I, Cute Grass, am Super Fierce!

Chapter 72


In the middle of the night, Ji Cao brought Ji Xi and the three cats who had to follow to the location where Ye Zi was. This is an abandoned warehouse, located on the outskirts of the city, and in the middle of the night, it is dark at this time, only the faint moonlight illuminates, as if covering everything with a layer of tulle.

"Where is this place?" Ji Cao looked around curiously, "Could it be some kind of corpse disposal base?"

Ji Xi looked at the empty warehouse and found that the dust on the ground was very thick, apparently no one had been there for a long time, only a few footprints on the ground showed that someone had been there. The footprints did come in through the door, but the place is empty, what do you do when you come in? And why are there only footprints coming in and no footprints going out

Ji Xi walked in from the outside following the original footprints, then stopped at the last footprint, and looked around.

"Xiao Xi, what are you doing?" Ji Cao looked at her, imitating her movements curiously, and suddenly realized Ji Xi's purpose, followed by looking around, suddenly her eyes lit up, and she pointed to her right hand A cabinet next to it, "Is it there?"

Ji Xi followed her hand to look over, and really saw an obvious fingerprint mark on the drawer of the cabinet next to her.

She didn't know the situation well, so she took out her mobile phone and took a picture before going back. However, I don't know if it was a coincidence, the wall suddenly "clicked".

Ji Cao reacted immediately, pulled them and disappeared into the warehouse in an instant. Three seconds after their figures disappeared, the wall suddenly parted from the middle, revealing a small door. Then the small door was pushed open, and a woman came out from inside. It was the person who was using Ji Xi's voice to induce Ji Cao to open the door.

She carefully looked around, then went back to the edge of the cabinet and put her thumb on it before preparing to leave. However, when she left, she noticed the footprints on the ground, and looked back at the footprints when she came out, her eyes suddenly became sharp.

Ji Cao has been observing her movements with her spiritual sense. Seeing her like that, she knew that she was waiting for someone to be exposed, and immediately flashed over and knocked her out, and then tied her with vines. Then Ji Xi came in from the door, seeing that the person was already tied up, he immediately gave Ji Cao a thumbs up.

Although people are restrained, how to deal with it is a problem. Ji Cao threw this question to Ji Xi, then pointed to the small door that was opened next to it, "What should I do about this?"

The doors are all open, what else can I do except go in and see. Ji Xi quickly made a decision, let the three cats watch the woman here, and she and Ji Cao went in to have a look.

The three cats were trembling, especially the little cutie, whose hair was about to explode, and asked, "If someone from the Monster Management Bureau comes over, the three of us can't hold on."

Ji Cao touched the top of her head and let Xiao Xiaocao come out, "With it here, you don't have to be afraid."

The three cats had seen its power before, and immediately nodded in peace of mind to assure that it would be fine.

Ji Cao touched the little grass, looked at the dust on the ground with disgust, and then put the little grass on the little cute hair, "The ground is full of dust, if it gets dirty, you can stay outside .”

Xiao Xiaocao, who was still twitching and disgusting at first, immediately curled up the little cutie's fur, and the pain caused the little cutie to scream again. Coincidentally, the Mao Mao who was caught this time was near the place where Ji Cao plucked his hair last time.

Seeing it like that, Ji Cao shook her body, and hurriedly pulled Ji Xi into the small door.

The two entered through the small door and found that there was a forest behind them, and they didn't see any secret base at all.

"It shouldn't be." Ji Cao stroked her chin and looked at Ji Xi suspiciously.

Ji Xi shook his head, "Maybe there are organs."

"Then what should we do now?" Ji Cao looked at the woods, released his spiritual sense, but couldn't detect anything, and became even more distressed, "It's impossible to find a mechanism in the woods, right?"

Ji Xi pulled her back, "Just ask that woman."

They hurried back to the warehouse and took the woman away by the way. Less than two minutes after they disappeared, a group of people came out of the small door again.

"Is what just appeared the mission target?"

"It seems to be. Boss, what should we do next?"

"Report this matter to the higher-ups first, and we will leave temporarily." After the leader finished speaking, he was startled when he saw several figures appearing suddenly.

