I don't really want to cause trouble

Chapter 30: This kid is not a human being


I was ashamed, but Liu Jin didn't know how to practice the method like this.


I got it all, if I didn't practice, wouldn't it leave the stunt in the dust? Such a waste.

Look around.

There is only one snake in the room.

I am lying on the table for self-entertainment at this moment.

"Little snake, do you want to sleep?"

Liu Jin suddenly spoke.

The little snake looked up at Liu Jin, somewhat puzzled, but still shook his head.

Liu Jin grinned, picked up the pillow and smashed it.

"I think you want to sleep, there is a vase over there, you can go in." Liu Jin said, pointing to a bottle with radish on one side of the cabinet.

Little snake: "..."

Just kidding, the bottle is too small, I'm afraid I can't get it out.

But looking at Liu Jin's weird expression, the little snake was inexplicably scared, turned around and walked over without hesitation, and then dived into the bottle.

It's really small, it's almost full after it's entered, and there's still a short section of tail, which really can't fit in.

The little snake aggrievedly hid its tail in the leaves of the green radish, erected it, and disguised it as a leaf stem.

Sure enough, I can see.

Liu Jin smiled with satisfaction, making sure that no one or snake would see his shameful side, and then he lay down, propped his limbs on the ground, cocked his head, raised his head, and aimed at the window.

It's not night either, there is no moonlight to absorb.

But you can study how to use this ability to see if it can be used with the apnea method.

After repeated adjustments, Liu Jin made a motion that looked like a hungry little wolf dog, raised his head to the window, opened his mouth, and inhaled.

The continuous airflow entered the lung lobes, and the chest slightly bulged, and then it seemed to have touched a special sensation. Liu Jin found that the air he inhaled brought a warm feeling.

It is not air, it seems to be a special kind of energy.

Could it be Yuehua

I'm going, is there a moonlight in this broad daylight

Liu Jin was surprised.

But after pondering, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

The moon is not visible during the day, but it does not mean that it is not there. It is facing the earth all the time. Naturally, it releases the moon's light all the time, but there is no more during the day than at night.

At this moment, the Yuehua entering the body along with the air made Liu Jin experience the miracle of this energy.

After entering the body, it spreads directly, allowing the five internal organs, flesh and blood, to feel the warm and cold feeling, vaguely, the whole body seems to be alive, devouring the moon crazily.

In an instant, the warmth and coolness disappeared, and there was an inexplicable refreshment in his body, which made Liu Jin couldn't help showing a happy expression on his face.


Suddenly, Liu Jin realized that something was wrong, looked at the window, and then saw a face.

Take a closer look, fucking, old man!

The expression froze suddenly, Liu Jin: "..."

"What are you doing?" Mr. Mao fixedly looked at Liu Jin.

Liu Jin quickly got up and said with a dry smile: "Cultivation."

"I think you look like a fuck."

"What? It's cultivation. It's just that I have a bigger brain. I am studying whether I can combine the breathing method with the moon swallowing method of the demon practice, and see if it will be more effective." Liu Jin explained seriously.

Mr. Mao laughed: "You really think that although there are sayings that there are ten thousand methods of cultivation, different paths can lead to the same goal, but not all cultivation methods can be used as a reference. Humans and demons, that is the essential difference, how can they be mixed together? You Want to go crazy?"

Thinking of his own success just now, Liu Jin immediately retorted: "It's not right, I just felt Yuehua, it seemed to be able to unite."

"Rabble nonsense, your thoughts are too unconventional." Mr. Mao frowned, thinking that this wild path must be corrected as soon as possible, otherwise it would be easy to deviate from the right track and become a sidetrack.

"Really, I'll show it to you if you don't believe me." Liu Jin was upset. Although he was ashamed, the results he figured out by himself were not allowed to be questioned.

Lie down, the little wolf dog opened his mouth and swallowed Yuehua.

A stream of air was swallowed, accompanied by strands of Yuehua, the feeling of nourishing the body appeared again, even if Liu Jin resisted, his face couldn't help showing a happy expression.

Mr. Mao: (⊙?⊙)

Damn it!

It's really possible!

How can one swallow Yuehua

This is an impossible situation.


With his gaze condensed, a golden light flashed in Mr. Mao's eyes, and Liu Jin, who was in a shameful posture, seemed to be seen through in his eyes.

Then, Mr. Mao was completely dumbfounded.

Real people, not aliens.

But this also...

Air and Yuehua repeatedly went in and out of Liu Jin's mouth, absorbing the essence, spitting out exhaust gas, and gradually becoming addicted. They didn't even bother to argue with Mr. Mao.

Seeing Liu Jin addicted, Mr. Mao had a meal and entered the room to observe closely.

Even the little snake came out quietly, peeking out of the snake's head, and the clever eyes were full of incredible.

After a while, Liu Jin suddenly reacted and quickly stopped practicing, got up and said, "Look, isn't this okay? Is there any problem?"

Mr. Mao was silent for a moment before he said: "I can't see through you, it's not without reason, you kid, a bit unlike a human being."

Hey there!

Liu Jin was not happy anymore.

Are you doubting my identity

Lao Zi Yanhuang blood, an authentic Chinese, no one can refute it.

"However, having such a mysterious body is also your chance. I saw your cultivation rhythm. This breathing method and the moon swallowing method are the purest cultivation methods, and it feels somewhat similar to the oldest Qi training method. The advantage of this method is that it can cultivate the whole body, but the disadvantage is that it doesn't have any additional magical powers, and it is very single." Mr. Mao continued.

Liu Jin was stunned: "Then is this good or bad?"

Mr. Mao said: "It's hard to say that in general this kind of practice is very slow, and it is generally difficult to cultivate for decades, so it is slowly eliminated. But if you really want to cultivate it, it also has great power. Before, I was still wondering how to point you, now I have it, do you want to practice martial arts?"

With that, Mr. Mao looked at Liu Jin with shining eyes.

Liu Jin wondered: "Practicing martial arts? Don't you always plan to teach me spells or something?"

Mr. Mao smiled: "Have you ever heard that one force breaks ten thousand laws? No matter what monsters and ghosts, as long as your strength exceeds its endurance, you can still shoot it to death. I call this method, physical superpower."

Liu Jin's eyes lit up.

This sounds very passionate.

Indeed, spells are dazzling, but physics is more rigid.

And there are spells and so on.

A physical attack seems to be impossible. If you learn it, it is definitely a counterattack at the bottom of the box.

"Thinking, old man, what kind of martial arts is this?" Liu Jin nodded and asked.

Mr. Mao sternly said: "Qi swallows the mountains and rivers Wushuang vigorously shocks the gods and demons hob meat magic."

Liu Jin: "..." (End of this chapter)