I, Cute Grass, am Super Fierce!

Chapter 77


Even though she knew it was a trap, Ji Xi still wanted to go back to Ji's home, because she had a hunch that there was a solution there.

It is better to hit the sun than to choose a date, and Ji Cao's situation can't be delayed, so Ji Xi directly arranges people to make preparations, and departs in a private plane to Ji's home in the evening.

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening when they arrived, and they didn't know if they had been expected to come back, Ji's family had already arranged accommodation.

Ji Xi was worried that Ji Cao's body couldn't take it anymore, so he went straight to the servant and said, "I want to see your old lady."

"But the old lady said that I don't see any customers now." The maid looked at her in embarrassment, "I said to let the two of you rest for a while, and then go to see her tomorrow morning."

Ji Xi can wait, but Ji Cao may not wait until tomorrow morning.

"I'm going to see the old lady now." Ji Xi picked up Ji Cao, who was wrapped in a quilt, and released the spiritual power of a cultivator to oppress the maid, and said coldly, "You will lead me right now."

The maid was suppressed by her momentum, and immediately slumped on the ground, panting, "I see."

Seeing this, Ji Xi withdrew his spiritual power, and the maid was able to stand up.

The maid straightened her clothes before reaching out, "Please follow me."

Ji Xi hurriedly hugged Ji Cao and followed, circled a few times and arrived in front of a house. In front of the house, there were two people who looked like guards standing and guarding their posts. When they saw them, the first time they saw them was Shen Lan.

"Wait a moment." After the maid finished speaking, she stepped forward to communicate. However, the communication failed, and now the old lady does not receive anyone.

When Ji Xi heard it, she hurried forward: "Go in and ask for me. Just tell her, if we don't see her now, then there is no need for us to stay and stay, we will leave immediately."

"If you leave, do you think that girl can survive?"

An old voice came out, and then the wooden door opened, revealing Ji Lan's figure. Ji Lan raised her hand and waved, "Come in." Then she nodded to the guards, signaling them to let Ji Xi in.

Without hesitation, Ji Xi hurriedly carried Ji Cao into the room.

"Did you do something to Xiaolu?" Ji Xi asked bluntly, "Cao Leyu said that the person who caused similar symptoms was called back to his home by you."

Ji Lan was quite at ease, without the nervousness of being questioned, "That's true, but it's a pity that Captain Cao doesn't know one thing."

Ji Xi looked at her suspiciously: "What is it?"

"That person passed away a long time ago." Ji Lan picked up a file bag at hand and threw it at Ji Xi's feet, "Look at it."

Ji Xi was full of doubts, he picked up the bag and opened it after putting down Ji Cao. There were some documents inside, and she saw the big characters "Death Certificate" at a glance, and then looked at the information, the official Ji Yun's death certificate, which stated that Ji Yun died of a heart attack a year ago.

"How could it be?" Ji Xi was a little shocked, and even more terrified. If Ji Yun dies, doesn't that mean that the possibility of Ji Cao being rescued becomes lower again

"After all, he is an elderly person, and he will die when he is emotional." Ji Lan talked about this person like an ant died, without any compassion at all.

Ji Xi took a deep breath to calm himself down, "Is there anyone else in my family who can treat Xiaolu?"

She was hopeless at first, but she didn't expect Ji Lan to give an affirmative answer.

"Yes." Ji Lan held her chin and looked at her, "And I can help you anytime."

Joy welled up in Ji Xi's heart, but the next second he thought of something, and quickly calmed down, "Who?"

Ji Lan stretched out her index finger and pointed at herself, then looked at Ji Xi with a half-smile, "But why should I save someone who has nothing to do with me?"

Ji Xi knew that she would definitely put forward conditions, so he was not surprised, and asked, "What will you have to do to save her?"

Ji Lan's eyes drifted to the people on the ground, squinted for a while, and then made a request.

Ji Cao felt her whole body was heavy, as if buried by something.

"Xiaolu, if you don't wake up, I will really spank your ass."

"If you can't wake up, who should I apologize to?"

"Little green."

Who, who is talking? Ji Cao tried her best to break free from the restraints, but in the next second, she found that she was just a sprout emerging from the ground. Afterwards, the top of her hair seemed to be touched by something, warm and nostalgic, but unfortunately, the other party left after only touching it for a while.

"Xiaolu, can you still talk to me?"

Ji Cao's consciousness was chaotic, and she wanted to nod, but her body swayed uncontrollably with the wind, and she didn't respond to the other party at all.

"Tell me, why did you give the demon core to me and that guy, otherwise those people are definitely not your opponents."

"I have avenged you, but I owe you when will you come and get it back?"

"That guy was reincarnated as a monk, and now he's an immortal. If you saw it, you probably wouldn't recognize it."

What demon core? Something flashed through Ji Cao's mind, but she couldn't remember it at all, and finally gave up, trying hard to absorb the sunlight.

