I don't really want to cause trouble

Chapter 160: Unexpected news


"Haha, you are old, you really know how to joke." Liu Jin grinned dryly, frightened.

Your uncle's.

Ten women, one hundred cubs

The iron pestle is ground into needles.

You are not afraid that I will vomit every day.

"Who is joking with you? Our family exists for the Eight Heavenly Zangs. As long as there is a good bloodline, it must be introduced. This is the foundation of inheritance. You can train and have amazing talents. To inherit and do our best. This is our responsibility." The White Lion King said with a serious face.

Liu Jin's face was black: "Then how old are you? You are also a stallion?"

"Lao Tzu had seven women in his life, but Lao Tzu was unable to fight, and only 37 cubs. Now 33 have been broken." The White-haired Lion replied calmly.

Liu Jin frowned.

Listen to this tone, is it too unfeeling

What is the child? That is the inheritance of blood, the continuation of family affection, not a tool person.

This crazy family, as expected, is crazy and magical.

"Why? What kind of eyes do you guys have? Are you thinking of any reason? He, tui, don't be so hypocritical, the weak and the strong, the natural selection. This is the law of survival, the heir of my crazy family, young and worry-free, and old. You must marry a wife and have children, and you can enjoy everything you can enjoy. The only purpose is to inherit the eight gods, not to be in vain, to become a boundless future, but not as dirty as you think, in contrast, ordinary people live long So what? Tired and tired, like a dog, is that what you expect as an elder? Shit, that's a group of talking animals." The White Lion King sneered.

Liu Jin was speechless.

It sounds reasonable, but it always feels like something is wrong.

But anyway.

I cannot accept this kind of thing.

It's not just ten women and one hundred cubs.

Still treating the heir as a tool man, Liu Jin couldn't do it.

The White Lion King kept observing Liu Jin, grinning when he saw it, and didn't say much.

An indecisive person is a person with weakness. Don’t worry now, wait until you break through the three gates. When the time comes, the blood and divine power reach the peak that the human body can bear, and the blood can be better continued and merged. Otherwise, wait for you to break through the four gates. Completely qualitatively changed, people are born with strangeness, and it will be difficult to have children by then.

"Hey, I'm Cao Nima, a family of crazy demons. What do you think of Lao Tzu? Didn't you come for Lao Tzu? You babble over there, look at me, talk to me, scold me, you scold me so much. Me!" At this time, the old man in the cell scolded and stood up and cursed with his arms akimbo, with a fierce expression on his face.

Liu Jin reacted and asked, "Senior, who is this person?"

White-haired lion king said: "Don't worry, a mentally retarded person who has turned himself into a human, a demon and a demon in order to cultivate does not need to talk to him. This guy has been holding back for hundreds of years. I wish someone would chat with him a long time ago. Don't say, suffocate him to death."

Liu Jin: "..."

"Cao Nima, did you hear me, Cao Nima, mad devil family, I will kill you sooner or later, there will be no grass left, no shit left." The old man was angry, and the scolding became more and more unpleasant.

Liu Jin felt that he couldn't listen, and said, "That's it. Isn't it okay to kill? Why do you keep it?"

The White Haired Lion King said: "It can't be killed. He has a weird demon spirit and a weird ability. As long as he is killed by someone, he can use the blood left behind to regenerate. Then it will be troublesome. There are only two ways for him to die, and he can train into an eight-door Heavenly Zang with more than five disciplines. When the time comes, he will be slapped to death with vitality, blood and divine power, and good fortune. The reason why Huo hates us is because we are his nemesis, and he is afraid that our crazy family will have another five ruthless people."

Liu Jin was stunned.

There is still this crop, it is no wonder.

"No, there are two ways?"

"The second one wants him to commit suicide, do you think it is possible?" asked the White Lion King.

Liu Jin shook his head decisively.

suicide? Those who choose to commit suicide are stupid, and they are not afraid of death, but are still afraid of living? Dead is really nothing left.

"Well, don’t talk to this kind of person. I’ll tell you that he is going crazy now. No matter what you do to him, he will only be happy and not angry. So, it’s best to leave here. Leaving Longhushan, this cultivating circle, anyone with a bit of strength is not a good thing, everyone is very mindful, you can't play with them." The White-haired Lion King persuaded.

Liu Jin smiled dryly: "It's okay, some are not bad."

"Haha, good? Do you know that, although you have succeeded in your cultivation, we know it, but we have no intention of ruining your trajectory. We just want to see what your future holds. At most, we will wait for you to open three doors and arrange some enjoyment for you. , As a result, there was a shameless news from Longhushan, saying that you have entered the Demon Sealing Cave, and the goods are locked here. If you have any loss, our mad demon family will be missing a good species. This is not a threat. What? There are so many flowers and intestines, and there are no immortals in the current practice circle, and all of them are really ghosts." The White Lion King sneered and sneered.

Liu Jin: "..."

It sounds like a good kind of talent is the key point.

Sure enough, you are greedy for my body.

"By the way, don't worry about these monsters and monsters. It's not worth it. When you become stronger, you can shoot to death. This is no exception. Our opponents are evil spirits. You need to pay special attention to your future practice. This." The White-haired Lion King suddenly and seriously warned.

Liu Jin was stunned.

Evil spirits

I'm familiar with this stuff. I've met a few more and played it before. It's super fun.

"This is not a joke. The so-called evil spirits have special evil natures. There are three kinds of evil spirits, evil spirits, evil spirits, and evil spirits. The evil spirits are such messy things as the white lotus religion, the three-eyed Buddha, and the five gods. The rules of this world are not difficult to kill, but when you encounter evil, you must be cautious. The evil is between the tangible and the invisible. It is particularly difficult to kill the evil, especially the power to restrain the evil is very small. Our family has eight heavenly sects. It's the best one. I guess Longhushan wants to use us to lead the battle, bah, think beautifully."

"There are ghosts, this one is even more terrifying. It has appeared only a few times so far, but every time it appears, it is a thousand miles away from the ground, with countless deaths and injuries. It is the great sacrifice of the contemporary spiritual world that it has been wiped out. Even our eight heavens. Zang, the practice is insufficient, and it is difficult to cope with it. At present, evil spirits are appearing again. There are evil spirits everywhere, and they are suppressed by the practice world. However, there are also some evil spirits. If you encounter them, you must be careful. Don't believe it, the evil things, the mastery of the human heart, is definitely a nightmare for people. If you are a little careless, you don't know how to die." The white-haired lion king reminded cautiously.

"Shit, it's all shit, you're just a counselor, it's rubbish, it's useless, I'm not afraid of any evil spirits, you are the name of a family of mad devil, but you are actually the family of turtles, the rubbish family, it's useless, waste, Bah, disgusting." The old man in the prison started clamoring again.

The White-haired Lion King ignored him at all, but looked at Liu Jin and said, "You judge for yourself whether there is any malice in what I said. In addition, evil spirits often appear in crowds. The more people there are, the more emotions and desires, the evil spirits can get. The strength gets stronger for a long time, you... Fuck, this stupid came really fast, I'm leaving now, and now my mad family is inconvenient to contact the spiritual circle, you should be careful."

Suddenly, the White-haired Lion King felt something and screamed, his figure jumped into the broken hole and disappeared.

Then, a golden light appeared, transforming into a human form, it was Zhang Changsheng. (End of this chapter)