I, Cute Grass, am Super Fierce!

Chapter 81


Although Ji Cao was caught off guard, she reacted very quickly. She shifted her body slightly to avoid Ji Lan's attack, and when Ji Lan chanted a spell to freeze her feet, she left the ground and landed behind Ji Lan out of thin air. Stretching out his right hand, vines sprang up from the ground and quickly bound Ji Lan's limbs.

Ji Lan hurriedly avoided. However, Ji Cao has integrated the entire demon core. Although his strength has not recovered to before, it is not something that Ji Lan can withstand. She was able to avoid these vines, but there were countless vines. After a while, the whole person was bound by the vines, and Ji Cao was careful, and even tore off her clothes and blocked her mouth to prevent her from reading. Curse to avoid any accidents.

Ji Lan held her breath and struggled, but Ji Cao's vines were like steel, no matter how hard she tossed, she couldn't break the vines, so she could only look at Ji Cao with murderous eyes. If eyes could kill, Ji Cao would have been cut to pieces by her long ago.

Seeing that Ji Lan had been arrested, the servants next to him turned around and ran away timidly, and some of the servants were loyal and did not know how to live or die, rushing up with a torch and trying to get him out. It's just that when those people came over, they were knocked out by Ji Xi next to them.

Ji Xi rubbed his wrist, nodded to Ji Cao: "You continue."

Ji Cao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she turned to let her come over, "Come here."

Ji Xi glanced at her, and resigned himself to knocking Ji Lan unconscious.

Ji Lan had no chance to resist at all. When she closed her eyes, she fell to the ground.


The two looked at each other, then turned around to look at the person coming in tacit understanding. It was a group of people in robes, but the assortment of sneakers and messy hair made the group look nondescript.

Ji Xi looked at the clothes on the two of them, narrowed his eyes, "I didn't expect to be old acquaintances."

Ji Cao raised her head to look at her in confusion: "Huh?" She had tricked these two groups of people twice before, if Ji Xi was an old acquaintance, she would have covered her vest.

Ji Xi stretched out his hand to hold Ji Cao's hand, "Did you forget the sects that encircled and suppressed you? Before you..." She paused for a moment, her expression flashed a bit lonely, and then she felt the warmth from Ji Cao before she smiled. Smiled, "At that time, two sects changed places early, and I was too lazy to chase them one by one, so I arrested the master, and there were still some disciples left." I didn't expect it to be passed down to the present, but I felt that the group of people The mana, the so-called inheritance is only superficial.

Listening to Ji Xi's words, Ji Cao recalled the day when she was besieged, and when she looked at the group of people again, there was a bit of murderous intent in her eyes.

"Leave it to me." Ji Xi patted the back of her hand and kissed her between the brows before stepping forward to meet the person.

Ten minutes ago, the two sects ran all the way, and they met at the entrance of the village as the detective from the Monster Management Bureau said, but they didn't fight because they had a common goal, and they came to the old house together. However, as soon as they approached, they saw flames all over the sky, and after entering, they found that the flames were gone again, and there were only people lying on the ground.

"You actually killed so many people?" The group of people did not expect to encounter the scene of the massacre, and some timid people suddenly became short of breath, "Master, should we call the police?"

Ji Xi's ears are sensitive, and since there was only one person speaking in the audience, he could naturally hear clearly, and suddenly felt helpless: "This group of people are just in a coma."

The person who spoke hastily bent down to test his breath, touched the tip of his nose angrily to make sure he was still alive and retreated behind everyone.

The two heads didn't say anything, they just turned to Ji Xi together and said, "Hand over the relic."

"Relic?" Ji Xi laughed, and shook his head again, "How can we have any relics?"

"The monk's relic in Fo'en Temple is on your body." Zhang Xiang, the head of the Qingxuan Sect, looked over Ji Xi and looked at Ji Cao behind Ji Xi, "Or, it's on this little monster, right. "

Although it was a question, the tone was very firm, as if he had witnessed it with his own eyes.

Ji Cao popped her head from behind, "If we don't have it, what are you going to do? Apologize to us?" What kind of relic was the relic that Nian En gave her? It was the half of her demon core back then. It had already been absorbed into her stomach and fused into a part of the demon core, so she didn't believe that the two of them could find it.

Zhang Xiang sneered: "Don't play word games with me. You can hide in other places, not necessarily on your body."

"Then you have to rely on us." Ji Cao frowned, then rolled up her sleeves extremely skillfully, walked out from behind Ji Xi, and said, "Don't you just want to fight? I like fighting the most, hurry up!" Bar."

Ji Xi stretched out his hand, and pulled the person who went out back into his arms, "Don't make trouble."

Ji Cao stuck out her tongue, and stayed in her arms obediently.

Zhang Xiang saw that the two were completely ignoring him, and his face immediately flushed red: "In broad daylight, two women are hugging each other, what kind of dignity are you doing?!"

Ji Cao looked at Zhang Xiang in an instant, smiled at him, and quickly pulled Ji Xi's head down and kissed him the next second.

"Hiss." The group of people gasped in unison. Although they guessed that the relationship between the two was unusual before they came, they did not expect that the two women, one human and one demon, had this kind of relationship.

Ji Xi was stunned for a moment, and he wasn't shy when he realized it. He directly pressed the back of her head to deepen the kiss, and only let go after three seconds.

