I, Cute Grass, am Super Fierce!

Chapter 58


The two drew the curtains, ate the cake happily, and then began to prepare to clean up the house. The house was searched by the group and turned into a mess.

Ji Xi looked around, and finally planned to tidy up from the room, so he said, "Let's tidy up the room first."

Ji Cao didn't care about these things, she nodded and followed Ji Xi back to the room, but she hated that group of people even more. If it weren't for that group of people, she and Xiao Xi would have been able to happily eat the cake and start watching TV.

Most of the mess in the room is clothes, especially Ji Cao's, which have been taken out separately and need to be rearranged.

"You fold these clothes, and then I'll store the rest." Ji Xi pointed to the bags of clothes, "Can you complete the task perfectly?"

"Yes!" Ji Cao put her feet together, raised her hand and saluted, "I promise to complete the task!"

"Don't be ridiculous, hurry up and start tidying up." Ji Xi knocked on Xia Ji Cao's forehead before waving his hand to drive people to fold the clothes.

"Got it." Ji Cao turned around, and when she picked up a piece of clothing, she suddenly remembered something, "If I complete the task perfectly, will I be rewarded?"

Ji Xi stopped and turned to look at her, "Didn't you just finish eating the cake? Why do you want to eat it again now?"

"I didn't say that the reward is to eat cake." Ji Cao pouted her mouth aggrievedly, her eyes were tearful, "Is this the image of me in your mind?"

"Sorry, you are." Ji Xi nodded Ji Cao's nose, and joked, "Even if you act coquettishly and cute, you can't change your foodie image in my heart."

When Ji Cao heard this, she immediately restrained her expression, and hummed lightly to express her displeasure.

"Okay, don't be ridiculous, let's start quickly." Ji Xi pinched her face before turning around to tidy up the cabinet. But after all, she was worried, and put the things aside, she turned her head to look at Ji Cao, and found that Ji Cao was gesticulating with a shirt, looking like she didn't know where to start, and suddenly smiled .

"If you can't, just ask me how to fold it." Ji Xi stepped forward to take the shirt, buttoned up all the buttons, and then folded it. The whole process took less than ten seconds.

Ji Cao blinked, stretched out her hand to pat, and said flatteringly, "That's great."

"Don't be a good boy, quickly fold it for me to see." Ji Xi casually picked up a piece of clothing and put it in Ji Cao's hands, watching Ji Cao's clumsiness from the side, but he finally folded the clothes before turning back to his own business.

The two worked together in a division of labor, creating an unspeakably warm atmosphere. But the good times didn't last long. Within half an hour, Ji Cao became restless. Seeing Ji Xi's back was facing her, she directly threw the hat in her hand, which happened to be on Ji Xi's head.

Ji Xi froze for two seconds before returning to his senses, reached out to take off the hat on top of his head, and found that the hat was green by coincidence, his eyelids twitched suddenly, thinking of that sentence.

"Love is a ray of light, so green that you panic."

Without even thinking about it, Ji Xi threw the hat into the trash can.

Ji Cao just wanted to scare Ji Xi, but she didn't expect that the other party would actually do this. She put her hands on her hips in anger, and asked with a puffy face, "Xiao Xi, why did you lose my hat?"

"You are not allowed to wear a cuckold anymore." Ji Xi pinched the bridge of his nose with a headache. It's fine if she didn't notice her feelings before, but now that she knows, she doesn't want to be a prophecy and wear a cuckold.

Ji Cao saw that Ji Xi was serious, and immediately asked inexplicably, "Why?"

"There's no reason." Ji Xi waved his hand, letting Ji Cao continue folding clothes.

Ji Cao glanced unwillingly at the green hat in the trash can, made a face at Ji Xi, and continued to fold her clothes puffed up.

The two kept tidying up until noon before restoring the house to its original appearance. At this time, both of them were exhausted and paralyzed.

"Xiao Xi, I'm so hungry." Ji Cao lay on the bed, rubbing her belly while looking at Ji Xi pitifully, "Can we eat?"

Ji Xi has been cleaning up all day, and he didn't cook, so he can only choose to order takeaway. After all, Ji Cao can't go out now, and if he goes out to eat, he will be easily exposed. It's just that ordering takeaway is also a problem, because she can't reveal that there are two people, otherwise, if the group of people is so abnormal that they even check the takeaway records, it will be difficult to explain.

Thinking of this, she directly ordered some things like hamburger pizza, and there were cakes in the refrigerator, so she could handle lunch. As for dinner... Ji Xi plans to buy more for his preparations so he doesn't have to go out.

After lunch, Ji Xi took Ji Cao to take a nap. Now Ji Cao is not suitable to appear outside, they can only stay in a secret place.

It was already evening when Ji Xi woke up, seeing that Ji Cao was fast asleep, he didn't bother him, so he got up to tidy up and went downstairs to the supermarket to buy groceries.

Almost at the moment she left, the room where Ji Cao was supposed to be alone gradually condensed into a figure. At the same time, Ji Cao who was sleeping soundly opened her eyes suddenly, and rolled to the side to avoid the attack of the oncoming person.

interesting. The visitor didn't expect Ji Cao to avoid it, so he paused before continuing. The rope seemed to be alive under his control, constantly approaching Ji Cao's side, trying to bind Ji Cao.

