I, Cute Grass, am Super Fierce!

Chapter 47


Ji Cao looked at the place in front of her, scratched her face, not knowing why she was here. She remembered that she fell asleep with Xiao Xi in her arms, and when she opened her eyes, she came to this place where all kinds of flowers, plants and trees were planted, and there was no one there, so she couldn't ask where it was.

"Demon Lord, my subordinates found a human comatose in the junction, and now I have brought it to the doctor for examination."

Ji Cao turned around, only to find that there was an extra person behind her out of thin air. The other party was wearing a black robe, his long hair was tied up with a hairpin, and he half-kneeled on the ground in a heroic manner, but what attracted Ji Cao's attention was the two horns on the top of the other party's head, which looked like a monster.

This was the first time that Ji Cao saw a monster other than himself, and suddenly gave a strange "Huh".

And it was only at this time that she belatedly remembered the address of the other party just now.

Demon Lord? Is it her

The confused Ji Cao was about to ask where this place is, when she heard her body speak automatically, "When she wakes up, send her away."

Ji Cao was even more puzzled, she didn't speak, where did the voice come from

The kneeling man hesitated, "But this human being is not an ordinary person, the demon master had better go and have a look."

Just as Ji Cao was about to speak, she saw her body nodded and followed the monster with two horns. Then the scene changed, and the two came to a house made of wood.

Ji Cao also knew that she could only see and couldn't speak, so she could only look at all this boredly, and finally froze for a while when her eyes stopped on the person lying on the bed, and rushed over in the next second, but her The body passed through in an instant.

"Little green, it's time to wake up."

When the familiar voice came, Ji Cao felt that the picture in front of her eyes turned into a whirlpool in an instant.

"Xiao Xi." Ji Cao rubbed her eyes, looked at the familiar furniture in front of her, then looked at Ji Xi, and threw herself into his arms, "I just had a nightmare."

Ji Xi hugged her, patted her on the back lightly, and asked what the nightmare was, his calm voice instantly calmed the restlessness in Ji Cao's heart.

Ji Cao thought about it for a while, and found that she couldn't remember it. After racking her brain, she still couldn't figure out the plot, so she said innocently, "I forgot."

"If you forget it, forget it. Since it's a nightmare, it's better if you don't remember it." Ji Xi touched her head, and after a word of comfort, he put on a straight face, "Hurry up and get up, I'm going to work."

"Xiaoxi, I suddenly thought of a question." Ji Cao lay back on the bed with the quilt in her arms, and yawned, "You are the one who goes to work, why should I get up early to go to the office with you?"

Ji Xi stopped and turned to look at her, "Don't you usually go with me?"

"Yes, but occasionally I also want to sleep in." Ji Cao rolled around in her arms, turning around, and finally Ji Xi directly grabbed her ankle and pulled her up.

"I'm sorry, you, a monster who depends on me, doesn't have the right to stay in bed." Ji Xi sneered, carried her directly to the bathroom, and put her by the sink, "Brush your teeth and wash your face."

Ji Cao immediately puffed up her cheeks, and reluctantly picked up the toothpaste.

"Don't be lazy and don't wash your face." It's winter now, and Ji Xi knows it's cold, so he taught Ji Cao how to brush his teeth and wash his face with hot water.

"Understood." Ji Cao yawned and reluctantly responded.

Ji Xi glanced at her, always feeling a little strange, but he couldn't think of what was so strange, so he could only shake his head and go to the side to wash up.

When he was leaving the house, Ji Xi called "Little Green" a few times but no one responded. When he returned to the room, he found that Ji Cao had fallen asleep standing by the bed, and his head was biting, making it uncomfortable to watch. .

"Xiaolu, are you alright?" She hurried forward and patted Ji Cao's shoulder to wake him up.

"Xiao Xi." Ji Cao narrowed a gap to look at the person in front of her, yawned non-stop while speaking, and said sleepily, "I'm so sleepy, I don't want to go to work."

