I, Cute Grass, am Super Fierce!

Chapter 44


Before dawn, Ji Xi was woken up by Ji Cao. Thinking that Ji Cao might be having a nightmare, she reached out and fumbled to turn on the bedside lamp, then checked her phone, and found that it was only six o'clock, she rubbed her head and asked vaguely, "What's wrong?"

Ji Cao couldn't even open her eyes, she yawned and said in a daze, "You should get up and make breakfast for your uncles and aunts."

"Mom will do it by herself." Ji Xi was about to turn off the lights and go back to sleep, but the next second he felt someone kicked his waist and got out of the quilt. It was almost winter, and the temperature was very low in the early morning. Even though Ji Xi was wearing cotton pajamas, he was still shivering for a moment, and hurriedly squeezed into the quilt.

"I promised Auntie that I'll let you cook breakfast." Ji Cao pressed the quilt tightly to prevent Ji Xi from coming in, "Xiao Xi, just do it."

Ji Xi shook his head, and secretly exerted force on his hands, "I won't do it. The person who promised is you, not me. If you want to do it, do it yourself."

Ji Cao looked at her pitifully, "I don't know how to do it, so you can do it for me."

"No." After Ji Xi finished speaking, he reached out and hugged Ji Cao and the quilt together, then grabbed the quilt with both hands and shook it.

"Clatter." Ji Cao fell onto the bed in an instant, her long hair scattered on the bed.

Ji Xi took a look, then rolled up the quilt and lay down, with his back to Ji Cao.

"Xiao Xi." Ji Cao lay on the side, reaching out to poke the other's cheek, "I'm so cold."

"You are a monster, not sensitive to temperature." Ji Xi was not fooled, "You said it."

Ji Cao immediately puffed up her cheeks, and leaned over to press on Ji Cao's body, "Can't you get up and make breakfast?"


"Xiaoxi, what a little Xi~" Ji Cao rubbed back and forth, coquettishly saying, "Isn't she your cutie? You used to be very nice to him, but now you're so cold when you grab someone's quilt Talking to others, um~ you are so bad~"

Ji Xi's goosebumps arose in an instant, and no amount of drowsiness disappeared. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the person above, "Why should I be responsible for what you promised?"

Ji Cao was stunned. That's right, she promised, why should Ji Xi do it

Thinking of this, she immediately shrugged her shoulders and got off Ji Xi's body. Sitting on the side of the bed, she apologized while getting dressed, got up after putting on her shoes, and bowed deeply to Ji Xi.

"What are you doing?" Ji Xi frowned seeing her attire.

"I'll make breakfast." After Ji Cao finished speaking, she made a face at her, and then went into the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face without looking back.

After tidying up, she pushed open the bathroom door and came out. Seeing that Ji Xi was already sleeping with his eyes closed under the quilt, he flattened his mouth aggrievedly in his heart, increased the strength when walking, and made a "bang bang bang" sound. It was as if some huge monster had passed by. However, even if she made such a big commotion, Ji Xi didn't lift his eyelids to look at her.

"Bad Xiaoxi." Ji Cao stomped her feet, and opened the door without looking back.

Isn't it just a breakfast? She is a monster, bad guys can catch her, it is impossible that she can't even handle a breakfast. Thinking of this, Ji Cao rushed into the kitchen angrily, not as if she was making breakfast, but more like going to fight for her life.

Ji Cao recalled the steps of Xia Ji Xi's breakfast, and looked out for a few eggs to prepare fried eggs.

"By the way, there is still bread." Ji Cao muttered, looking around the kitchen, and began to rummage through the boxes to find bread, but unfortunately she couldn't find any trace of bread even after searching the refrigerator.

Forget it, let's eat fried eggs. If there is no bread, everyone can be full by eating a few more eggs. Thinking about it this way, Ji Cao beat all the remaining dozen or so eggs, and because there were too many eggs to fit in one pot, she even found a beaten pot.