I don't know how long it has been, but she finally has "eyes" and "ears", and she can see things outside and see the woman who talks to her every day. The woman said that she used to be called Lin Xi, but now she is called Ji Xi, calling her "Little Green", and said that her name was "Ji Cao". She was confused, but the other party didn't explain it, so she silently remembered it in her heart.

The other party wears a set of bright green clothes every day, and comes to talk to her at a fixed time every day, saying things she doesn't understand, but she can feel the vitality of the other party is gradually losing. In the end, the hands that used to touch the top of her hair couldn't even lift up to touch the top of her hair.

Just when she was about to bend down to caress her, a small figure ran over and pulled the woman's pants, "Master, the wind is getting stronger, let's go back to the house first."

"Xiao Lan, who let you in here."

It was the first time Ji Cao saw someone other than a woman, and it was a face that was somewhat similar to the other person. For some reason, she felt a little sad in her heart, probably because she felt that the other party was the only person she knew, but the other party knew more than herself.

The little girl didn't seem to expect Ji Xi's reaction to be so big, she looked at her wrongedly, "Patriarch, Xiaolan just—"

"I don't want to hear your explanation." Ji Xi interrupted her with a wave of his hand, "Go back to the ancestral hall and copy the family rules ten times, and you are not allowed to come out if you can't finish copying."

The little girl seemed to be frightened, she looked at Ji Xi with fear, but the next second she looked at the trees next to her with hatred.

hate? Feeling the little girl's emotions, Ji Cao always felt that Ji Xi had been deceived, and wanted to tell the other party, but all she could do was swing the branches.

It was also at this time that she had the urge and idea to become a human. If she could become a human being, then she would be able to contact Ji Xi, talk to him, and...

Ji Cao didn't know what else to do, but for the first time wanted to become the same person as Ji Xi.

After having the desire, Ji Cao's mind came up with the cultivation method, and he continued to practice every day, day after day, and finally he was going to become an adult.

She looked at her body and conjured up clothes that were exactly the same as Ji Xi's. Thinking of Ji Xi's possible reaction when she saw her like this, she wanted to surprise the other party by changing back to her original body and quietly waiting for the other party to come Look at yourself, talk to yourself.

But what surprised her was that Ji Xi didn't come to see her. Worried about what happened to the other party, she released her spiritual sense, found the other party's location, and teleported there.

Even though it was her first time doing it, she seemed to be very proficient as if she had done it many times.

It was the first time she had left the small courtyard, so she looked around in surprise. This place was completely different from the small courtyard. There were things blocking all sides, and something above her head blocked the sunlight.

"How do you absorb the essence of day and night like this?" She muttered, and then she remembered the business, walked to the bed, and looked at Ji Xi who was lying quietly on the bed.

"Ji Xi?" She stretched out her hand to poke the other's cheek, then squeezed it again, feeling an unprecedented sense of satisfaction in an instant.

So this is the feeling of touching people? The light in Ji Cao's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Her movements woke up the sleeping person, Ji Xi slowly opened his eyes, the sunlight at noon was a bit harsh, and he opened and closed his eyes for a while before he really opened them. However, the moment she saw the person beside the bed, a tear fell from the corner of her eye.

"Little green?" Ji Xi wanted to raise his hand, but he could only move his fingers. He tried his best to hold back his strength, and his veins bulged, but he just made himself out of breath and couldn't raise his hand, "I, I Is it a flashback?" She spoke very slowly, almost panting heavily after finishing this sentence.

Ji Cao didn't know what "Back to the Light" meant, she blinked, stepped forward and sat on the small bench beside the bed, took the other person's hand and put it on the top of her hair.

Although the stroking hand became rough, the warm feeling remained the same, which made her squint her eyes contentedly, like a satiated cat.

Ji Xi looked at the familiar face, with tears in his eyes, afraid that he would lose sight of the person in front of him in the next second. God knows how long it's been since she saw this familiar face, even if it's a flashback, then she's satisfied.

After Ji Cao felt the warmth above her head, she took her hand and tilted her head to look at the person in front of her.

Ji Xi looked at Shang Ji Cao's clear eyes and saw his own white hair, so he seemed to be half shocked, and turned his head with difficulty, "Don't, don't look."

Ji Cao opened her mouth and said with great difficulty, "Why, what?" It was the first time she spoke, so she didn't speak fluently, but Ji Xi still understood.

Ji Xi shook his head.

Ji Cao didn't have any curiosity, so she tilted her head and asked, "Will you come to see me tomorrow?"

Ji Xi could hardly control the tears in his eyes as he felt the life that his body was gradually losing, "But, maybe not."

"Why?" Ji Cao came to his senses when he asked this question, and this was the one he asked the most.

"I might be going somewhere else." Ji Xi said this sentence with great difficulty.

"Then I'll go with you." Ji Cao didn't want to leave the other party, so she reached out and grabbed the other party's hand, "I don't want to be separated from you."

After touching Ji Xi's hand, she noticed that Ji Xi's life was gradually draining away. She glanced at Ji Xi who turned her head away from her, took a deep breath, and suffocated her strength to transmit her demon power there.