I, Cute Grass, am Super Fierce!

Chapter 8


"Welcome." Upon entering the door, a waiter came over and asked, "Hi, do you have an appointment?"

"Ms. Lu Wanqing booked a seat by the window."

"Yes, please follow me this way."

Xiaotuanzi shook Ji Xi's hand: "Who is Ms. Lu Wanqing?"

"It's my mother, the aunt who gave you snacks yesterday."

Xiaotuanzi groaned half-understood, then moved his nose, and his eyes kept lingering on the passing tables.

It smells so good.

There were all kinds of scents in the air, which made Xiao Tuanzi's saliva almost flow out.

When the two reached their positions, Lin Ziyuan hadn't come yet.

Ji Xi glanced at the time, and there were still two minutes until the appointed time, so he reached out and asked the waiter to bring two glasses of juice. While waiting for the juice, Xiaotuanzi saw two people on the table next to him raise their cups, said "Cheers" and drank the drinks in the cups.

When the juice came, Xiaotuanzi took a look at the terrifying human being, and didn't want to say "cheers" with her, so he said silently in his heart, and then picked up the juice with his right hand. It's just that the juice glass is a little too big, and she couldn't hold it steadily with one hand. In the end, she could only hold the glass and hold her head up.

With a "grunt", the juice that was just brought up instantly bottomed out, but Xiaotuanzi couldn't hold back, and opened his mouth slightly, "Hi~"

delicious. Xiaotuanzi put down the cup contentedly.

Fortunately, there are people eating and talking around, so I didn't notice this side. Ji Xi snatched the cup from her hand, and when he was about to give a lecture, he saw his parents walking over.

Mother Ji approached and found that Ji Xi's clothes were worn by her at noon, she immediately became furious: "Didn't I ask you to put on makeup and change clothes before coming here?"

"My friend is on a business trip, and Xiaocao will stay at my house for a while, so I will take her to buy clothes and daily necessities. After shopping, it will be now. How can I have time to go back and change clothes?" Ji Xi turned to look at Xiaotuanzi, "Xiaolu, did you say so?"

At first, Xiaotuanzi didn't realize that "Little Green" was calling him, or that Ji Xi had been staring at her blankly, so he said "ah" in a daze.

"Xiaolu?" Xiaotuanzi is small, with a high back of the chair, just facing his back. If he didn't say it, Mother Ji really wouldn't have noticed. She lowered her head and met Shang Xiaotuanzi's innocent eyes, "You came for a blind date, why did you bring her here?"

"My friend is on a business trip, so I help take it with me."

"Then you can't take a child on a blind date." Ji's mother picked up Xiaotuanzi, "Leave Xiaocao to me and your father for the time being, and you can go on a blind date with me."

Xiaotuanzi didn't care who she followed, but Ji Xi promised to give her some snacks, so he said, "Auntie, I want some snacks."

"Xiao Cao, let's go eat some snacks and don't bother sister Ji Xi." Xiaotuanzi was a bit heavy, and Mother Ji felt weak after holding her for a while, so she let her down and held hands instead. "Xiao Xi, give me a good blind date."

"The appointment is at seven o'clock, and it's past seven o'clock. What else is there to go on a blind date with?" Just as Ji Xi finished speaking, footsteps sounded behind him, followed by an embarrassed female voice.

Xiaotuanzi raised his head, they were all strangers, and shrank behind Mama Ji's legs.

"Sorry, we're late." Mother Lin tugged at the clothes of the boy next to her, "Ziyuan, say something."

The boy raised his chin slightly, "I'm sorry, I just had a business discussion with a client. The client knew that I came back from Harvard, so he insisted on taking me to a French restaurant for dinner."

This gesture is not like an apology, more like showing off. Except for Xiaotuanzi's confused face, everyone else could hear it.

Mother Ji frowned, and her excited expression faded a little: "It's okay, we just arrived."

"Auntie, did you just arrive? My sister and I arrived very early." Xiaotuanzi was full of curiosity, which was similar to the scene falling into silence as soon as the answer came out.

"Ha, haha, that's really embarrassing." Mother Lin apologized awkwardly, "This child is so cute, is it your little girl?"

"No, this is my mother." Xiaotuanzi came out from behind Ji's mother's leg, ran to Ji Xi's leg and hugged his thigh, "This is my mother."

"What?" Mama Lin looked at Ji Xi in shock, and then at Mama Ji, "Ms. Lu Wanqing, didn't you say that your daughter is single and unmarried? She gave birth to a child out of wedlock?"

Mother Ji was about to explain, but Ji Xi picked up Xiaotuanzi first, and sighed: "I didn't want to tell you, but you all saw it, so there is nothing to say."

"Xiaoxi, don't talk." Ji's mother sternly said, "Ms. Lin, this child belongs to Xiaoxi's friend. Because this friend is on a business trip, this child will temporarily stay at my daughter's house for a period of time. It is not an unmarried child."

"Really?" Mother Lin hesitated. She had read Ji Xi's information before, and was very satisfied with Ji Xi. Apart from looking a bit cold-tempered, other aspects of conditions are good. Seriously, except for academic qualifications, he is better than his son in every aspect. Lin Ziyuan started his own business when he started his own business at a young age, and the Ji family is also a wealthy family, so he can provide financial support for his son and so on. But seeing that the conditions required a blind date, both she and Papa Lin wondered if there was some hidden information that hadn't been revealed, and it happened that the hidden information was an important factor that led her to go on a blind date when she was single.

