I, Cute Grass, am Super Fierce!

Chapter 42


Monday, Ji Xi's birthday.

"Ring ring ring—"

A hand stretched out from under the quilt, fumbled for the phone, and then retracted under the quilt. Ji Xi turned off the alarm clock, lifted the quilt, and pushed the person on him, "Xiaolu, get up."

Ji Cao opened her eyes in a daze, and suddenly thought of something, reached out and hugged Ji Xi's cheek, kissed her, and said with a smile, "Happy birthday."

Ji Xi had long forgotten his birthday, and he was stunned for a moment before realizing that today is indeed his birthday. But then she was a little puzzled, how did Ji Cao know

"It was Aunt Ji who told me." Ji Cao betrayed the other party unceremoniously, rubbing against Ji Xi's neck, her voice was nasal and soft, "I said it a long time ago."

That makes sense. And Ji Xi remembered one thing, Ji Cao said before that he wanted to make money, was it to buy her gifts? Because apart from this possibility, it seems that Ji Cao has no other place to spend money.

Thinking that Ji Cao would prepare a birthday present for her, the corners of Ji Xi's mouth curled up uncontrollably. However, after waiting for a while, Ji Cao got out of bed directly, without any intention of giving a gift at all.

Are you planning to send it later? Looking at the back of Ji Cao going in to brush his teeth, Ji Xi frowned, and slowly got out of bed.

Ji Cao didn't know what she was thinking, after washing, she came out and stared at her, "That's right, Xiaoxi."

Ji Xi thought he was about to give a gift, so he immediately lifted his spirits and looked at Ji Cao with piercing eyes, "What's wrong?"

"It seems that there is not much toothpaste left." Ji Cao turned her head and pointed in the direction of the bathroom. After turning back, she found that Ji Xi was already sitting on the edge of the bed with her back facing her. There seemed to be a dark cloud floating above her head. She was suddenly puzzled, " Xiaoxi, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing." Ji Xi said quietly.

Ji Cao rolled her eyes, climbed onto the bed, hugged the other person's waist from behind, and pressed her face against the other's back, "Xiaoxi, did I do something wrong to make you angry?"

Ji Xi shook her head, "You did nothing wrong." She was thinking too much.

Ji Cao said "oh" in a good manner, and nodded, "I also don't think it's my fault. After all, I'm so cute and cute, how could I do something wrong."

Ji Xi couldn't laugh or cry when he heard that, he turned around and pinched her face, "When will you get rid of your narcissism?"

"This is a virtue, and there is no need to change it." After Ji Cao said vaguely, she let go of the other party, saved her face, and then snorted softly, "I'm going to have breakfast."

Ji Xi shook his head, got up to wash up, but sighed immediately after turning around.

Ji Cao's ears were sensitive, and she heard it instantly. However, she rubbed her chin to think, but she couldn't figure out why in a short time.

Unknowingly walking to the refrigerator, Ji Cao pulled it open without even thinking about it, her eyes lit up when she saw the snacks inside, but she had scruples in her heart, she subconsciously turned her head to look at the bathroom.

The ear moved. She heard the sound of splashing water, indicating that the other party was taking a bath.

"Xiaoxi, I'm hungry, let's have some snacks first." Ji Cao called to the bathroom, but she didn't get a response, and immediately added happily, "If you don't object, I'll take it as your consent. "

After she finished speaking, she picked up a bag of potato chips and stuffed it into her mouth. She stretched out her other hand towards the yogurt bottle, and when she gritted her teeth, the bottle cap popped up.

Because she will have breakfast later to avoid revealing her stuffing, it is rare for Ji Cao not to eat all the snacks in the refrigerator, but to keep half of them. And after living for so long, she has learned how to handle the scene. First put the garbage into the trash can and compact it, then take out two paper towels and crumple them before throwing them up, and finally sit on a chair as if nothing had happened, waiting for Ji Xi to come out.

Ji Xi didn't keep her waiting for long, and came out after a while. Seeing her playing with her mobile phone, Ji Xi rolled up her sleeves and said, "I still have to go to work, shall we make fried eggs and bread?"

"Yes." Ji Cao touched her bulging stomach, "I just want a fried egg, but I don't want bread."

"One fried egg is enough? No bread?" Ji Xi stopped opening the refrigerator and looked back at Ji Cao suspiciously, "Don't you usually need two fried eggs and at least four slices of bread?"

"I'm a little bit today-" Ji Cao sneered, and hiccupped before she finished speaking, and subconsciously raised her hand to cover her mouth.

Seeing her like this, Ji Xi thought of something, and hurriedly turned to look at the refrigerator. Sure enough, the refrigerator that was supposed to be full was already more than half empty. She glanced at the trash can next to her and kicked it, revealing the snack bag underneath.

Ji Cao looked at her movements and weakly defended herself, "I told you, but you didn't answer."

"I'm taking a shower, so I can't hear you." Ji Xi sighed, took out two eggs, and then closed the refrigerator, "I don't mind if you eat snacks, but it's easy to get upset if you eat these things indiscriminately when you get up early in the morning. So, I won’t give you fried eggs, you’re full anyway.”

"I want to eat." Ji Cao raised her hand, "I want to eat fried eggs."

"Eating too much will cause stomach upset."

"I'm in good health, and I won't have stomach trouble." Seeing that Ji Xi didn't care about this matter, Ji Cao smiled and promised.

"I wish." Ji Xi said.

