I, Cute Grass, am Super Fierce!

Chapter 46


Ji Cao rubbed her eyes, and when she opened her eyes, she found herself on the way down the mountain with Ji Xi behind her. And she looked at her little hands, as if she had returned to Xiaotuanzi's appearance. And not only is there a stream of energy circulating in his body, but he also has a red bead in his arms.

"Xiaoxi? Where are we?"

"We're almost at the bottom of the mountain, and we'll be back home in a while. Would you like to sleep a little longer?" Ji Xi's speed was unhurried, and the scenery next to him moved back slowly.

"No need." Ji Cao stretched her waist, and began to recall the things before she fell into a coma. She remembered that the monk held her hand and then transmitted energy to her body, and fell asleep after a while. From this point of view, this energy should be transferred to her by Nian En, but she didn't understand why the other party did this. After all, these energies should be very important to those who practice the Tao, so give them as you please, is it so casual

"Xiaoxi, why did we leave? I haven't asked Monk Nian'en why he did this." Ji Cao leaned on her shoulder and passed the red bead in her hand, "Also, do you know where this came from? ? How could it be on me."

"This..." Ji Xi slowed down, with a somewhat heavy tone, "It was given to you by the master, saying that you are destined, and this relic can cover up the evil spirit on your body."


She looked at the bead, the color was like blood, her eyes turned sour, and she subconsciously said, "Xiao Xi, I feel a little uncomfortable."

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know." Ji Cao was a little depressed, "Just looking at this bead makes me feel uncomfortable, and I want to cry, but I can't cry. Xiaoxi, do you understand?"

Ji Xi paused, not knowing what to say, he could only pat her leg comfortingly, "I'm here."

"Xiaoxi, let's come here again next year when the peach blossoms are in bloom, and then we can greet Monk Nianen again." Speaking of this, Ji Cao regained her spirits and put her arms around Ji Xi's neck coquettishly, "How is Xiaoxi?" ~"

"Okay, okay." Ji Xi sighed, but didn't say it after all.

At this moment, the bell rang suddenly, continuously, and each sound was longer than the other, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Hearing the bell, many tourists stopped immediately, even Ji Xi stopped, making Ji Cao confused. After the bell stopped, everyone continued to go up and down the mountain, and many people started to discuss enthusiastically.

"Why is the bell ringing all of a sudden? It's not morning and evening." Among the three people who went up the mountain, the girl with the shortest character asked the person who went down the mountain.

"I do not know."

Someone passed by next to him, and when he heard it, he answered subconsciously, "It seems that the presiding officer has passed away, so he is ringing the death knell to send off the master."

The girl was stunned for a moment, "Why did you suddenly pass away?"

"It is said that this master is almost two hundred years old, and now that he has passed away, he is considered to have returned to his old age. Moreover, the master has helped so many people get married, maybe he can become a fairy."

"Then luckily we asked for marriage in advance."


"Then what should we do if we haven't asked, will it still be effective?" The crowd up the mountain panicked and hurriedly speeded up.

Ji Cao looked away from them, she is not stupid, she can still understand the meaning of passing away. But she still wanted to confirm it from Ji Xi, and asked in a muffled voice, "Is Nian En gone?"

Ji Xi didn't expect to be exposed so soon, so he gave a soft "um" and explained, "I waited outside for about ten minutes, and the host asked me to go in with the rest of the monks, and asked me to take you down the mountain. Then he sat down and passed away. As for this relic... He said that it was originally yours, but now it is just returned to the original owner. And I want you not to be sad, people are always mortal, and he is considered consummated now."

"Why do you say that the relic belongs to me?" Ji Cao couldn't remember when she lent something to the other party, and she was just a seed before, so how could she borrow something

"He won't tell, so I don't know."


Then Ji Cao fell silent and stopped talking, Ji Xi took two steps and stopped, "Do you want to go back and have a look?"

"No." Ji Cao buried her face in Ji Xi's back, her voice muffled, "He asked you to take me down the mountain because he didn't want me to stay there."

"But it's the last side." Ji Xi saw that Ji Cao really didn't mean that, so he could only continue down the mountain.

However, when they got to the foot of the mountain, Ji Cao suddenly raised her head and told Ji Xi to stand beside the crowd.

Ji Xi lowered his awareness to the side, and the next second he saw a group of people descending from the sky.

It really fell from the sky.

It wasn't just Ji Xi who showed a look of surprise, the tourists beside him also became agitated. You must know that this is a socialist harmonious society, and walking with a sword only exists in novels, but now, a large number of people in strange clothes jump from the sky by stepping on something similar to a sword.

"Let's go first." Although Ji Cao didn't know who this group of people were, she felt the pressure subconsciously, and quickly jumped off Ji Xi's back, pulling him into the crowd.

At the front of the group was a middle-aged man with a long beard, who looked thoughtfully at their original positions after Ji Cao left.

"Master, what's the matter?" The younger-looking man beside him asked, "But what's the difference?"

"It's okay, let's go up the mountain quickly, lest the relics be preempted by other sects." Taoist Qingmei shook his head, looked at the stairs in front of him, suddenly felt something, quickly left the place, picked up his apprentice, and floated in the air.