Not only him, but the others were also taken aback, subconsciously wanting to run towards the small gate. However, Ji Cao and the others would not give them a chance, and quickly launched an attack to subdue this group of people. After a while, a group of people were all bound by vines, without even a chance to resist.

"Didn't you already leave?" The leader didn't expect to fall to such a point, and his face darkened immediately, "Our instruments clearly detected that the space fluctuations disappeared."

"We left, but no one said we have to come back." Ji Cao smiled, with a delicate face, very soft and cute, but in the eyes of this group of people, it seemed like a devil in the skin of an angel .

Originally they were going to leave, but Ji Xi thought that Ji Cao could release his spiritual sense, so he deliberately asked Ji Cao to take them away, but he kept using his spiritual sense to observe the situation in the warehouse. As long as someone shows up, Ji Cao will bring them back. Because Ji Xi felt that as long as someone realized that the woman was taken away by them, they would send someone out to check the situation, but they actually caught her.

"What exactly do you want?" The leader finally realized that they had been fooled, but unfortunately it was already too late.

"What do we think?" Ji Cao grinned, "Of course I want money. Tell me, tell me your account number and password."

Everyone:? ?

Ji Xi was the first to come back to his senses, pulling him back, "Now is not the time to play around."

Ji Cao stuck out her tongue, and was honestly with the mountain cat, reaching out to touch the little grass on the cutie.

Seeing that she had calmed down, Ji Xi looked at the group of people, "Tell me, who are you? Are you from the Monster Management Bureau? Or from which sect?"

The leader was still pretending to be confused at first, but finally admitted that they were members of the Monster Management Bureau. The whole process took less than two minutes, and they confessed unexpectedly quickly, which actually made Ji Xi wonder if someone from another place deliberately admitted that they wanted to frame the Monster Management Bureau. Moreover, after the leader admitted his identity, those subordinates did not have the stimulus reaction of betraying the Monster Management Bureau, which made her even more suspicious.

"Are you really from the Monster Management Bureau?" Ji Xi asked again, "What evidence do you have to prove that you are from the Monster Management Bureau?"

"This..." The people in charge obviously didn't expect Ji Xi to ask this question, and they really couldn't answer it for a while.

"You are not from the Monster Management Bureau, are you? Who are you?" Ji Xi watched the group of people bow their heads in silence, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and a person appeared in her mind.

After guessing, everything seems to be traceable.

If it was really someone from the Monster Management Bureau, they would have sent someone to their home to take Ji Cao away without a lesson. Although Ji Cao is a monster who has become a spirit for less than a year, the monster management bureau who has suffered a lot should know Ji Cao's strength, and it is impossible to send only one person. Being able to send someone over meant that the other party didn't have a deep understanding of Ji Cao's strength, and sending a cultivator to catch her meant that she knew she could practice, but misjudged her strength and allowed her to escape smoothly. This bit of connection seems to be related to the person in my mind.

Ji Xi glanced at a few people, and called out to Ji Cao, "Xiaolu, we're going home."

Ji Cao let go of the little cutie and got up, picked up the little grass and put it on her head, and asked curiously, "Don't you want to continue asking?"

Ji Xi shook his head, "I've already guessed who it is."

"Who is it? Someone from the Monster Management Bureau?" Ji Cao recalled the conversation just now, a little confused, "But didn't you say they weren't?"

"I made a mistake just now." Ji Xi looked at the three cats with disgust, and refused to let them get on his body, and finally let Ji Cao take them home by holding a cat by the scruff of the neck with one hand.

Ji Cao teleported them home, only to remember that the group of people were still tied up, "What about the group of people in the warehouse? Don't kill people to silence them?"

The corner of Ji Xi's mouth twitched, "Who taught you to do this?"

Ji Cao looked at her innocently, "Isn't that always the case on TV? They usually say "You know too much" and then kill people. According to the situation just now, if we let them go He will definitely become our enemy in the future."

"You can't kill until the end." Even if they resist, but as long as they kill someone, they will give the Monster Management Bureau an excuse to arrest them. This is what Ji Xi doesn't want to see. Thinking of this, Ji Xi hastened to explain this point to Ji Cao solemnly, especially not to kill people casually, nor to learn from the TV series.

