I, Cute Grass, am Super Fierce!

Chapter 68


The plan couldn't keep up with the change. When the two were planning to go on a trip, Ji Xi received a bad news. Her grandfather was gone, and she needed to go back to her hometown in advance.

It's not just their family, according to Ji's father, anyone who still has contact with them will go back to the family. So their travel plans had to be interrupted and they returned to their hometown. For this, Ji Xi paid a lot of cakes as a price to make Ji Cao happy.

On this day, Ji Xi drove Ji Cao and the three cats to pick up his parents.

Ji's father and the others saw these three cats for the first time, and they were a little surprised, especially Ji's mother, who didn't want to let go of holding them, "Where did these kittens come from? They are quite cute."

The three kittens know that this is Ji Xi's mother, and they are also very well-behaved. They can be rubbed and hugged freely, and occasionally they will make a cute "meow meow meow". They don't have the backbone to become a master. However, this was not fruitless. In less than half an hour, the three cats had already filled up the favorability of the two elders.

Mother Ji hugged the cutie, looked at the two in front, and suddenly sighed. Originally, everyone was silent and there was soothing soft music playing, and the carriage was quite quiet, but when Mother Ji let out a heavy sigh, Ji Xi couldn't help pretending that he didn't hear it.

"Mom, what's the matter?" Ji Xi took advantage of the gap when the red light stopped and looked back before asking.

"I remembered that your Auntie Chen said that her granddaughter will invite us over next week for a full moon wine."

Ji Xi noticed something, and answered lightly, "That's pretty good, but I remember that Aunt Chen's daughter was divorced half a year ago?"

Mother Ji didn't know how she brought it up, but she nodded, "It's divorced."

"I remember... It seems that the husband stole money to gamble?" Ji Xi couldn't remember clearly, and he heard his mother say it casually at that time, but he didn't listen carefully. If it wasn't for the strengthening of her memory after practicing, she wouldn't even be able to remember this incident.

"It's not gambling, it's, it's..." Ji's mother looked at Ji Cao who was looking back, her face was a little embarrassed, and she thought about her words, "It's a foster room."

"A foster room?" Ji Cao repeated what Ji's mother said, and suddenly realized, "So it's a foster room."

Ji's mother didn't expect that Ji Cao could still understand her words, and touched her nose resentfully. In her heart, she always treats Ji Cao as a small group, and she always worries about teaching the children bad when she talks about these things in front of the children.

Ji Xi started the car and glanced at her sideways, "Do you know what the outside room means?"

Ji Cao shook her head, "I don't know."

Mother Ji, who is still worried about teaching her children badly: "..."

Ji Xi guessed that she was acting, so he took the time to raise his hand and rubbed the back of her head, "Since you don't understand, don't act like you did before."

Ji Cao didn't evade, curled her lips unhappily, and asked, "Then what do you mean by the outer room?"

"Xiao Xi." Ji's mother spoke first, shaking her head when Ji Xi looked over, "Don't teach the children badly."

Ji Xi glanced at his disapproving mother, then at the curious Ji Cao, and changed his words, "It just refers to some bad things."

"What's wrong?" Ji Cao looked at the two of them, narrowing her eyes, "Auntie, Xiaoxi, are you hiding something from me?"

"No." Ji's mother shook her head and quickly changed the subject, "Speaking of which, what has Xiaocao been doing at home recently?"

Ji Cao took out her phone and answered while unlocking it, "I go to work with Xiaoxi, and when I get off work, I read a book, and occasionally help Xiaoxi cook a meal." She clicked on the browser and was about to search for "what does the outside room mean?" At that moment, a hand reached out and snatched her cell phone.

She looked over suspiciously, just in time to see Ji Xi putting away her phone, and was puzzled, "Xiao Xi?"

"You are not allowed to play with your mobile phone when chatting with others." After Ji Xi finished speaking, he stopped talking to her, obviously not returning the mobile phone to Ji Cao for the time being.