After cracking the eggs, Ji Cao recalled the steps of Ji Xi's frying eggs, found a pair of chopsticks and began to stir. After stirring, she began to wash the pot and put the pan on the induction cooker.

what's next? The monster who used the induction cooker for the first time and was half uneducated and couldn't understand the instructions was confused.

"Plug in the electricity first." A helpless voice sounded, and then a hand reached out and pushed her aside, took the apron on the side, and turned on the induction cooker skillfully.

"Xiao Xi." Ji Cao burst out laughing immediately, but the next second she remembered something, she restrained the smile on her face, stepped forward and snatched the frying pan, "I'll do it myself."

Ji Xi glanced at her, "You don't even know how to use a frying pan, so you still want to do it yourself?"

Ji Cao snorted softly, still remembering Ji Xi's refusal to her before, "I do what I promised myself, so I don't want others to do it."

Ji Xi raised his eyebrows, knowing that she was losing his temper. Seeing that the water in the pot was gone, he hurriedly stepped forward to pour some oil, pushed the person back with his other hand, and skillfully picked up the pan and turned it around to let the oil spread evenly. Open, said while moving, "Now I want to help, so I beg Xiaolu to let me do it, okay?"

"That's what you said." Ji Cao immediately climbed up the bamboo pole, raised her chin and said reservedly, "You begged me to let you help make breakfast."

Seeing her arrogant appearance, Ji Xi shook his head helplessly, and his voice unconsciously carried a touch of affection, "Yes, Mrs. Little Green."

Hearing her tone, Ji Cao touched her earlobe subconsciously, always feeling a little hot in her body. It should be because of the induction cooker, thinking so, she moved a step to the side to open the distance.

Ji Xi didn't pay attention to her movements, and was shocked when he found the big bowl of egg liquid on the table, and asked Ji Cao, "What are you planning to do?"

"Fried eggs." Ji Cao explained innocently, "Because I can't find bread, so everyone eats a few more eggs, so that they will be full."

Hearing this answer, Ji Xi almost knocked over the basin.

"A person can eat up to two eggs a day, and if there are too many, they won't be able to absorb nutrients." Ji Xi explained while frying eggs, "It's a complete waste of you like this."

"It won't be wasted. I'll eat the excess." Ji Cao rubbed her stomach unceremoniously, "Anyway, I'm not a human being. No matter how much I eat, I can absorb it."

Ji Xi: ... It seems that it is not unreasonable.

After a while, part of the omelette was finished. Ji Cao was already holding the chopsticks in her hand, and started to stretch out the chopsticks when the plate was put down.

"Be careful of burning." Ji Xi warned, and continued to fry eggs.

"Got it." Ji Cao took a bite, picked up another piece and blew it before handing it to Ji Xi's mouth, "Ah~"

"Thank you." Ji Xi bit his mouth dumbfounded.

There were too many eggs, and Ji Xi didn't fry them all, but left some for his mother to make cakes and the like. After eating and drinking, both of them were sleepy, but Ji Xi still had to go to work, so he went upstairs to tidy up and left Ji's house with a note.

Not long after the two left, Mother Ji, who was thinking about making breakfast, also came down, yawning as she walked. Turning on the light in the kitchen, Ji's mother was shocked by the messy scene in the kitchen. Egg shells were scattered all over the floor, and everything that was neatly arranged was staggered, as if it had been swept by a tornado.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a plate and a note on the table, and she hurried over to pick up the note. After reading the content, Ji's mother was a little dumbfounded, "These two children are really..."

It was quite early when they arrived at the company, so they bought some buns with soy milk along the way.

While waiting for the elevator, the two of Ji Cao ran into Li Yuanyuan. Li Yuanyuan glanced at the two people who were out of spirits, and finally her eyes stayed on the snacks in Ji Cao's arms, "You haven't eaten breakfast yet."

"En." Ji Xi nodded.