Ji Cao didn't understand, but seeing Ji Xi was so nervous, she nodded and promised not to kill anyone. After making the guarantee to satisfy Ji Xi, she was still thinking about the question just now, and asked again, "But just putting those people in the warehouse like this, isn't it letting the tiger go back to the mountain?"

She could think that letting those people go back would expose them, and Ji Xi must have also thought of it, and said immediately, "I'm going to make a call now and ask someone to transfer them."

Ji Cao nodded, and then noticed that the clock on the wall had already shown twelve o'clock, so she stretched and yawned big at the same time.

"It's getting late, I'll take a bath first and help Xiao Xi warm up the bed." As she spoke, she walked towards the bedroom with a happy face.

The three cats, who were completely ignored by the two, looked at each other, not feeling sleepy at all, and simply went back to the cat's nest to discuss today's affairs.

Little cutie: "The people from the Monster Management Bureau have started doing it so quickly, should we continue to change places?"

Xiao Huang nodded: "Hasn't the person who dealt with the monsters suffered a loss before? Could it be that they have found an opponent who is sure to be stronger than Ji Cao? If that happens, it will be really bad."

Cutie: "It should be, otherwise how would you do it if you knew you couldn't beat Ji Cao?"

The two cats talked back and forth, and finally they both sighed, and it took a while to realize that little Bambi hadn't spoken. Little cutie looked at little Bambi, "Little Bambi, why don't you talk?"

"I don't think it may be someone from the Monster Management Bureau." Little Bambi hesitated, he still remembered Ji Xi's reaction in the warehouse. Noticing the suspicious eyes of the two little friends, it smiled, "It's nothing, I'm just a little tired, I want to rest first."

The little cute cats suddenly became quiet.


The matter Ji Xi asked people to investigate did not come to fruition until three days later, and this group of people really belonged to the Ji family.

"Doesn't that old lady of the Ji family want you to inherit the family? Why did she send someone to arrest you?" After Ji Cao knew the real culprit, she was a little puzzled, "Could it be that she wanted you to be tortured into a trick, so you were beaten to obey her?"

Ji Xi directly raised his hand and pinched her little cheek, "Speak well."

Ji Cao rubbed her reddened cheeks, looked up at her innocently, "Then what are you talking about?"

Ji Xi shook his head, and said, "Think about it carefully. Those people are obviously members of the Ji family, why are they pretending to be members of the Monster Management Bureau? And the Ji family still wants me to inherit the family."

Ji Cao squeezed her chin, and after a while she said "Oh", "I see."

Ji Xi raised his eyebrows: "You really know?"

Ji Cao nodded emphatically, "I think it might be that the Ji family didn't want you to inherit the family, so they repented and planned to kill someone to silence them!" After she finished speaking, she nodded swearingly.

Ji Xi: "Are you serious?"

"I'm just kidding." Ji Cao smiled and said, "Is it to provoke conflicts between you and the Monster Management Bureau? If we don't know, and go to the Monster Management Bureau to take revenge, then the Monster Management Bureau will definitely do the same. Fight back. When the time comes when we can't beat them, you will go to Ji's house to accept her help, and then you will inherit the family." After she finished speaking, she shook her head, "Sure enough, the older you live, the smarter you are. Come up with such a plan to kill two birds with one stone."

The corner of Ji Xi's mouth twitched, "You are very shrewd if you can figure it out."

"I'm not that smart anymore." Ji Cao scratched her face, and reached out to hold Ji Xi's arm, "Since I figured it out, isn't that a reward? For example, eating an egg—"

"No." Ji Xi interrupted her directly, bent over and squeezed her belly, "Have you gained weight recently? I feel heavy when I hug you."

Ji Cao was stunned for a moment, followed her line of sight to look down, saw a small arc, subconsciously stretched out her hand to touch it, and really touched her belly.

"I'm not fat." Ji Cao, who realized this problem, immediately put on a serious face, and took away Ji Xi's bad hand, "I'm not fat at all."

Ji Xi looked at her seemingly rounder face, and chose to remain silent.

"I'm really not fat." She took a deep breath, and the small arc on her stomach instantly flattened, "If you don't believe me, touch it again."

