I don't really want to cause trouble

Chapter 16: The beast changes


"I agree with this. The world is not immutable. The movement of continental plates, even a tiny inch, is enough to change any terrain. Relying on the illusion of nothingness to change destiny is equivalent to sand sculptures on the beach, which cannot withstand the lightness of the sea. The waves hit." Lu Mengxi echoed.

"In fact, this is useless. These years, it is basically cremation. After death, it is buried in one place. After a few decades, it is basically cleaned up. The dust returns to the dust, and the soil returns to the earth." Fang Jingjing added.

Mr. Mao smiled and said: "Yes, great changes unseen in the ages, such as today’s variables, are different from the past. Well, let’s continue talking about this Qianlongyuan. After the collapse that year, Jidi turned to death and had a lot of impact. Among them, we need to pay attention to it. There are three points. One is the miasma gas, which is equivalent to the smell of the corpse after the death of living beings. It is only here that it lasts for a long time and is harmful to living things. I prepared a poison pill, one can protect the body for three hours, but it is also due to physical fitness. It is different and the time is different. Everyone prepares ten pills and carries them with them. If you feel something is wrong with your body, you will immediately take one."

With that, Mr. Mao asked Liu Jin to take the backpack, took out a few bottles from it, and gave them to Lu Mengxi.

Lu Mengxi was overjoyed: "Thank you, Master, I am also ready to learn about poisons, but it is definitely not as good as the master's careful deployment of anti-drug pills specifically for poisonous miasma."

"Everything is prepared, just in case."

"The second one is the corpse. Maybe some of you don’t believe this. You can treat it as a ferocious beast. This kind of thing is the best at lurking, and the path is advanced. Maybe I can’t detect it. So, when entering the devil After the cliff, there is no need to leave my line of sight." Father Mao explained earnestly.

"What does the corpse charm look like?" Fang Jingjing asked curiously.

Mr. Mao said: "It's hard to say that the formation of the corpse charm may be the corpse of a person or the corpse of a wild beast. After a long time in this fierce land, it turns into a corpse charm. But one thing is easy to identify. Mei has hair on her body."

"Longmao? Isn't that a zombie?" Zhao Changan, Lu Mengxi's suitor, couldn't help but ask.

Father Mao smiled: "This zombie is also a kind of corpse charm."

"That is to say, is it possible that there are zombies in this Devil Cliff?" Zhao Changan seemed to be a little excited.

"It's hard to say. For hundreds of years, very few have entered Devil's Cliff, and I can't guarantee it."

"Why are you so excited? Do you still want to catch one as a pet?" Lu Mengxi looked at Zhao Changan angrily.

Zhang Changan laughed dryly: "Where is it, it's just curiosity. If you can really catch one, it must be rarer than a national treasure."

"Dreaming." Lu Mengxi gave him a white glance.

"Is there a third point, Master?" Lu Mengxi continued to ask.

Mr. Mao said, "The third point is to not be curious."


The group looked at Mr. Mao.

Mr. Mao said: "As the saying goes, curiosity kills the cat. In this dangerous place, everything can happen. Don’t see what is beautiful or interesting, just get close, it’s too dangerous. If someone doesn’t listen, once If you are in danger and cannot be saved, then you will die. If I don’t save the old man, don’t say I’m not righteous.”

Seeing Mr. Mao's determined expression on his face, everyone couldn't help but feel horrified.

It's a great time, I really want to die here, that's really awkward.

Liu Jin glanced at Father Mao speechlessly.

He felt that this was like speaking to himself.

After all, there is a criminal record.

Nothing happened overnight.

Early the next morning, continue to set off.

From outside the mountain to Devil's Cliff, the satellite map shows that it is more than ten kilometers long.

This is more than ten kilometers across the mountains, so it is impossible to predict how long it will take to arrive.

And this way of walking also made Liu Jin sigh.

How did the ancients go into the mountains and dig out the tombs in the absence of material scarcity and no modern construction tools!

This kind of wisdom is admirable.

I walked until noon, and when I was about to stop and rest, suddenly a big bodyguard came over and said that a large beast approached.

These words shocked everyone.

Qianli Yunmeng Mountain is not an ordinary mountain forest. There are also undeveloped primitive areas in it, including tigers, leopards, bears, wild boars and other large beasts.

This is a great threat to any random encounter.

Then the big bodyguard asked everyone to wait. He actually took out the gun, prepared a machete, dagger and other things, and took the instrument to check it out.

This courage, this fierceness, must have fought a great battle.

However, not long after the big bodyguard left, Old Man Mao suddenly changed his complexion and said, "Everyone get together."

"What's wrong?" Lu Mengxi asked.

"It's dangerous to approach." Mr. Mao said and asked Liu Jin to come over. He took out a piece of paper from the backpack he was carrying, squeezed the weird method, cut it with a hand knife, and turned it into two paper knives.

"Give you self-defense." Mr. Mao handed Liu Jin a hand.

Liu Jin shook his paper knife softly, swinging on both sides.

This thing breaks self-defense

Seeing Liu Jin's suspicious expression, Mr. Mao did not speak, and waved his hand. A small tree sapling with a thick paper head was directly cut off by his side. Extremely sharp.

Liu Jin's eyes almost didn't come out.

Damn it, fuck it!

Mr. Mao stared and said: "There is only one hour of utility, don't lose it."

What else did Liu Jin say, the little chicken nodded like eating rice.

At this time, Lu Mengxi also took out a dagger, Fang Jingjing even took out an anti-wolf electric shock stick.

While waiting, suddenly there was a clattering sound in one direction, as if some large animal was running.

Everyone leaned against the tree, waiting nervously.

Then, seven or eight meters away, a tiger appeared.

This tiger is colorful, hanging neck and big forehead, tiger eyes wide open, fierce aura, at first glance, it is a big man in the mountains and forests.

When the tiger came out, everyone was shocked, one by one in a defensive posture, not daring to move.

It's just that the tiger is weird. After coming out, he glared at the group for a moment, turned his head, and ran to the side.

"Go... Have you gone?" Fang Jingjing trembling hands, weakly asked.

"I don't know, it's also very strange. It's still far from the original forest. I have investigated before. There are no other large beasts except wild boars. Why do tigers appear?" Lu Mengxi was also a little puzzled.

But soon, the sound of crashing came to mind again, and then two piebald leopards appeared again.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Didn’t you read the almanac today or what

Just like the tiger, the piebald leopard also chased away, completely ignoring the intention of paying attention to the group.

After this, other animals appeared, a group of wild deer, a group of wild boars, a large swarm of birds, a few black bears, and even pythons appeared, all rushing in one direction, no one cared about this group of people.

After a while, no beasts finally appeared, and everyone was at a loss.

"Master, what's the situation?" Lu Mengxi couldn't help looking at Mr. Mao.

Mr. Mao was speechless.

I'm not the one to study this, how do I know

But an expert, you can't be too ignorant.

"Maybe... move house." Father Mao explained calmly.

Everyone: "..." (End of this chapter)