Ji Cao puffed up her cheeks, but she was too embarrassed to say anything when the elder was here, so she could only temporarily forget about the phone and chat with Ji's mother.

Ji Xi's family is in City C, and it took four hours to reach his destination by taking the highway. It's just that Ji Xi didn't know the way behind him anymore. If Ji's father changed to drive, Ji Cao also followed and sat behind. My family is in a village, which is different from a city full of high-rise buildings. I can't take my eyes off of Ji Cao, and I feel strange to see everything.

"Be careful, don't get scratched by the branches." Just as Ji Xi finished speaking, he saw a branch branch beside the road the car was going to pass, and hurriedly pulled Ji Cao back to avoid the fate of being scratched in the face by the branch.

Ji Cao rubbed her nose resentfully, saw Ji Xi's darkened eyes, and quickly sat obediently, with her legs together and her back straight, like a good student who listens carefully.

Ji Xi raised his hand and pinched her face, "Every time I want to talk about you, you are like this, and you won't say "I'm sorry, I know I was wrong. ""

With her cheek pinched, Ji Cao said with great difficulty, "Yes, I'm sorry, I, I know I was wrong."

"There's no sincerity." Although Ji Xi said so, he still let go of her cheek, and helped rub her tenderly, "Does it hurt?"

Ji Cao shook her head obediently, "It doesn't hurt."

Only then did Ji Xi let go of his hand, and sat back in his seat.

Ji's mother in the front had a panoramic view of the interaction between the two from the rearview mirror, and looked at her husband's eyes before putting away the worries in her eyes.

Although everyone didn't go back to their home very often, those who could come back were all members of the Ji family, so those who came back from this funeral were all members of the Ji family. Ji Xi wants to bring Ji Cao back, so it's not difficult to guess what's in his mind. On the one hand, they want to introduce Ji Cao, and on the other hand, they may want to leave Ji Cao's name on the family tree of Ji's family.

The fact that the two of them can accept Ji Xi and Ji Cao's relationship doesn't mean that the rest of the family can accept Ji Cao's existence.

Thinking of this, when Ji's mother got off the car, she worriedly reminded, "Xiao Xi, we are mainly here for the funeral."

Ji Xi paused, nodded, then stretched out his hand to hook Ji Cao's neck and pulled him into his arms, lowering his head and exhorting, "Don't run around."

"I didn't run around." Ji Cao explained unhappily, "I just think the smell here is weird."

When she entered the village, she felt a strange energy, and she didn't confirm that it was really emanating from Ji's family until she got in front of Ji's family.

Ji Xi came here once when he was a child, and he didn't have any other impressions other than the "ghostly" feeling. Now she has started to practice, and she has achieved some results. After hearing what Ji Cao said, and looking at this old house, she also found something wrong.

This old house is said to have been passed down hundreds of years ago, and it has been repaired many times, and now it looks like an ancient building. Ji Xi looked over now, and vaguely saw a layer of blood-colored smoke lingering around the old house, which was completely invisible before he practiced. And today's weather is a bit bad, it has been gloomy, and it seems to have some kind of ominous sign.

"What are you doing standing at the door? Hurry up and come in." Ji's father and father didn't practice, and they couldn't tell anything. They just thought it was weird that they were muttering at the door.

Ji Xi pulled Ji Cao, "Come here."

Not to mention Ji Cao, Ji Xi and Ji's father and mother Ji are not very familiar with the rest of the people. After all, after leaving the family, they rarely communicate with each other. Almost everyone tacitly maintains a state of no contact.

Following the servants to the inner mourning hall, Ji Cao followed Ji Xi to send flowers, and then went to the side to wait.

There are more and more people sending flowers, and the rest area next to it suddenly becomes crowded. There are grandpa Ji Xi's brothers, sisters, children and grandchildren, etc., and the descendants of the elders, with a history of hundreds of years, and now there are at least a few hundred people in the family. In the end, Ji Cao and the others were squeezed into a corner.