"Old thief, will you sneak attack from behind?" Taoist Qingmei sneered, the apprentice let go, and then took out the sword behind him and threw it at the person who attacked him.

Seeing that the sneak attack failed, the monk called the old thief didn't feel sorry, he just smiled and greeted him. After a while, the two fought in the air.

The tourists below thought it was filming at first, but as the movements caused by the fight between the two became louder and louder, and finally a big hole was smashed on the ground, they realized that this was true, and quickly started to run away to escape from this place. place. However, the crowd was crowded, and the two gangs began to fight again, and soon there were various wailing sounds.

Of course, Ji Xi and Ji Cao didn't know about these things, because they had already secretly left the foot of the mountain, went to the town and drove away in a hurry.

"Who were those people just now?" Ji Xi took advantage of the red light to get out of the car, and looked at Ji Cao who was unusually quiet on the car, "You seem to be very afraid of them."

Ji Cao immediately turned her head and glared at her, "I'm not afraid."

"Yes, yes, you are not afraid, then can you tell me who they are?" Ji Xi saw that she had regained some vitality, and reached out to stroke the top of her hair.

"Should be a cultivator like a monk." Ji Cao knew that she was not a human being. When searching for monsters, the website recommended a lot of novels. She read about a few of them, and found that generally there were monsters and there were people who cultivated immortality or Taoism. I hadn't met her before and wondered, but I didn't expect that there would be such a large group when I met her now, and there were still a few of them who seemed to be quite advanced.

Hearing that it was someone cultivating Taoism and immortality, Ji Xi reacted and became a little worried, "We were not discovered just now, right? Are they going to arrest you?"

"No." Ji Cao had let go of his spiritual sense before, and when he heard the man say what kind of relic he wanted, he knew their purpose. As for why he didn't come before, and waited until Monk Nian'en passed away, it should be because he was concerned about Monk Nian'en's strength.

Seeing that Ji Xi couldn't figure it out, Ji Cao smiled and told them that they wanted the relic, and then took out the red bead to look at it, and found nothing unusual, that is, the color was a little brighter.

Thinking of this, she asked Ji Xi, "Is this bead very valuable? Otherwise, why did those people come here to snatch it?"

Ji Xi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Maybe it's not because of the money, but because of other reasons."

Ji Cao couldn't figure it out, and continued to look down.

At night, the two also saw news reports about the death of the abbot of Foen Temple and the appointment of a new abbot. It's just that Ji Cao changed a few channels, but none of the scenes showing those able men and strangers fighting, made her a little puzzled, so she asked.

Ji Xiqu flicked her forehead with his fingers, and then explained, "Because it will cause panic among the public." Seeing that Ji Cao still didn't understand, he shook his head, "You don't need to understand, just clean up and go to sleep."

"Oh." Ji Cao touched her forehead, and obediently climbed off the sofa.

Seeing her like that, Ji Xi felt a little headache. Although Xiaotuanzi looks very round and cute, but she has some ulterior feelings in her heart, and she always looks weird to children.

Thinking of this, she knelt down and pinched Ji Cao's chubby face, "When will you change back?"

"It'll be fine when I finish absorbing the energy in my body." Unaware of Ji Xi's thoughts, Ji Cao stepped on her short legs to wash her face, and after cleaning up, she obediently went to lie down on the bed.

Ji Xi picked up the magazine and sat by the bed to read it. It felt too quiet. Turning his head, he saw Ji Cao laying on the pillow and staring at her intently. His heart skipped a beat. "What's wrong?"

"Xiao Xi," Ji Cao reached out and tugged at Ji Xi's hem, her voice muffled, "You are the only one left for me."

Ji Xi knew that she was thinking about Nian En again, so he patted her on the head. Wanting to ease the atmosphere, she cleared her throat and tuned, "I thought you were always alone with me. It turns out that there was an old monk before you. It's really sad."

"Your voice doesn't sound sad at all." Ji Cao looked up at her, "Bad review."

"Just make it." Ji Xi snorted softly, seeing if she could continue complaining and then let it go. Just as she was picking up the magazine to continue reading, she saw a figure passing by, and in the blink of an eye Ji Cao was already buried in her arms.

"Why—" Before he finished speaking, Ji Xi felt the moisture on his neck, paused, and didn't speak any more. He just raised his hand and patted Ji Cao's back, "I will always be with you."


After patting for a while, Ji Xi's hands were tired, and when he let go, he felt that something was wrong. When he pulled the person away, he found that Ji Cao had fallen asleep, his mouth was slightly open, and there was still saliva, and small bubbles came out.

Ji Xi: ... I'm so sad.

Ji Xi sighed, stretched out his hand to smooth the hill between Ji Cao's eyebrows, and stretched out his hand to turn off the light to sleep. It's just that as soon as she lay down, Ji Cao rolled directly into her arms like a radar, then grabbed her clothes and remained motionless, continuing to snore.

Ji Cao didn't sleep soundly, and soon began to have nightmares.