I don't really want to cause trouble

Chapter 24: It depends on what you are doing


The evil spirit is small

Liu Jin was a little surprised when he heard the prompt tone.

This first acquired ability is water control.

It's not a trivial matter, and then came to the top

Well, Xiaocheng's standard is.

Liu Jin felt the evil spirit.

Sickness: 1114.

Has the experience value broken

So fast.

Thoughts together, and then felt normal again.

After all, the control of water also slapped the water ghosts and giant snakes, and how much evil spirits slapped, ghost soldiers, ghost corpses, giant snakes, general Tartars, among them, the increased experience points of the giant snakes and generals Tartars are capped.

In this way, there is no accident at all beyond water control.

And Liu Jin also understood Xiaocheng's standards.

Break a thousand.

One thousand experience points are small, and Dacheng is estimated to be several times as well. Consummation is afraid that it is an experience swallowing beast.

Don't think about the far ones, look at the near ones.

Xiaocheng's evil spirit immediately made Liu Jin feel different.

That is a qualitative change.

The previous evil spirits can be blessed on fists and swords to increase attack power.

And the current evil spirit can leave the body, attack from a distance, and cover the body to form a evil spirit cover to enhance defense.

This is so cool.

According to the setting of martial arts, this is the level of an acquired master to an innate master all at once.

The small achievement is so awesome, it must be great, don't you want to cut the water and cut the mountain with one knife

Feeling happy, Liu Jin looked at General Tarzi and continued with a grin: "Seeing you can't move, I'm not embarrassed to bully you, so let me chop three times, if I can't kill you, how about if I lose?"

"Not very good." General Tarzi was furious, gritted his teeth.

Such shameless remarks are so arrogant? Simply shameless!

"Ding: successful flirting, evil spirit +99."

Here comes again, the evil spirit continues to grow, heading towards Dacheng.

"Well, since I agree, then I'll cut it for respect first." Liu Jin raised the knife solemnly.

"Wait, why did I agree? I didn't agree, OK?" General Tarzi was shocked and hurriedly retorted.

Liu Jin didn't see it, and slashed it on his thigh.

With a ding sound, cremation splash appeared, and the knife was slashed very hard.

And General Tarzi's armor was also very hard, so he didn't break the defense!

General Tartar: "..."

"Ding: successful flirting, evil spirit +99."

"Ba Ye, Ba Ye, help." General Tanzi panicked and looked at the woman in Tsing Yi for help.

This is an encounter with a nasty person. Don't think it's okay now, if you really want to hit the spot, then this life will be ruined.

The corners of the woman in Tsing Yi's mouth twitched, and she didn't know what to say.

If this is to let General Tarzi know that he came with this scourge on purpose, how embarrassing

Otherwise, let this kid hack it to death, lest it spread out and damage my reputation.

"Oh, my legs are so hard, I can't cut them, no, no, I'm going to cut my neck next time." Liu Jin said with an unhappy expression, and then pointed the Poyun Knife at General Tarzi's neck.

"Don't don't don't, I have something to say, I take it, I admit defeat, I am willing to redeem my life, brother forgive me." General Tarzi was suddenly panicked.

Even if you die, the neck is a fatal weakness. The knife is not an ordinary knife. It really needs to be cut down. Even if the corpse is not separated, it must be divided into half. Thinking about it, it makes me panic.

"Redemption? What do you want to redeem?" Liu Jin asked with a smile.

General Tarzi hurriedly said: "My tomb has ten boxes of gold and silver jewels, and I will give you all of them."

"Cut, I thought there was something good, these vulgar things, I look down on them." Liu Jin shook his head and looked disliked.

General Tarzi was speechless.

I was born to death that year, fighting for a lifetime, all kinds of deductions, plundering, and frugality. Only then did you save ten boxes of belongings. How can you look down on it? You are a humiliation to my life!

"Then what do you want?" General Tarzi asked aggrievedly.

Liu Jinle said: "Why? What do I want, you have what? I want you to scold the prince to listen, dare you?"

General Tartar: "..."

"It's not fun to see how you are." Liu Jin showed an expression of dissatisfaction.

General Tarzi dared not speak.

Do you treat me as a play

Your uncle's.

If it weren't for being attacked by a demon snake, I would also let you know what is fun!

"Ding: successful flirting, evil spirit +99."


Can these words make you so magnificent

Gee, the general has a temper.

"Why don't it be like this? I think you are stunned, poor, and very pitiful. Even if you have two dollars, you said you have ten boxes of gold and silver jewelry, old snake, you go in and drag them out, I see if there are Nothing fun, just pick a few pieces to repay the debt." Liu Jin said boredly, as if he was not interested in any gold or silver jewelry at all.

Upon hearing this, the giant snake turned into the crack without saying a word.

General Tarzi breathed a sigh of relief.

It can be regarded as let this evil spirit cease.

Not long after, the giant snake used his mouth to get out ten boxes of jewels box by box.

Liu Jin's eyes were hot.

If all this is sold out, my buddy will get rich right away.

Unfortunately, there are too many things to take away.

Well, first pick a few valuable items, put the others here, and borrow them later when you run out of money.

Opening the box, it really turned out to be precious.

What gold ingots, silver ingots, pearl necklaces, jade bracelets, jade fingers, all of them are genuine.

While enduring his heartache, Liu Jin casually scrabbled, looking for the eye-catching.

Well, the bracelet is good, emerald green and transparent, very beautiful.

I like it. Liu Jin rolled his eyes, looked at the woman in Tsing Yi, and said with a grin: "Sister, this bracelet is a good match for you. I gave it to you. You took me so hard to find this idiot."

With that said, Liu Jin stepped forward and brought it to the woman in Tsing Yi.

Woman in Tsing Yi: "..."

General Tartar: "..."

"Ding: succeeded, swallow the moon +99."

"Ding: Swallowing the moon: Yaoyao Taiyin, the endless moon, the upper reaches of the soul, the lower body, the cleansing of the lead, and the otherworldly."

"Ding: Successful provocation: evil spirit +99."

Liu Jin: "..."

I go.

Can be regarded as teasing this woman once.

But how come the abilities obtained from it are different.

Swallow the moon

This seems to be the method of devouring moonflowers practiced by demons!

Is this woman a demon

Liu Jin was a little confused.

The Tsing Yi woman also gritted her teeth.

This bastard, cheating me here

Just thinking about whether or not to do it, a sudden change appeared.

A blood-red light flew from a distance, and it happened to fall on ten boxes of gold and silver jewelry, smashing several boxes with a bang.

General Tarzi looked very angry.

The wealth that Lao Tzu has collected all his life, desperately!

This bastard... Uh!

General Tarzi instantly stiffened.

The visitor was a man in a red robe, with long hair dancing wildly, with rotten scars on his face, pierced armor, grinning, and evil spirits permeated.

"Red robe fire ghost!"

The woman in Tsing Yi avoided a few steps, frowning.

"Be careful, this is the evil ghost who wants to pollute Guiyuan!" At this time, another person chased him, but it was Mr. Mao, holding a peach wood sword, and screaming to remind him.

The Red Robe Fire Ghost was a little panicked, but when he saw several people present, he suddenly grinned and stretched out his hand to catch... Liu Jin.

Liu Jin looked at the gold and silver jewelry all over the floor, then looked at the fire ghost in the red robe who was staring at him, his face getting more and more ugly, his eyes getting colder and colder.

Xiaocheng was furious and blessed the Poyun Knife.

Facing the greeted red robe fire ghost, he suddenly slashed it down.

"Look at what you did well." (End of this chapter)