Ji Cao said hello and then sighed, "It's all Xiaoxi's fault, she insisted on getting angry with me early in the morning."

Li Yuanyuan looked at Ji Xi subconsciously, "Having a temper early in the morning? Xiao Xi?"

"Yes." Ji Cao nodded heavily.

Ji Xi: ... Who is throwing a temper tantrum? But this kind of thing is harmless, and she didn't bother to explain, so she just looked at the elevator quietly.

Li Yuanyuan glanced at her thoughtfully, and then asked Ji Cao, "Xiao Xi's birthday yesterday, did you celebrate well?"

"Yes, the cake is delicious." Speaking of cake, Ji Cao suddenly remembered that there was still half of the strawberry cake left at Mother Ji's place, and she sighed.

"Why are you sighing, aren't you happy?"

"Yeah." Ji Cao turned her head to look at Ji Xi, and then said quietly, "It must be because I suppressed Xiao Xi, and I feel a little uncomfortable now."

Ji Xi who lay innocently on the gun: "If you feel uncomfortable, stop eating now."

Ji Cao immediately hugged the bun tightly in her arms, "It's all right now."

Ji Xi shook his head, just as the elevator door opened, he stepped in first.

Li Yuanyuan kept thinking about what Ji Cao said, "Suppress Xiaoxi", and looked at the two thoughtfully. I just looked around and didn't see any red marks.

Ji Xi silently pulled Ji Cao to his other side, his figure just blocking Li Yuanyuan's gaze.

The more she covered up, Li Yuanyuan felt tricky, and her desire to explore became stronger.


The elevator door opened, and Ji Xi pulled Ji Cao away at a high speed. After getting away from Li Yuanyuan, he told Ji Cao to stop talking about the two of them in front of Li Yuanyuan.

"Why?" Ji Cao asked, and handed the bun to Ji Xi's mouth.

Ji Xi thought for a while and said, "Because her mind is a little abnormal and she likes to think wildly. The more you talk, the more she thinks."

Ji Cao said "ah" and asked in surprise, "Is that so? I didn't even see it."

"Because she hides very deeply." Just as Ji Xi finished speaking, he heard Ji Cao say "ah", looked at her in shock, and quickly asked what's wrong.

"The bun you ate just now," Ji Cao picked up a bun and took a bite before saying vaguely, "I just ate it."

Ji Xi froze for a moment, then clenched his right hand into a fist and coughed lightly, "Why didn't you say it earlier, this is very dirty."

Dirty? The disgusted Ji Cao rolled her eyes, and quickly ate the bun in her hand until there was only one last bite left before handing it to Ji Xi's mouth, "Here." When Ji Xi opened her mouth, she smiled and said, "This I have eaten it, do you want to eat it?"

Ji Xi immediately ate or ate, especially now that they were not in the office, and many employees were watching them.

"It suddenly occurred to me that I still have documents that need to be processed quickly, so go ahead and play." Ji Xi rubbed his nose, passed Ji Cao and quickly entered the office.

Ji Cao trotted to follow, with a sly smile on her face, her little dimples were very cute, and she kept holding the bun in her hand, "Are you sure you don't want to eat it?"

Ji Xi stopped, pulled him into the office, closed the door, and ate the bun in Ji Cao's hand in one gulp.

"How? Do you want to continue?" Ji Xi crossed his arms and looked at Ji Cao. Wanting to fight her, Ji Cao's little trick is still a little too young.

Ji Cao rolled her eyes and went to the side to eat steamed buns.

"By the way, let's go to Fo'en Temple on the weekend." Ji Xi suddenly remembered this matter, worried that he would forget to say it quickly.

Foen Temple? Ji Cao really missed that nagging old monk, so she nodded immediately.

By the way, does she want to buy some gifts for the other party? After all, it's been so long since I haven't seen each other, and I don't know what happened to the other party's old bones.

Ji Xi saw that she was in a daze, shook his head, and turned to work.