I, Cute Grass, am Super Fierce!

Chapter 53


"Xiao, Xiaoxi." Ji Cao's back felt a little cold, and she forced a smile, "You are making me uncomfortable."

Ji Xi silently adjusted his posture, but just after he adjusted, he heard Ji Cao ask, "Xiao Xi, are you doing push-ups?"

Ji Xi: "..."

She didn't answer, but Ji Cao continued to say, "Then your body should go up a little bit, so that it will be standard."

Ji Xi subconsciously listened to the other party's words and straightened her body. The next second, she suddenly remembered that she was not doing push-ups. Why should she be so standard? Thinking of this, she got up and sat down next to Ji Cao, quietly looking at Ji Cao who hadn't stopped talking.

Ji Cao could pretend not to see it at first, but after being watched for a long time, she couldn't continue talking nonsense, and nervously pulled the quilt to sit up. The quilt just covered the scenery under the collarbone, revealing the delicate collarbone.

Ji Xi tilted his head to look at her: "Why didn't you say anything? Didn't you want to change the subject?"

Ji Cao didn't expect her scheme to be seen through, so she sneered, "I'm done."

Ji Xi said "Oh" indifferently, his eyes didn't have the hot emotion that made Ji Cao feel helpless just now, but it also made Ji Cao inexplicably guilty.

She leaned back against the head of the bed, grabbed the quilt with both hands, and rolled her eyes back and forth, trying to ease the atmosphere, when she suddenly remembered the content of the TV series, and subconsciously said, "Should I smoke at this time?"

Ji Xi was stunned for a moment before realizing what Ji Cao meant, "No need." Thinking of this question, she asked again, "Where did you learn to smoke?"

"TV dramas." Ji Cao explained with an innocent face, "In TV dramas, the hero and heroine are covered with a quilt, and then the hero will start to lean on the bed and smoke. Or do you have to strip naked and come in, and then I can Smoking? I look very refreshed after smoking, can I smoke?"

Seeing Ji Cao's innocent face, Ji Xi pinched the bridge of his nose with some headaches.

"What's the matter, am I wrong?" Ji Cao asked persistently, "Or do you want to smoke? It's not impossible, just the two of us smoke together."

Ji Xi reached out his hand to stop the other party from talking to himself, "I don't smoke, and you are not allowed to smoke either."

Ji Cao blinked and asked incomprehensibly, "Why?"

Ji Xi: "Because smoking is harmful to your health."

Ji Cao puffed up her cheeks, and asked in disbelief, "Then why can others smoke?"

"Because those people are not responsible for themselves or others." Ji Xi began to fool Dafa, "And do you know that there is a kind of tobacco called Caoyan, as the name implies, it is a cigarette made of grass. Do you want to inhale yourself? ?"

Ji Cao shook her head immediately upon hearing this.

Seeing her like this, Ji Xi came to kill her one last time, and said, "Or after you want to smoke to death, I will go to Fo'en Temple and bring back a potted plant?"

"I won't allow it!" Ji Cao angrily threw away the quilt and stood up, pointing at Ji Xi aggressively, "Xiao Xi, you can't be so fickle, I still want to find someone else!"

Ji Xi didn't expect Ji Cao's reaction to be so strong. He glanced at the scene in front of him, blushed, covered his nose and turned his head the next second, "Can you put on your clothes before I don't want to go find someone else?"

Ji Cao took a look at her appearance, and quickly pulled up the quilt to block it with a blushing face, "Who told Xiao Xi to peek at you, turn around quickly."

Ji Xi felt that something was left in his nose, and he didn't care about arguing with Ji Cao whether he was peeking or not, so he hurriedly got up, "I'll go wash my face, you hurry up and get dressed."

As a youkai, his resilience is much better than that of a human. One second Ji Cao was still whimpering and screaming in pain, and the next second she resumed running and jumping, jumping out of bed and going to the closet to find clothes to put on.

After she got dressed, Ji Xi also came out, but her face and hair beside her were a little wet with some drops of water.

"Follow me later and get your things back." Ji Xi dried his hands, threw the ball of paper into the trash can, saw Ji Cao's movements, raised his eyebrows, "Is your butt not hurting anymore?"

