I don't really want to cause trouble

Chapter 38: Seductive power of blood and blood


When Youyou woke up, Liu Jin felt sour and refreshed all over, and there was a strange feeling of incongruity.

"Master, you are awake." Little Snake was on the cabinet next to him. Seeing Liu Jin waking up, the primordial spirit came out and asked.

Liu Jin said: "What time is it now?"

"This is the fifth day you have been in a coma, Master." Little Snake said.

"What?" Liu Jin was dumbfounded.

Why have you been in a coma for five days? Did my practice fail

The memory slowly emerged, Liu Jin remembered that he had been tortured to death as if he were in hell before, like a giant dragon whose muscles and bones were locked by countless chains. He struggled, struggled, and finally struggled to get rid of it, and then he didn't know.

When I think about it, I feel cold all over, and it's too painful. The cultivation is really hard work.

If this fails.

Liu Jin got up and patted the bed depressedly.


There was a sudden sound, but... the bed collapsed...

Liu Jin:? ?

"Master, Master Mao said, you have already started cultivation and have not failed." Xiao Snake hurriedly reminded.

Liu Jin returned to his senses.

No need to remind.

This hand strength is evil!

The previous self couldn't do good cutting at all

Startled for a moment, Liu Jin frowned and smiled.

As long as the strength is available, all the hardships are worth it.

Get up quickly from the **.

But when I pressed my hand, the bed board clicked and broke again.

Liu Jin's face was dark.

I go, why can't this power be controlled

"Wake up?" A voice sounded, and then Elder Mao walked in, Hu Tiekui and Mao Feifei followed behind, looking at Liu Jin curiously.

Liu Jin hurriedly said, "Master, I can't be blamed for this bed, it's not intentional."

"I know that the body refining opens the door and the energy and blood transforms the divine power. It is really difficult to control at the beginning, but once mastered, this divine power will kill the gods when encountering the gods, and the demons will kill the devil.

Liu Jin curiously said: "It turns out that what I cultivated is vitality, blood and supernatural power, what's the particularity?"

"Qi and blood are the essence of the human body. Those with strong energy and blood will have a strong body and a long lifespan. Normal ghosts do not dare to come close. But no matter how strong the energy and blood are, it is only the qi and blood of a mortal. You can only open the human body. Treasures have many magical effects when they develop the potential of the human body. This kind of power is called qi, blood and divine power." This time Mr. Mao is not vague, and the explanation is clear.

Liu Jin said in surprise: "I heard about this for the first time, but isn't the cultivation method too painful?"

"How can you get extraordinary power without experiencing pain? After all, it is the secret method of the ten practiced and nine disabled mad demons in the legend." The old man Mao smiled.

Liu Jin was about to nod his head in agreement, suddenly felt something was wrong, and stared at Old Man Mao: "Ten practice and nine disabled? Then this success rate is only one in ten, so you dare to teach me!!"

"No, you are wrong, not one-tenth, because the other one is dead." Mr. Mao retorted.

Liu Jin: "..."

"Master, you were talking about it before, all kinds of cover, are you afraid that I will not dare to practice if I know it?" Liu Jin looked at Father Mao blankly.

Mr. Mao smiled: "You have done it."

"But isn't this special too bad? Ten cultivation nine wastes and one death? This special has no success rate at all, okay?" Liu Jin suddenly shouted.

Anyone who knows that he has walked around the gate inexplicably will not be happy.

Mr. Mao is still calm: "You have done it."

Liu Jin: "..."


I see, you are retaliating against me.

Don’t you just smash the statue of you two

As for

Will I buy you ten or twenty

Slander in the heart. But Liu Jin didn't bother to worry about this problem, and asked directly: "Master, it's even now, let's get to the point. What is this secret method? What are the taboos? Will it be more difficult to cultivate in the future?"

"This secret method is called the eight-door Tianzang crazy demon body refining secret technique. It is taboo, that is, the breath is not long, and those who are not strong can practice carefully, otherwise they will not die or become disabled." Seeing Liu Jin's ugly face, Mr. "Of course, once trained, it is equivalent to breaking the boundaries of the human body and controlling the power beyond the control of humans. This power is the hidden power of the human body, and even gods and demons are taboo."

"Say the key point." Liu Jin asked coldly without being fooled.

"The point is that it is difficult at the beginning, and even more difficult at the end. After all, it is the power that gods and demons are afraid of. There is no difficulty. I am so sorry for this power."

Liu Jin took a deep breath and sat down again: "Can you stop practicing?"

"Okay, as long as you can bear it." Old Man Mao smiled, completely indifferent.

Liu Jin looked at him suspiciously: "No sequelae?"

"Of course not. It took such a painful process to get it. If you have the sequelae, I am sorry for the name of this vitality. It is just a young man. This vitality and power has three levels. The power to open the door is amazing, and it requires serious research to control it. As for whether you want to continue practicing, it depends on whether you like it or not." Old man Mao grinned, with that expression, and told Liu clearly. Kim, you can't stop the sex.

Liu Jin snorted coldly, and said nothing.

It's useless to say ruthless words, it really needs to be used very well, of course it must be strengthened, but I just don't know if this secret skill can be strengthened with divinity

If you can...

Liu Jin subconsciously looked towards the front hall of the courtyard.

That ancestor master has a very strong divinity.

"Well, what you first consider now is how to control this power. The first step is to lift the weight lightly. The power that you can master is as ordinary as usual. I will teach you the relevant exercise secrets. From now on, you must continue to drive. Tianzang’s Gate is the same training method."

Liu Jin continued not to speak, but the secret that Mr. Mao had said was written down exactly.

It was also weird. After practicing this time, it seemed that his mind was much easier to use. The secrets were not short, but Liu Jin did not miss a word, as if it were engraved in his mind.

This secret technique is indeed not simple. It seems that the change to the whole person can be comprehensively strengthened.

It's no wonder that Mr. Mao looks like he's not afraid that you won't practice.

This first step was successful. After experiencing its awesomeness, I definitely want to become stronger.

This is the bait!

After that, Liu Jin started to touch something bad. With a little effort, he could even step on his feet into the soil without his heels, and even blow his breath vigorously. The qi turned into a qi sword, and the qi that was a few meters away was turned into a qi sword. The vase was smashed directly!

Liu Jin who saw this scene was stunned, and his blood was boiling.

Is this the power of qi and blood

Isn't it a bit too awesome

Moreover, this is the power of the first door of the eight doors. What if the eight doors are fully opened? I drop a good boy, go to the world, who can hold my punch? That feels really...

Hey, that's not right, I really want to continue cultivating!

Liu Jin wanted to cry without tears.

The devil’s sex, this is definitely the devil’s sex, Mr. Mao, you are not a human being. (End of this chapter)