"Just wait a little longer. We'll probably leave when grandma finishes speaking." After all, Ji's father had seen this scene a few times before, and he comforted the two very calmly.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a commotion ahead.

Ji Cao and Ji Xi had sensitive ears and heard what was said there.

"It's so cold and so many of us have to wait, I can't stand it anymore, Mom, let's go quickly."

"Wait a little longer, your grandma will come out in a while."

"I don't care. If you want to wait, just wait. I will get in the car."


Then someone squeezed over from the crowd in the opposite direction, passed by Ji Cao and the others, and walked towards the door.

Almost as soon as the girl left, Grandma Ji came out on the back. Grandma Ji is an old man with white hair, she looks very old, but miraculously, there are no wrinkles on her face, and her eyes are piercing, but the occasional sadness reveals a little emotion.

Grandma Ji stood on the platform in the center, thanked everyone for coming, and then said something about Grandpa Ji and the Ji family.

Ji Xi had already heard those things when he was a child, but it was a long time ago and he didn't have much memory. Now that he listened to it again, his memory gradually became clearer.

"Hundreds of years ago, a catastrophe came and demons invaded. The ancestors of our Ji family took the lead and acted as human leaders to lead us through the catastrophe.... Now, our Ji family's children can't admit defeat, we must remember the ancestor's advice... "

Listening to this story, Ji Cao felt vaguely familiar, but when she wanted to think about it, she felt a pain in her head, as if something was blocking it.

"What kind of society is this? What are you talking about about monsters? Isn't it really old and confused?"

When everyone was listening quietly, this voice was unusually prominent. Ji Cao looked in the direction of the voice, and found that it was the girl named Xiaoxiao who spoke. The other party came back at some time, and she was leaning against the door to complain about what Grandma Ji said.

Ji Cao's eyes were fixed, which immediately attracted the man's attention, and he looked along, looking at Shang Ji Cao's eyes. Apparently he didn't expect someone to look at him, so he was stunned for a moment with a smile, then nodded to Ji Cao, then looked away and stopped looking at Ji Cao.

Ji Cao just glanced at it, and looked away after the other party turned his head, and quietly leaned against Ji Xi's arms, listening to Grandma Ji's story on stage.

After speaking for half an hour on stage, Grandma Ji ended her speech with a sentence of "Thanks for your hard work, everyone."

As soon as this sentence came out, Ji Cao could sense that everyone around him breathed a sigh of relief, and then everyone left here impatiently, as if this was some kind of monster's lair, and couldn't stay here for a moment.

Ji Xi and the others didn't want to squeeze into the crowd, so they stayed until the last to leave. It's just that when they were about to leave, someone came to inform that Grandma Ji invited them over.

"Is it us?" Papa Ji confirmed with the servant.

The servant nodded and said, "The master is talking about Miss Ji Xi and the little girl next to her. As for Mr. Ji and Mrs. Ji, please sit in the inner room for a while." It meant that there were only two people, and Ji's father and Ji's mother were not the same. need to pass.

Ji's father and Ji's mother looked at each other, and then focused their attention on Ji Xi and Ji Cao, wondering why Grandma Ji suddenly called them over. Especially Ji Cao, this is the first time to come to our old house, Grandma Ji shouldn't wait for her existence. Moreover, Ji Xi only came once when he was a child, and there was an interval of more than ten years, how did Grandma Ji recognize it

The two couples were a little uneasy, because they also thought in their hearts not to have any contact with the family.

Seeing that the two did not answer for a long time, the servant understood what they were thinking after careful consideration, and explained, "Don't worry, the master said that he just invited the two ladies to come and have a conversation."

When it came to this point, Ji's father couldn't refuse, so he nodded and agreed, "It's just that we have something to do at night, and we will leave in the afternoon."

The servant nodded, motioning for Ji Xi and Ji Cao to follow, "You two ladies go this way."

Ji Xi and Ji Cao bid farewell to the two of them, and then walked inside behind the servants. When they left, some servants came to take Ji's father and mother Ji to a place to rest.