Ji Xi: "Take a breath of relief."

Ji Cao puffed her cheeks, her face flushed because she didn't breathe, but she still insisted on not breathing.

Seeing her awkward little appearance, Ji Xi sighed, "Okay, okay, you're not fat, that's fine."

Ji Cao couldn't bear it anymore, so she took a long "ha" breath, and then collapsed on the sofa, "I'm so tired."

Seeing her like that, Ji Xi suddenly thought of something, and turned to ask her, "I want to do some exercise recently, do you want to accompany me?" Although it was a question, but the tone was more like directly helping Ji Cao make a decision.

Ji Cao turned over, "Can I accompany you mentally?"

"No." Ji Xi is a man of action, and since he has nothing to do today, he picked him up directly, "Why don't you just go now and come back after eating after exercising."

"Ah?" Ji Cao got up with a bitter face, then caught a glimpse of the three cats lying lazily on the blanket, narrowed her eyes, "Xiaoxi, I think the cuties have gotten a little fat recently, so why don't we go exercise together .”

Ji Xi followed her gaze and saw that the three cats had eaten well and didn't exercise recently. They had indeed gained a lot of weight. He frowned, "It's just that some gyms don't allow pets."

The three cats didn't notice the conversation between the two, they were still closing their eyes and resting their minds. Only little Bambi slowly opened his eyes, aware of the vague murderous intent.

Finally, Ji Xi found a gym that could accept animals. Originally, animals were not allowed to follow, but because the boss is Ji Xi's friend, he was very accommodating.

Ji Xi works out in a separate room, which is more convenient.

"Do you want to try running?" Ji Xi didn't give Ji Cao a chance to refute. He took Ji Cao to the treadmill and explained how to use it and how to stop it. After making sure that Ji Cao knew how to do it, he asked her to go up and try it out. "At first If you want to warm up, you can walk slowly. When you feel that you are almost done, you can slowly increase the speed."

Ji Cao nodded, "Then I will, you should hurry up and do your own thing."

Ji Xi wanted to say that he was watching from the side just in case, when the phone rang suddenly, and looked at the caller ID, he could only turn on quickly and let Ji Cao go first, then went outside to answer the phone up.

Ji Cao went out after him, making sure that Ji Xi would not come back in a short time, so she gave an evil smile to the three fat cats lying beside the treadmill.

Little Cutie and Little Yellow Dot didn't feel it at all, but Little Bambi opened his eyes, noticed Ji Cao's expression, moved his position silently, and gradually approached the door. It's just that when he passed by Ji Cao's side, he was still picked up by Ji Cao.

"You've gained a lot of weight too, so you can't run away." Ji Cao smiled and picked it up on the treadmill, and put the other two cats on the treadmill by the way, "You guys have to exercise together, too. Otherwise, if people from the Monster Management Bureau come to fight, but you can't escape because you are too fat, wouldn't that be bad?"

The three cats had black lines all over their heads, but they definitely couldn't beat them, so they could only walk slowly obediently.

"But Ji Xi wants you to run, not us to run." Little Bambi noticed that the things under his feet were getting faster and faster, and tried to use Ji Xi to make Ji Cao change his mind.

Ji Cao paused, and hurriedly ran to the door to have a look, and found that Ji Xi was still on the phone in the corridor, and then went back with a smile, "Xiao Xi is still talking on the phone, so I will exercise next to you later, you guys start first. "As she said, she went to the front of the treadmill again, "I think you are quite relaxed now, just speed up."

Before Xiao Banbi could speak, his body began to speed up. Faster and faster, and finally they almost reach the point of afterimage. Fortunately, Ji Cao also wanted to see the effect, so he slowed down after a while and finally stopped.

The three cats have been dead in the house for a long time, and now they are suddenly exercising so violently, and now the whole cat's body is lying limply on the treadmill, and it doesn't even have the strength to complain about Ji Cao.

Ji Cao opened their bellies and looked, they were still the same size as before, and nodded thoughtfully.

At this time, Ji Xi also came back from the phone call, looking at them with some doubts, "What's wrong with these three cats?"

