I don't really want to cause trouble

Chapter 15: set off


"Do you want to go too?" Mr. Mao looked at Liu Jin with weird eyes.

Liu Jin said solemnly: "Yes, I want to go to experience."

Father Mao smiled: "You may have some misunderstandings about experience, this is to die."

Liu Jin said sincerely: "Even if it is to die, I am willing. Senior, you should know that nowadays the practice circle is getting smaller and smaller, and there are fewer people who are willing to practice hard work. Although I am only a half bucket of water, But I have a heart to the Tao, and although this kind of experience is dangerous, this kind of experience will definitely be of great help to my future practice."

Mr. Mao suddenly looked at Liu Jin's eyes a little weird.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said: "Okay, I'll take you."

"Thank you senior." Liu Jin was overjoyed.

Where there are demons and monsters, there are objects to be provoked.

As long as you're fast and accurate, and you run away, even if the ability you get is almost impossible, it's better than nothing.

After experiencing the ghost bride, Liu Jin found that his own abilities are still a bit lacking. If he understands everything and encounters different dangers, he will have a way to crack it. That way, he can only enjoy it.

Because I make you want to die, but you have nothing to do with me.

On that day, Liu Jin did not leave, so he stayed at the house of Mr. Mao.

Taking advantage of this time, Liu Jin's various flattery, from Hu Tiekui's mouth, set out some things about the spiritual world.

In the end, Hu Tiekui was a little annoyed, but he reached out his hand not to hit the smiley man, so he had to show Liu Jin a few books, and got rid of the stalker.

There are several books, one is "Tao Zhi", which is about the origin of Taoism and the origin of various gods.

This is different from the heavens and gods and Buddhas seen on TV.

There are even many gods, all Taoist masters at the time, who were chased by emperors of all dynasties and generations after the immortal passed away.

Then "The Herborist", it is about all kinds of herbs, wonders of heaven and earth and so on.

This book is the thickest, with hundreds of pages ranging from common herbal medicine to all kinds of unheard medicine names.

Liu Jin just flipped through it, and most of them didn't remember, but Liu Jin remembered a word.

Everything is born with spirituality.

Even the most common weeds have a chance and nourish the spiritual energy, and they can become spiritual plants hundreds of years later.

This is like an ordinary person practicing.

Even if the talent is not good enough, if you really want to love him, pigs can make you a marshal of the canopy.

Then, the "Small Explanation of Cultivation", "The Theory of Demons", etc., are all related to spiritual practice and explanations of demons and ghosts.

It can be said that after reading the book, Liu Jin feels that he has gained a lot of knowledge and has enough knowledge of the aliens. If he encounters them in the future, he also knows the strengths and weaknesses of these monsters. Into the soul.

Because it was too late to read, early the next morning, Liu Jin was still confused and haggard when he got up.

"What's the matter with you?" Mr. Mao looked confused.

Liu Jin said embarrassedly: "This is the first time I participated in such an event, so I was too excited, and I went to bed late, just to make up for the sleep on the road."

Mr. Mao said meaningfully: "You must cultivate your spirits. This is not to go to the mountains and play, face threats, and if you don't cheer up, you don't know how you died when you die."

"Senior's lesson is that the junior must remember it in his heart." Liu Jin thanked him earnestly.

Not long after, Lu Mengxi and his party arrived, and after greetings, they set off together.

Liu Jin asked Hu Tiekui yesterday where the Devil Cliff is located, in Yunmeng Mountain in the next province of J.

Then Liu Jin Baidu checked.

Thousands of miles of clouds and mountains, there are also many myths, and many celebrities and gods were born. In ancient times, literati and poems left famous poems for it.

For such a place, Liu Jin is full of expectations.

Along the way, Lu Mengxi naturally arranged.

Liu Jin played the role of a master and follower, who carried luggage, so naturally he was not qualified to speak.

But following along, Liu Jin also secretly sighed that the life of the rich is really good.

Directly transferred to the airport by private car, and then took a private jet to fly directly to Yunmeng Mountain.

On the plane, Liu Jin just didn't listen, and understood the identity of Lu Mengxi and his party.

The Taoist chief was named Wang Chen, and he was a Taoist named Sanlongguan. Judging from his attitude, his master and Mr. Mao should be very familiar, and belong to the level of old friends.

The other woman is Lu Mengxi's assistant, Fang Jingjing. Despite her young age, she is already a master's degree student in botany.