Usually, if she is healthy, Ji Xi is relieved that she is alone at home, but now that she can fall asleep anytime and anywhere, how can Ji Xi be relieved

"Then go to bed first, I won't go to the company anymore, I will sleep with you for a while."

"Oh." Ji Cao replied weakly, quickly pulled off the shoes and climbed onto the bed, pulled the quilt, and snored in an instant.

This situation is too abnormal, Ji Xi can't help but worry. If Ji Cao is a kind of snake demon, she can still use the reason that she has to hibernate, but Ji Cao is grass itself, will she need to hibernate

Can't think of a reason, all she can do is change back to casual clothes and go to accompany Ji Cao.

Ji Cao didn't wake up until evening. Blinking his eyes, he turned his head again and found that Ji Xi was sitting on the edge of the bed reading a magazine, fumbled for his phone to check the time, and then turned around, "Xiao Xi, you got off work so early today?"

"I skipped work." Ji Xi put down the magazine, stretched out his index finger and scratched her nose, "A certain person falls asleep anytime and anywhere, do you think I can rest assured that she is at home alone? Are you still sleepy?"

"I'm not sleepy anymore." Ji Cao blinked, and hugged Ji Xi after realizing it, "Xiao Xi, you're so kind."

She feels sleepy because there is too much energy in her body and she needs sleep to digest it. Now that she integrates that energy into herself, she will naturally not feel sleepy anymore.

"I know I'm fine, but can you put on your clothes first." Ji Xi held his forehead and looked away with difficulty.

Ji Cao looked down at the small hill, only to realize that she had returned to her adult appearance. From the corner of her eye, she noticed Ji Xi's embarrassed expression, she rolled her eyes, and instead of getting clothes to put on, she went to poke Ji Xi's cheek, "Xiao Xi, are you embarrassed?"

"The one who should be embarrassed should be you." Ji Xi's head hurts, especially Ji Cao who unconsciously rubbed her arm around her, which made her unbearable, so she quickly lifted the quilt and got out of bed, head He left the bedroom without looking back, "Hurry up and pack up, we're going out for dinner."

Ji Cao was a step slower, she could only lift the quilt and get out of bed to get dressed, but she still refused to let Ji Xi go, "Xiao Xi, did you blush just now?"

Unwilling to get a response, Ji Cao quickly put on her clothes and went out to find someone, and finally found someone drinking water in the kitchen.

Seeing her, Ji Xi put down his water glass and spoke first, "Let's go after packing."

"Oh." Ji Cao nodded and asked again, "You just—"

"What do you want to eat?" Ji Xi interrupted her, "Watch TV after dinner, no, go for a walk, and buy cakes when you come back, okay? I remember a new dim sum shop opened nearby, and the taste is still delicious." Okay." Thinking about going to the movies, she quickly changed to a casual way.

"What kind of dessert? Bread or cake?" Ji Cao was really attracted, "Is there any strawberry flavor? Can I have two?"

"It depends." Ji Xi looked at her, "If you behave well, then if you behave badly..."

"Xiao Xi, why did you face—" "Two two, you can only eat two."

"Okay." Ji Cao saluted nondescriptly with her right hand, stuck out her tongue, and took her arm, "Then let's go eat quickly."

Ji Xi squeezed the space between his eyebrows. Sure enough, the cake trick is still effective, if one doesn't work, then give two.

After the two finished their meal, they went shopping in a nearby shopping mall before walking home hand in hand.

After all, it was winter, and it was late at night, the streets were deserted, most of the businesses were closed, and there were no passers-by except the two of them.

Ji Cao not only bought cakes but also bought ice cream and ate it while walking. Seeing Ji Xi staring at her intently, she raised her head and licked the ice cream around her lips before asking, "Do you want to eat?" But she was vigilant, and she was protecting it with her hands, not intending to give it to Ji Xi at all.