"I just let them test their speed." Ji Cao picked up the little cutie who had no strength to struggle and showed Ji Xi, "Xiao Xi, they haven't lost any weight after running so tired, so let's stop exercising and go back Let's watch TV." After finishing the proof, she put the cutie back on the ground, took Ji Xi's arm, and walked towards the door like this, but when there were still three steps to the door, Ji Xi pulled her back.

"Exercise is for health, not weight loss." Ji Xi glanced at her, took the cats down, and signaled Ji Cao to go up, "I'll watch here, don't try to be lazy. Also, you are not allowed to use demon power to relieve fatigue."

Ji Xi looked at Ji Xi pitifully, but it was a pity that this time it was about her health, it was impossible for Ji Xi to be soft-hearted, so in the end she could only resign herself to her fate and stepped on it.

After exercising, Ji Cao was paralyzed on the yoga mat, and didn't even want to move her fingers. In stark contrast to her, although Ji Xi was sweating profusely, he sat on the side in high spirits.

"Your appearance is a sign of lack of exercise." Ji Xi glanced and said. Ji Cao's physical fitness is really good, but that is under the premise of using demon power. Without demon power, Ji Cao's physical strength may be a little bit better than that of the dead house.

"But I'm a monster, so it's okay to lack some exercise." Ji Cao puffed her cheeks and said depressedly, "There are no monsters who do exercise."

Ji Xi silently pointed to the three cats who were pulled by Ji Cao to exercise together. They were also not allowed to use demon power, so they were also paralyzed at this time. Seeing that Ji Cao still wanted to complain, Ji Xi said directly, "After the rest is over, we'll go eat and buy you a cake by the way."

Hearing that there was a cake, Ji Cao's eyes lit up immediately, as if she had regained her spirits. Just halfway through getting up, the aching pain all over her body brought her back to her senses in an instant.

"Xiaoxi, her legs are so sore." Ji Cao rolled her eyes, struggled to move, and then pressed her whole body on the opponent's legs, "I have no strength, I can't get up."

Ji Xi saw that she looked like a salted fish that had been fried to a layer of oil and couldn't turn over, so he put down the water bottle in his hand, and asked dumbfoundedly, "Are you acting coquettish or being sarcastic?"

"He's acting like a baby, Xiao Xixi, you're good or bad, how can you say that she's being sarcastic." Ji Cao turned her head and looked at her plaintively, "She fell down, and she needs to be hugged and held high." You can get up."

Ji Xi's goosebumps were stimulated by her sticky voice, "Quickly get up, wipe off your sweat and take a rest."

Ji Cao hummed twice, but she didn't intend to get up, she just looked at Ji Xi quietly.

Ji Xi glanced at her, then turned to look at the three cats who were pretending to be corpses but kept staring at her.

"We didn't see anything." Little Bambi was the first to react, and then turned his back to the two of them.

Little Cutie and Little Yellow Dot were still out of things, looking at Ji Xi blankly.

Seeing that they were so ignorant, Ji Cao directly took the sweat towel that was on the side and threw it over, just covering the two cats, and then pounced on Ji Xi like a tiger, throwing him down on the yoga mat.

"Hiss, little green, lighten up."


The little cutie, who was struggling to get out, heard the voice, listened to the movement, and thought of something tacitly. The two cats looked at each other, then poked their heads out to look at Bambi.

The three cats reached a consensus, covered it with a sweat towel, and moved around the wall tacitly. Just as they were about to go out, the sweat towel covered on their heads was taken away.

"What are you doing?" Ji Cao kissed Ji Xi, her mouth was red, and the fatigue of her body disappeared in an instant after using the demon power. The cat pushed away, "Hurry up and wash it, and then we are going to eat."

Ji Xi was beside her, and his mouth was also red. He glanced at the three cats and followed Ji Cao into the bathroom.

The three cats looked at each other.

"Why are they so fast? I remember that the previous boss would call each other for a few minutes." Cutie was a little puzzled, "Could it be because of gender?"

Xiao Huang shook her head, "I don't know." Then she looked at the little Bambi, "Does little Bambi know?"

Little Bambi naturally knew why, but met the innocent eyes of the two friends, and shook his head silently.

"It's a pity." Xiaocuti sighed, and the little yellow dot next to him followed suit.

Little Bambi passed them silently.