Ji Cao was stunned for a moment, then bent down and covered her buttocks for a second, grinning her teeth and wrinkling her facial features together, "It still hurts."

"Really?" Although she acted very real, Ji Xi understood the nature of her love of acting, so he was dubious about this matter, and walked up to Ji Cao, "Take it off and let me see if it's all right, if it's a lie, it's fine." I'll make it bad too, so it doesn't count as a lie."

Ji Cao straightened up instantly, "Hey, it seems to be fine."

Ji Xi: "..."

"It really doesn't hurt anymore, it's amazing." Ji Cao finished speaking on her own, before looking up at Ji Xi, "Xiao Xi, what did you ask just now?"

Ji Xi was thinking about a question, why would such an upright person like her raise such a dishonest and acting-loving idiot

Seeing Ji Xi in a daze, Ji Cao quickly changed the subject, "By the way, Xiao Xi, I'm so hungry, do you have anything to eat?"

"Didn't you just eat cake and ice cream?" She didn't say anything, it made Ji Xi think of what happened in the morning, and the jealous jar in his heart instantly overturned, "And the Gu family won't treat you badly, you should have eaten breakfast too , are you still hungry?"

"This..." Ji Cao didn't know what she said wrong, and felt that Ji Xi was angry in an instant, and hurried forward to hug Ji Xi's waist, and said coquettishly, "But I want to eat with Xiao Xi now~ "

"But I see that you and that little fish and that little ghost are also very happy to eat, right?" Ji Xi recalled the scene described by Guan Wanwan, "The two children are on a date, and I am worried that the little boyfriend will not have enough to eat. Ordered a copy of "What is so irritating.

"This..." Ji Cao was a little guilty. From the corner of her eye, she noticed that Ji Xi's eyes were getting more and more dangerous. She jumped up and kissed Ji Xi on the mouth, before explaining with a serious face, "Because I'm staying at someone's house temporarily. , so I want to treat it as a thank you gift. But I can guarantee that I will not be as happy as when I eat with Xiaoxi. Moreover, I will not kiss others, only Xiaoxi."

Ji Xi's mood turned dark in an instant, and he raised his hand to touch his mouth, feeling very happy in his heart, but he still said, "Then you kissed my mother, what should I do?"

Ji Cao was still thinking that Ji Xi would be moved enough to hug her, so she was ready, but she didn't expect Ji Xi to answer such a sentence, she was dumbfounded, and didn't know how to answer.

Fortunately, Ji Xi just teased her and admired her expression enough, so he pinched her fair and tender face and said, "There is a cake in the refrigerator, I bought it yesterday, you go and eat it."

Ji Cao's eyes lit up instantly, she put her arms around Ji Xi's neck, stood on tiptoe, but she was not tall enough and only kissed Ji Xi's chin, showing dimples with a smile, "Xiao Xi, you are so kind."

Ji Xi lowered his head, then tapped his own mouth, "Here."

Ji Cao was stunned for a moment before realizing it, continued to kiss, and finally asked, "Is this okay?"

"It's enough for now." It won't work later. Ji Xi silently added a sentence in his heart.

The two had lunch and went to buy some small gifts before going to Gu's house. It happened that Gu's mother was also at home.

"Xiaocao has bothered you these two days." Ji Xi tugged at Ji Cao's arm, "Hurry up and say thank you."

"Thank you, Auntie, thank you Xiaoyuer." Ji Cao bowed obediently, and then said, "Auntie, this is a gift, please accept it." Saying that, she handed the things in her hand to Gu Qingyu.

"Xiaocao, are you going back?" Gu Qingyu rarely had a playmate, so he reluctantly pulled Ji Cao's arm to let her stay for two more days.

Mother Gu pulled her son away dumbfounded, "He will definitely go back to his home, Xiao Yuer, please don't act like this." Then she apologized to Ji Xi.

"It's okay." In order to prevent Gu Qingyu from touching Ji Cao, Ji Xi directly bent over and picked him up, and got straight to the point, "I want to go and get my luggage now, is it convenient?"

