I, Cute Grass, am Super Fierce!

Chapter 33



The moment Ji Xi opened the door and came in, Ji Cao pounced on him. He wrapped his hands around Ji Xi's neck, jumped up with his legs and clamped Ji Xi's waist, and slapped Ji Xi who hadn't reacted yet.

Ji Xi was startled for a while before realizing, "What are you doing?" With Ji Cao's kiss, her anger was reduced by half, and her voice was not as severe as when she was brewing emotions.

"Because I like Xiaoxi so much." Ji Cao hung on Ji Xi's body and rubbed against her, her voice was soft and sticky, like a sweet sauce smeared on Ji Xi's sullen heart, "Xiaoxi, don't give birth to me!" Are you angry?"

Ji Xi almost wanted to say it, but when he remembered what Ji Cao didn't reflect on when he came in, he straightened his face again: "I don't think it's okay if I don't get angry with you. Tell me, you're wrong Where is it?"

Ji Cao had long thought that Ji Xi would ask this question, so she answered very quickly and smoothly, "My mistake was getting in the car when I knew that person might be a bad guy."

Ji Xi was quite satisfied with this answer, and hugged him to sit on the sofa, "There are still more."

"Also, I shouldn't have done something wrong and acted like I was right to make you unhappy." Ji Cao rubbed her cheek against Ji Xi's cheek again, acting coquettishly, "Xiao Xi, I really don't Next time, please forgive me, okay?"

Ji Xi was so spoiled by her that he lost his temper completely, but in order to teach her a lesson, he still tried his best to hold his face, "Is there really no next time?"

"Really." Ji Cao nodded hastily, and walked around behind Ji Xi, sat down on the back of the sofa, and whispered, "I'll pinch your shoulders for you, so you don't get angry, okay?"

Ji Xi didn't agree, but he didn't refuse either. She didn't refuse, Ji Cao took it as her consent, tugged at her sleeves, put her hands on Ji Xi's shoulders, exerted a little strength, kneaded and pinched, "Do you want to exert more strength?"

"No, just this strength."

Seeing that she was satisfied, Ji Cao breathed a sigh of relief, and quietly rubbed her back. In the past ten minutes or so, her hands were a little sour, and she was about to let go, when she heard Ji Xi say "continue" in the next second, and she was stunned for a moment.

Ji Xi glanced back at her, "Didn't you say you wanted to pinch my shoulders to make me happy? I'm not happy yet. Continue."

Ji Cao said "ah", with her mouth flattened, looking at the back of her head unhappily in front of her.

"Ah what, continue." Although the voice was equally cold, the expression on the face with its back to Ji Cao softened.

Ji Cao didn't see it, thinking that the other party was still angry, so she could only continue rubbing her back reluctantly. It's just that after the hands are sore, the work of beating the back is not as serious as before, pinching here and poking there, passively sabotaging.

Fortunately, Ji Xi just teased her to teach her a lesson, and told her to stop within a minute. Ji Xi got up and turned to face Ji Cao, knelt on the sofa with his right knee, picked up Ji Cao's right hand, lowered his head, and kneaded the wrist, "Do you know now?"

Ji Cao hurriedly said "um", afraid that Ji Xi would get angry again if his reaction was slow.

Ji Xi pondered for a while before he said, "I was also at fault in the morning. I accidentally got emotional and said those exaggerated things to you."

Ji Cao was stunned for a moment, then rolled her eyes with a smile, and the dimple around her mouth was sunken, "What did you say this morning? Why don't I remember?"

Ji Xi looked up at her, then continued to lower his head, his drooping hair covered the smile in his eyes, "I don't remember either."

Ji Cao looked at the fingers kneading her wrist, and inexplicably felt that the fingers carried a magical power, which made her feel a warm current from the place where the other party pinched, along the arm to the heart.

Crispy, numb, and warm.

"Xiaoxi." Ji Cao suddenly said.

Ji Xi said "Mmm", but didn't hear Ji Cao's next sentence, looked up suspiciously, but saw Ji Cao was staring at her intently, there seemed to be some kind of emotion in his eyes. Unconsciously, Ji Xi's heart skipped a beat, and he asked what's wrong in a hoarse voice.

An ambiguous atmosphere circulated on the two of them, and there seemed to be some kind of emotion circulating in the eyes that looked at each other.

Ji Cao suddenly laughed, "I'm hungry."

The ambiguous atmosphere disappeared in an instant, and Ji Xi's rapid heartbeat became calmer because of this sentence, and he said with a cold face, "Didn't you just finish eating the cake?"

"That's right, but I'm hungry again now." Ji Cao moved closer to Ji Xi's face, "Then will you feed me?"

Give? Before Ji Xi had time to react, he saw Ji Cao leaning in front of her, getting closer and closer, until their lips touched.

Ji Cao put her left hand on Ji Xi's right shoulder, and kissed Ji Xi's lips. She suddenly remembered the picture in the TV series, opened her lips tentatively, and stuck out the tip of her tongue.

The action of her sticking out her tongue instantly woke up Ji Xi, and at the same time ignited the thoughts that Ji Xi had been holding back all this time.

Ji Xi changed his mind almost without thinking, wrapping his arms around Ji Cao's waist and pressing the back of Ji Cao's head with his whole body, preventing him from leaving. And she also stuck out her tongue to pry open Ji Cao's teeth. The moment the two tongues touched, both of them were shocked, and an electric current flowed between them.