The big guy is a bodyguard. There is no introduction, but he is unsmiling and his eyes are cold. It is definitely not easy.

There is also a man who is Lu Mengxi’s suitor and seems to be a son of a brother. All the investment in Lu Mengxi’s research belongs to a partner.

This made Liu Jin sigh.

It's so simple and unpretentious for the rich to chase their sisters.

In sigh, Liu Jin ate a few more steaks prepared on the plane. It was so delicious. The beef that rich people eat was so different.

After more than two hours, the plane stopped at a place called Lucheng, and from there, he transferred to a bus and went straight to Yunmeng Mountain.

This time I spent a lot of time, and after sitting for more than three hours, I came to a small town on the hillside.

It was already afternoon by this time.

Lu Mengxi had already arranged a reception here, and had planned to stay, but Mr. Mao was in a hurry and wanted to go straight into the mountain.

Seeing that the elderly are so active, Lu Mengxi and his entourage are naturally more willing. After half an hour of repairing, they went into battle and headed to the mountains.

These years, Jinshan is different from those who rely solely on experience before.

With technology now, under satellite coverage, the terrain can be seen clearly.

Lu Mengxi naturally prepared too.

It can be said that, except for Mr. Mao to enter Devil Cliff, all other times are handled by Lu Mengxi.

This is the power of modern technology.

Just imagine, how many people are willing to spend a lifetime to do something that can hardly be done so easily and effectively

No wonder Mr. Mao's son stopped cultivating and went to do business.

Now it's the world of the rich. If you have money, you can have whatever you want.

Climbing the mountain all the way, without knowing it, it was dark.

At this time, the mountain roads were dangerous at night, and Mr. Mao decided to stop and rest.

Set up a tent to rest on the flat ground near the water.

A group of people surrounded a fire, eating and resting.

"Master Mao, I have investigated a lot of information about Devil Cliff, and I said that this Devil Cliff was not called Devil Cliff before, but Qianlongyuan. I don't know what allusions do you know?" While eating and drinking, Lu Mengxi looked at Mr. Mao and asked. .

Mr. Mao smiled and said, "It seems that you have prepared quite adequately. Even if it is Wang Chen, I am afraid I don't know the name of Qian Longyuan."

The middle-aged Taoist priest showed an awkward expression.

Usually in front of outsiders, he is an expert demeanor, but when he is in front of his uncle, he can only be a tool for being prompted.

"That happened hundreds of years ago. Long ago, Devil Cliff was indeed called Qianlongyuan. When a generation of commoner master Yun Mingzi was looking for the dragon veins under the sky, he occasionally discovered that Qianlongyuan is located in a majestic terrain. The gorge is like a dragon's body, and the cliffs are like a dragon's head. It presents the momentum of the dragon's potential to take off. It is the place of Qianlong, Shangshangji Cave. And the place of Longqian has 35 holes, which can get 35 days of burial. The land, buried in it after death, can shelter future generations, give birth to a unicorn, and turn a dragon in the face of wind and cloud. However, there is a taboo in this land of dragon diving, and that is where the longan is located. Longan is the best auspicious acupuncture point. But it is the life point of the Qianlong. If this life point is there, the Qianlong will be there. Once the life point is broken, the momentum that the Qianlong has accumulated for thousands of years will be broken."

Speaking of this, looking at the dumbfounded expressions of a group of people, Mr. Mao shook his head, lamenting that modern people are not learning and skillless, so he could only say in the vernacular: "It's like a flood dragon, who has cultivated for a thousand years, and is about to rise through the catastrophe and become a real dragon. As a result, someone pulled its reverse scales, pulled its dragon tendons, and broke the possibility of it becoming a dragon. What do you think?"

"Jiaolong will be angry," Lu Mengxi replied.

"Yes, the fate of the Qianlong Land was spotted by a bastard who dreamed of being the emperor at the time. Regardless of people's interference, he dug the graveyard secretly. Unfortunately, when the fate was broken, the land of Qianlong collapsed and the ground was broken. Vented, dragon blood poured back, Jidi became fierce, and even some of the people who were buried before were also affected. The offspring suffered constant suffering and were almost annihilated. Therefore, cheating on Ji acupoint to benefit future generations is actually a gamble on luck. , Bad luck, it is possible that good things will turn into bad things, and there are endless dangers." The old man Mao said with a sorrowful expression on his face. (End of this chapter)