunk a lot, his face was flushed, but he was still conscious.

Li Qingqing and the others understood, glanced at the well-behaved Ji Cao, and continued to play with her without stopping.

Ji Xi patted his face, picked up his coat, and looked at Ji Zao who was sitting obediently aside, "Xiao Zao, let's go."

"Okay." Ji Cao replied, but did not move.

"Little grass?"


Ji Xi sensed something was wrong, and walked to Ji Cao's side only to find an empty beer bottle at Ji Cao's feet. She was sitting in the back seat just now, blocked by Yuki Cao, completely oblivious to the existence of the beer bottle.

After squatting down next to Ji Cao, Ji Xi leaned closer to Ji Cao's mouth, and sure enough, he smelled the smell of alcohol, and his eyebrows furrowed immediately.

"You actually drank?" Ji Xi looked up at Ji Cao, his voice became cold.

Ji Cao moved forward suddenly, just in time to kiss her on the mouth.

The few people who looked at Ji Xi because they hadn't heard anything for a long time: ... they were blinded.

Not to mention them, Ji Xi was also taken aback, this kiss was more effective than hangover soup, instantly clearing up her somewhat confused mind. But before she could react, Ji Cao tilted her head and threw herself into her arms.


Ji Xi lowered his head, watching the breathing sound of the person in his arms sleeping soundly, not knowing what expression to make.

"What's wrong?" Li Qingqing and the others came over, "Are you drunk?"

"Yeah." Ji Xi had no choice but to turn around and carry Ji Cao on his back, "Then I'll go back first, you guys continue to play."

"Then be careful."