Ji Cao didn't take it seriously at first, but after eating the fried eggs, her stomach suddenly started to growl and her complexion became bad.

"What's wrong?" Ji Xi heard it too, and looked up at her.

"I'm going to the toilet." After Ji Cao finished speaking, she pushed away the chair and ran away.

After Ji Xi finished his breakfast, he found that Ji Cao hadn't come out yet, so he was a little worried, so he went outside the toilet and asked her if she was okay.


After Ji Cao opened the door and came out, she bowed her waist, hammered her back with one hand and rubbed her belly with the other, her head drooped listlessly, "It's okay."

Ji Xi stretched out his hand to support her, and asked worriedly, "Isn't it because of a bad stomach? Do you want to take some medicine?"

Ji Cao shook her head. Just when Ji Xi said to go to the hospital, the next second she straightened her back and smiled brightly, "Hahaha Xiaoxi, I was just joking with you, won't you take it seriously?"

Ji Xi: "..." Seeing that her ruddy face really didn't look like something happened, Ji Xi preferred that she was just joking.

After the two arrived at the company, people congratulated Ji Xi on his birthday one after another. There were quite a few people who had prepared gifts, and along the way, Ji Xi and Ji Cao had both hands full of gifts and some boxes in their arms.

After finally arriving at the office to put down the gift, there was a knock on the office door.

"My hands are sore." Ji Cao stretched out her hand in front of Ji Xi, looking like an old man, "Xiao Xi, help me beat it."

While rubbing Ji Cao's arms, Ji Xi said, "Please come in"

"Xiao Xi," the door was opened a crack, and three heads came in one after another, "We are here to give you a gift."

"Bring it in." Ji Xi let go of Ji Cao, pointed to the ground next to the desk, "Put it on the desk and you can go."

"It's your birthday today, who made you unhappy?" Li Yuanyuan walked in one after another, seeing that Ji Xi's air-conditioning was heavier than before, and seemed to understand something, and looked at Ji Cao and Ji Xi ambiguously, "Or Say you dislike us for disturbing your two-person world."

Ji Xi glanced at Ji Cao subconsciously, but didn't see any changes, so he waved his hands expressionlessly, "If you have nothing to do, go to work quickly."

"Then, let's go first." Li Yuanyuan waved her hand, and while she wasn't paying attention, she blinked with Ji Cao before pulling the other two out of the office.


Ji Cao withdrew her gaze, lay down on the sofa, and looked at Ji Xi with great interest, "Xiao Xi, do you have to prepare a birthday present for your birthday?"

Ji Xi wanted to nod, but rationality forced her to shake her head, "It doesn't matter whether the birthday present is ready or not."

"Really?" Ji Cao asked.

"Yeah." Ji Xi added hesitantly, "Of course, it's best to have a gift."

Ji Cao took a deep look at her, then touched something from behind and laughed, "Then what should I do with the gift I carefully prepared?"

"If you don't, then—" Ji Xi took a while to react, and his voice changed, "What did you say?"

Ji Cao raised the box in her hand, "This is it." She stood up, put the box in Ji Xi's hand, and rolled her eyes with a smile, "Happy birthday, Xiao Xi."

The box is very light, but after putting it in Ji Xi's heart, it was very heavy, so heavy that the corners of her lips curled up, "Thank you."

Ji Cao waved her hand, "Take it apart and see what it is?"

Ji Xi nodded, took a look at it, and immediately didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Ji Xi picked up the grass in the box, squeezed it, it was warm, without the burr feeling of grass.

"This is yours..." Ji Xi carefully chose his words, "Is it the grass on your body?"

"No, it's on the top of my head." Ji Cao said, pointing to the top of her head, in the middle of the green hair, a sprout suddenly appeared.

"Say hello." After Ji Cao finished speaking, the little grass on her head swayed her body, and then bent down to Ji Xi, as if she was really saying hello. Then Ji Cao reached out and touched the top of her head, and the bud disappeared again.

Ji Cao smiled, "This is a little grass. The one in your hand fades after it grows up. It can protect you at critical moments. By the way, this is the so-called life-saving straw."

Ji Xi was quite touched at first, but he couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the following words, "You didn't buy a gift, so you wanted to make money before—"

"This is a secret." Ji Cao said "tsk tsk" twice, stretched out her index finger and shook it, "I will tell you later."

Ji Xi understood, a smile appeared in his eyes, and he asked, "Is it for me?"

"This." Ji Cao rolled her eyes and stopped looking at Ji Xi, "It should be."

"Should?" Ji Xi raised his eyebrows, thought for a while, and said, "My mother should have prepared a birthday cake, and I specially asked her to prepare a strawberry flavored cake. Now it seems that I have to eat this big strawberry by myself cake."

Hearing that there was something to eat, Ji Cao immediately lost her spine, jumped up and hung on Ji Xi's body, yelling, "I want to eat, I want to eat, Xiao Xi~"

"Then who do you think it will be for?"

"Your yours." Ji Cao lay on her body, her tone was agitated, but her eyes were smiling like crescent moons, and she hugged her neck and rubbed it.

Ji Xi hugged her in one hand and the grass in the other, feeling a little exhausted immediately, so he hurriedly asked her to come down.

"Then I'm going to play with my phone." Ji Cao thought for a while, hooked her fingers and asked Ji Xi to bring her face closer.

Although Ji Xi didn't understand what she was going to do, he still bent down and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ji Cao stepped on her foot and kissed her on the mouth, then turned and ran away, leaving Ji Xi touching his lips with an inexplicable smile.