"Mom, it's already this time, do you still want to lie to them? Even if it's over, they will mind if I bring a child."

"Who is the father of this child?" Lin Ziyuan finally said.

Ji Xi bowed his head, pressed Xiaotuanzi's head to his chest, his voice sounded like a sobbing sound, "It's all because I'm young and ignorant."

It was so soft, Xiaotuanzi turned his head, and then felt short of breath, and began to struggle. However, Ji Xi was at an important moment of acting, so he didn't pay attention to her. Feeling stuffy, Xiaotuanzi quickly lowered her head and bit her mouth, taking advantage of Ji Xi's stinging pain, let go of her, and then breathed heavily.

Almost suffocated, Xiaotuanzi breathed smoothly, and suddenly raised his head sadly, but met an expressionless face.

Yes, murderous. Xiaotuanzi flinched, but realized in the next second that she was about to be smothered to death, why should this human being get angry, and immediately stared back.

"If you don't mind, we can talk for a while." Lin Ziyuan interrupted the two people's staring, the content of the conversation was somewhat beyond the expectation of Ji's mother.

"Okay, you guys continue to chat first, and we won't bother you." Mama Ji snatched Xiaotuanzi away, and after saying a few words, she went to the dining table with Mama Lin and the others.

Seats by the window here are all connected, located on both sides of the long table, blocking the view, but you can hear the children talking.

Xiaotuanzi sat between Ji's mother and Ji's father, wanting to eat, but found that everyone's ears were pricked up, and they had no intention of eating, so their cheeks puffed up.

It's better for that terrible human being to buy food for her. Xiaotuanzi poked at the table depressedly, and imitated their actions in the next second, pricking up his ears.

She still wants to take the blind date home, and if that terrible human being wants to cut her, she will pull the blind date out to threaten that terrible human being.

"I don't mind if you have children out of wedlock." Lin Ziyuan sat down and said something.

Ji Xi raised his head and glanced at him, but he didn't expect the other party to accept this.

"However," Lin Ziyuan replied calmly, "If we get married, this child must be raised by your parents."

Ji Xi frowned: "The child is already very lonely without a father, do you still want her to have no mother?"

"You can go home to see her occasionally. By the way, children are prone to noise. I want to start a business now, and I may be too busy to go home. I don't think about having children before the age of thirty. You have to learn to understand."

Ji Xi paused, holding back the splashing water, "What else do you want?"

"Originally, I planned to talk to you later, but since you asked now, I'll talk about it first." Lin Ziyuan frowned and looked Ji Xi up and down, "First point, I like girls who are simple and natural, especially girls with hair. It’s better to be natural black, not to dye other colors. If you follow me, you need to dye your hair back to black and straighten your hair.”

Ji Xi's brown hair, which was pulled and dyed by Li Qingqing several years ago, has grown back now, and only some of the ends are left with color. I didn't expect this to become a problem.

"Bang—" Putting down the water glass, Ji Xi asked, "Is there any more?"

"Second point, I heard from my mother that you started a company, right?" After Ji Xi nodded, Lin Ziyuan said again, "If you follow me, I hope you can stay at home and take good care of your parents. Don't run around outside."

"You mean to live with your parents after marriage?"!

Lin Ziyuan nodded: "Yes, my parents have raised me for more than 20 years, of course I must repay them well."

"Then can I bring my parents to live with me?"


"My parents have also raised me for more than 20 years, and I want to repay them. Why can't I live with us?"

Instead, Lin Ziyuan looked at Ji Xi with a look of surprise, "Don't your parents have a house? And they have to take care of their children."

"Then you mean to still live in your old house after getting married? Don't buy a wedding house separately?" Lin Ziyuan has too many notions, and Ji Xi doesn't know where to start.

"I'm starting a business now, and I'm short of funds. You have to learn to understand. What's more, it's not that my house doesn't have room, so there's no need to waste it."

"Oh." Ji Xi suddenly lost interest, but his parents were watching, so he couldn't go straight away, and turned to ask the waiter to order.

When Lin Ziyuan was still counting to the sixth o'clock, Ji Xi had already finished ordering.

"Miss Ji." Seeing her like this, Lin Ziyuan could not hold back his cry.

"Are you hungry too? Let's see what you want to eat." Ji Xi pushed the menu over, hoping to gag the other person's mouth with food.

It's a pity that after Lin Ziyuan finished ordering, he continued to ask.

Ji Xi perfunctorily said "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" for a while, she subconsciously raised her head when the food was served.

Xiaotuanzi's eyes were undisguised, revealing his desire for her food.

Those eyes were too enthusiastic, Ji Xi really couldn't eat directly, so he went over with the food.

"Thank you." Xiaotuanzi quickly reached out to take it, bowed his head and started eating.

After Ji Cao's interruption, Lin Ziyuan had nothing to say.

After eating, everyone left the restaurant.

Ji Xi hugged the dumpling and was about to leave, but was stopped.

"Miss Ji, I think we are quite compatible, what do you think?"

"I don't think you're good enough for me." Ji Xi smiled, and walked away without looking back while hugging Ji Cao.

"Ms. Lu, this..." Mama Lin's expression turned ugly.

"I think so too." Mother Ji interrupted her, "Honey, what do you think?"

Papa Ji nodded, and pulled his wife away, leaving behind the three members of the Lin family with livid faces.