Ji Cao's eyes were a little moist, she raised her hand to touch her sore mouth, and looked at her accusingly, "You hurt me by biting me."

"Who told you to kiss me indiscriminately." Ji Xi also felt a little distressed, bowed his head and blew, and then said, "Let's see if you dare to be naughty next time."

Ji Cao snorted, but did not promise that there would be no next time.

The two of them were crooked, blinding the dog eyes of the people around them.

"Enough." Zhang Xiang was so angry that his teeth hurt, "There are so many of us still here, can you restrain yourself."

Ji Cao and Ji Xi looked over tacitly: "Why are you still here?"

Everyone: "..."

After a period of unspeakable silence, everyone still got together and started fighting. After all, it was impossible for Ji Cao to hand over the demon core, and everyone insisted that she had a demon core and was unwilling to back down.

Although Ji Cao and Ji Xi's strength hadn't recovered, they weren't something they could hold on to. After a while, the group lay staggered on the ground, especially the two heads who were treated specially by the two. It was tattered like a beggar's attire, and vines had drawn marks on his face.

Withdrawing the vines, Ji Cao reached out to Ji Xi. Ji Xi glanced at her sleeve, and resigned himself to helping her fix it.

"I said I like fighting the most." Ji Cao looked at the crowd on the ground with a smile. Although this group of people were not the ones who besieged her before, it didn't stop her from using them to vent her anger.

Seeing her laughing now, Zhang Xiang felt his heart shudder, shrank his neck and did not dare to speak again, fearing that Ji Cao's monster would kill them all.

"Yes, it's because we don't know Taishan with our eyes," said the other headman next to him weakly, "Please let the demon let us go, we will never appear in front of you again in the future."

Ji Cao raised her eyebrows: "Oh? How do I know if what you said is true or not?"

"We can swear." The man quickly got up as if grabbing a life-saving straw, and swore with three fingers up, "I, Mao Ru, swear here that I will never appear in front of you, the big demon, even if I meet you on the street. I have to turn my head and run away without staying, if I can't do it, my heart will be unstable, and the sky will be struck by lightning."

Practitioners want to practice karma in the dark, and pay more attention to promises, oaths and other things. If they can't do it, the oath will be 100% true. Ji Cao and Ji Xi looked at each other, nodded, and then looked at Zhang Xiang.

No matter how unwilling Zhang Xiang was, for the sake of his own life, he got up and swore that the content was similar to that of Mao Ru.

After taking the poisonous oath, Zhang Xiang immediately turned dark: "We can go now."

"Those disciples of yours haven't sworn yet." Ji Cao looked at the crowd with a smile, as if looking at a lamb transferred to a pack of wolves, "I don't want someone to come out and say something to trouble me one day."

After the disciples of the two sects finished taking the oath, Zhang Xiang got up and left.

"Wait a minute." Ji Cao called to stop them.

Zhang Pengfeng froze, fearing that Ji Cao would go back on his word, "We have already made a poisonous oath, what else do you want?"

Ji Cao looked at the crowd with a smile, her eyes were incomprehensible to everyone, "I didn't say otherwise, you go."

"To be honest, I have already eaten that relic." Ji Cao rubbed her belly, "I guess it has been digested by now, if you want, you can still come and fight with me, if you win, you can Take it?"

How dare Zhang Xiang come over? Fighting refers to the fact that two people are equal in strength, and Ji Cao's strength completely crushes him. It can't be called a fight at all, it can only be called teasing him.

But no matter how unconvinced, they didn't have the guts to say anything, they could only nod their heads, turn around and leave in disgrace.

Just when they were about to leave the arena, people from the Monster Management Bureau rushed over and blocked everyone's way.

Zhang Xiang had met Cao Leyu before he was caught in the police station. At this time, he recognized the person at a glance, and immediately realized that it was not good. He looked at Mao Ru beside him and asked, "Captain Cao, what are you doing?" What?"

Meeting the eyes of the crowd, Cao Leyu was not flustered, and said with a smile, "We received calls from enthusiastic citizens saying that there was a crowd fighting here, and they were planning to oppose the government. Now it seems that this is really the case."

Zhang Xiang's face changed, and he quickly smiled and said, "Nothing, we are all successors of socialism, how could we do anti-social things."

"No?" Cao Leyu pointed to the comatose people underground with a half-smile, "Then what's going on with these people?"

"These people were already in a coma before we came." Zhang Lian hurriedly separated his relationship, and turned to look at Ji Xi and the two, "Miss Ji Xi can testify for us."

Ji Xi smiled and shook his head, then explained in Zhang Xiang's frightened eyes: "This matter actually has something to do with Mr. Zhang."

Cao Leyu glanced at her with contempt in his eyes, but he followed her words and raised his hand, "That's fine, please—"

"Wait a minute." Ji Xi interrupted him leisurely, "Captain Cao, don't be so anxious, I haven't finished talking yet."

Cao Leyu's face froze, but he still asked his subordinates to stop: "President Ji, what else do you want to say?" The advantage of the situation was clearly on their side, but Ji Xi's calm appearance always gave him an ominous premonition.

Ji Xi smiled, then turned around to pick up the unconscious Ji Lan, and then woke him up.