"Okay." Gu's mother pulled the awkward Gu Qingyu, smiled and asked the servant to help guide the way, and said embarrassedly, "I have something to do, so it's inconvenient to follow me, I'm really sorry."

"It's okay." Ji Xi glanced at Gu Qingyu who was awkwardly in the opponent's arms, turned around and let the servant lead the way.

Ji Cao's room was at the corner of the second floor. Just as the two were about to go in, they heard a voice behind them, "The next door is my room."

Ji Xi turned around and saw Gu Qingyu triumphantly looking at her with his chin up, pointing his finger at the room next to Ji Cao.

"Oh." Although Ji Xi would be jealous, he wouldn't really care about a child seriously, so he nodded and entered the room with Ji Cao in his arms.

Gu Qingyu stomped his feet angrily, and followed in angrily.

Ji Cao asked Ji Xi to put herself down, and then went to open the cabinet to take out her big bag, and then took out the snacks. She brought a lot of snacks, but the Gu family also had a lot, so she didn't eat much, but there were still a dozen or twenty packs left, which could still swell up the back after stuffing them randomly.

Ji Xi looked at the backpack, which was a little familiar, and asked, "This is my backpack?"

Ji Cao nodded without feeling guilty, but patted the backpack instead, "Look, is it durable? No matter how much I rubbed it, it didn't break."

Ji Xi got a definite answer, and then looked at the mountaineering bag that Ji Cao pulled and rubbed countless times, and felt that Ji Cao was a prodigal for the first time. If she remembered correctly, it was the five-figure hiking bag that she bought last year.

Ji Cao didn't know the value of this backpack. After demonstrating the durability of this backpack to Ji Xi, she wanted to put it on her back, but Ji Xi took it away first.

"Let me recite it." Ji Xi quickly carried it behind his back, and then took Ji Cao's hand.

"Xiaocao," Gu Qingyu looked at the two with resentful eyes, "Can't we really stay for two more days?"

"This..." Ji Cao looked at Ji Xi, got a head-shaking answer, and also shook her head at Gu Qingyu. Seeing that Gu Qingyu seemed very unhappy, she comforted, "Next time you are bored, you can come and play with me, or you can contact me with your mobile phone."

"Okay." Gu Qingyu was still unhappy, but as a good friend, he didn't want to make it difficult for Ji Cao, so he said to send the two of them out.

Ji Xi glanced at Gu Qingyu and didn't object, so the three of them arrived at the door.

"Sister Ji Xi, I will visit you later, please give me your advice." Gu Qingyu said suddenly, "Xiaocao can't drive me away then."

"I won't." Ji Cao hastily assured, and felt a pain in her butt in the next second, as if being pinched by someone, and quickly raised her head, just in time to meet Shang Ji Xi's expressionless face.

Yes, murderous.

Ji Cao shrank her neck, but she didn't understand why Ji Xi acted like this, since she was quite normal just now.

"That's good." Gu Qingyu smiled after being assured, and bowed deeply to Ji Xi, "Sister Ji Xi, I will prove it to you, and I will become Xiaocao's good friend Yes, so you don't have to hate me so much."

Therefore, Ji Xi hates these simple but straightforward children the most. And what she hates the most is that someone wants to compete for the position in Ji Cao's heart. Although she is confident that she is ranked first, she is still very unhappy with Gu Qingyu's behavior of trying to gain favorability. After all, lovers are picked up from childhood sweethearts, it would be bad if Gu Qingyu had any wrong thoughts.

She was secretly sulking, while Ji Cao had already made an appointment with Gu Qingyu for the next display, which was on the weekend, making Ji Xi's air-conditioning even worse.

"Then it's settled." Gu Qingyu happily waved to the two, "Goodbye."

"Goodbye." Ji Cao turned and left, and found that Ji Xi was still in a daze with a murderous look, and quickly poked the other's calf, "Xiao Xi?"

"Yeah." Ji Xi came back to his senses, looked around, and took her hand again, "Let's go."

"Yeah." Ji Cao thought that Ji Xi heard the conversation between the two, so she didn't repeat that Gu Qingyu was coming over the weekend, and quietly followed him into the car.