Ji Xi shook his head. She stared at Ji Cao not because she wanted to eat ice cream, but because she admired Ji Cao for being able to eat such icy things in this winter. Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling that monsters are so nice.

Just as the two of them were approaching the street in front of their home, two figures suddenly appeared from the alley next to them, one in front of the other and the other behind them.

The one who blocked the way ahead was a man with a scar on his face. He didn't look like a good person at first glance. Ji Xi subconsciously stopped in front of Ji Cao and asked sharply, "What are you guys going to do?"

"What are you doing? Hey, beauty, my brothers have been a little tight lately, and want to borrow money to spend." The man with the scar in front took out a knife, put it on the tip of his finger and flicked it a few times, the sharp blade was in the moonlight The lower part reflected the light, "If you're smart, call out the money quickly, or..."

Ji Xi knew that this was a case of robbery. She wouldn't be afraid if she was alone, but with Ji Cao by her side, she couldn't let him get hurt a little bit. But if she shouted for help, all the nearby shops were closed, and no one could hear her, and she might anger the other party.

After thinking about it, Ji Xi began to grope, and took out the few hundred dollars he had on him, "This is all I have. My friends all use my money, and they don't have any."

The scarred man snatched it over, licked his fingers and counted, not very satisfied, "Looks like a rich man, why is the money so little, less than five hundred."

"Boss, maybe it's all in the bank card." The robber behind him reminded, "Now all payments are made with mobile phones, and few people carry cash."

"Can I not know? You still need to tell me?" The man with the scar glared at his accomplice, then continued to point the knife at Ji Xi, "Quickly, hand over your mobile phones too."

At this time, Ji Cao had finished eating the ice cream, and gave the bag to Ji Xi to be careful not to drop the cake, then she started to roll up her sleeves, stepped forward, and asked in a tone, "Brother, which road are you from?" name."

"I'm from this street. If I don't change my name or surname, I'm called Tiger. What's the matter? I want to fight." The man with the scar sneered. Obediently hand over your phone or something."

Ji Cao ignored her and wanted to continue with the next line, but rarely forgot, so she could only turn around and ask Ji Xi, "Xiao Xi, what should I say next? The TV series just ended here."

Ji Xi: ...

Those two thugs probably didn't expect Ji Cao to say that, they burst into laughter immediately, and the tense atmosphere disappeared instantly.

It was also at this turn that the robber behind her saw her appearance clearly, and immediately narrowed his eyes with a smile, and winked at the man with the scar ambiguously, "Boss, these two girls look good, do you want to... Hehehe."

The man with the scar was preoccupied with robbing before, and the night was hazy, so he really didn't pay attention to the appearance of Ji Cao and the two of them. Looking at them now, they are both beautiful and beautiful, and each has its own characteristics. It’s been a long time since I’ve vented, and it just so happens—”

Before he could finish his sentence, he saw a shadow passing by, the money in his hand was gone, his face was still in pain as if he had been hit by something, and because of this, his whole body was lifted off the ground, and he directly hit the On the trash can in the distance.


Ji Cao turned to look at the wretched man, raised her chin, "Now, hand over your money!"

The man was so frightened that he quickly took out his trouser pocket and took out his mobile phone. He put them all on the ground and knelt down to beg for mercy.

Ji Cao was too lazy to listen to the other party's nonsense, so with a wave of her hand, a vine quickly rose from the ground and wrapped around the other party's feet, and swung it around vigorously, before throwing them into the trash can of the scarred man before. position.

□□ sound, the two people passed out at the same time.

"Perfect." Ji Cao patted, then picked up the money with a smile and stuffed it back into Ji Xi's pocket, holding his hand, "Xiao Xi, let's go home."

Ji Xi, who saw Ji Cao's power for the first time, said "Ah", and was dragged away for a while before recovering, belatedly remembering what his mother said.

Now, if there is a real fight, it is indeed her who seems to be domestically abused.