In the end, Ji Cao was a little out of breath and pushed Ji Xi away. Her cheeks were flushed, and she lay on Ji Xi's shoulder with a somewhat blurred gaze.

Ji Xi hugged her waist, and slowly patted her shoulder with his right hand, trying hard to suppress his excitement. She had been avoiding the thoughts in her heart before, but now this relative wanted her to face this problem. She really had a fondness for this person in her arms that surpassed family and friendship.

"Xiaolu," Ji Xi pulled him up, looked at each other face to face, his heart couldn't help but raised his voice a little hoarsely, "You just said that you like me, is it true?"

"Yeah." Ji Cao laughed, with her reflection in her eyes, she put her arms around Ji Xi's neck, "I like Xiao Xi the most."

Before Ji Xi had time to be happy, another sentence rang in his ear, "I like them more than uncles and aunts."

Ji Xi got stuck, and his hot and restless heart was instantly poured with cold water, "Uncle and aunt?"

Ji Cao didn't know why she asked such a question, but she answered honestly, "It's your parents."

Ji Xi's heart was instantly shattered into pieces and fell to the ground, "The love you have for me is the love you have for my parents?"

Ji Cao hesitated, "It's not all." As a monster, she is ignorant of things like feelings, and has no way of distinguishing what is family affection and what is love.

She thought about it seriously, and it was Ji Xi who stayed by her side the most. Although Ji Xi had a fierce and expressionless expression on his face, he treated her very well. Sometimes she is rather arrogant, but she still spoils her. And uncles and aunts are kind to her, but they always feel that something is wrong.

Not at all? Ji Xi looked down at the person in his arms in surprise and joy, and when he noticed the annoyed look on the other side, he suddenly came to his senses. Ji Cao is a monster, and he is already slow to things like feelings. It's good to know that the other party treats her differently, why should she bother the other party.

"Don't think about it." Ji Xi stretched out his hand to smooth the hill between Ji Cao's eyebrows, and changed the subject, "Didn't you say you were hungry? I'll take you to have afternoon tea."

Ji Cao said "ah", and sure enough, the word "afternoon tea" attracted all the attention, and said quickly, "I want to eat strawberry cake."

"Didn't you eat just now?" Ji Xi asked her to do it, and bent down to put on her shoes.

Ji Cao always felt that something had changed about Ji Xi, but she couldn't figure out how it could change in just an instant.

"What's wrong?" Ji Xi put on his coat, seeing that Ji Cao was still in a daze, he pushed, "Let's go."

Ji Cao frowned and opened her hands, "I want you to carry me on your back."

"How old are you, and you still need someone to carry you, are you ashamed?" Although Ji Xi said so, he still carried him.

Sure enough, it was different. If it was before, Ji Xi wouldn't be carrying her in the company so quickly. Ji Cao muttered in her heart, but she didn't care if she was carried on her back and didn't have to walk.

The posture of the two startled everyone in the company, but unfortunately the person involved didn't notice this at all, and passed the crowd into the elevator on his own.

Guan Wanwan turned her head to the side until the figures of the two disappeared at the top of the stairs, before she turned her head in disbelief: "That was Xiaoxi just now? Am I dreaming?"

Li Qingqing was also a little puzzled: "She is right. But didn't she go into the office angrily before, why is she still looking so kind now? What did Xiaozao do to make her so happy?"

Li Yuanyuan on one side touched her chin and did not join the conversation between the two. Just now, I don’t know if I read it right, it seems that the mouths of both of them are a little red, and the lipstick Ji Xi puts on is a bit exaggerated. Could it be that...

The two reconciled, but Ji Cao didn't give up her plan to help Ji Xi negotiate a contract. It's just that she has this idea, but she has no countermeasures.

Ji Cao was instantly confused. How to do it, she didn't know anything about those planning or anything.

Eh, it's so annoying. Ji Cao sighed, put the spoon aside, and began to think about countermeasures while holding her chin.

Seeing that Ji Cao was in a daze without moving, Ji Xi poked her eyebrows amusedly, "Your cake is here, why don't you eat it?"

Ji Cao was thinking about Ji Xi's matter in her heart, and her appetite was gone. But worried that Ji Xi would notice something strange, he picked up the spoon and began to eat slowly.

Seeing her absent-minded appearance, Ji Xi raised her eyebrows, "Isn't it delicious?" According to what she knew about Ji Cao, there is nothing more important in the world than eating strawberry cake, and now she is distracted while eating strawberry cake. It is really strange.

"No." Ji Cao hastened to move quickly.

"Don't eat so fast, be careful of choking." Just as Ji Xi finished speaking, he heard Ji Cao start coughing, and hurriedly pulled away the chair and stepped forward to help pat his back. No one is robbing you, really."

Ji Cao swallowed the cake in her throat, took another big sip of water, then lowered her head in embarrassment, and chewed slowly.

After she finished eating, the two returned to the company. As soon as we arrived at the gate of the company, there were rows of cars driving over.

Li Qingqing and the others came over and pulled Ji Xi: "Not only the person in charge of the Gu Group is here, Mrs. Gu also brought Young Master Gu here, Xiao Xi, hurry up. As for Xiao Zao, just leave it to me .”

Ji Cao nodded, and asked Ji Xi to go over to do business first, and then followed behind Li Qingqing to see the so-called Mrs. Gu. She wants to see who it is, and if she dares to cooperate with Xiaoxi.