I don't really want to cause trouble

Chapter 11: Great knowledge


"Mao Xiaofang!" Liu Jin exclaimed, his expression shocked.

But in my heart... Who is this

I haven't heard of it at all.

I'm not really a cultivator, I know a fart.

But Liu Jin is not stupid.

The old man said so clearly, he must be in place.

The old man suddenly showed a satisfied expression.

The glory of the ancestors is still famous in the circle a hundred years later, this is the inheritance, this is the heritage.

"Then you say that, Senior, are you here to suppress that female ghost?" Liu Jin asked with a look of admiration.

"It's not a repression. The ancestors' ban is perfect. Basically, you don't need to do anything. Just take care of them. And this Yan Xueqin was a poor man before his death, and the ancestors also had the heart to help him escape. It has been almost a hundred years now." With that said, his face was sorrowful, but also a little complacent.

Over a century, the efforts of three generations are also a big project. No one in the circle knows, no one knows, anyone who talks about it does not give a thumbs up, and a great compliment.

Liu Jin naturally offered it again.

In a short while, the wine and food are also served.

The dishes are simple, peanuts, pork head, small greens, and a chicken.

The wine is small jar wine, there is no brand, it should be self-brewed, but the taste is okay.

Liu Jin ate and drank, but he didn't expect two glasses to go down. The old man seemed to have opened the chattering box and talked to Liu Jin about everything.

What glory is the ancestor of Mao's family? Mao Xiaofang's several well-known achievements, especially the legendary story of fighting the zombie king, made Liu Jin dazzled and yearned for it.

The zombie king.

I didn't expect this thing in this world.

I don't know, what abilities would you get if you slap the zombie king? King Kong is not broken, or the golden gun is not broken.

In addition, there are fox fairy, evil monster, mandrill, demon spirit, zombies, ghosts, etc. You can say a few words, he said, let Liu Jin learn more.

The most important thing is spiritual practice.

There are spiritual practices in the world, Buddhism and Taoism.

But the practice requirements are very high, and it is also very hard.

The initial practice, martial arts training and qi training, after all, you need mana spells to eliminate demons, and you also need melee attacks.

But this foundation can range from three to five years to more than ten years. The practice cannot be interrupted.

So there are very few practitioners at present, and even fewer have accomplished.

The stages of cultivation are the four realms of entering the Tao, practicing Qi, refining God, and Harmony.

Entry is the threshold, blocking 99% of people.

Qi training is a stage of cultivating mana, spells, and martial arts. This stage is very long and is an accumulation period. There is a word to describe it, called Dao Xing.

The so-called Dao Xing means one year's amount of mana accumulated, which is one year of Tao Xing.

But there is no limit to Taoism, a lifetime of cultivation, and decades of Taoism, is a clever cultivator who can kill demons and slay demons.

It's just that at this stage, it is still Fanliu.

The real achievement is to refine God.

There are two steps to refining gods, yin god and yang god.

Yin Shen can go out of his orifice, travel thousands of miles at night, and can also enter and leave the land of Qingming.

The sun god can condense the primordial spirit, white sunrise orifice, show the sacred in front of people, and reach the point of sun god, which is regarded as reaching the top of the transcendence.

As for the final harmony, it is the realm of profound and profound, which already involves the mystery of becoming immortal and becoming a Buddha, and cannot be described in words.

Liu Jin asked tentatively whether he could apprentice a teacher.

The old man directly vetoed it, saying that Liu Jin was too old to be taught, and generally accepting apprentices is for small training, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve.

Then the old man pulled on himself again and vomited bitterly.

What a son is not filial, can't bear hardship, just want to be rich, abandoned the ancestral practice, ran to do business, and never went home for many years.

The disciple couldn't do it, the two disciples, one of them bravely fought and ran away without a trace after the spell harmed people.

There is also a talent that is not good. The person is too simple and honest. After decades of training, he can catch the little ghosts and fill the appearance, which is unbearable.

While talking, I said the last sentence in the east and the west, and even sang opera, but was drunk.

"Master, why are you drinking too much again."

At this time, a big guy ran over and held the old man with a worried look on his face.

This big guy is in his thirties and looks honest and honest.

"Tie Kui, why are you here?" The old man looked at the big man with drunken eyes.

The big guy said, "I'm here to pick you up, Master, it's not me who said you, you are older, so drink less."

"Oh, you are still in charge of being a teacher? You are so awesome, how about I worship you as a teacher?" The old man stared at the big man.

The big guy was speechless, he didn't dare to answer, so he could only look at Liu Jin.

"you are?"

Liu Jin stood up and clasped his fists and said, "You are Brother Hu, my name is Liu Jin. Today, I accidentally ran into the ghost bride and got help from the old man. I had a drink with him."

"Ghost bride? You offended Yan Niangniang." The big man looked at Liu Jin in surprise.

Liu Jin smiled dryly: "It was purely an accident."

"It's okay, with a master, Yan Niangniang will not harm people, but you can't offend you anymore, Yan Niangniang is very powerful." The big guy reminded.

"No, no, um, Brother Hu, shall I send you back?" Liu Jin smiled.

The big guy shook his head: "No, I can do it alone."

As he said, the big guy directly picked up the old man and carried it on his shoulders, and then grinned honestly: "Junior Brother Liu, there will be a period later."

"There will be a period later." Liu Jin clasped his fists again.

Seeing the big man carrying the old man away from the back, Liu Jin was a little sad.

Today I can be regarded as an eye-opener, and I know the mystery of this practice.

It's just that the old man said that he missed the best time to practice, but Liu Jin was not lost.

The mystery of becoming stronger is not hard practice, but being able to tease.

As long as he encounters all kinds of demons and ghosts, he will be able to surpass all Tianjiao geniuses in a single day.

For example, the hold of breath from the ghost bride.

Breath-holding is the foundation of a practice method. Looking back and exploring slowly, the benefits are absolutely limitless.

When I think about it this way, I have great expectations in my heart.

After checking out and returning to the hotel, Liu Jin couldn't wait to sit on the ground, and then began to study the method of holding his breath.

This hold of breath is not as simple as taking a breath and closing your mouth.

Heaven and earth are a big universe, and the human body is a small universe. The cycle of the two is the greatest mystery.

People who eat whole grains always accumulate more or less bad things in their bodies.

The purpose of apnea is to clean the human body with external air, fully open up the potential of the human body, continuously improve, and finally cultivate a perfect body.

Before Liu Jin inhaled and exhaled the odor, it was to clean the lungs.

And that was just a hold of breath just now.

And now, hold your breath +68.

Such a high level made Liu Jin feel that as long as he wanted to, he could suck the air in the entire room into his stomach in an instant.

But Liu Jin wouldn't do such a naive thing, so cleansing his body is the most important thing.

And the first thing that needs to be cleaned up is the lung lobes.

Liu Jin calmly breathed in~~~~~~~~~~

A large amount of air was sucked into the abdomen.

The chest bulged slightly, and the qi did not expand in the lung lobes, but was compressed and condensed.

For the first time, I didn't forcibly suck too much, and stopped at about the same time.

Perceiving the qi in the lungs, the compressed qi seems to be a little different, slowly beginning to penetrate, affecting the entire body, especially the heart, liver, spleen, stomach and kidney, and there is a vaguely activated feeling.

This is because too much oxygen is inhaled, and compression is equal to purification, so it is beneficial to the five internal organs.

Enlightened in his heart, Liu Jin waited for a moment to stir his breath, and then slowly spit it out again, and suddenly, the stench smoked the entire room. (End of this chapter)