Ji Cao dodged for two seconds and started to fight back. I saw countless vines rushing from all directions, sealing the room in an instant.

The man was startled, and jumped up quickly, but it was too late, and the vines on the ground directly tied him up. And what shocked him was that this space was confined, which meant that he couldn't come and go without a trace like when he came. Moreover, Ji Cao's grass is very tough, no matter how hard he struggles, he can't break free.

"You people are really annoying." Ji Cao sat on the bed, lowered her head to caress the little grass, and looked up at the man with a lot of impatience, "I don't kill people and don't commit crimes, why do you Want to catch me?"

"We can't let go of any monsters that may harm humans." The man was also tough-tempered, and he was still unwilling to bow his head when he was at a disadvantage. "Even if you kill me, my companions will avenge me."

Ji Cao shook her head, "I don't kill people."

"You don't kill now, it doesn't mean you won't kill in the future." The man said again.

Ji Cao understood that no matter what she said, that person would not listen to her. After thinking about it, she got up and walked towards the man.

The man looked at Ji Cao's immature appearance, but his eyes were gloomy, and knowing Ji Cao's strength, he was inevitably a little flustered, "You, what are you going to do?"

"Of course I did as you said." Ji Cao smiled, showing her eight neat teeth, "I'll kill you."

A bright light flashed, the man tilted his head and was knocked unconscious immediately.

Ji Cao took back the vines in the house, picked up the man and disappeared into the room, and the room became quiet again in an instant, as if nothing had happened.

When Ji Xi came back from shopping, he found that the neighborhood was very lively, surrounded by a group of people pointing and talking. It happened that the one outside was her neighbor, Aunt Qian. She walked over and asked what was the matter.

"Just look at it." Aunt Qian took Ji Xi to the innermost place before sighing, "Young people these days really don't understand what they're doing."

Not far away is the entertainment area of the community. Usually, many old people or parents will bring their children to have fun here. However, there is only one person inside now, a man lying on the slide and sleeping in nothing but flowered underpants. Moreover, there were quite a few blushes on the young man's body, like whip marks left from playing with sex, and matched with the handsome appearance of the man, he looked unusually charming. Ji Xi noticed that many young girls were blushing, and shook his head immediately.

Just as they were about to leave, a group of people rushed over to take the sleeping young man away. Ji Xi recognized a few of them as the people from the Monster Management Bureau in the morning, frowned immediately, and vaguely guessed something, hurriedly said goodbye to Aunt Qian, and ran all the way back to the house.

Ji Cao was watching TV. Seeing Ji Xi's flustered expression, she was startled, and quickly turned off the TV. While letting go of her spiritual sense to detect the surroundings, she asked Ji Xi, "Is someone following you?"

"No." Seeing that Ji Cao was safe and sound, Ji Xi put his heart back to the original place, took a breath, and then said what happened just now, and then asked if Ji Cao did it. That person's behavior was a bit abnormal, and after contacting his identity, there was no one else except Ji Cao.

Ji Cao didn't deny it either, just nodded in response, and recounted the matter lightly. It's just that what she said was simple, but how could Ji Xi, who is as smart as Ji Xi, not think of the danger

Ji Xi squeezed the space between his brows, and found that they were completely passive now. That group of people knew their location, and if they could send people once, they would come a second time and a third time until Ji Cao could be taken away. Moreover, Ji Cao's behavior is completely slapping them in the face, they will definitely not let it go, and the second arrest will definitely come soon.

"Can you hide the evil spirit on your body?" Ji Xi looked at Ji Cao, thinking about the possibility of changing Ji Cao's appearance.

Ji Cao nodded. She was weak and weak before, but after being able to hide her evil spirit, she deliberately restrained her evil spirit, but she was still discovered by those people.

"Then why don't you hide from the limelight and go somewhere else..." Before Ji Xi finished speaking, Ji Cao looked at him pitifully, his voice became lower and lower, and finally disappeared in his throat.

"I won't be separated from Xiaoxi." Ji Cao's eyes were very firm, "They are not my opponents, not to mention I have a caring brother like Xiaoxiaocao, Xiaoxi, you don't have to worry." And it really got there At such a fatal moment, she just killed the group of people. In her opinion, the group of people were the same as the bad guys who stole and committed crimes, but their behavior changed to separate them.

Speaking of Xiao Xiaocao, Xiao Xiaocao suddenly popped out from her hair, shook her body to express her agreement, and disappeared again after being touched by Ji Cao.

Ji Xi naturally didn't want to be separated from Ji Cao, but she was worried that she would hold her back. She believes that Ji Cao's strength can protect herself, but she also knows that Ji Cao is too naive, after all, once a person is pushed, he can do anything.

"Xiao Xi, you are not allowed to say anything about separation anymore." Ji Cao puffed her face and glared at Ji Xi angrily, "Otherwise I will never forgive Xiao Xi again." Worried that Ji Xi would not believe it, she solemnly nodded again. Nodding, "I really don't forgive you."

"Yes, yes, I won't mention it again." Ji Xi smiled, pinched Ji Cao's small face, noticed the bag in his hand from the corner of the eye, and immediately changed the subject, "I'll make your favorite sweet and sour tonight Ribs and Coca-Cola Chicken Wings, hurry up and help me."

When Ji Cao heard that it was her favorite dish, she immediately forgot the unhappiness just now, and followed Ji Xi into the kitchen with a smile.